Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Evangelical Friend (Quakers) 11-1972 Evangelical Friend, November 1972 (Vol. 6, No. 3) Evangelical Friends Alliance Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend Recommended Citation Evangelical Friends Alliance, "Evangelical Friend, November 1972 (Vol. 6, No. 3)" (1972). Evangelical Friend. 95. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/95 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Evangelical Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. November 1972 News of Friends to Americans, it is altogether novel in Friends Write Kenya, and the experiment may well become a model for the entire nation. Solomon Adagala is acting principal while the remainder of the staff is made up of Americans, British, and nationals, with some being co-opted from World Neighbors and Partners for Productivity. FCNL begins The curriculum is patterned after a feasibility study and its report having 30th year of been written by Landrum Bolling, presi­ dent of Earlham College, and Milo Ro s, 'involvement' then president at George Fox College, both of whom toured Kenya in the spring of 1968. lntere ted Friend may obtain added information by writing the North Ameri­ can Committee for Friends' College CLIMAX, NoRTH CAROLINA-The found­ (Kenya), 101 Quaker Hill Dr., Rich­ Since we have moved from the confines ers of the Friends Committee on Nation­ mond, Indiana 47374. -Milo C. Ross of the Evangelical Friends Alliance, the al Legislation nearly 30 years ago "sought EVANGELICAL FRIEND has taken on a new and fresh meaning to us. Jack Willcuts' then and still are searching for God's SIXTY ENROLL AT EARLHAM editorials are a special ble sing. leading. But it 's not sufficient just to SCHOOL OF RELIGION have solid spiritual roots. We must have Beca use Phoenix is such a popular The 13th year at the Earlham School of involvement." place for winter travelers, we would like Religion opened September 2 1, 1972, to extend our invitation to all evangelical The speaker was William G. Guthrie, with approximately 60 students enrolled. Friends visiting the City of the Sun to pastor of the High Point (North Caro­ Eleven Friend yearly meetings are rep­ join us in worship. The service of t~e lina) Friends Meeting, at the annual resented. including Japan a nd East Africa Evangelical Friends Church of Phocmx FCNL Fall Conference (September 22- Yearly Meetings. Graduates of six convene at 9 : 30 a.m. for Sunday school, 24) near this tiny Piedmont villag. south Friends colleges are among the students. 10 : 30 a.m . for worship, and 7 p.m. for of Greensboro. " We are part of the The Friends colleges represented are evening service. team ; we all are responsible for the polit­ Earlham, Friends Bible College, Friends A warm welcome will be extended to ical process,'' said Guthrie, who urged University, George Fox, William Penn, a ll who come to worship with us as their people to begin their involvement at the and Wilmington. Thirty-one students church away from home. local level. have declared their preference for the GORDON ST. G EO RGE, Brooks Hays, a former Arkansas Con­ new Master of Ministry degree program Pastor gressman and one time head of the now in its second year. Friends Church of Phoenix Southern Baptist Convention, told the Friends visiting during the year as Phoenix, Arizona FCNL Executive Committee and others guest lecturers or Quakers-in-Residence from about 15 states that "Christians include George Boobyer, England; Pat and Julia Jenks, Tucson, Arizona; Arthur The new format is a good step. Inclusion must be more than good men doing good of concerns from all the geographical things. They must accept a collective 0. Roberts, Newberg, Oregon ; Jack Will­ cuts, Portland, Oregon; John a nd June areas should contribute to greater unity responsibility for society. The churches among evangelical Friends-a necessary should send their sons and daughter into Youngblut, Washington, D.C. ; Louise Wilson, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Other first step before Mr. Willcuts' vision of the political arena. It's a glorious chal­ total Quaker unity can even begin to be lenge to the spiritual life." guest speakers will be Lyman Coleman, Staley lecturer, Newton, Pennsylvania, achieved. The candidate for Congress from and Langdon Gilkey, Willson lecturer, The EVANGELICAL FRIEND keeps US in North Carolina praised the FCN L for its Chicago, lllinois. touch with the church. All the more ap­ work during his 16 years as a member of preciated since we are a hundred mile the U.S. House from Arkansas. removed from the nearest Friends meet- -FCN L Special to EF in g. JosEPH A . BoYD A REMINDER Shallow Water, Kansas NEW SCHOOL IN KENYA EN ROLLS 55 STUDENTS A dollar given to World Relief Commis­ How pleased we were with the new for­ Friends around the world are becoming sion will sustain a refugee with food, mat of the EVANGELICAL FRIEND, namely aware of the new business and technical clothing. shelter, blanket, medical aid, the ''Friends Concerns." Today, with the college, now in its second year, opened and a Scripture portion for one month. increased mobility among our people, by East Africa Yearly Meeting at the Most churches are ob erving Novembe~ most of us have either relatives or ac­ headquarters town of Kaimosi. There are 19 as World Relief Sunday. Some will quaintances in other parts of the country. 