Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07956-4 - Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950 Christine Ehrick Index More information Index A lo largo del camino. See Cascallar, Nene´ Batlle y Ordo´ nez,˜ Jose´ (President of Abrego,´ Angela, 142, 143, 146 Uruguay, 1903–1907, 1911–1915), Acher, Gabriela, 137 24, 35 acousmetreˆ , 12, 13 Batten, Jean, 76 advertising rates, Buenos Aires and Beck, Glenn, 210 Montevideo, 21 Belarmina (Cueio). See Marshall, Ninı´ Agustini, Delmira, 35, 81 Besse, Susan, 6 Alcorta, Glorıa,´ 119 Biemans, Monique, 9 Aleandro, Norma, 204 Bompas, Katherine, 112 Alonso de May, Glorıa,´ 82 Botto, Alicia Ines.´ See Cascallar, Nene´ Altieri, Virginia, 201 Brindze, Ruth, 76 Amestoy de Mocho,´ Juana, 78, 82 Brizuela, Leopoldo, 165 ANDEBU (National Association of Bronfman, Alejandra, 12, 208 Uruguayan Broadcasters), 20, Brum, Blanca Luz, 36 96 Andrews, Maggie, 16, 24 Caceres,´ Ester de, 81 Antena. See radio magazines, Argentina Candida´ (Loureiro Ramallada). See Antena Uruguaya. See radio magazines, Marshall, Ninı´ Uruguay Caras y Caretas, 48, 207 Apold, Raul,´ 125, 127 Carcamo-Huechante,´ Luis, 7 Asociacion´ Radial Argentina [Argentine Carles,´ Elida, 64 Radio Association], 118 Cartel Sonoro. See Guerrico, Silvia Astor Fonseca, Herma, 78 Cascallar, Nene´ [pseud. for Alicia Ines´ Atkinson, Max, 13 Botto], 28, 29, 32, 177, 212 Atlantida´ , 36, 41, 50 A lo largo del camino (book), 194 Attali, Jacques, 5 and maternalism, 185, 196, 212 archival materials and sound recordings, Badenoch, Alexander, 24 172 Baldomir, Alfredo (President of Uruguay, Con ustedes, Nene´ Cascallar (radio 1938–1943), 91, 108 program), 193–196 Barberıa,´ Mirtha. See Guerrico, Silvia disability and, 170, 173, 181, 184, 195, Barbero, Raul,´ 73 197 Barthes, Roland, 12 duty and self-sacrifice and, 170, 195 225 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07956-4 - Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950 Christine Ehrick Index More information 226 Index Cascallar, Nene(´ cont.) Corbin, Alain, 6 El amor esta´ de novio (radio program), Cramer, Gisela, 87, 97, 122 178–180 El amor tiene cara de mujer (television Deutsch, Sandra, 159 show), 204 Dietrich, Marlene, 43 El audaz (radio program), 177, Dirty War, Argentina, 207 182–185, 191, 193 Doane, Mary Ann, 11 El rebelde (radio program), 169, Dolar, Mladen, 10 177–178 Domınguez´ Riera, Ignacio, 74, 84, 85 eroticism and, 169, 178, 179, 183 Dona˜ Pola (Slotkyn de Kohan). See Estas cosas de mama´ (radio program), Marshall, Ninı´ 185–187, 190 Douglas, Susan, 2, 17 feminism and, 186, 198 Duarte, Eva. See Peron,´ Eva Mamayyo´ (radio program), 190–191 Dulce raız´ dormida. See Guerrico, Silvia Miamigayyo(radio program), 188, Dunn, Leslie, 10 190, 201 Durand, Elizabeth [pseud. for Adela Mi novio y yo (radio program), 188 Barbitta Colombo], 73 microprograms of, 169, 185, 197 Dyson, Frances, 16 Miniaturas (book), 173 Nosotras, las mujeres (radio program), educational radio, Argentina and Uruguay, 180, 182 26, 27, 79, 125 Peronism and, 171, 181, 188, 195 El amor esta´ de novio. See Cascallar, Nene´ phonographic voice recordings of, 196 El amor tiene cara de mujer. See Cascallar, pseudonym Julian´ Jimenez´ Sastre, 169, Nene´ 175 El audaz. See Cascallar, Nene´ rape fantasy in radio dramas, 178, 180 El chalet de Pipita. See Marshall, Ninı´ religion and, 194, 