Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories STREET FINDING LIST A list of all streets, roads, avenues, drives etc., in the Rochester Suburban Directory showing in which towns they are located. Abington Road Irondequoit Avenue B Irondequoit Acton Street Greece Avenue C Irondequoit Adah Drive Brighton Avon Road Brighton Adderley Road Brighton Avondale Road Irondequoit Adeline Street Greece Ayer Street Greece Adrian Road Irondequoit Bachman Road Irondequoit Alabama Drive Brighton Baier DriveGates Albert Street Gates Baird Road Fairport Alcott Road Greece Baker Avenue Irondequoit Alden Road Greece Baker Park Webster Alice Street Irondequoit Baker Road Fairport Allen Parkway Pittsford Bakerdale Road Greece Allen's Creek RoadBrighton, Pittsford Balmoral Street Gates Allerton Street Greece Bancroft Drive Greece Almay Road Greece Bancroft Road Greece Alpine Drive Pittsford Barker RoadPittsford Alpine Road Greece Barnard Street Greece Alps Street Greece Barnum Street Fairport Ambassador Drive Brighton Baron's Road Irondequoit Amber Street Brighton Barry RoadIrondequoit Amerige Park Irondequoit Bartholf Road Greece Anchor Terrace Irondequoit Bastian Road Brighton Andes Greece Street Bateau Terrace Irondequoit Andover Greece Street Baumer Place Fairport Antlers Drive Brighton Bay Front North Irondequoit Apollo Drive Greece Bay Front South Irondequoit Street East Rochester Apple Bay Shore Boulevard Irondequoit Avenue Aragon Irondequoit Bay Side Drive Irondequoit Ardella Street Gates Bay View Road Irondequoit Drive Greece Arlidge Baymouth Street Irondequoit Avenue Irondequoit Arlingford Beach Avenue Greece, Irondequoit Arlington Drive Pittsford Beach Terrace Irondequoit Arlington Street Irondequoit Beahan Road Gates Armstrong Avenue Gates, Irondequoit Street Fairport Beardsley Armstrong Road Greece Road Greece Beaty Arrow Drive Irondequoit Beaumont Road Greece Arrowhead Drive Gates Beechwood Place Brighton Ashbourne Road Brighton Astor Drive Brighton Behan Road Gates Attica Street Gates Belaire Avenue Brighton Attleboro Road Irondequoit Belcoda Drive Irondequoit Greece Auburn Avenue Gates Belford Drive Road Greece Audley Way Brighton Belgian Austin Park Pittsford Bellamy Drive Irondequoit Drive Avalon Drive Brighton Belleclaire Irondequoit Avalon Road Irondequoit Bellhurst DriveIrondequoit Road Avenue A Irondequoit Belmeade Irondequoit 55 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 646 Belmont Road Greece Burt Street Irondequoit Benjamin Avenue Greece Burwell Road Irondequoit Bennett Avenue Irondequoit Bush Street Gates Bennington Drive Greece Cabot Road Greece Berman Road Brighton Cadillac Avenue Gates Berthold Street Brighton Calhoun Avenue Gates Beverly Drive Brighton California Drive Greece Beverly Heights- Greece Calkins Road Pittsford Bevo Street Brighton Cambria Road Irondequoit Biltmore Drive Irondequoit Campden Way Brighton Birkdale Road Greece Canfleld Road Pittsford Birmingham Drive Brighton Cardiff Park Brighton Blaker Street Brighton Carlisle Street Greece Bleacker Road Irondequoit Carmel Street Irondequoit Blom DriveIrondequoit Carter Street Irondequoit Blossom Lane Fairport Cartier Boulevard Gates Blossom Road Brighton Cascade Place Irondequoit Blossom Road Extension Brighton Castleford Drive Greece Bluff Drive East Rochester Castleton Road Greece Bonesteel Street Greece Castlewood Drive Gates Bonnie Brae Avenue Brighton Catalpa Road Irondequoit Border Street Irondequoit Cecelia Terrace Irondequoit Bouekhart Avenue Irondequoit Cedar Place East Rochester Avenue Pittsford Boughton Cedar Road Greece Brad Street Irondequoit Cedarwood Road Irondequoit Braddocks Road Greece Center Park Fairport Bradford Road Brighton Centre Drive Brighton Bradley Avenue Gates Centre Terrace Irondequoit Branch Avenue Brighton Chadbourne Road Brighton Brandon Road Irondequoit Chadwell Road Irondequoit Brayton Road Greece Chalford Road Greece Brett Road Irondequoit Charland Road Irondequoit Briarcliff Road Greece Charles Avenue Greece Briarcliffe Road Irondequoit Charles Street Irondequoit Brightford RoadPittsford Charlton RoadIrondequoit Bristol Avenue Irondequoit Charrington Road Irondequoit Britton Road Greece Charter Street Gates Brizee Street East Rochester Chelmsford Road Brighton Brockley Road- Irondequoit Chelsea Avenue Brighton Bronx Drive Brighton Chelsea Road Irondequoit Brook RoadPittsford Cherry Road Gates Brooklawn Drive Brighton Chesterton Road Greece Brooklea Drive Gates Chestnut Hill Drive Irondequoit Brookline Avenue Irondequoit Cheswell Way Brighton Drive Greece Brookridge Chili Avenue Gates Brooks Avenue Gates Fairport, Chili-Gates Town Line Road Gates Brookside Drive Brighton Chimayo Road Irondequoit Brookwood Road Brighton Chippendale Road Greece Brower Road Irondequoit Church