Introduction ____________________________ 6 General Overview _______________________ 8 Food Crates - Salei Mazon - Kitneyot ____ 10 Food Crates – Non Kitneyot ______________ 12 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors _______ 14 Lone Soldiers and other Individuals ____ 16 Cities and Amount Distributed in 2015 __ 20 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers _____ 24 Public Seders __________________________ 26 Meals on Wheels ______________________ 32 Soup Kitchens _________________________ 34 Introduction ____________________________ 6 General Overview _______________________ 8 Food Crates - Salei Mazon - Kitneyot ____ 10 Food Crates – Non Kitneyot ______________ 12 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors _______ 14 Lone Soldiers and Other Individuals ____ 16 Cities and Amount Distributed in 2015 __ 20 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers _____ 24 Public Seders __________________________ 26 Meals on Wheels ______________________ 32 Soup Kitchens _________________________ 34 משלוח מנות מתנות לאביונים און ןקקמחא דפסחא "MA'OT CHITIM (Hebrew) = "THE WHEAT FUND פון ’כולל חב“ד‘ אין ארץ הקודש kimcha d'pischa (Aramaic) = “Passover flour” A pre Purim and Passover fundraising Established in 1788, Colel Chabad is the card from 1951. You oldest continuous operating charity in can send your tax Israel. Our methods have changed, but deductible gift to the our mission stayed the same. address listed below. This document is from 65 years ago. List of families who received Ma'ot Chitim in 1909 5 4 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 משלוח מנות מתנות לאביונים און ןקקמחא דפסחא "MA'OT CHITIM (Hebrew) = "THE WHEAT FUND פון ’כולל חב“ד‘ אין ארץ הקודש kimcha d'pischa (Aramaic) = “Passover flour” A Purim and Passover fundraising card from Established in 1788, Colel Chabad is the 1951. You can send oldest continuous operating charity in your tax deductible Israel. Our methods have changed, but gift to the address our mission stayed the same. listed below. This document is from 65 years ago. List of families who received Ma'ot Chitim in 1909 5 4 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 INTRODUCTION Passover season presents a serious challenge for thousands of near-poor families This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is who can barely put food on the table during the rest of the year. This major known as Ma'ot Chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour." festival, and all its joys, can be devastating if enough food – especially holiday necessities – are out of reach. When you help others to celebrate a joyous holiday, G d will certainly reciprocate in kind, and grant you and yours a happy and kosher, a meaningful and liberating, holiday of Passover! Ma'ot Chitim is already mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud, which was compiled כָּל דִכְפִין יֵיתֵי וְיֵיכֺל ָכּל דִצְרִי יֵיתֵי וְיִפְסַח more than 1,600 years ago. In recent times, this fund was expanded to supply the Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat poor with other holiday needs as well. Colel Chabad has developed a wide range of diverse programs making sure that every single family in Israel, in need of Ma'ot Chitim, should have enough – and In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah, read at the Seder, we declare: "All more than enough. who are hungry, let them come and eat." Our nation is a singular entity, and in order to experience freedom ourselves, we must also ensure that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too. In reality, however, as we begin our Seder, most of the people who are hungry will not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is an age- old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that, indeed, everyone who is in need has the necessary 77 provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc. 6 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776776 INTRODUCTION This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is known as Ma'ot Chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour." necessities – are out of reach. When you help others to celebrate a joyous holiday, G d will certainly reciprocate in kind, and grant you and yours a happy and kosher, a meaningful and liberating, holiday of Passover! Ma'ot Chitim is already mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud, which was compiled ָכּל דִצְרִי יֵיתֵי וְיִפְסַח more than 1,600 years ago. In recent times, this fund was expanded to supply the Let All poor with other holiday needs as well. Colel Chabad has developed a wide range of diverse programs making sure that every single family in Israel, in need of Ma'ot Chitim, should have enough – and more than enough. not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is an age- old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that, indeed, everyone who is in need has the necessary 77 provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc. 6 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776776 GENERAL OVERVIEW Food Crates Prepared Meals Number of Number To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD Families of Families Families - Kitneyot 10,000 ₪ 420 $111 ₪ 4,200,000 $1,105,263 Public Seders 18,000 ₪ 74.13 $20 ₪ 1,334,321 $360,000 Families - Non 4,000 ₪ 582 $153 ₪ 2,328,000 $612,632 Meals on Wheels 