SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL EARTH’S CRYOSPHERE Kriosfera Zemli, 2014, vol. XVIII, No. 3, pp. 11–22 http://www.izdatgeo.ru REGIONAL PROBLEMS OF GEOCRYOLOGY THE INFLUENCE OF GAS-BEARING STRUCTURES ON THE CRYOGENIC STRATA THICKNESS IN YAMAL AREA Yu.B. Badu Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, 1 Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia; [email protected] Cryogenic strata of the north of West Siberia is regarded as a unified cryogenic formation of the Middle and Late Neopleistocene and Holocene formed in the aftermath of the of transgression–regression rhythmic events in the polar basin in the course of cyclic changes in the harsh climate. With reliance on the current data, our research findings have given some insights into the permafrost developing in the subaerial and submarine environments, and into the gas accumulation affecting the cryogenic strata thickness in the section and within the extent of the gas-bearing structures. Gas-bearing structure, cryogenic strata, thickness of cryogenic strata, horizons of frozen and chilled rocks, 0 °C isotherm INTRODUCTION A number of famous soviet scientists who pio- horizons of cryogenic strata, ground cover and sedi- neered permafrost studies back in 1950–1960s, sub- mentary rocks, etc.), some conceptions and defini- sequently published their findings, and among them tions are introduced below. data on thickness and vertical structure of the cryo- Gas-bearing structure (GBS) formed at the result genic strata (V.M. Ponomarev, V.F. Zhukov, and of neotectonics development, and is represented by N.I. Saltykov, A.I. Popov, V.V. Baulin, A.A. Zemtsov, unconsolidated Pleistocene and Paleogene sedi ments V.A. Moshanskii, A.A. Ananyan et al. [Trofimov, 1975, in the geological cross-section, overlain by Upper 1980]). Cretaceous compacted rocks and the caprock of the The research carried out in the years to follow Lower Cretaceous gas pay zone (GPZ). During the provided new extensive materials, which made the Pleistocene, Early and Middle Pleistocene the sedi- basis for a series of schematic and small-scale thick- mentation occurred on the top of the eroded deposits ness maps for cryogenic strata (permafrost) in the of Late Cenozoic formations, with Late Pleistocene West Siberian plate, and small-scale maps for many deposits acting as the relief – forming rocks for plains northern areas [Baulin and Chekhovskii, 1972, 1976; and marine terraces in many structures [Badu, 2011b, Trofimov, 1975]. 2012]. Gas-bearing structure covers an area of hun- G.B. Ostryi, V.V. Baulin, B.V. Galaktionov, and dreds of square kilometers in the permafrost zone, V.I. Belousov, V.T. Balobaev analyzed thermal effects with the upper-most part of 300–500 meters in its of the crystalline basement on the base of the cryo- section subsumed into the cryogenic strata (CS). genic strata (zero isotherm position), depending on The CS comprises the upper horizon together the basement age (Hercynian or Caledonian) [Ostryi, with part of the Meso-Cenozoic rocks, with the tha- 1962; Baulin, 1985]. To this end, until present time wed layer (TL) occurring underneath. The caprock there have been extensively used the profiles created can be tectonically disturbed by disjunctive disconti- by V.V. Baulin and B.V. Galaktionova with the Her- nuities or complicated by plicative folding. Gas-satu- cynian and Caledonian basement under the zero de- rated sands occur at temperatures from 5–10 to 20– gree Celsius isotherm. 35 °C beneath the domed caprock overlying gas pay The paper presents explicit data on the thermal zone (GPZ), characterized by high reservoir pressure effect of producing gas reservoir (in Cretaceous de- up to 15–20 MPa. posits) within the gas-bearing structures on the cryo- Cryogenic strata is divided (according to S.M. Fo- genic strata base. tiev [1972]) into horizons of frozen (at natural tem- Due to the fact that the definitions may differ in perature Те of rocks lower than the initial freezing the literature (frozen and cryogenic strata, parts and temperature Тbf) and cooled rocks (at Tbf < Те < 0 °C). Copyright © 2014 Yu.B. Badu, All rights reserved. 