THE COLONEL 70 ISSN 0268-778X1 THE COLONEL Number 70 Spring 2003 CONTENTS 2 - Editorial 15 - Terrier Secrets 3 - News 16 - Behind the Scenes 6 - Letters at the Colonel 12 - AGM Preview Stephens Museum 14 - My Father’s Dealings 18 - HM&ST: One or Many? With The Colonel 20 - Jackson’s Jottings THE JOURNAL OF THE COLONEL STEPHENS SOCIETY FOR ENTHUSIASTS OF THE LIGHT AND NARROW GAUGE RAILWAYS OF COLONEL HOLMAN F. STEPHENS 2 THE COLONEL 70 Editorial: A PAUCITY OF PICTURES orry there are less photos in this issue is decent photos of our favourite Colonel S than you might be entitled to expect, but railways - which makes it ironic that there there were a lot of articles to cram in whose are so few in this issue - but the subject does text alone is full of great interest. get a serious airing. Once again, we have discovered a previ- The news story opposite gives an update ously unexplored piece of Colonel-related of the availability of S&MR photos from the history among our own membership: Roy Kidderminster museum. The next issue of Cunningham’s account of his father’s deal- The Colonel is planned to feature a few of ings with the Great Man’s enterprise on be- these, along with another original historical half of Thomas Ward’s, on page 14. account relating directly to them. We’ll be hearing more from Roy in future And we tackle an issue that has cropped issues, as he has written of his visits to sever- up time and again: the availability of images al of the Colonel’s railways in the 1950s. from the Colonel Stephens Historical Ar- Moreover, he has supplied a treasure trove of chive. The article about the Colonel Stephens unpublished photos he took at the time. Museum on page 16 is fascinating in its own Also, a bumper mail-bag of contribu- right, but also explains the problem of access tions, queries and answers from members, to its massive photo collection. has resulted in a Dispatches section that fills So the next issue should more than make a mammoth six pages of this issue. up for the dearth of pictures in this one, with This kind of thing is meat-and-two-veg some real treats in store. Speaking of treats: to a ‘correspondence society’ such as our- see you at the AGM! SH selves. It’s clear that our membership is in- deed a mine of information. Let’s hope we can keep it up in future issues. One thing that most of us crave above all Staff Officers www.colonelstephenssociety.org.uk CHAIRMAN Bryn Hir, Llanio Road, Llwyn-y-Groes, Derek Smith Tregaron, Dyfed SY25 6PY 30 Upper Road, Meole Brace, Tel: 01974 821281 Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 9SQ Email: [email protected] Tel: 01743 249088 ARCHIVIST EDITOR & SECRETARY Stuart Marshall Stephen Hannington 53 Peasland Road, Saffron Walden, 131 Borstal Street, Rochester, Essex CB11 3ED. Tel: 01799 500528 Kent ME1 3JU Email: [email protected] Tel: 01634 830370 Email: [email protected] PUBLICITY OFFICER Position vacant MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY David Powell Gateways, Bledlow Road, Saunderton, Princes Risborough, Bucks HP27 9NG Tel: 01844 343377 Email: [email protected] TREASURER Nigel Bird THE COLONEL 70 3 Society News AGM 2003: are you coming? If you are planning to attend the society’s pect to have to specify times during which 2003 AGM, this is the final call to let mem- members get in free - we can’t monitor bership secretary David Powell know, oth- visitors forever - so latecomers will run the erwise you might miss out . risk of having to pay. Not only do we have to make catering So do please let David know that you arrangements, but we also have to make are coming, and whether or not you also special provisions for members to get into want to visit the LBR. His contact details the Bucks. Railway Centre free by showing are at the foot of the opposite page. their Colonel Stephens Society member- Also worth bearing in mind is that ship cards at the entrance. nominations for committee posts should Membership secretary David Powell reach the secretary at least two weeks be- also aims to negotiate a fare discount for fore the meeting. That includes the publici- those wanting to travel on the nearby ty officer’s position, which is currently Leighton Buzzard Railway before the vacant. Any takers? meeting. The LBR is the current home of For full details of the AGM arrangements, the Baldwin 4-6-0T that got £100 from our turn to page 12. coffers last year towards its restoration. So remember: you MUST bring along your membership card to get into the AGM. And please do be prompt. We ex- Donations update: Russell says thanks, Following our donation last year of £400 “On behalf of the Welsh Highland Rail- towards the further restoration of original way