Efficient implementation of core-excitation Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations K. Gilmorea,b,∗, John Vinsonc, E.L. Shirleyc, D. Prendergastd, C.D. Pemmarajud, J.J. Kase, F.D. Vilae, J.J. Rehre aEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble 38000, France bJiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials & Devices, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, PR China cNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA dLawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBL), Berkeley, California 94720, USA eDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA Abstract We present an efficient implementation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) method for obtaining core-level spectra including x-ray absorption (XAS), x-ray emission (XES), and both resonant and non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra (N/RIXS). Calculations are based on density functional theory (DFT) electronic structures generated either by abinit or Quantumespresso, both plane-wave basis, pseudopotential codes. This electronic structure is improved through the inclusion of a GW self energy. The projector augmented wave technique is used to evaluate transition matrix elements between core-level and band states. Final two-particle scattering states are obtained with the NIST core-level BSE solver (NBSE). We have previously reported this implementation, which we refer to as ocean (Obtaining Core Excitations from Ab initio electronic structure and NBSE) [Phys. Rev. B 83, 115106 (2011)]. Here, we present additional efficiencies that enable us to evaluate spectra for systems ten times larger than previously possible; containing up to a few thousand electrons. These improvements include the implementation of optimal basis functions that reduce the cost of the initial DFT calculations, more complete parallelization of the screening calculation and of the action of the BSE Hamiltonian, and various memory reductions. Scaling is demonstrated on supercells of SrTiO3 and example spectra for the organic light emitting molecule Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum (Alq3) are presented. The ability to perform large-scale spectral calculations is particularly advantageous for investigating dilute or non-periodic systems such as doped materials, amorphous systems, or complex nano-structures. 1. Introduction been approached from many directions, but most can be divided by scale into two major categories. Atomic and Core-level spectroscopies provide a quantitative cluster models have sought to include a more exact treat- element- and orbital-specific probe of the local chemical ment of many-body effects by considering a small subsys- environment and the atomic and electronic structure tem coupled loosely or parametrically to the larger system. of materials. For example, X-ray absorption (XAS) At the other end, various single-particle theories are able and emission (XES) spectra probe the unoccupied and to treat many hundreds of atoms by approximating the occupied densities of states, respectively. The near-edge electron-electron and electron-hole interactions. The util- absorption region (XANES) is sensitive to oxidation state, ity of calculated spectra hinges upon compromises between spin configuration, crystal field, and chemical bonding, the ability to accurately model a given system and the abil- whereas the extended region can be used to reconstruct ity to address systems large enough to be representative the local coordination shells. However, extracting this of experiment: defects, dopants, interfaces, etc. information requires a reliable interpretation of the arXiv:1601.07728v1 [physics.comp-ph] 28 Jan 2016 measured spectra. Often this is done by comparison with Within a first-principles approach, it is easiest to use reference spectra, but such comparisons are at best quali- the independent-particle approximation. For x-ray absorp- tative; it is preferable to calculate spectra quantitatively tion, the extended region of materials is very well repro- and predictively. duced by the real-space Green’s function code feff, which An accurate description of core-level excitations must is widely used over extensive energy ranges [1]. How- take into account both the highly localized nature of the ever, the current implementation loses accuracy at the core hole and the extended condensed system. The prob- edge when non-spherical corrections to the potential are lem of predictive computational x-ray spectroscopy has important. To reproduce the near-edge structure, accu- rate independent quasi-particle models for deep-core XAS ∗ can be constructed for s-levels [2]. In this case, the x-ray Corresponding author at: European Synchrotron Radiation Fa- cility, 38043 Grenoble, France. Tel.: +33 476881727. absorption intensity is proportional to the unoccupied pro- Email address: [email protected] (K. Gilmore) jected density of states in the presence of a screened core- Preprint submitted to Computer Physics Communications January 29, 2016 hole, weighted by final-state transition matrix elements. and Ni [23–29]. The BSE largely resolves this discrep- This approach has been used with different treatments of ancy, yielding branching ratios in reasonable agreement the core-hole including the “Slater transition state” model with experiment [30]. However, simpler approaches such of a half-occupied core state [3] or the final state picture as TDDFT can also account for these corrections [31–33]. of a full core hole with [4] or without [5] the correspond- BSE solvers have been implemented in a few core-level ing excited electron. Due to the simplicity of their imple- codes to date [34–36] – as well as some valence level codes mentation and modest computational cost, such core-hole [37–40] – but their utility has been limited to a specialist schemes have been implemented in several standard DFT community. In part, this is due to significantly increased distributions [6–12] for near-edge spectra. However, these computational cost. feff and DFT-based core-hole ap- approaches often fail when the hole has non-zero orbital proaches require little more effort than standard DFT cal- angular momentum. Extensions to DFT such as time- culations [41], and calculations on systems of hundreds of dependent DFT (TDDFT) have been problematic due to atoms have become routine. BSE calculations are consid- the lack of sufficiently accurate exchange-correlation func- erably more intensive and have heretofore typically been tionals for core-excited states. Although recent devel- limited to a few tens of atoms. This added cost is largely opment of more accurate short-range exchange-corrected associated with including GW self-energy corrections to functionals [13, 14] has improved the viability of TDDFT the electronic structure, obtaining the screening response for calculating core-level spectra more advances will be to the core hole, and acting with the Bethe-Salpeter Hamil- needed to make TDDFT a generally applicable approach. tonian on the electron-hole wavefunction to obtain the ex- The aforementioned approaches are all inherently single- citation spectrum. However, given the significantly im- particle descriptions. For calculating x-ray spectra this proved accuracy of the BSE method it is desirable to make can be problematic, not only when the core hole has non- this a more widely used technique. This necessitates im- zero angular momentum, but also when many-body or proving its ease of use and reducing the computational multi-electron excitations are important. Many-electron cost. Toward this second objective we report herein sev- wavefunction-based methods constitute one obvious ap- eral efficiency improvements to our existing BSE code [42] proach to this problem. Contrary to single-particle de- that now allow BSE calculations on systems of hundreds of scriptions that typically begin from the perspective of the atoms and significantly reduce the time required for pre- extended system, atomic and cluster models start with the viously viable smaller systems. goal of completely describing the local problem. In par- The most time-consuming steps of a BSE calculation ticular, atomic multiplet theory [15] or configuration in- are (1) obtaining the ground-state electronic structure, (2) teraction [16, 17] and exact diagonalization methods [18] correcting the quasiparticle energies by adding a (GW) can accurately reproduce complicated L edges of transition self-energy, (3) evaluating the screening response to the metal systems. However, these techniques that take a local core-hole, and (4) determining the excitation spectrum of description typically ignore solid-state effects and are lim- the BSE Hamiltonian. Our BSE calculations build on self- ited to small cluster models, although recent progress at consistent field (SCF) DFT calculations of the ground- incorporating band structure within the multiplet model state charge density and the accompanying Kohn-Sham should be noted [19–21]. potential. We then use non-self-consistent field (NSCF) Further improvements in DFT-based approaches to cal- calculations, i.e., direct calculations that solve the one- culating spectra require a two-particle picture including electron Schr¨odinger equation in the already computed particle-hole interactions, particle and hole self-energies, Kohn-Sham potential, to obtain all desired occupied and and full-potential electronic structure, within the context unoccupied Bloch states. To alleviate the burden of k- of many-body perturbation
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