197 Elena, Eduardo, 171 singing career of, 173 Ellul, Jacques, 103 television and, 205 en catedra´ speech, 16, 25, 171, 185, 194, Castro, Justin, 27 209 Catita (Pizzafrola Langanuzzo). See Estas cosas de mama´. See Cascallar, Nene´ Marshall, Nini Etchelet, Raul,´ 143 Caulfield, Sueann, 5 ETER Communications School and Sound Cavarero, Adriana, 12 Archive, Buenos Aires, 29, 187 Chion, Michel, 12, 209 Chispazos de tradicion´ (radio program), 58 Fada Radio (CX22), Montevideo, 89, 111 Cine, Radio, Actualidad. See radio Falicov, Tamara, 67 magazines, Uruguay Fernandez´ Artucio, Hugo, 89 Claxton, Robert, 18, 28 Fernandez´ de Kirchner, Cristina (President Clinton, Hillary, 210 of Argentina, 2007 –), 199 Club de la Amistad. See Guerrico, Silvia Finchelstein, Federico, 104 Cocktail. See Guerrico, Silvia Fraser, Nancy, 4 cocoliche, in comedy of Ninı´ Marshall, 146 Fraser, Nicholas, 134 comedy, as performance of social dissonance, 165 gender relations, radio and, 2–5 comedy, women and, 165 gendered soundscape, 3, 6, 32, 83, 105, Comision´ investigadora de actividades 208, 211 antinacionales, Uruguay, 90 and comedy, 138 Con ustedes, Nene´ Cascallar. See Cascallar, and modernity, 68, 211 Nene´ and patriarchy, 208–209 Condreu, Analıa,´ 186 and the public sphere, 116 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07956-4 - Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950 Christine Ehrick Index More information Index 227 and twentieth-century politics, 115, 133 Ibarbourou, Juana de, 35, 74, 83 and women’s radio voices, 101, 116 Ihde, Don, 5 concept of, 5–7 immigration, 87, 151, 161, 166 Gines,´ Carlos, 149, 153, 159 and the soundscape, 147 Gitelman, Lisa, 2 Ivonne D’Arcy. See Marshall, Ninı´ Glass, Ira, 211 Glenn, Cheryl, 13 Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 13, 14 Goldsmith, Mike, 14 Jarviluoma,¨ Helmi, 6 Goodale, Greg, 7, 209 Jenkins, Henry, 139 Goodman, David, 2 Jimenez´ Sastre, Julian.´ See Cascallar, Nene´ Graddol, David, 8 Jones, Nancy, 10 Graf Spee incident, 1939, 89 Guerrico, Silvia [pseud. for Mirtha Kahane, Clare, 14 Barberıa],´ 1, 29, 30, 73, 123, 128, Karpf, Anne, 9, 209 141, 144, 181, 196, 202, 212 Karush, Matthew, 155, 166, 171, 177 alcoholism, as theme in radio dramas, 62 Kirkpatrick, Bill, 11 and “Today’s Woman” (CBS Network Kitchen Sisters, The, 70 of the Americas), 202 Korn, Julio, 24 as Modern Girl, 33, 37, 40, 45 Cartel Sonoro (radio program), 40–55, La Cancionera. See radio magazines, 57, 59, 68, 174 Uruguay Club de la Amistad (radio program), 59, La chica de al lado (radio program). See 64 Cascallar, Nene´ Cocktail (book), 36, 37, 49 La Nina˜ Jovita (Jovita de las Nieves Leiva Dulce raız´ dormida (book), 202 Pena˜ y Obes). See Marshall, Ninı´ Examen de actualidad (radio program), La pelıcula´ de Ninı´, 164 202 La Prensa, 126 exile in Mexico, 68 La Voz del Aire (CX24), Montevideo, 79, feminist politics of, 62 95, 100, 111 Los prıncipes´ azules (book), 35, 37, 62 Lacey, Kate, 4, 13, 15, 16 Me trajo´ la lluvia (radio program), 61–62 Lamarque, Libertad, 67, 202 on Radio Carve (CX16), Montevideo, 202 Lane, Jill, 165 phonographic voice recording of, 47 Lavrin, Asuncion,´ 38 Soledad (radio program), 59–60, 61, 67 Legrand, Mirtha and Silvia, 63 Tertulia de amigas (television show), 203 Lenthall, Bruce, 2 Un hombre y yo (book), 36 Lerner, Gerda, 5 Veinte poemas para una madrugada