THE MIA URRIC Vol. 52 No. 44 Fridaj \pril 1.1«>77 I'll. 2l\ I I HI I Left, candidates Charlie Main (left) and Richard Hayless (right) discuss platforms with President Susan llavey. Kinht, a poll worker aids a student in the voter process. Phetes by GLENN BOOKMAN Lubel, Goldberg In Runoff Tuesday By ISIDRO GAK01A News Edlter Black Culture Allan lubel (MIAMI) and Dave (ioldberg (G.V. & Co.) were de- clared winners last night by the Week Begins Flection Commission. The two Pres­ idential candidates will fact each other Tuesday in a runoff election. There will also be a runoff for Tomorrow Vice President's and Treasurer's seat. No candidate for executive of­ By JAMES FERGUSON fice achieved a clear majority. Hurricana Staff writar Pat Woodward (MIAMI) and Memories and aspirations of the Nicki Valme (G.V. & Co.) will battle American black will be depicted for the Vice President's seat. (Jury when the United Black Students Nunes (MIAMI) and Bill Lawrence (UBS) launch the eight annual Black (Independent) will seek Ihe Trea­ Culture Week this coming week. surer's seat in Tuesday's runoff One of the more significant activ­ election. ities of tha- spring semester, the ex- The Miami ticket placed three travangaza will officially com­ candidates in Ihe runoff and G.V. & mence tomorrow and promises to Co. placed two. 1 awrence is the be a week devoted to stressing only independent in the runoff. awareness of the black experience in America. A total of 1,841 students voted, This year's theme, "A Decade of almost 100 more than in lasl year's Striving Toward Unity — May We spring election Forever Stand As One," acknowl­ Flection Commission Chairman edges UBS's founding in 1967 as a Robert Mills was not completely campus organization which has satisfied with the turnout, especial­ sought to unite black students and ly since potts remained open about establish community awareness of four hours longer than last year's blacks here at UM. election Ftroaram Ch«irp**raon. Joyce "We should have a he.Uer lurnoul. Maddox said. "Black "ulture Week It's pitiful we don't get more people is not only for black students; all voting here," he said. UM students are invited to attend The four Arts and Sciences seats the activities, to get a better under­ were won by Rob Rosen (C.V. & standing of black students and and Co.), Richard Martinelli (MIAMI), to achieve unity among all stu­ Mary Frio (MIAMI) and Georges dents." Bourgoigne (G.V. & Co.). Pre-publicity day i.s today. Alpha Richard Defaut (MIAMI) tok the Phi Alpha will sponsor scholarship only School of Business seal and ball and banquet in the Hurricane Joy Goldstein (MIAMI) won Ihe ed­ cafeteria at 8:30 p.m. at a price of ucation seat. $7.50 per person. Anna Wasserman (G.V & Co) At the banquet, the fraternity won the single Nursing seat while will honor eight outstanding blacks Darrell Ayers (Independent) won in the Miami area and institute a the Music seat. scholarship fund for high school Scott I.eeson (MIAMI) and Derek students who need aid to come to Basketball On Wheel; Ross (G.V. & Co.) took the Jtinior- On X I Goldberg UM. Basketball is a fun sport, even on wheels. as anyone else. The final score is not as impor­ at-large seats while David McKay A talent show, hignlighting Sat­ (FTS) and Dot Kaas (G.V. & Co.) Nixon (G V. & Co.). Sue I heling urday's events, will be held in the Recreation for Life Week has a yearly event in tant as the participation involved and the net­ took the Senior-at-large seats. (G.V. & Co ). and Leslie Berger (In­ Flamingo Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. The which the handicapped go out and shoot some ters pursue the game with all the vigor of the The four winners in the Student dependent) buckets to show they're just as involved in life NBA. Fntertaiment Committee (SEC) rai e Presidential candidate Charlie See page 7 were Lisa Berlin (G.V. & Co.), Susie Main, along with Tammy Fox who was running for the Treasurer's seat, were disqualified by the Flec­ tion Commission for failure ti> turn in financial statements before Ihe stipulated deadline Justice Grant Creates' Unique Project' Both candidates were running on the Maverick ticket Main appealed this decision to the Under a one-year grant of tional Institution. Dr. Amster notes that there are programs he should pursue while at teaching responsibilities range from USBG Supreme Court hut the .lus- $131,957 from the U.S. Department "The education project here," Dr. approximately 240 males between FCI. Participation on the education­ bringing inmates up to a sixth grade tues ruled to uphold the Election of Justice, UM's School of Educa­ Amster says, "is indicative of a new the ages of 16-26 incarcerated at al programs is voluntary, and 59 per level in reading, mathematics, and ( onimission's decision. tion is involved in a unique project trend in correctional