
Established 1872 (Cite(Cite Vol.Vol. 102110 Luz.Luz. Reg.Reg. Reports)Reports) VOL. 110102 Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA,PA, Friday,Friday, February January 17, 20122020 NO.NO. 7 3 COMMONWEALTHDOWNS RACING v. v.BD. GUZMAN OF APPEALS .................................................. .......................................62 1 POSTMASTER: SendSend addressaddress changeschanges to to THE THE LUZERNE LUZERNE LEGAL LEGAL REGISTER, REGISTER, 200Room N. River 23, CourtStreet, House, Room 23,Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-1001 PA 18711-1001 PeriodicalPeriodical postagepostage paidpaid atat Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA PA and and additional additional office. office. PricePrice $100.$40. Per Per Year Year SingleSingle Copies Copies $1.00 $2.00 Advertising MustMust BeBe ReceivedReceived ByBy 1212 O’ClockO’Clock Noon, Noon, Tuesday Tuesday In In The The Week Week of of Publication Publication (USPS 322-840) (USPS 322-840) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the accountant in the following estate has filed her account in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless objections are filed thereto, said account will be audited and confirmed by the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at 9:30 A.M. on February 4, 2020, in Courtroom C, Third Floor, Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NO. NAME OF ESTATE ACCOUNTANT FIDUCIARY CAPACITY 1. Thomas D. Keeler Linda Berens Administratrix The Luzerne County Orphans’ Court, located at Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA is a facility accessible to persons with disabilities. Please notify a member of the staff of the Honorable Richard M. Hughes, III, Judge at (570) 408-8190, if special accommodations are required. NOTICE It is strongly recommended that all attorneys having a matter on an Audit List of the Orphans’ Court be present at the call of the Audit List. Any attorney seeking to be excused from attending the call of the Audit List must contact the staff in Judge Hughes’ Chambers in advance of the call date in order to obtain permission from the Judge to be absent. Jan. 10, 17 32 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER DECEDENTS’ ESTATES seph R. Ferdinand, Esquire, Gil- Notice is hereby given that let- lespie, Miscavige & Ferdinand, ters testamentary or of adminis- LLC, 67 North Church St., Hazle- tration have been granted in the ton, PA 18201 following estates. All persons in- debted to said estates are re- ESTATE OF LEO L. MATUSHONECK, quired to make payment and JR. a/k/a Leo Louis Matushon- those having claims or demands eck, Jr., late of West Hazleton to present the same without delay (died November 26, 2019), Monica to the administrators or executors M. Barton and Lee Ann C. Matu- named or their attorneys shoneck Bogacik, Co-Executrices; FIRST PUBLICATION Richard J. Marusak, Esquire, Ustynoski & Marusak, LLC, 101 ESTATE OF DONALD ELBERT CAR- Broad St., Suite 205, Hazleton, PA TER, JR. a/k/a Donald E. Carter, 18201 Jr. a/k/a Donald Carter, Jr. a/k/a Donald Carter, late of Ross Twp. ESTATE OF ROSELLA M. PREBOLA, (died October 27, 2019), Donald E. late of Butler Twp. (died October Carter, Sr. and Kathleen M. Carter, 16, 2019), Robert F. Prebola, 553 Administrators; Alicia C. Marinos, Hillside