ANNUAL I/O PSYCHOLOGY NEWSLETTER Volume 17 October 2005 CONGRATULATIONS 2005 GRADUATES! We are proud to recognize the achievements of our recent graduates and wish Graduates 1 them luck in their future endeavors. Ph.D. M.S. Publications & 2 Hartman, E. (2004). The relationship between CEOs traits, Roselle, B. (2005). The mystifying conduit connecting leader effectiveness to customer Presentations empowering leader behavior and objective and subjective measures of performance. Advisor: Ayman satisfaction: An examination of the mediating influences of service climate and the moderating effects of leader and climate Alumni Profes- 4 Henry, M. (2005). The effects of traited and situational impression management on personality test scores: An strength. Advisor: Lezotte sional Activities assessment of measurement equivalence using item response theory. Advisor: Raju M.S. in Personnel & Human Student Profes- 5 Fromen, A. (2004). Examining job related attitudes of Resource Development sional Activities telecommuters and nontelecommuters. Advisor: Raju Amy Hattenberg Alejandro Ponce Faculty 6 M.S. Activities Laube, S. (2002). Multi-level investigation of satisfaction within teams: The role of personality diversity in self-monitoring for two communication conditions. Certificate in Compensation Management IIT Center for 8 Advisor: Ayman Research & Rinchiuso, M. (2004). The relationship of LMX and dyad Service Brandon Fleener Melissa Rinchiuso gender composition in employee job satisfaction and Rachel Meredith Benjamin Roselle organization commitment. Advisor: Ayman IOOB 9 Aaron Witkowski Honors: Dr. Allan Witt who had SIOP 9 John Skinner and received his M.S. in 1982 Scott Morris from IIT and is an Associate received the 2004 Professor at University of Robert J. Wherry New Orleans, was Open House 9 Award for the best recognized as a fellow of the paper at the IOOB Society of Industrial and conference. They Organizational Psychology. were recognized for their presentation entitled Incoming 10 "Proposal for a Monte Carlo Examination of Applying Meta-Analytic Methods to the Assessment of Students & Adverse Impact." The award was presented at the Orientation Plenary Session of the 2005 SIOP conference. Dr. Mark Frame who received Teaching 10 his Ph.D. 2003 and is an Assistant Eyal Ronen was recognized as IIT’s Assistants Professor at University of Texas outstanding graduate teaching Arlington received the best Ph.D. assistant in 2005. Dissertation award from American From The 11 S o c i e t y o f T r a i n i n g a n d Directors Desk Development. Volume 17 Page 2 Publications & Presentations The following list recognizes faculty and students who have contributed to the field of I/O Psychology throughout the previous year. * denotes an IIT student Adams, S*., Roch, S., & Ayman, R. (2005). Handelsman, M. M., Briggs, W. L., Sullivan, N., & Towler, A. Communication medium and member familiarity: The J. (2005). A measure of college student course engagement. effect on decision time, accuracy and satisfaction. Journal of Educational Research, 98, 184-191. Small Group Research, 36, 321-356. Hartman, E.; Ayman, R. & Pritzker, M. (April 2005). The Ayman, R. (July, 2005). Expatriate manager adjustment and work Relationship Between CEO and Direct Report Agreement, family interface: Family location, country, expatriate’s gender Empowering Leadership Behaviors and Outcomes. In matters, International Research on work and family: From policy Ayman, R. (chair) & Atwater, L. (discussant), symposium on to Practice, International Center for work and family- IESE Busi- Self-Other Agreement and Disagreement: New Directions ness School, Barcelona, Spain. and New Interpretations, at SIOP annual meetings, Los Angeles, California. Ayman, R. (2004). Culture and leadership. In Charles Spielberger (chief editor), Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. Kwaske, I. H.* (2004). Individual assessments for personnel (Vol.2. pp. 507-519). San Diego, CA, USA: Elsevier Ltd. selection: An update on a rarely researched by avidly prac- ticed practice. Consulting Psychology Journal, 186-194. Ayman, R. & Velgach, S.* (in press). A pilot study of work-family conflict in the U.S. Proceedings of International congress of Lezotte, D.V. & Frankel, M. (2005, April). Turning Linkage Cross-cultural Psychology. Research Results into Action: A Case Study. Paper ac- cepted to the twentieth annual conference of The Society Ayman-Nolley, S & Ayman, R. (2005). Children’s implicit theory for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los Angeles, of leadership. In J. R. Meindl and Brigit Schyns (2005), Implicit CA. Leadership Theories: Essays and Explorations, a volume in the Leadership Horizons Series (pp. 189-233), Greenwich, CT, USA: Morris, S. B. (2005, April). Effect size estimation from Information Age Publishing. pretest-posttest-control designs with heterogeneous vari- ances. Paper presented that the 20th annual conference Bakunowska, I.