Loviglio, Jason, 17, 29, 219 (book), 41–44 Luisi, Paulina, 27, 29, 31, 72, 82, 100, 104, 124, 198, 211, 212 Hacıa´ un futuro mejor. See Peron,´ Eva and maternalism, 109, 112, 134 Halper, Donna, 3, 15, 16, 70 and Popular Front politics, 106 Hayes, Joy, 3, 4 and the Socialist Party, 106, 112, 113 Healey, Mark, 66, 121 and Uruguayan Association of University Hendy, David, 14 Women, 106, 110 Henrıquez´ Consalvi, Carlos, 4 archives of, 105 Hershfield, Joanne, 34 as “Abuela”, 112 Hilmes, Michele, 2, 3, 11 death of, 1950, 114 Hoover,J.Edgar,95 Dos ideologıas´ y dos culturas (book), Horowitz, Seth, 8 111 Horton, Gerd, 127 Eva Peron,´ compared, 135 Hourticou, Leonor, 81 on Radio Madrid, 106 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07956-4 - Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950 Christine Ehrick Index More information 228 Index Luisi, Paulina (cont.) Milanesio, Natalia, 161, 171 Otra voz clamando en el desierto (book), military coup of 1943,Argentina,118, 162 114 Mistral, Gabriela, 80 Mitchell, Caroline, 15 Mamayyo´ . See Cascallar, Nene´ Mitzi. See Marshall, Ninı´ Maronna, Monica,´ 20 Modern Girl, radio and the, 33–35, 68, 78 Marshall, Ninı´ [pseud. for Marıa´ Esther Moisala, Pirkko, 7 Traveso], 28, 29, 31, 64, 173, 181, Monica´ (Bedoya Hueyo de Picos Pardos 197, 198 Sunsuet Croston).´ See Marshall, Ninı´ and blackface performance, 168 Montevideo, Argentine exiles in, 163 and feminism, 167 Moran,´ Cristina, 200 and straight man/men, 140 Moreau de Justo, Alicia, 27, 105 as “Chaplin in Skirts”, 136 Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Argentina, as “international singer” Ivonne D’Arcy, 207 145 Moya, Jose,´ 148 as “Mitzi,” author “Alfilerazos” column Mrak, Enrique, xi in Sintonıa´ , 144–145 mucama gallega [Galician maid] in banned from radio, 163 Argentine comedy, 148 Belarmina (Cueio), 157, 160–162 Mundo Uruguayo, 71, 73, 77, 78, 87, 100, Belarmina as “cabecita negra”, 161 113 Candida´ (Loureiro Ramallada), 146, Munoz˜ Azpiri, Francisco, 124, 131 148–151, 160 as Director of Propaganda under Peron,´ Catita (Pizzafrola Langanuzzo), 141, 125 151–155, 212 Murphy, Katherine, 72 Dona˜ Pola (Slotkyn de Kohan), 158–159 Murray, Matthew, 51 exile, 205 Murray, Pamela, 107 film comedies of, 156 first marriage, 144 Navarro, Marysa, 134 historical source material, 143 Nazi influence, fears of in Uruguay, 91 La Nina˜ Jovita (de las Nieves Leiva Pena˜ negros catedraticos´ , 166 yObes),157, 160 Neulander, Joelle, 2 male character voices of, 153 Newman, Kathy, 76 Marina’s early letters in Atlantida´ , 144 Nieto, Amalia, 78 Mingo (Catita’s brother), 153 Nosotras, las mujeres. See Cascallar, Nene´ Monica´ (Bedoya Hueyo de Picos Pardos Novarro, Ramon,´ 1, 49, 50 Sunsuet Croston),´ 205 objections to women humorists, 146 Ocampo, Victoria, 45 on Radio Carve (CX16), Montevideo, Ochoa Gautier, Ana Marıa,´ 6 163, 205 Ong, Walter, 11, 14 origins of “Marshall”, 146 radio censorship of, 142 Palabra de mujer (Mexican remake of El Y se nos fue redepente (stage amor tiene cara de mujer), 205 production), 206 Patalano, Lino, 206 Mastrini, Guillermo, 19 Perez,´ Angela, 79 Matallana, Andrea, 2, 4, 22, 118 Peron,´ Eva “Evita” Duarte de, 29, 31, 66, McBride, Mary Margaret, 39 104, 164, 198, 199, 212 McCann, Bryan, 64 and 1943 military coup, 118 Me trajo´ la lluvia.
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