and Russell, many thanks for your help.” Welsh Highland Railway locomotive Russell, You’re welcome, Mr Binns. He also the society received a letter of thanks from included a pair of complementary tickets, Cedric Binns, commercial manager of the entitling the holder to one free adult day- Welsh Highland Railway (Porthmadog). He rover ticket and one free footplate pass. included the following update: These will be raffled at the AGM in April. “Russell is likely to remain in service Our other donation, of £120, was for until mid-June 2003, when its boiler certifi- copy negatives to be made for 30 S&MR cate expires, but this is subject to it passing photos in the collection of the Kidderminster its annual boiler inspection in January. Railway Museum. Unfortunately, there have “We aim to commence work in the sum- been delays due to unforeseen problems as- mer of 2003 and if the work proceeds as we sociated with storage. would wish, it may be possible in the later KRM’s photographic archivist Audie stages of the project to return Russell to ser- Baker has apologised and assured us that vice during a summer season, whilst continu- these should be resolved before too long, and ing restoration work during the winter. that all those who have ordered photos will He added: “We would hope to have the be contacted as soon as the problem clears. vast majority, if not all, of the restoration Please be patient. work done in time to celebrate Russell’s 100th birthday in 2006. 4 THE COLONEL 70 News S&MR station relics ‘under threat’ The poor condition of the remains of the favours the building’s conversion into a tour- Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Railway’s ist information centre. Shrewsbury terminus has attracted attention The Shropshire Star newspaper quotes from local authorities and the local newspa- Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council per, which describes the remains as facing director of development services Peter Jarratt “threat of demolition”. as reporting: “The building itself is of signifi- CSS member Phillip Scoggins, who is cant historical interest as the last surviving also chairman of the planning committee of structural relic of the Shropshire & Mont- the Shrewsbury Civic Society, brought the gomeryshire Light Railway in Shrewsbury. matter to our society’s attention, asking us to “There appears to be a strong collective officially contact the local council explaining will among railway enthusiasts and ward the significance of the remains. councillors to preserve this building for fu- “There’s no imminent danger, but the ture generations.” sooner representations are made, the better,” The Colonel Stephens Society is to add he said. its voice to the calls for preservation by writ- Most of the station site is now a car park, ing to the council pointing out the im- but the platform and booking office – the portance of the building in the national con- latter dating from 1866 – have survived. It is text of Colonel Stephens’ works. He revital- the condition of the long-neglected booking ised the site in 1910 when he created the office, whose end wall is shored up and whose S&MR out of the ruins of the Potteries, roof is collapsing, that has attracted attention. Shrewsbury & North Wales Railway, which Shrewsbury Civic Society, concerned opened in 1866 and survived for a mere 14 with the welfare of historic buildings in the years. town, has asked local councillor Miles Ken- ny to explore the options for saving the book- ing office. He has agreed to visit the site, and Ashover terminus may live again Butts Quarry, the terminus of the now shire District Council for planning permis- extinct Ashover Light Railway, could once sion to develop the area. again become a railway venue if plans put The trust owns 35 locomotives, of forward by the Moseley Railway Trust which only one is a steamer: Kerr Stuart (MRT) come to pass. Tattoo class 0-4-2ST Stanhope. This collec- MRT, which owns a large collection of tion, along with other equipment and rel- industrial narrow gauge locomotives, aims ics, is currently in storage at the trust’s to establish a base at the quarry, including base at Buxworth, Derbyshire. a museum and short running line. The line The Colonel was engineer to the 7- would resurrect a short section of the AL- mile, 60cm gauge ALR, which opened in R’s turning-triangle in the area. 1924 to serve the stone quarries of the “It may be that in the future a passen- Clay Cross Company. It provided a pas- ger boarding point can be provided at the senger service between 1925 and 1936, and site of the old Ashover [Butts] station,” the closed in 1950.
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