* (2005). Effectiveness of Transformational Lead- of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, ership Behaviors on University Students. Poster presented at Los Angeles, CA. the 26th annual Industrial/Organizational Psychology & Organiza- tional Behavior conference, Melbourne, FL. Nance, D. A., & Morris, S. B. (2005). Juror understanding of DNA evidence: An empirical assessment presentation Becker, J. & Ayman, R. (April, 2005). Self-Monitoring and Multi- formats for trace evidence with a relatively small random source Ratings: The Role of Rating Source and Performance match probability. Journal of Legal Studies, 34, 395-444. Dimension. In Ayman, R. (chair) & Atwater, L. (discussant), sym- posium on Self-Other Agreement and Disagreement: New Di- Neapolitan, R, E., & Morris, S. B. (2004). Probabilistic mod- rections and New Interpretations, at SIOP annual meetings, eling with Bayesian networks (pp. 371-390). In D. Kaplan Los Angeles, California. (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Bono, J., Purvanova, R., Peterson, D., & Towler, A. J. (2005). A comparison of the practices of psychologist and non-psychologist O’Connell, W., & Towler, A. J. (2004). Development Ac- executive coaches. In D. B. Peterson, J. Muros & J. Bono (Chairs). tivities as Predictors of Ethical Leadership. In A. Towler & What value does psychology add to executive coaching? Sympo- A. Colbert (Chairs). A positive focus on organizational sium presented at Society of Industrial and Organizational Psy- leadership. Paper presented at the Academy of Manage- chologists, Los Angeles, California. ment Conference, New Orleans, August 2004 Clemans, W.V., Lunneborg, C.E., & Raju, N.S. (2004). Oshima, T.C., Raju, N.S., & Nanda, A.O. (2005, July). A new Professor Paul Horst’s legacy: A differential prediction model method for assessing the statisticalsignificance in the differential for effective guidance in course selection. Educational functioning of items and tests (DFIT) framework. Paper Measurement: Issues & Practice, 23, 3, 23-30. presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Frame, M.C., & Ayman. R. (April 2005). Executive Level Multi- rater Performance Ratings: A Study of Agreement, Gender, and Oshima, T.C., Raju, N.S., & Nanda, A.O. (in press). A new Outcomes. In Ayman, R. (chair) & Atwater, L. (discussant), method for assessing the statistical significance in the differ- symposium on Self-Other Agreement and Disagreement: New ential functioning of items and tests (DFIT) framework. Directions and New Interpretations, at SIOP annual meetings, Journal of Educational Measurement. Los Angeles, California. Raju, N.S. (in press). Review of the Leadership Skills Goerzig, A.* & Ayman, R. (July, 2005). The mediation of gender- Inventory. In B. S. Plake and J.C. Impara specific interests in science: A self to prototype matching ap- (Eds.), The Seventeenth Mental Measurement Yearbook (pp. proach. Presented in European Association of Experimental and xx). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurement Social Psychology, Wurzburg, Germany. of the University of Nebraska. Volume 17 Page 3 Publications & Presentations (Continued) Raad, J.*, & Ronen, E.* (2005). A factrial model of computer Ronen, E.*, & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2005). Content and structure of adaptive training. Poster presented at the 26th annual values in a cross-cultural sample. Poster presented at the 26th Industrial/Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior annual Industrial/Organizational Psychology & Organizational conference, Melbourne, FL.. Behavior conference, Melbourne, FL. Raju, N.S. (in press). Review of the Rehabilitation Survey of Scott, J.C., Raju, N.S., & Edwards, J.E. (in press) Program Problems and Coping. In B. S. Plake and J.C. Impara (Eds.), evaluation. In S.T. Rogelberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of The Seventeenth Mental Measurement Yearbook (pp. xx). industrial/organizational psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements of the University of Nebraska. Sowinski, D.R.*, Lezotte, D.V., & Fortmann, K.A.* (2005, April). The moderating effects of climate strength on organizational Raju, N.S. (2004, December) Subgroup difference in question- outcomes. Paper accepted to the twentieth annual conference naires/surveys: Are they real or do they reflect only measurement of The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los inequivalence. Invited presentation given at the Center on Out- Angeles, CA. comes, Research and Education, Northwestern University.
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