11 Yu.B. BADU The CS base is determined by the position of 0 °C iso- nomenon appears to be inherited from the ancient therm, while the frozen rocks horizon is separated geomorphological level, which was why the CS with from the cooled rocks horizon by Tbf isotherm, with maximum thickness formed exactly there in the inclusions of segregated ice and ice-cement almost course of the subsequent development of a new level totally missing beneath it [Badu, 2006a]. [Trofimov and Varenyshev, 1974; Trofimov, 1980]. The current knowledge and extent of the cryo- A number of wells penetrated the CS up to 200– lithozone are consistent with the Permafrost (peren- 250 m thick in laida of the Ob and Taz Bays. Well 1 nially frozen rocks, PFR) Thickness Map in the West penetrated the CS base of the South-Tambey gas- Siberian plate with scale 1:1 000 000 [PFR strata..., bearing structure at a depth of 275 m. The CS frozen 1984], which, however, does not characterize the horizon thickness near Antipayuta village and Mon- thermal influence of gas accumulation on the CS base gatalyang trading post was defined by electrical position [Badu, 2011b]. sounding as 230 and 260 m, respectively. This map shows that thicknesses of the vertically Under the floodplains and floodplain terraces of continuous strata range from 150–200 to 300–350 m. small rivers the CS frozen horizon thickness is close The CS maximum thickness was documented within to values typifying the surrounding interfluvial the most ancient marine plains which belong to the zones. Under the large rivers valleys the thickness re- Kasantzevo and Salekhard Formations, and the low- duces at greater rates compared to the contiguous est – within the limits of Late Pleistocene–Holocene interfluval plains. For example, under the central part floodplains and laidas. of the floodplain and Tambey Syador-yakha on Yamal Electric surveys revealed that the CS frozen (72° N), the thickness is only 60–75 m, and in the rocks horizon thickness in the north of the peninsula middle and lower reaches of the Yuribey, Erkutay- (to the north of 72° N) in the Kasantzevo marine akha, Mordyyakha rivers it doesn’t exceed 50 m. In plain varies from 160 to 250 m, occasionally exceed- the Yuribey and Tanama rivers (northern Gydan Pen- ing the limit thereof [Trofimov, 1975, 1980]. insula) floodplains it often averages at 30–45 m, while In this case, a number of the vertical electrical in land areas of these the CS thickness tends to be at sounding points recorded abnormally low thicknesses 100–120 m, occasionally reaching 150–180 m [Trofi- not exceeding 30–50 m. Rock masses with apparent mov, 1980]. electrical resistivity of a few or a few tens of ohm-me- In the Yamal (and Gydan) large lake basins the ters tend to occur lower. Interlayers with similar re- thickness of frozen rocks horizon in CS is markedly sistivity constitute a horizon of cooled rocks in CS, reduced in comparison with the surrounding marine and were identified in the sections of younger geo- plain areas. Electrical resistivity survey method iden- morphological levels at shallow depths. Deep drilling tified the thicknesses of 20–24 m underlying the in the permafrost formations revealed lenses and in- Toungynyanto (Gydan) lake floodplain terrace, which terlayers containing cryopegs [Trofimov and Vareny- does not exceed 85 m beneath its Terrace I, with shev, 1974], which was ascertained by later research thawed rocks occurring lower. The thickness varies [Badu, 2006a,b; Badu and Podbornyi, 2013]. from 70–80 to 120–150 m under the floodplain ter- Up to 70° N (as far as lake Neuto in Yamal and races of Lake Yarota and other large lakes of Yamal the Yuribey headwaters on Gydan Peninsula) the CS area. frozen rocks horizon reaches 300–350 m within the These are, in general, the specific patterns of the Salekhard marine plains, sometimes even greater, but CS distribution in Yamal and the adjacent areas sec- in some areas it thins out to 250–270 m. tions at geomorphological levels. The new data pre- Within the limits of the Kasantzevo coastal ma- sented below, made the basis of the author’s ideas rine plain, the CS frozen rocks horizon thickness var- about the CS developing within gas-bearing struc- ies from 215–220 to 280–300 m or, rarely, greater at tures, where the thicknesses of CS and its constituent these latitudes. The electric survey data are confirmed horizons are featured by quite different patterns. The by the results of field studies in the exploration wells. features of neotectonic structure, the relief forming So, the base of the horizon was penetrated by: well 2 and depositional processes in the Late Pleistocene in Sredneyamalskaya area at a depth of 217 m; five and Holocene, had an appreciable impact on the cur- wells in Arkticheskaya area at depths of 250–272 m; rent state of the entire CS, as well as the constituent well 4 in Yamburgskaya exploration area, at a depth horizons thickness of frozen and cooled rocks, to the of 256 m. depth of the zero isotherm occurrence. The thickness of the CS frozen rocks horizon within the Late Pleistocene marine and lagoon-ma- RESEARCH METHODS rine terraces in Yamal is at an average 50–75 m less than in the Kasantzevo and Salekhard plains. More- The new data were obtained by different me- over, within these (as well as lacustrine and alluvial) thods applied for the CS studies. terraces, its thickness increases from near-berm edges 1. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) survey areas towards its inland areas.
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