1,200 $150 $180,000 Kitneyot Soup Kitchens 3,000 $105 $315,000 Elderly and Holocaust 1,500 ₪ 138 $37 ₪ 208,080 $54,758 Survivors 22,20022, $855,000 Lone Soldiers and 5,000 ₪ 139 $37 ₪ 696,950 $183,408 other individuals Total: $3,811,061 20,500 $1,956,061 Number of Families Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 20,500 22,200 Number of To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD Families 5,000 Northern Israel 1,200 $200 $240,000 Total in $ Southern Israel 1,400 $200 $280,000 Food Crates Prepared Meals $855,000 Central Israel 2,400 $200 $480,000 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers $1,956,061 5,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 9 Prepared Meals Food Crates Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 8 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 GENERAL OVERVIEW Prepared Meals Number of Number To: To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD Families of Families Families - Kitneyot 10,000 ₪ 420 Public Seders 18,000 ₪ 74.13 $20 ₪ 1,334,321 $360,000 Families - Non 4,000 ₪ 582 Meals on Wheels 1,200 $150 $180,000 Kitneyot Soup Kitchens 3,000 $105 $315,000 Elderly and Holocaust 1,500 ₪ Survivors 22,20022, $855,000 Lone Soldiers and 5,000 ₪ 139.39 other individuals Total: $3,811,061 20,500 Number of Families 20,500 22,200 Number of To: Cost Per Families 5,000 Northern Israel 1,200 Total in USD Southern Israel 1,400 Food Crates Prepared Meals $855,000 Central Israel 2,400 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers Total for Food Cards $1,956,061 5,000 $1,000,000 9 and Clothing Vouchers Prepared Meals Food Crates Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 8 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 FOOD CRATES - SALEI MAZON - KITNEYOT Our goal is to distribute these packages to 10,000 needy families at a total cost of $1,105,800 In addition to the families who receive monthly help (part of the Blavatnik Food Bank - National Food Security Program), before Passover the food distribution grows exponentially. In partnership with some 60 cities and municipalities, these crates for each Total Product Amount Cost Total Cost individual family are prepacked in our own Slager Logistic Center in Kiryat Malachi. Families USD are selected by the social workers in their municipality and are notified of the date, time Matzahs meal 500g 2 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 8.19 $ 2.16 and location of the distribution. Colel Chabad sends a representative to each location to Mayonnaise 500g 1 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.99 assure everything is done in an orderly and respectful manner. All distribution points are Melted chocolate 500g 1 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.99 manned by local volunteers. Olives 600 g 2 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 6.32 $ 1.66 Oranges 1kg 3 ₪ 2.70 ₪ 8.10 $ 2.13 Total Product Amount Cost Total Cost Paprika 80 g 1 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 1.29 $ 0.34 USD Passover Haggadah 1 ₪ 3.28 ₪ 3.28 $ 0.86 Baked beans 600 g 2 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 5.62 $ 1.48 Pickles 600g 2 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 6.32 $ 1.66 Black coffee 100g 1 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 2.09 $ 0.55 Potatoes 1kg 10 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 20.00 $ 5.26 Carrots 1 kg 4 ₪ 1.50 ₪ 6.00 $ 1.58 Salt 1 kg 1 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.17 $ 0.31 Cartons 2 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 8.84 $ 2.33 Shabbat candles 10 units 1 ₪ 1.22 ₪ 1.22 $ 0.32 Cereal 400g 1 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 5.85 $ 1.54 Shampoo 800 ml 1 ₪ 4.56 ₪ 4.56 $ 1.20 Chocolate spread 400g 2 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 7.02 $ 1.85 Soup 1 kg 1 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 4.10 $ 1.08 Coconut 100g 1 ₪ 1.40 ₪ 1.40 $ 0.37 Soybean oil 1 liter 3 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 21.24 $ 5.59 Colored beans 500g 1 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 4.45 $ 1.17 Sugar 1 kg 3 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 11.16 $ 2.94 Corn 600g 3 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 10.53 $ 2.77 Sweet paprika 80 g 1 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 1.29 $ 0.34 Dates 200g 1 ₪ 3.39 ₪ 3.39 $ 0.89 Tahini 500g 1 ₪ 8.19 ₪ 8.19 $ 2.16 Dishwashing soap to 1 liter 1 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 2.00 $ 0.53 Tea 25 units 1 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 0.94 $ 0.25 Dried beans 500g 2 ₪ 3.98 ₪ 7.96 $ 2.09 Three handmade matzos 1 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 9.50 $ 2.50 Dried peas 500g 2 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 6.08 $ 1.60 Tomato paste 600g 2 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 5.85 $ 1.54 Grape juice 750ml 3 ₪ 7.49 ₪ 22.46 $ 5.91 Tuna crumbs 160 grams 5 ₪ 3.63 ₪ 18.14 $ 4.77 Grapefruit pudding 600 g 2 ₪ 1.76 ₪ 3.51 $ 0.92 Vegetable packag 1 ₪ 3.50 ₪ 3.50 $ 0.92 Humus 600 g 3 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 8.42 $ 2.22 Vinegar 1 liter 1 ₪ 1.86 ₪ 1.86 $ 0.49 Jam 400 g 1 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 3.22 $ 0.85 Packaging, transportation, printing, etc.
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