Capstone 1 MODULE WORKSHOP LOCATIONS May 11, 2019 & May 12, 2019 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM BOTH DAYS Please make sure to read this document in its entirety as it contains important information. Please also make sure you re‐check this page the day before the workshop starts in case your location has changed. It is the students’ responsibility to arrive at the correct location on time or else the appropriate penalty will be applied. LOCATION CHANGES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Students have been assigned to a cohort based on the workshop location they selected during registration. Students should plan to arrive no later than 8:00am as the session will start promptly at 8:30am. Please plan your commuting time appropriately and in advance of the workshop. This workshop is MANDATORY. You must attend the entire workshop in its entirety. CPA Ontario does not permit ANY instances of lateness, early departures, or absences. Any form of absence of more than 5 minutes will result in the student having to pay a fee of at least $147.50 + HST AND complete a make‐up assignment which will be marked to help determine their eligibility to remain in the module. Students may also be withdrawn from the module with none of their fees refunded. Parking: There may be a car park available onsite – please contact the facility directly to enquire if any charges apply. CPA Ontario will not be responsible for the reimbursement of parking charges. Food: Lunch will not be provided. However, there will be eateries open nearby or in the venue itself that will serve food. Please research this beforehand. Food is not to be consumed in any meeting room. Water however is allowed and we recommend that you bring a bottle of water with you. Dress Code: Casual. What to bring: Laptop & power cord Module workshop materials downloaded from D2L DiSC profile report How to find your workshop location: To find your specific location, please search by your CPAO STUDENT ID which may or may not begin with the number the number “4”. The details of the location are listed with each cohort. Use the “Find” function in your browser (see the screenshot to the right) or press ctrl + F to activate the “Find” function. Then type in your student number. MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4178808 4059771 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4207799 4228399 COHORT NAME: North York 1 956992 4231456 ROOM: Cumberland 4138635 4170410 VENUE LOCATON: 4214060 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 83185633 3450 Dufferin Street 4222262 Toronto, ON 4169012 M6A 2V1 4205333 4230446 4161092 4207633 4222742 4159544 4167212 83184031 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 964886 4237598 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4211209 4209811 COHORT NAME: North York 2 4214314 4142739 ROOM: Allure Dining Hall 4220753 970023 VENUE LOCATON: 4126375 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4170995 3450 Dufferin Street 4162353 Toronto, ON 4230752 M6A 2V1 4199758 4174616 4178074 4210986 4211119 4204855 4210686 31120694 4231428 978830 4922058 83091147 4138123 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4141667 4207045 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 950291 4172271 COHORT NAME: North York 3 4176674 31109731 ROOM: Howland 4171841 4202399 VENUE LOCATON: 4200251 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 974834 3450 Dufferin Street 4115158 Toronto, ON 4231433 M6A 2V1 4197654 4230005 4204542 4171753 4203224 4230779 83184788 4102744 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4176262 4208120 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4192203 4216050 COHORT NAME: North York 4 83029352 4208397 ROOM: William 4205500 4231496 VENUE LOCATON: 4220683 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4139841 3450 Dufferin Street 4202318 Toronto, ON 4223249 M6A 2V1 4205501 4174237 4164442 4156926 4199389 979838 972772 4114738 4204775 4246190 4166199 4202162 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 83185199 4114173 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 83140555 4210475 COHORT NAME: North York 5 971327 4231349 ROOM: Albany 44 4171176 83181139 VENUE LOCATON: 4176071 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4100789 3450 Dufferin Street 4171114 Toronto, ON 4177126 M6A 2V1 4235105 4210669 82853745 83180282 4121253 4167384 83183836 4208595 4132859 4202603 83181381 31113792 4199634 4202859 4209581 4206687 4198917 4210364 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 973641 4171215 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4177947 4212761 COHORT NAME: North York 6 4203618 83102761 ROOM: Albany 45 4211250 4214028 VENUE LOCATON: 4127979 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4202084 3450 Dufferin Street 970172 Toronto, ON 965639 M6A 2V1 4203482 4228921 4162641 4609866 4191087 4243536 4162317 4223992 4242647 4200869 397676 83180649 83184461 4922171 4119105 83152824 4222677 4177705 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4204540 4100820 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4190632 4200109 COHORT NAME: North York 7 4220230 4231072 ROOM: deHavilland Hall 4229733 4170976 VENUE LOCATON: 374444 