institution ed­ the Federal fecilities which has cent of the total inmate population English to a survival skills program Main then went to see legal coun­ for providing educational and recre­ ucation which allows the Bureau of been designated a model institution is involved. which prepares the inmate for the sel al 5 a.m. Wednesday morning, ational services at the Federal Cor­ Prisons to contract for services by the Capital Bureau of Prisons. Norman A. Carlson, director of transition from incarceration to pa­ just hours before the election. His rectional Institution (FCI) in South from various professionals. The use Incoming inmates are given a the Federal Bureau of Prisons said, role. Twenty-two of the 24 students attorneys quickly wrote a brief in who have been studying for the Dade. of contract services gives the Bu­ standard test battery of achieve­ "We now recognize that retribution an effort to seek an injunction ment, aptitude, and other psycho­ and deterrence are —along with General Educational Development against the Election Commission Dr. Judith Amster is director of reau increased flexibility in pro­ Certificate (GED) recently passed the project, the only one of its kind gramming and staffing as well as logical measures by psychometrist rehabilitation — legitimate objec­ and stop the election Mary Louise Wise who is a doctoral tives of incarceration. Rehabilita­ the test at the national level and The judge said that such an in­ in the Federal Bureau of Prisons at allowing for valuable input from in­ gained their high school diplomas present. She serves as liaison for stitutions of higher learning. For candidate in counselling psychology tion cannot be coerced. Change, if it junction would constitute outside UM in conjuction with Dr. Joseph E. the UM personnel involved it pro­ at the University. Each inmate is as­ comes, must be voluntary on the Providing services at the Federal interference from a government en­ Barton, chairman of the educational vides an unusual opportunity to signed a team consisting of a case part of the inmate." facilities are UM masters and doc­ tity against a private school. psychology department who is pri­ work at all educational levels with manager, correctional counselors, Because of the various levels of toral level graduate educational lie denied Main the injunction. mary investigator for the project, the inmate population, many of educational representative and unit academic achievement by offend­ psychology students Nancy Masz- Diane Richards, also a Presiden­ and James B. Jones, supervisor of whom have had poor or marginal manager who, in conjuction with ers, instructors must be responsive tal, Linda McGill, John Collins, tial candidate was also disqualified the inmate, decide what kind of education for the Federal Correc­ early learning experiences." to a wide range of needs. Their Margery Tipton, Patricia Schwartz, for not turning in her financial Larry Resnick and Wise. Four Dade statement. Her appeal was also County adult education teachers are turned down bv the Supreme Court. serving under the UM staff and pro­ vide instruction in math and En­ "There was nt) intent on my part Henry Made glish. not to file a statement." Main said. "My whole campaign was anti- Schwartz and Resnick, instruc­ I SBC and here we were being tried tors for the career development and by members of student govern* Pago-Pago pre-release program, acquaint in­ ment," he said. mates with parole and probation Main was also assessed penalty procedures and use speakers from points for slipping campaign post­ the community to discuss potential ers under doors In the residence Ambassador sources of employment and assis­ halls UM President Henry King Stan­ tance and practical skills in writing "Sunday night we put up 60 post­ ford announced today that he is resumes, applying for jobs, inter­ ers around campus and the next "deeply honored and extremely view procedures and applying for morning none of them were up. We grateful" for being selected as U.S. credit, auto insurances and loans. had zero points Monday morning so Ambassador to the tiny though sig­ Also working with Dr. Amster, is we felt it was worth getting three nificant island of Pago-Pago some­ Dr. David Chase, UM research asso­ points setting flyers under doors. where in the South Pacific. Diplo­ ciate, who coordinates the recre­ We felt we had to take a chance matic sources say Stanford passed ation program He is assisted by Ed since we had practically no name the scrutiny of a 20-man advisory Kryzak, Dominic Pisani and Alan recognition," Main said. board appointed by President Car­ Pixel, UM graduate students in ter to screen likely ambassadorial Three other candidates Owen physical education for four Dade May, Sarah Lusskin, and George candidates.
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