Persian Heri tage Persian Heritage Vol. 22, No. 85 Spring 2017 www.persian-heritage.com Persian Heritage, Inc. FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK 6 110 Passaic Avenue LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 Passaic, NJ 07055 E-mail: [email protected] NEWS Telephone: (973) 471-4283 The Plurality of Identity in 21st Century Iran 9 Fax: 973 471 8534 Scientist Makes Case to Edit Embryos 10 EDITOR Third Line Exhibitions 11 SHAHROKH AHKAMI COMMENTARY The “Clash of Civilizations” (K. Farrokh & J. S. Gracia) 12 EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Mehdi Abusaidi, Shirin Ahkami Iran’s Carpet Exports to U.S. Go from Zero to Millions 14 Raiszadeh, Dr. Mahvash Alavi Naini, Mohammad Bagher Alavi, Dr. Talat What Is and Who Are Iranian-Americans 15 Bassari, Mohammad H. Hakami, Ardeshir Lotfalian, K. B. Navi, Dr. The Short List of Accomplished Iranian-Americans 17 Kamshad Raiszadeh, Farhang A. Sadeghpour, Mohammad K. Sadigh, The Iranian-Americans (Khashayar Nourishad) 18 M. A. Dowlatshahi. The Historical Contributions to Humanity (Pirouz) 19 MANAGING EDITOR Debunking The Many Myths Americans Believe About Iran HALLEH NIA (Stephanie Lester) 20 ADVERTISING THE ARTS & CULTURE HALLEH NIA REVIEWS 21 * The contents of the articles and ad ver­ tisements in this journal, with the ex ception The Sakas (Michael McClain) 22 of the edi torial, are the sole works of each in di vidual writers and contributors. This maga­ A Short History of the Iranian Gendarmerie 24 zine does not have any confirmed knowledge (Stephanie Cronin) as to the truth and ve racity of these articles. all contributors agree to hold harmless and In the Memory of Touran Mirhadi 26 indemnify Persian Heri tage (Mirass-e Iran), Persian Heritage Inc., its editors, staff, board The World’s Most Expensive Spice in Vermont 28 of directors, and all those in di viduals di rectly associated with the publishing of this maga­ Alborz High School (Hossein Gharib) 29 zine. The opinions ex pressed in these articles are the sole opinions of the writers and not the Four Thousand Year Old Tree 31 journal. No article or pic ture submitted will be Persian Dance Traditions and New Year History 32 returned to the writer or contributor. All articles submitted in English must be typed. * The appearance of advertising in this maga­ zine does not constitute a guaran tee or en­ dorsement of the products by Persian Heri tage. In addition, articles and letters published do not reflect the views of this publication. Important Notice * Letters to the Editor should be mailed, faxed or e­mailed to the above addresses and num bers. All written sub missions to The journal reserves the right to edit same for space and clarity or as deemed appro priate. Persian Heri tage with the ex­ Special * All requests for permissions and reprints must pec tation of publication in the be made in writing to the managing editor. maga zine must include the announcement: PUBLISHED BY PERSIAN HERITAGE, INC. writer’s name, address and tele­ Contact our A corporation organized for cultural and phone num ber. When an article lit erary purposes is submitted we assume the au­ California based Advertising Cover Price: $6.00 Subscriptions: $24.00/year (domestic); thor has complete ownership of Agent for your ads. $30.00 & 50.00/year (International) the article and the right to grant Typesetting & Layout permission for publication. (973) 471-4283 TALIEH PUBLICATIONS Spring 2017 5 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK It is again spring and with this season comes the awakening SOME! Not only have they not been able to remotely achieve of life, the trees begin to sprout, the flowers begin to bloom, the any rights, there is an increase in incarcerations of the innocent, birds begin to chirp and a new beautiful Norouz begins. With the corruption is on the rise, executions grow and Iran infamously beginning of the Persian New Year we at Persian Heritage maga- has been placed on the list of top countries suppressing human zine celebrate the magazines birth. We now begin our 22nd year rights. Human rights organizations continue to protest and STILL as a publication. From our Persian Heritage family, to Iranians the suppression continues. throughout the world, we wish you a healthy , happy, peaceful For the past 40 years Iranians have faced cruel immigration and prosperous New Year. On a personal side, I want to take this policies for traveling to Europe and the United States. Mothers, opportunity to thank, from the bottom of my heart, my colleagues, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers and friends have gone to who work tirelessly on this magazine and the subscribers. I will their graves not being able to see their mothers, fathers, sisters, be forever grateful for your support over these years. brothers and friends one more time. Iranians have been vetted The last few weeks