t h e Acum etaiatfi*** o( T rustees Okays LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. $1,500,000 Building Plans VOL 75, NO. 11 Friday, January 13, 1956 Public Fund Drive to Finance Judicial Board Action The Judicial Board has sus­ Music-Drama Center, Men's Dorms pended a student for one sem- A million-dollar music-drama ester for violation of the car center, a $500,000 dormitory for board of trustees and several rule. 125 men and an additional fra- friends of the college, The car rule states: ternity house have been ap- The music-drama center will A student not living with his j,, ovt'd 85 Immediate goals for combine two of Lawrence s out- Lawrence college s physical de- stainding public service facili- family while attending college velopment. The college board ties under one roof. The pres- may not maintain or drive an of trustees has planned for pub- ent Peabody conservatory of automobile except during those lie fund raising to begin late music, on the corner of E. times specified by the Commit- this year, and* organizational Lawrence and S. M orrison tee on Administration, or un- phases are already underway, streets, was built in 1909, and less special permission has “We are clearing out of the has been outgrown since 1925. previously been secured from w ay things that have been talk- The theater has never had a the Committee on Administra- ed about on the campus for 15 home of its own. Dramatic pro- tion. or 20 years.” President Doug- ductions have alternated be- The Judicial Board las M. Knight said, ‘‘but these tween a 200 chair arena set-up buildings don’t represent our or in the basement of Memorial Announce Dates of anyone else’s ideas of long-1 union and the college chapel, a range needs. They are only the convention hall w hich is inade- Phi Bete Lectures first steps. Beyond lies, among quate acoustically and pre- other things, a strengthening of scnts difficult stage-mounting series of three lectures the endowment and attention to problems. Production crews be sponsored by the Phi the library.” have not had a workshop since Beta Kappa society in the next A $905,800 dorm itory for 135 the razing of the old Sm ith months. Speakers are faculty women is now under construe house, w hich once stood on Umi members who have recently tion on thc southeast corner of site of the Memorial union, but been doing special research s. Durkee and E. Lawrence use unheated garages. projects in the fields under dis- streets. It was financed witli- The million dollar figure rep- Icussion. out public appeal by the 30 m an resents an estim ated $900,000 Two Views of Famed Monologist Ruth Draper during First of the series will be |construction cost and another her notable performance at the Appleton High school on ’“Fluorescence and Phosphor- $100,000 of endowment to sup­ June 30, 1954. Left to right is Miss Draper as a muttering es?™™•” to be 8''’en by»» Dr. port the building. ience grandmother and as she appeared at curtain call. ^ ^SjoW om his had Knight Comments Sjoblom has had long President Knight points out I specialization in that area, and I that the new building is dedi­ it has been the subject of his cated to an intensive program Internationally Fam ous recently completed doctoral i of com m unity service to Ap­ thesis at the University of Min­ pleton and thc Fox River Val­ nesota. ley; while the building as a Dr. Craig Thompson, who has help in teaching “will match M onologuist to Appear been doing post-doctoral re­ the quality of our facility with search on the work of Eras­ jthe quality of our faculty.’’ the mus for several years, under president said. In Jan. 19 Convocation various fellowships of the lt has been understood for American Council of Learned i years on the campus tlipl tho ^Societies. the Guggenheim foun­ lot on the northwest corner of Ruth Draper to Give Ruth Draper. Here is an inscru dation. and the ,Folger library ! College and Park avenues was in Washington, w ill speak on j earmarked for future theater- Renowned Sketches table art that travels the full “Colloquies of Erasm us”! conservatory use. Thc lot once Ruth Draper, internationally range emotions from come- March 12 in the Worcester art was the residence of the Jud- famous monologist, will appear,*? •« trw djr, carrying truth]center . son Rosebushes, whose house on its back. As a writer Miss Dr. Elizabeth T. Forter will was razed several years ago. in the Memorial chapel to give discuss Shaw’s "Man and Su­ pro- Draper has the generosity of Proposed men’s housing in­ the weekly convocation perman” April 17 in the art cludes a dormitory for 125, and ram next Thursday at 11 o’- Perspective and the detached center. A member of the Eng- * Edith A. Mattson I another unit to he added to the flo c k wisdom that sees the spirit be- lish staff, Miss Forter received____ I | northeast end of the fraternity M ill Draper It an actress in hmd ,,u' ma"k ,,f rt>alit-v- “ h(‘r d erate in,m th* Univer- u j.. C-JjfU Mattson qufttamfte' replacing a series I an actress she has warmth, in- sity of Wisconsin last June on C illlll ITIUIIsUII of t—frame..... ,houses--------- that fringer_.