April 2011 Volume 6, Number 3 We have almost ar- Holy Week begins on the Saturday of Lazarus. rived at the most im- Holy Week begins with the resurrection of Laz- portant and significant arus, and it culminates with the Resurrection week of the ecclesias- of Christ. Thus, Holy Week is placed between tical year. During this two brilliant beams of light which illuminate week the Orthodox the darkness. They give hope and light to that Church re-enacts be- particular darkness which fell upon the cross at fore us and with us the Ninth Hour of that bleak Friday! The bea- the entire passion of con of the resurrection of Lazarus leads us to Christ. It is a week the ultimate joy and light which we will cele- cherished by clergy brate early in the morning of Anastasi, the and laity alike. Most of Lord's Resurrection. the faithful will do whatever is necessary Before the resurrections of Lazarus and to be in church during Christ„s own Resurrection, Jesus had raised this week. To pray, to two others from the dead as we have read in worship and ultimately the Scriptures. One was the daughter of Jairus, to grow closer to God. the other was the only son of the widow of Nain. The first had just died, the second was We see so many people in church this week being carried to the cemetery in his coffin. because our faith is a vibrant and living faith. These were remarkable events indeed, but the When the Orthodox Church celebrates an most astounding of the three was the raising event in the life of our Lord, it does not simply of Lazarus. commemorate or remember the event. In- stead, the Church re-lives the event so that we It began with Lazarus‟ two sisters, Mary and who are living now may experience it for our- Martha. They sent word to Jesus saying, “Lord, selves. And so we do, with many people wor- he whom you love is ill.” What a marvelous shiping and participating in these beautiful ser- lesson in prayer this is. The first thing they did vices; each service holding special meaning, when trouble arrived was to inform Christ; to feelings, and memories for each one of the turn to Him for help. It is when we turn to faithful. Christ that we find peace, comfort and strength. When Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead for four days. Hearing of His arrival, Martha ran out to meet him. Alt- 4 Easter Services hough she had some confidence in the power of Christ, she did not fully understand it. “Lord, 6 Apokriatiko Ball if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus responded, “Your brother will 8 Golf Tournament rise again." Martha said, “Yes, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” The faith that Martha expressed in the 10 Mom’s N’ Tots resurrection was that held by most of the Jews. ...continued on page 2 ST. ANTHONY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 778 S. ROSEMEAD BLVD. PASADENA, CA 91107 – 5613 (626) 449-6943 Fax (626) 449-6974 www.saint-anthonys.org CLERGY Rev. Fr. Peter Stratos Rev. Fr. Christos Kanakis ADMINISTRATION Alma Vorgias, Secretary Vicki Kades, Communications PARISH COUNCIL Ted Vavoulis – President John Buzas – Vice-President Eleni Vagenas - Secretary John Patzakis – Co-Treasurer Sunday Services Peter Stavropoulos – Co-Treasurer Tashia Vagenas – Assistant Treasurer Orthos 9:00 am Sophia Angelos, Chris Bicos, Tom Grafos, Jim Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Hronas, Yvonne Riley, Christos Siatras, Constantine Trigonis, John Vidalakis, Perry Vidalakis PAST PRESIDENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Church office hours: Andrew Demopoulos, Chairman LADIES OF PHILOPTOCHOS Maria Kokoris Monday–Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CHOIR Jim Hronas SUNDAY SCHOOL Friday Irene Albeck 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon GOYA Esther Vavoulis Closed on Saturday & Sunday JR. GOYA Presbytera Aida Stratos GREEK SCHOOL Anastasia McClain, Director GREEK DANCE Esther Vavoulis, President Publication Reminder: The Voice of Saint Anthony deadline is the 10th of the MOMS N‟ TOTS preceding month. Please submit announcements elec- Maria Udria & Sophia Syrengelas tronically to Vicki Kades at [email protected]. VIPs St. Anthony's reserves the right to edit, alter or reject any content. Pantele Xanthos Thank you to Stephanie Soewers for editing the monthly bulletin. To email any of our church groups, please go to Thank you to all that contribute photos to the monthly newsletter: our website www.saint-anthonys.org, Judie Christopoulos, Vicki Kades, Maria Karras, Steve Pappas and and you will be able to contact us! Esther Vavoulis. 