1_LBBJ_oct11_2016version_LBBJ 10/8/16 7:09 PM Page 1 October 11-24, 2016 Long Beach’s Newsmagazine www.lbbizjournal.com November 8 FOCUS ON THE GOODS MOVEMENT INDUSTRY County Ballot Choppy Waters: Shipping Industry – Vote NO On Measure M Navigating Tough Economic Variables I By SAMANTHA MEHLINGER I By GEORGE ECONOMIDES Senior Writer Publisher’s Perspective he recent bankruptcy of the ransparency, it seems, has T T world’s seventh largest taken a vacation. ocean carrier line, Hanjin Ship- More than a month ago we re- ping, provided a global visual cue ceived a press release announc- signaling what trade professionals ing that Mayor Robert Garcia, and experts have known for some Congressman Alan Lowenthal time now – the shipping industry and Assemblyman Patrick O’- is hurting. Around the world, Han- Donnell support Measure M – jin vessels float in harbors and at the Los Angeles County Traffic sea with nowhere to go. Hanjin Improvement Plan – on the No- containers are stacked up on port vember 8 ballot. docks, with rail lines refusing to Nowhere in the lengthy press move them without payment. release – including in the direct “To give you an example of the quotes from each of the above extent of the problem, in a period elected officials – did it mention of less than two years, there have that Measure M is a tax increase. been two major consolidations, A sales tax increase, to be spe- one major acquisition and more cific. Sound familiar? Oh, and recently the seventh largest ship- they forgot to mention that the Port of Long Beach photograph ping line in the world filed for tax goes on forever. bankruptcy,” Noel Hacegaba, The September 7 release did in- chief commercial officer for the clude a list of “South Bay and Combating The ‘Affordable Housing Crisis’ Port of Long Beach, said. “That il- Long Beach improvements Meas- lustrates the magnitude of the ure M would deliver,” but failed to Mayor Meeting With Housing Developers On October 14, 1-2:30, Michelle Obama Library problem facing the shipping line mention when these projects industry,” he explained. would become reality. We later “A lot of this is the result of found out from other sources that I By BRANDON RICHARDSON Another Community ing advocacy groups, the afford- shipping lines investing in bigger most projects in the greater Long Staff Writer Group Enters The able housing development com- and bigger ships. In effect, what Beach area tied to Measure M City’s Housing Arena munity and city staff – and the money are one to three decades (Please Continue To Page 24) enting in Long Beach con- See Story On Page 10 mayor are hosting three commu- away from being started. Some of R tinues to dig deeper into nity meetings to “collect input the proposed projects include: tenants’ pockets with a rent in- the city in these discussions. from residents, developers and in- U.S. Customs (Please Continue To Page 21) crease of 0.3% from September 1 “I think the important thing is to terested parties on affordable to October 1, according to apart- housing in Long Beach.” More PersPectives: listen to the community,” Garcia Feasibility Study 16 – Business Journal Analysis mentlist.com. said in an interview with the Busi- The first meeting was a round- IRS Deductions: Single vs. Married The website states median rent ness Journal. “We’re going to have table with housing advocates on For Long Beach 21 – HealthWise for a one-bedroom apartment in these roundtables, then we’re September 19, and the second Advancing Joint Care Long Beach is currently $1,400, going to have a discussion with was the Housing Resource Fair Airport Completed 21 – Technology And Innovation while median rent for a two-bed- the council.” and Community Forum on Sep- Renewable Energy Storage room is $2,000. According to the The study group – which in- tember 24. The final meeting is a Two October Meetings 22 – Inside City Hall site, this is a 5.1% increase from cludes representatives from hous- (Please Continue To Page 8) Scheduled For Public Input; A Full-Time City Council? October 2015. City Council To Take Up 22 – Small Business Dollars & Sense With concerns about increasing Issue On November 15 Millennials And Retirement rents, displacement, habitability Effects Of New Legislation, 22 – Effective Leadership issues and pushback on city pro- I What If You Could Do It Over Again? grams by advocacy groups in Propositions And Presidential Race By BRANDON RICHARDSON 23 – Realty Views Long Beach, city officials have On The Financial Services Industry Staff Writer Changes To Lending Likely began taking steps to address liv- 23 – Third Sector Report able and affordable housing. Re- fter 10 months and several I A A Complex Leadership Equation cently, Mayor Robert Garcia By BRANDON RICHARDSON ative. Then, every four years, the delays, the Jacobs Engi- 24 – Trade And Transportation created the Affordable and Work- Staff Writer presidential elections add a whole neering Group’s 697-page study to I Want It Now force Housing Study Group to aid new level of uncertainty for busi- determine if a federal inspections very year, the state and fed- nesses and private residents. facility (FIS) would be beneficial Long Beach Business Journal E eral governments roll out The financial services industry and appropriate for Long Beach Prsrt stD 2599 E. 28th Street, Suite 212 U.s. PostAGe numerous pieces of legislation, is often greatly impacted when it Airport (LGB) was released by Signal Hill, CA 90755-2139 PAID propositions, regulations and taxes comes to legislation, mostly be- the city on October 4. 562/988-1222 • www.lbbizjournal.com Los Angeles, cA – some that are voted on by citi- cause the industry is so broad and A key area of focus for Jacobs PerMit No. 447 zens and some that are voted on deals with every other industry, as was LGB’s Noise Compatibility by elected officials. Sometimes well as private individuals. Finan- Ordinance and flight slot restric- these items have positive impacts cial services include credit unions, tions. At current levels, LGB has on businesses and sometimes neg- (Please Continue To Page 14) (Please Continue To Page 12) Three For Free: Inside The New Michelle Obama Long Beach Business Journal Digital edition, Monday Morning Branch Library coffee and NewsFlash – sign up at: www.lbbizjournal.com See Pages 18 & 19 1_LBBJ_Oct11_2016version_LBBJ 10/8/16 7:14 PM Page 2 This Edition’s Inside This Issue Advertisers 3 Newswatch • Facts And Arguments For And Against Marijuana Ballot Proposals American Express Grow Global....................................3 • AMC To Pair The Big Screen With Alcoholic Beverages Aquarium of the Pacific................................................9 • New E-Buses Have A High Price But Also A Large Impact ARCA World Logistics .................................................27 • Combatting The ‘Affordable Housing Crisis,’ from Pg 1 Assistance League Long Beach.....................................8 • Another Community Group Enters The City’s Housing Arena Baba Ghanouj...............................................................2 • Long Beach Airport Customs Facility Study Completed, from Pg 1 Boulevard Cadillac......................................................12 Bustamante, George/Warshauer, Steve/ 14 Financial Services Industry Jacques, Cameron – CBC BLAIR WESTMAC .............11 • Effects Of New Legislation/Propositions/Race, from Pg 1 California State University, Dominguez Hills/ • Presidential Tax Platforms – More Clinton/Trump Contrasts South Bay Economic Forecast Conference ................5 • Analysis: Tax Code Treats Singles, Married People Differently California State University, Long Beach, Center • Wells Fargo Opens Branch In North Long Beach for International Trade and Transportation.............26 City of Long Beach, Department of 18 Inside The New Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library Financial Management, Purchasing Division............6 Coldwell Banker Commercial BLAIR WESTMAC .........13 20 In The News E. J. Malloy’s.................................................................7 • Covent Lane Opening In Bixby Knolls Eye Physicians of Long Beach.....................................11 • Josh Lowenthal Named President Of FreeConferenceCall.com Grounds Bakery & Café ................................................6 • Long Beach Launches BizPort To Help Entrepreneurs HCVT (Holthouse Carlin Van Trigt) .............................17 Home Care Specialists................................................11 Perspectives INCO Commercial.......................................................13 21 International City Bank ..............................................16 International City Escrow...........................................17 24 Goods Movement Industry JetBlue .........................................................................3 • Choppy Waters: Shipping Industry, from Pg 1 Kafe Neo.......................................................................9 • Ports To Update Clean Action Plan LB Walker Automotive .................................................2 • Trade And Transportation Column: I Want It Now MemorialCare Medical Group.....................Pages 4 & 5 • Virtual Port: The Technology Keeping The Port Safe, Goods Moving Mike’s Liquor & Market................................................6 • Implementing The Sustainable Freight Action Plan Moffatt & Nichol ........................................................27 • Automation And The Supply Chain – The Future Is Here Naples Rib Company ....................................................6 Paragon
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