The ,)~(( c News Volume 13 Summer 2003 No.2 A Publication of the Nebraska Center for the Book Creiahton Hosts 2 00 i Nebraska Book Festival Mm·k Moskowitz. The film chronicles a book lover's reighton University, in Omaha, is the search for the author of a critically acclaimed novel site for the 2003 Nebraska Book who disappeared. The director solves this fascinatin g CFestival. Scheduled for October 24- literary mystery mld shares his passion for books and 25, this year's festival will celebrate Nebraska's insights into the book publishing industry. Featured literary heritage and the life ofbooks. prominently in the film are litenuy critic Lesli e Sponsored by the Nebraska Center for the Fi edler, director of the Iowa Writers' Work'>hop Book (NCB) in cooperation with the Nebraska Frank Conroy, and literary agent Carl Bnmdt. Library Commission, and with funding from the On both days, Mexican poet Ambar Past will read Nebraska Humanities Council and support from from her work <md conduct a workshop in book­ Borders Books, the festival wilJ feature presentt­ making. Past, who wa<> born in North Carolina mld tions, events, and displays for adults, children, and ha5 lived in S<m Cristobal de l<L<> Ca<;as, Chiap<L'> , young people. Mexico since 1974, writes in Spanish and Tzotzil. She The theme for this year's festival is Books Alive!, coordinates a paper-making and pu bli shing coopera­ drawing attention to the living history of books from tive of Mayan women, Taller Lenateros, mld edits yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Presentations wilJ Lajicara, regarded by many as the best poetry maga­ include panels on NebnL'ika's classic authors, discus­ zine in Mexico. Her latest publishing project is sions on how to get published, and sessions on every­ Conjuros y Ebriedades, the songs of Mayan women. thing from how to make your own books to displays Displays will include a high-tech computer kiosk of author manuscripts, to the future of the book in a on the future of the book mld an interactive DVD digital age. Throughout the festival , contempormy station exhibiting the work of Creighton authors. writers from Nebraska and beyond wiJI give readings Throughout Sanrrday, Nebra5 ka publishers, author from their work and conduct writing workshops and groups, mld literary orgm1i zations will display and sell discussions. merch<mdise at a book fair . Vendor registration dead­ The focus of Friday's program is on middle and lin e is October 10. To register, complete and send the high school students, with readings by published Web form at writers, wo rk<> hops on writing and bookmaking, and < mockingbi rd.creighton .edu/ ncw/nbfbkreg. htm >. opportunities fo r student writers to read their own An added fean1re of this year's festival will be a work before a live audience. Lunch will be provided number of book event<; taking place throughout at a reasonable cost. Pre-registration is required. On Omaha, including readings by Richard Duggin , Art Friday evening, Ne HJ Yorfl Times best-selling author Homer, Anna Monardo, ] runes Reed, and others; and Creighton alum Ron Hansen will read from his displays in area libraries; and related events. In addi­ wo rk. t-hm sen is the author of such award-winning ti on, the fes ti val orgm1izers wilJ expm1d on la5t year's novels as Mariette in Ecstasy, Atticus, and Isn 't It very successful "A Gathering of Groups," providing Romantic? meeting space fo r the state's book and writing Sanrrday' s program will include readings, panels, groups, along with discussions on how to srart and presentati ons, <md h<mds-on displays. Du ring the sustain such groups. awards luncheon, reci pi ents of th e Mildred Bennett Fo r more info rmation see th e schedule on page 4, Award and the Neb nL<; ka Book Awards will be vis it th e Web site at <nebraskabookfestival. org>, or honored. This year's keynote event will be a Sanrrday contact this year's co-directors, De<m Timothy Austin , ni ght showing of the award-winning docu mentary fi lm 402-280-2431, e-mail: <traustin @creighton.edu > or Stone Reader, fo ll owed by a buffet dinner mld a Brent Spencer 402-280-2 192 , e-mai l: moderated onstage discussion wi th the film 's director, <[email protected]>. _. llebraska's Literary Life Has llo Limit by Gerry Cox, speakers and activities at the eihardt State Hi storic NCB News Editor 'he entire state qfNe braska has been Site; Elmwood, Bess Streeter Aldrich Remembrance shocked by the drastic monetatJI cuts in "Rim of the Prairie" Day; McCook, the Buffalo T:the Nebraska University system. Commons Storytelling Festival ; No1folk, the Literature Prestige, it is feared , is lost as programs are elimi­ Festival ai1d Story Telling/Poetry OLIO ; Omalia, nated and professors are fired. However, there is a Nebraska Writers Live@your library™; Pilger, counter to the sad trend. ebraskans can