StreetPittsford Brown Road Irondequoit Cinnabar Road Irondequoit Browncroft Boulevard Brighton Clara Street Irondequoit Bucher Avenue Irondequoit Clarence Street Gates Buckland Avenue Brighton Clarington Street Irondequoit Buckman Road Greece Clark Avenue Irondequoit Buell Drive Irondequoit Claverdon Road Greece Buell Road Gates Claybourne Road Brighton Buena Vista Drive Irondequoit Clayton Avenue Brighton Buffalo Road Gates Clearbourne Drive Brighton Buffard Drive Brighton Clearmont Street Brighton Burben Way Gates Clearview Road Greece Burbury Road Greece Cleverdale Road Greece Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 647 Clifford Street Fairport Curtis Parkway Brighton Cliffordale Park Irondequoit Dake Avenue Irondequoit Clinton Avenue North Irondequoit Dakedale Avenue Irondequoit Clinton Avenue South Brighton Dakeland Road Irondequoit Clinton Place Fairport Dale Road Brighton Clover HillsPittsford Dale Road East Brighton Clover Hills Drive Brighton Daley Boulevard Irondequoit Clover Street Brighton, Pittsford Dalston Road Greece Clover Street Boulevard Brighton David Avenue Brighton Club Terrace Irondequoit Dawes Road Irondequoit Cobb Terrace Brighton Dawson Street Gates Coldwater Road Gates Dayne Street Irondequoit Cole AvenueGates Dayton Road Irondequoit Cole Street Fairport Dearcop Drive Gates Colebrook Drive Irondequoit Deerfield Drive Irondequoit Avenue Greece Colgan Deland Park "A" Fairport Drive Collamer Irondequoit Deland Park "B" Fairport College Avenue Greece Delaware Avenue Brighton Collingworth Drive Brighton Delmar Road Greece Colonial Village Road Brighton Del Rio Drive Brighton Colwick Road Gates Delta Terrace Irondequoit Commercial Street Webster Deming Street Greece Commodore Parkway Brighton Denewode Park Irondequoit Commonwealth Road Brighton Denise Road Greece Compton ParkBrighton Densmore Road Irondequoit Coniston Drive Brighton Dequoit Avenue Irondequoit Conrad Drive Greece DeRoo Road Brighton ' Continental Drive Brighton Desmond Road Greece Conway Avenue Gates Devonshire Drive Brighton Conway Road Greece Dewey Avenue Fairport, Greece, Irondequoit Coolidge Road Irondequoit Dix Street Irondequoit Cooper Road Irondequoit Dixon Avenue Gates Corning Park Webster Dolores Street Brighton Corona Road Greece Donald Street Greece Corona Street Brighton Doncaster Road Brighton Corriston Road Irondequoit Donovan Park Webster Corwin Road Brighton Dorchester Road Brighton Cosmos Drive Greece Dorington Road Irondequoit Couchman Avenue Irondequoit Doris Road Irondequoit Council Rock Avenue Brighton Dorking Road Brighton Rochester Road East Country Club Dorsey Road Greece Covington Drive Irondequoit Dorstone Road Gates Road Greece Cragg Dorvid RoadIrondequoit Road Greece Cranberry Dover ParkBrighton Avenue Greece Cravenwood Dover Road Irondequoit Creekdale Lane Brighton Dozier Lane Irondequoit Crescent Road Fairport Drumore Crescent East Rochester Gates Cresse Avenue Duffern Drive Greece Crest Street Brighton Duffield Street Brighton Crestline RoadPittsford Dukelow Road Brighton Crestmount Road Brighton Dumont Street Irondequoit Crestwood Boulevard Gates Dunning Avenue Webster Crittenden Road Brighton Durand Boulevard Irondequoit Croix Lane Brighton Durand Drive Irondequoit Cromwell Road Brighton Durrant Place Fairport Crooked Lane Irondequoit Duxbury Road Greece Avenue East Fair- Cross Street Irondequoit East Brighton, Rochester, Crossfield Road Irondequoit port, Pittsford Pittsford Culver Parkway Irondequoit East Street Fairport, Pittsford Culver Road Irondequoit East Brook Road Curtice ParkWebster East Chestnut Street East Rochester Curtice RoadIrondequoit East Church Street Fairport Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 648 East Commercial Street East Rochester Estall Road Greece East Elm StreetEast Rochester Estates Drive Brighton East Filbert StreetEast Rochester Eugene Street Gates East Henrietta Road Brighton Evelyn Street Gates East Hickory StreetEast Rochester Everette Street Greece East Ivy StreetEast Rochester Evergreen StreetEast Rochester, Gates East Linden Avenue East Rochester Ewer Avenue Irondequoit East Main Street Webster Fair Oaks Avenue Brighton East Manitou Road Greece Fair Oaks Drive East Rochester East Avenue Maple East Rochester Fairhaven Road Brighton East Park Road Pittsford Fairholm Drive Gates East Parkway Irondequoit Fairlea Drive Irondequoit East River Road Brighton Fairmount Avenue Greece East Spruce Street East Rochester Fairport RoadEast Rochester, Fairport, East View Avenue Irondequoit Pittsford East View Terrace Pittsford Fairview Crescent Irondequoit Eastland Avenue Brighton Falleson Drive Greece Eastwood Drive East Rochester Falmouth Street Greece Eaton Road Irondequoit
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