2 Fr. Peters Message Continued Just as the Samaritan woman at the well knew lem on Palm Sunday, and continuing with the the Messiah would come, she did not realize that eventual trial, the scourging, the suffering, the "He" had already come and was standing right crucifixion, and His death. there before her. So, too, Martha, though believ- ing in the resurrection, did not understand "the But remember, the raising of Lazarus was a Resurrection" was standing right there before promise of more to come. It foreshadowed an- her. other and far greater miracle, Christ‟s own victo- ry over the tomb. With Lazarus‟ resurrection As Jesus told the woman at the well that He was “death begins to tremble.” This is why a spirit of the Messiah, so now He said to Martha, “I am great joy pervades the Liturgy of the Saturday of the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Lazarus. In the early church, Lazarus Saturday me though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever was considered a pre-announcement of Pascha. lives and believes in me shall never die.” It signified the beginning of the end of death. Jesus then proved to Martha and all that were Finally, the two resurrections of Lazarus and present that He was the Messiah. He cried out Christ are intimately linked together through with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” And the Mary. It was her love for Christ and her grati- dead man came out, his hands and feet bound tude for the raising Lazarus that inspired her with bandages, and his face wrapped with a beautiful expression of that gratitude, which we cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him and let read in the Gospel lesson of that day. Immedi- him go.” The voice which in the beginning ately after the resurrection of Lazarus, we heard said, “Let there be light, and there was light”- the following, "A supper was given in His honor that same voice now said, “Lazarus, come out,” (Christ), at which Martha served, and Lazarus and Lazarus, dead four days, came walking out sat among the guests with Jesus. Then Mary of the tomb. brought a pound of very costly perfume,… and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with Who can now doubt that on the last day that her hair, till the house was filled with the fra- very same voice shall speak again “when the grance.” When Judas objected to the expense, trumpet sounds” and “those who are in the Jesus said, “…she prepares for my burial…” graves shall hear His voice and shall come forth?” Who now can doubt the words we con- The great battle between light and darkness fess in the Nicene Creed every Sunday, “ I be- takes place during Holy Week. It takes place be- lieve…in the resurrection of the dead and the life tween two brilliant beams of light: on the one of the age to come.” By raising Lazarus from the end, “Lazarus, come out”; on the other end, “He dead, we hear in the troparion of the day, is risen. He is not here. See the place where “Christ confirmed the truth of the general resur- they laid Him!” rection.” Kali Anastasi, After Lazarus walked out of the tomb into the Fr Peter bright sun, one would have thought that every- one would have believed. But miracles are sometimes no cure for unbelief. For some, even the witness of a resurrection is not enough to overcome their unbelief. It was the resurrection of Lazarus that brought out the crowds on Palm Sunday, but it was also Lazarus‟ resurrection that built the cross; for as it was written by the Apostle John, “From that day on they plotted his death.” Holy week begins with Lazarus Saturday, leading into the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusa- 3 St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church HOLY WEEK AND EASTER/PASCHA PROGRAM - APRIL 17 -APRIL 24, 2011 SATURDAY OF LAZARUS – April 16 Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion Breakfast and making palm crosses. PALM SUNDAY – April 17 Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 p.m. HOLY MONDAY – April 18 Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 p.m. HOLY TUESDAY - April 19 Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 p.m. HOLY WEDNESDAY – April 20 Presanctified Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Holy Unction 6:00 p.m. HOLY THURSDAY - April 21 Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 8:00 a.m. The Service of Holy Passion 7:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY - April 22 The Ninth Hour 10:00 a.m. The Descent from the Cross 3:00 p.m. The Lamentations 7:00 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY - April 23 Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 9:00 a.m. Vigil for the Holy Resurrection 11:00 p.m. ―Come Receive the Light‖ 11:45 p.m. The Service of the Holy Resurrection and Divine Liturgy of St.
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