find prestige tl1e Pen Pointers Writers Workshop; Seward, the Plum continually generated throughout ebraska by the Creek Children's Literacy Festival ; Valentine, the large numbers of literary ~md artistic endeavors avail­ 1ebraska Cowboy Poetry Gathering; and mai1y others. able to all Nebraskans and visitors. Check with yo ur community Library for programs Jonis Agee recently brought a week-long oppo11u­ (often sponsored by the Neb raska Hu1rnmities nity to the public interested in poetry, novel, sho11 Council) featuring writers, poets, ai1d other inter­ story, and screen writing (a<; well as to those inter­ esting people. The NCB News Calendar of Events (on ested in findin g literary agents) to hem· ai1d leai·n page 8) li sts events planned for the next few month s. from top Americans in their fields. One-third of the For more information , see the following Web sites: faculty were ebraskans. The niversity of Nebraska­ A ebraska Center for the Book, Lincoln (UN-L) ebraska Sununer Writers' <www. unl.edu/NCB> Conference (see page 7 for related story) enhanced A The Nebraska Library Commi ssion , the University's literary stature, which was already in <www.nlc.state.ne. us> the national spotlight due to the Prairie Schooner )s A Nebraska Center for Writers, 75th Anniversary Celebration. The Prairie Schooner <mockingbird.creighton .edu/NCW > occupies a unique place in the literary world. Each A Nebraska Litermy Directo1y, issue bringing honor to UN -L ai1d to all of Nebraska. <www. nde.state. ne.us/READ > The Paul Olson Symposium's on-going, university­ A The Poetry Menu , <poet1ymenu.com > related series, offers an eclectic mix of speakers ai1d A Nebra<>ka Litera1y Heritage Association , topics to Lincoln. The John H. Ames Reading Series is <www.literaiyheritage.org> a monthly program at the Jane Pope Geske Heritage The possibilities for meeting writers ai1d hearing Room of Nebraska Authors at Bennett Martin Library ai1d readi ng quali ty w1iting ~u-e vast. The more you (Lincoln City Libraiies) . support such progran1s, the more will be available. There are opportunities throughout the ye~u· to Each literaiy event adds to the prestige Nebraskans Li sten to and interact with creative people at can enjoy. A numerous sites in Nebra<;ka, including Bancroft, ThellCB News Vol. 13 • Summer 2003 • No. 2 Nebraska Center for the Book Publications/Publicity Advertising Board and Committees Gerry Co x, Committee Chair; Oliver Pollak; 1l1e NCB Neu•s e<u1 accept up to four 1/8 Linda Trout; Mary Jo Ryan , staff page ads for each issue. The adve 11i sing Executive Committee rnte is $125 for 1/8 page. NCB Neu•s is Kltthy Johnson, President; Joan Birnie, Past Awards Art Coordinator issued May I , August 15, ;uid l\ovember I . President; Chuck Peek, Vice President/ Denise Brady The adve11ising and copy cl eaclline is six President Elect; .J errv Kromberg, Treasurer; weeks prior to issue date. For details, Rod Wagner, ex-officio Nebr:L5klt Librarv Com mission Director Rod contact M;uy .J o Rym1 , NelmL5 kl1 Center for Tbis publication was Funding/Membership Wagner is mi ex:officio member of all the Book, The Atrium, 1200 N Street, Suite supported i1I part by !be Molly Fisher (ex-officio), Comminee Chair; committees. 120, Lincoln. NE 68508-202.); phone '1 02- 47 1-.1434, 800-507-2665, e-mail: Institute ofMuse nm Joan Birnie, Past President; Shelly Clark; 2003 Ne braska Center for the and Librmy Services Connie Osborne < mjry;u1 @nlc.state.ne.u s>, under tbe provisions of Book Board Meetings < WW\\'.Lllll .edu/NCB>. 2003 Nebraska Book Festival February 8 .. ... Fremont the Library1Services and Tbe NCB Neu•s is published three times a Klnhy Johnson, Presiden t, Committee Chair; May Omaha Technology Act as 23 . ... year by the NclmL5ka Center for th e Book, Peter Beeson (ex-officio); Twyla Hm1sen; August 9 ... .... Kearnev admi11stered by /be The Atrium, 1200 N Street, Suite 120. Nancy Johnson, Jerry Kromberg, Tre;L5urer; state a/Nebraska November 2 ..... Lin coln, Annual Lincoln. NE 68508-202:\. Subscription is Chuck Peek, Vice President/President Elect; through tbe Nebraska Meeting, Center for free \\i th membership. Editor: Gen) ' Cox. Brent Spencer Great Plains Stlldies, Library1Co mmission. Design and Production: Valerie Da~1 on . Programs/Projects Un iversity of 'elmL5ka­ Staff: Ma1y Jo Rvan, Jacqueline Crocker, Vicki Clar ke; Mel Krutz; l.incoln, 11 55 Q Street, ):met Grese r, Maria Meclrm10-Nehls. ;"~" Roel Wagner (ex-officio) Hewit Place All book cove r a 11 and photos reprinted by page . permission of the publisher. 7/J"llCBNews Students Ur9ed co Enter Leffers About iffifRs RiiourriTEiiiiflfiif® Literature Contest ·--~-... u..-Pr--•<>OI'......... - ... -~ ..... The Center for the Book in the a ceremony at the State Capitol and receive cash -· --- - --·· .
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