55 students enrolled, some as one-year observe it later. Whatever the date, give Now we can keep in touch with their secretaries, and the other in a three-year now or later to bring "bread and li fe" to church activities, and by so doing, feel course for business management. millions in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Chile, closer to our dista nt friends. How better The genius of the school is its practical and elsewhere. Be sure to turn in your to accentuate the idea that we are, in the work-study program in which all en­ paper bank-full. A goal of $25.000 widest sen e, all one community in rollees spend one month out of each six was et for EF A. Christ. in shop , offices, or factories. While this LANA STANLEY type of cooperative education is not new Newberg, Oregon 2 Evangelical Friend Evangelical Friend Contents Editor-in-Chief: Jack L. Willcuts Managing Editor: Harlow Ankeny Editorial Assistants: Earl P. Barker, Kelsey E and Rachel Hinshaw Art Director: Stan Putman. Department Editors: Esther Hess, Mission­ ary Voice; Betty Hockett, Children's Page; Walter P. and Carol Lee, Book Review. Regional Editors: Verlin Hinshaw, Kansas; In this issue: Eugene Collins, Eastern; Lon Fendall, North­ west; Lloyd Hinshaw, Rocky Mountain. Contributing Editors: Charles S. Ball, Leon­ ard Borton, Everett L. Cattell, Gerald W. Dillon, Myron Goldsmith, Robert Hess, Verlin 0. Hinshaw, Lauren A. King, Harold B. Kuhn, Paul Langdon, Walter P. Lee, David Le Shana, Fred Littlefield, Russell Myers, Arthur 0. Roberts, Lowell E. Roberts, Merle Roe, Milo C. Ross, John Robinson, Chester G. Stanley, Harold B. Winn. News of Friends Advertising Manager: Lloyde D. Johnson FCNL begins 30th year of 'involvement' I New school in Kenya MEMBER~ EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION enrolls 55 students/ Sixty enroll at Earlham School of Religion. Page2 The EVANGELICAL FRIEND is the official publication of the Evangelical Friends Alliance and is published monthly (except August) at 600 East Third Street, Newberg, Oregon 97132. Second class postage paid Impressions of EFA at Newberg, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 per year. CHANGES OF ADDRESS: Send all changes of address and subscriptions to EVANGELICAL Missionary Reta Stuart, on furlough from Africa, gives her first FRIEND, P. 0. Box 232, Newberg, Oregon. Please allow four weeks for changes to be made. EDITORIAL: impressions of the Evangelical Friends Alliance. Page 4 Articles and photographs are welcome, but we assume no responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts, art or photographs. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the editors or of the Evangel­ ical Friends Alliance. Address all manuscripts, letters We're in this together to the editor, and other editorial content to Editorial Offices, P. o, Box 232, Newberg, Oregon 97132. AD­ "Spiritual creativity . .. won't just happen without full confidence VERTISING: Rates are available on request. Address all correspondence regarding advertising sales to Lloyde D. Johnson, Advertising Manager, P. 0. Box ... submitting ourselves one to another in love and trust." Page 5 882, Wichita, Kansas 67201. Production and offset lithography at The Barclay Press, Newberg, Oregon. Distortions in the church Cover NWYM Superintendent Norval Hadley discusses distortions in the Across the nation this year, fall extended beyond measure as its unmatched seasonal beauty linger­ church and urges the discovery of one's spiritual gifts. Page 6 ed into November, inspiring our art directors to capture the unique feeling of late autumn. (Photo by Shirley Putman.) George Fox: his visit to America Antecedents "Let us look with ... thanksgiving to our forbears, who with We welcome a new writer this issue: Hilma Phillips Bouck, an instructor in the Kentucky dauntless courage and faith forsook their homes ... to preach the Mountain Bible Institute, Vancleve, Kentucky. Each month it is not unusual for us to receive love of Christ." Page 8 a number of articles submitted by free-lance writers from across the nation. Though quite well written, most do not specifically meet our Missionary Voice needs. But in August, when we received Hilma Bouck's article, we took a second look as we Missionary retirees 12/ First impressions 14/ Missionaries on the saw the words Rough Rock Mission and the Cammack name, both synonymous with mis­ move 14/ Mexican praise and prayer notes 15/ Sheep sounds 15/ sions in EF A yearly meetings.
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