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4117688 3450 Dufferin Street 4161762 Toronto, ON 4174558 M6A 2V1 4231535 4114850 4133756 4231218 4100938 4223189 4235098 4207478 4198387 974518 4159656 4216497 31113165 4169996 4122918 4200279 82998326 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4203008 82990604 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4176493 4101917 COHORT NAME: North York 8 4214353 83098530 ROOM: York North 4100386 4159802 VENUE LOCATON: 4164005 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4162968 3450 Dufferin Street 973398 Toronto, ON 4100580 M6A 2V1 4196824 4210121 4224183 4230822 4169003 4200635 962225 83014560 4231455 4121444 4137012 4197730 83165180 83101888 4211396 4207884 4102138 4203898 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4208753 4204704 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4163649 4202910 COHORT NAME: North York 9 4210335 4198477 ROOM: York Centre 4220732 4200106 VENUE LOCATON: 4177021 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4100917 3450 Dufferin Street 4160880 Toronto, ON 31109191 M6A 2V1 4162597 4201974 4118575 979735 4207615 4213446 4158243 4190874 4175960 4210386 4197010 83182496 4921022 4161219 4208716 4111326 4190630 4202798 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 31099444 4172704 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4207688 4218214 COHORT NAME: North York 10 4200082 4197369 ROOM: York South 83174752 386119 VENUE LOCATON: 83181773 Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 4128490 3450 Dufferin Street 4190558 Toronto, ON 4158806 M6A 2V1 4228759 4209015 4176401 4158278 83181923 4172680 4200756 4190579 4134419 967841 4191929 4203812 4198489 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4102318 979729 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4228924 4190569 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 1 4102703 4177199 ROOM: Grand Ballroom West 4217935 4177823 VENUE LOCATON: 83117454 Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre 4509978 3670 Hurontario Street 4191401 Mississauga, ON 83184197 L5B 1P3 974728 82748374 4166234 4130816 4174848 4200494 4231429 4159626 4201419 4230455 4177773 4190506 4222669 83152261 4231487 4197016 83178423 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4212998 4206964 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4230751 4102980 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 2 4102217 83134509 ROOM: Grand Ballroom East 975132 4131085 VENUE LOCATON: 954082 Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre 4213624 3670 Hurontario Street 4177119 Mississauga, ON 965207 L5B 1P3 4101935 4164650 966795 4230719 4118440 4213011 4210096 4202394 4199323 4177741 4211233 4190538 82969459 4223253 4209417 4150868 4162309 4207265 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 956025 4162307 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 970025 4172851 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 3 4161654 4215731 ROOM: Mississauga Room West 4230763 4215803 VENUE LOCATON: 31090034 Novotel Toronto Mississauga Centre 4174185 3670 Hurontario Street 4102399 Mississauga, ON 4230754 L5B 1P3 4206269 4162310 4100831 4198169 31092464 4215805 83180162 4206053 4162655 4198941 83031234 4198164 4117924 4115059 4202392 4202490 963239 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4208193 4210896 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4171817 4171036 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 4 31111412 4126914 ROOM: Ambler I 83140332 4230701 VENUE LOCATON: 4162092 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Toronto 4198402 Airport West 4198809 5599 Ambler Drive 83160157 Mississauga, ON 4230404 L4W 3Z1 973976 969867 380559 4174384 4205171 4210359 4209904 4206558 4159369 4167349 4191692 4189956 4115050 4204710 4132201 4160560 4170420 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4115257 977836 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4190555 4202249 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 5 4213756 82880557 ROOM: Admiral 4161034 4208719 VENUE LOCATON: 4210395 Admiral Inn Mississauga 4176351 2161 North Sheridan Way 4229049 Mississauga, ON 972729 L5K 1A3 4203446 4924848 964898 4201859 4159752 4113734 4130567 4200964 4114447 4102013 4206540 4163054 4225417 4190544 4167776 4226336 4215781 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4223245 4115313 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4131194 4201592 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 6 4114544 4163160 ROOM: Winston Churchill 4160924 4172714 VENUE LOCATON: 4100359 Admiral Inn Mississauga 969486 2161 North Sheridan Way 4167021 Mississauga, ON 4169549 L5K 1A3 4201725 4206318 4211002 4222905 4133388 4130297 4189860 4178769 4202339 4203010 4205426 4204490 957862 4162916 4162492 4207950 4230732 4227979 MODULE WORKSHOP NAME: CPAO Student ID CPA PEP Capstone 1 4124519 4118778 DATE: May 11 & 12, 2019 4202396 4162326 COHORT NAME: Mississauga 7 4167363 4231419 ROOM: Sheridan 4220204 4214699 VENUE LOCATON: 4214801 Admiral Inn Mississauga 4140489 2161 North Sheridan Way 974316 Mississauga, ON 974264 L5K 1A3 4178514 4205590 4177350 964614 31062093 4203246 4202687 4176908 4178417

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