have been unsettling for many in the during these years more so then most other people applying for United States and the rest of the world. New concerns have visas to come to the United States. Iran continues to be labeled risen especially for Iranians, over the possibility of war, discus- as a state that supports terrorism and Iranians will be subject to sions on the destruction of Iran and the rhetoric of violence. even greater vetting and constraints. This has taken us all by surprise. There is nothing new about the On so many occasions I have voiced my belief and cried out turmoil in the Middle East or the conflicts between the leaders against the inhumane treatment of a people who suffers under the of countries such as Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The hands of their own government and by the leaders of the so called turmoil has kept the people of this region on their tip toes for a “enemy states.” I ask WHY the innocent people, not the politi- long time. With the new immigration policy proposed by the new cians and government officials, are the VICTIMS of the political administration of the United States additional fears have been rhetoric used by the world leaders of “so called enemy states?” added; a new refugee policy that temporarily bans immigrants Here in the States the population has been overly influenced from seven countries, Iran being one of them. This action has by a biased media and rhetoric of their politicians against the Ira- turned the table for Muslims! American citizens have stood up nian government. This bias and rhetoric voids the human aspect in protest against this ban. This support for Muslims within and from the picture. We are not shown the suffering of the people outside of the United States was surprising and appreciated. Be- in Iran under the present government, as we are shown in other cause of this citizen support movement and the filing of a legal countries. Over the years I have tried to explain to my friends, claim against the order, the judicial took it under review and gave readers and acquaintances that the citizens of a country must be an opinion that reversed the order and lifted the ban. separated from the acts of their government. The majority vote, The implementation of this executive order and the ban re- in most dictatorships, is not the true representative of the peoples’ sulted in massive demonstrations by people of all faiths Moslems, choice. Clearly only a few handpicked voices by the regime have Jews, Christians etc. and the general population. Courageously a voice and those who oppose those voices are silenced. they voiced their opposition. The protests against the oppression Regretfully I admit that many of my family, friends and of a minority was striking and beautiful and showed the souls of acquaintances respond with negativity to what I call my “Iranian- the people, unified and standing up for the American values of ness,” which has gotten worse since Iran has been has been placed equality and human rights. This is something we have not wit- on the list of the seven most dangerous countries (labeled as sup- nessed in decades. Those who participated in the protests against porting terrorism) selected by this and the former administration the executive order knew no color, creed or religion. They simply of our government. I am angered, as an American of Iranian came together in support of a discriminated minority group. decent, that the people in that country are labeled as potential Again I and many around me were deeply moved. Their terrorists. Can it be possible that we, the citizens of the United selfless fight for human equality took our breath away. Their States, have forgotten the countries of origins of the individuals actions reaffirmed the kindness, generosity and gentleness of the who have committed terroristic attacks on the United States and American people. It confirmed the reason for the United States world? They include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, leading the world. It is after all, the people, NOT the government, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan, but they are not on the list as NOT the politicians that make a country GREAT!! supporting terrorism , nor are their citizens considered potential These revelations brought me back to my birthplace. I terrorists. No these country’s governments and citizens are called thought about the struggles the people of Iran continue to face, allies of the United States. They are not be labeled and perceived forty years after the revolution; a revolution they hoped would as terrorist nations. I ask the media and the world governments overthrow the reign of a dictator and return equality, human that IF you do not judge and label an entire government/country rights and free speech, for which they fought so hard.
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