------- the fhs grand tradition. Appearing tegrity, dignity and stature, the dramatic techniques of Died Last Saturday campus. There are 68 men this alone on the stage she conjures She can entertain the custom- George Bernard Shaw. year unable to live in the ma- With magic mummery charac- ers with the best of them.” All lectures will be held at 8 After Short Illness >r,1h0“’tln* U"i,s ,- .Br?!iaw tecs from every walk of life Miss Draper’s performance o’clock on the evenings indicat- hall and the five fraternities. is open to the public without ed. and are open to the public Miss Edith A. Mattson, 63, The new housing figure will al- With truth and authenticity that admVssion”charge without admission charge. former dietician at Russell U accredited to an artist’s gen- Sage hall died at 9 o’clock Sat­ TURN TO PAGE 7 llis. urday morning in a hospital at Audiences from New York to Minneapolis, Minn., after an ill­ AF-ROTC Custodian Name Fellowship Recipients ness of three weeks. She has Singapore who have watched Dies of Heart Attack been assistant to the d irector her have fallen under her spell, After W eekend Examinations of dormitories at L a w r e n c e On Hunting Trip returning to see her again and since 1932. R ussell Taylor, 55. fo rm er Ogain. She has toured in Eu- Two men and two women There were about 25 men and Miss Mattson was born *n _________assistant___________ custodian of ________military rope and South America and took top honors in the eleventh 35 women in the competition,!Warren, Minn., June 2, 1892, in properties in the college air enjoyed extended engage- annual fellowship contest held all of them from the upper ten a family of newspapermen. Her force reserve officers training ments on Broadway. last weekend for sixty top-rank- per cent of their high schools father was founder and pub- COrps, died Saturday afternoon Extensive Repertoire ing seniors from three sta te s in Wisconsin, Illinois and Min- lisherof the \N arren Sheaf, nowj0f a heart attack while hunting, Miss Draper has appeared with four full tuition scholar- nesota. edited by her two brothers. For Taylor was retired from the 0M the Ed Sullivan television ships as prizes After installation in the vari- a time she was a part owner army as a master sergeant in Show, delighting the audience The four winners are Mitch- ous dormitories, the group went of the paper 1950 after 30 years of service, With a portion of her famous ell Hurwitz from Senn high to the Memorial union where She received a home econom- and has held civilian jobs hav- ionologue, “At an Art Ex-school in Chicago; Monica they w-ere entertained by a ics certificate from the Univer- jng to do with military em- f ibition in Boston.” She fascin- Schneider. West high. Green reading of Christopher Fry’s sity of Minnesota in 1912, and placements since then. He had Sited a Fox R iv e r valley audi- B ay; Hope Smith, G lenbard verse play “A Phoenix Too Fre- for eight years thereafter taught been at Lawrence since 195L #nce last year when she ap-high, Glen Ellyn, 111.; and quent”, given by Professor and high school home economics at Born in Bangor, Pa., April 2, peared as one of the artists in Theodore Steck. Highland Park Mrs Ted Cloak and their Tintah, Sandstone and Interna- 1900. he attended schools in the the Neenah Rotary series. She high school, Highland Park. 111. daughter Andrea Lou who is a tional Falls, Minn. In 1932 she city, and a.» a youth entered appeared on the Lawrence art­ Named as first alternate was junior. received a bachelor of science the armed forces. He attended ist series some years ago Dean Jaros of Horlick High Tests occupied Saturday degree in home management battery commanders school The monologufst’s repertoire school in R acin e and second al- morning anti the ea rly part of from Columbia university, and and three ROTC instructors Is an extensive one, including ternate is David Evans.
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