View Dr., Duncansville, Esquire, Marinos, McDonald & PA 16635, Executor Knecht, LLP, 106 W. Front Street, Berwick, PA 18603 ESTATE OF THERESA SHIMKOSKI a/k/a Theresa M. Shimkoski, late ESTATE OF JAMES RICHARD of Dupont (died December 17, CROCKETT a/k/a James R. 2019), Denise Baxter, Executrix; Crockett, late of Shickshinny (died Biagio V. Musto, II, Esquire, 171 August 15, 2019), Renald J. William St., Pittston, PA 18640- Crockett, Executor; Hourigan, 1719 Kluger & Quinn, P.C., 600 Third Ave., Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF JOSEPH VETASHICK, late of Mountain Top (died October ESTATE OF THERESA E. DROZ- 22, 2019), John Vetashick, Ex- DOWSKI a/k/a Theresa Droz- ecutor; Joseph Kosierkowski, dowski, late of Hanover Twp. (died Esquire, Ridley, Chuff, Kosier- December 12, 2019), Julia kowski & Scanlon, P.C., 400 Wincek, Executrix; Hiscox & Broad St., 2nd Fl., Milford, PA Musto, 400 Third Ave., Suite 201, 18337 Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF SALLY E. WEHLING ESTATE OF ARLENE MARIE EL- a/k/a Sally E. Gallagher a/k/a DRIDGE, late of Nanticoke (died Sally E. Purcell, late of Conyng- December 3, 2019), Denise M. ham (died February 19, 2019), Eldridge-Golembeski and Lori Shawn Purcell, Executor; John P. Ann Hulse, Co-Executrices; Don- Rodgers, Esquire, 1170 Hwy. 315, ald W. Jensen, Esquire, 538 Suite 1, Plains, PA 18702 Spruce St., Suite 730, Scranton, PA 18503 ESTATE OF JANE M. WILKIE, late of Wilkes-Barre (died November 23, ESTATE OF THOMAS R. HARVILLA 2019), Anthony C. Wilkie, Execu- a/k/a Thomas Harvilla, late of tor; Michael D. Rogers, Esquire, Hazleton (died December 2, 2019), 63 West River St., Wilkes-Barre, Barbara Bonner, Executrix; Jo- PA 18702 33 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER ESTATE OF GERALDINE A. YUR- ESTATE OF CAROL A. EVANS, late KANIN, late of Hazle Twp. (died of Nanticoke (died November 22, June 14, 2019), Eric Yurkanin, 2019), Todd Evans, Executor; Executor; Charles A. DeCosmo, Matthew P. Kelly, Esquire, 400 Esquire, Skokoski & DeCosmo, Third Ave., Suite 205, Kingston, P.C., 165 Susquehanna Blvd., PA 18704 West Hazleton, PA 18202 ESTATE OF JOHN WATKINS HAR- SECOND PUBLICATION RISON, late of Edwardsville (died ESTATE OF STUART L. ABRAMS, late March 19, 2019), Ruth Brislin, of Kingston (died December 16, Administratrix; Hiscox & Musto, 2019), Jayne A. Dorton, Execu- 400 Third Ave., Suite 201, King- trix; Fendler & Associates, P.C., ston, PA 18704 The Park Building, 400 Third Ave., Suite 309, Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF CARYL L. LEW a/k/a Lynne Lew, late of Hanover Twp. ESTATE OF CATHERINE R. AN- (died September 30, 2019), Jo- seph C. Thomas, Esquire, Execu- THONY a/k/a Catherine Anthony, tor; Law Office of Robert T. Pano- late of Dallas (died December 20, wicz, 8 West Market St., Suite 2019), Anna Ott, Executrix; 1100, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 Charles A. Shaffer, Esquire, Pug- liese, Finnegan, Shaffer & Feren- ESTATE OF JAQUEL DENISE MAPP tino, LLC, 575 Pierce St., Suite a/k/a Jaquel Mapp, late of 500, Kingston, PA 18704 Wilkes-Barre (died November 21, 2019), Xenia Mapp, Administra- ESTATE OF ANGELA BORINI a/k/a trix; Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn, Angeline G. Borini, late of Pittston P.C., 600 Third Ave., Kingston, PA (died November 18, 2019), Grace- 18704 lyn Borini, Executrix; Christine M. Trottini, Esquire, 49 South Main ESTATE OF ANN F. MOLITORIS, late St., Suite 105, Pittston, PA 18640 of Hanover Twp. (died October 30, 2019), Donna M. Molitoris, Ex- ESTATE OF MARY BUCKNAVAGE, ecutrix; John J. Terrana, Esquire, late of Wilkes-Barre (died Septem- 400 Third Ave., Suite 216, King- ber 15, 2019), Alexa Vesek, Ad- ston, PA 18704 ministratrix; Carlo A. LaMonica, Esquire, LaMonica Law Firm LLC, ESTATE OF FRANK E. NEYMAN, late 3218 Pittston Ave., Scranton, PA of Dupont (died December 7, 18505 2019), Richard F. Neyman, Sr., Executor; John E.V. Pieski, Es- ESTATE OF JEAN B. CHEPOLIS, late quire, 610 Maplewood Dr., Oly- of Newport Twp. (died September phant Post Office, Dickson City, PA 18447 14, 2019), Michael Chepolis and Nancy Ball, Co-Executors; Rich- ESTATE OF BERNICE ANN NOBLE, ard C. Shiptoski, Esquire, 1217 late of Jenkins Twp. (died August Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, PA 11, 2019), David J. Powell, Admin- 18704 istrator; Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C., 600 Third Ave., King- ESTATE OF SCOTT LEONARD ston, PA 18704 CLARK, late of Wilkes-Barre (died November 25, 2019), John A. Ver- ESTATE OF RAYMOND SCOTT ORTH rilli, Sr., 47 E. Houston Ave., a/k/a Raymond S. Orth a/k/a Montgomery, PA 17752, Executor Raymond Orth a/k/a Ray Orth, 34 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER late of West Hazleton (died Decem- ESTATE OF DOLORES C. SHEAMAN, ber 17, 2019), Nicole R. Orth, Ad- late of Hazle Twp. (died September ministratrix; Frank J. Skokoski, 21, 2019), Charles J. Sheaman Esquire, Skokoski & DeCosmo, and Mark J. Sheaman, Executors; P.C., 165 Susquehanna Blvd., Matthew P. Kelly, Esquire, 400 West Hazleton, PA 18202 Third Ave., Suite 205, Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF HELEN OSTROWSKI a/k/a Helen R. Ostrowski, late of ESTATE OF DOROTHY SISSOCK West Wyoming (died December a/k/a Dorothy M. Sissock, late of 12, 2019), Joseph Ostrowski, Hazle Twp. (died December 5, Administrator; James J. Albert, 2019), Esther R. Rodriguez, Ex- ecutrix; Frank J. Skokoski, Es- Esquire, Cefalo Law, 309 Wyo- quire, Skokoski & DeCosmo, P.C., ming Ave., West Pittston, PA 165 Susquehanna Blvd., West 18643 Hazleton, PA 18202 ESTATE OF FRANK OWENS a/k/a ESTATE OF ELEANOR SORICK, late Frank F. Owens, late of Hunlock of Jenkins Twp. (died December Creek (died August 3, 2019), 13, 2019), Anita Allen, Adminis- Christa Ruschmeier, Executrix; tratrix; Stephen J. Fendler, Es- Patrick J. Aregood, Esquire, 1218 quire, Fendler & Associates, P.C., South Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA The Park Building, 400 Third Ave., 18706 Suite 309, Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF SANTO PENNISI, late of ESTATE OF LARRY L. WOLFE a/k/a Wilkes-Barre (died November 3, Larry Wolfe, late of Dallas (died 2019), Marcella N. Simon, Execu- November 14, 2019), Toby G. trix; Matthew J. Parker, Esquire, Wolfe, Executor; Lawrence J. Va- Marshall, Parker & Weber, LLC, leriano, Jr., Esquire, Hartman, 1065 Highway 315, Suite 402, Valeriano, Magovern & Lutz, P.C., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 1025 Berkshire Blvd., Suite 700, Wyomissing, PA 19610 ESTATE OF THOMAS PETROSKI a/k/a Thomas W.
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