The Che lrmen's Chsltor The U. S. Philatelic Classics Socielg, Inc. Issue L58 December L994 4*PPy 4"til, 4r/ B'4 Wtofr'o 9oo Lk JV"* Since we didn't have a really good front page news story this time, we are using this space to wish all of our loyal members much peace and joy during this holiday season and our sincere hope for a prosperous, healthy, and happy L995. NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR SOCIETY CUP AWARDS Now is the time to make nominations for our prestigious Cup awards. Your nominations are earnestly solicited and will be sincerely appreciated. Here are brief summaries of the awards criteria: STANLEY B. ASHBROOK CUP. Awarded to authors of articles, books, or other studies concerning U.S. postal history from the colonial period to 1894. ELLIOTT PERRY CUP. Awarded to authors of articles, books or other studies concerning either U.S. stamps or postal history to 1894. Particular weight is given to newly discovered information reported by the nominee and to the use by the nominee of original sources or newly found manuscript material or materials presently held by the U.S. Archives or other institutions. DR CARROLL CHASE CUP. Awarded to authors of articles. books. or other studies concerning any U.S. stamp(s) issued to 1894. Nominees do not have to be USPCS members. Nominations may be based on a single piece of work or on a collection of works, but must be made in writing to the selection committee care of: Van Koppersmith, P.O. Box 8LL19, Mobile, AL 36689. IN THIS ISSUE: Members in the News, p. 2; President's Message, p. 3; S.C.R.A.P. Program, p. 4; Youth Exhibiting, p.4; Winners Circle, p. 5; Donors List, p. 6; Photocopy Order Form, p. 7; Chapter News, p. 9; Editor's Corner, p. 10; Secretary's Report and Member Status Changes, p. 11. -2- THE CEAIRMANS CHATTER lssue 158 - December,1,994 The Chairman's Chatter is a quarterly newsletter of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, Inc. It is mailed to all members in good standing and to certain other organizations and the philatelic media. News of members, stamp shows, and small articles are earnestly solicited and should be sent directly to the editor, Dale R. Pulver, 77?5 Beaver Creek Drive, Mentor, OH 44060-7727. Clear photos involving stamp activities are eqpecially welcome. DEADLINES FOR NEXT TWO CIIATTERs February 20 for the March Issue Mav 20 for the June Issue Material must be in the hands of the editor bv those two dates to insure that it can be included in the next Chatter. MEMBERS IN THE NDWS Van Koppersmith writes that he conducted a seminar at the Peach State Stamp Show in Atlanta October L5th on the U.S. 1861 - 1869 issues. All persons who attended his talk were members of the Society and included Phillip T. Wall, Tom Kingsley, Alexander Hall, Robert E. Johnson and Jim Napier. These occasional seminars by expert members of our Society could do much to spark interest in the fields of our specialty and, hopefully, help gain new members. Have you thought of offering your services to your favorite local show? On Sunday, November 6, long time member and past president Scott Gallagher gave a lecture entitled "Camp Dennison during the Civil Warl' to history buffs of the Cincinnati area. The program was sponsored by the Indian Hill Historical Society and presented to an enthusiastic audience in The Little Red Schoolhouse on Given Road. Scott writes that over 100 persons attended, the largest audience the Society has ever had at one of its events. His lecture, illustrated with original camp artifacts and postal items, was followed by an authentic campground dinner topped off with fruit mbbler. A squad of soldiers in civil war uniforms added further realism to the event. Camp Dennison was built during May, 1861 on farrnland bordering the Little Miami River known as "Big Bottom." The land was leased by General Rosencrans from the Price and Buckingham families. It was named in honor of Ohio governor William Dennison by General McClellan. It opened as a training gxmp for recruits, served as a hospital, and eventually as a discharge facility when the war ended. It was ultimately closed in September, L865 and the wooden camp buildings were dismantled and sold as building material for homes in the area. Among the philatelic items Scott showed were contemporary envelopes bearing camp scenes which were sold by sutlers to soldiers stationed there and subsequently used to carry letters home. He also e4plained how sutlers issued credit to soldiers in the form of tokens (up to half of his next pay) so that they might purchase items (generally overpriced) in the camp store. Examples of sutler's tokens were also shown. Sutlers enjoyed exclusive selling privileges for which they paid 10 cents to the camp administration for each soldier and officer stationed there. PROSPECTUSES AVAII-{BLE FOR ROMPEX As noted in Dick Winter's President's Message, the Society's next annual meeting will be held at ROMPEX in Denver, CO the weekend of May 21, - 23. It's a great time of year to visit C.olorado and member are urged to attend and exhibit at this fine National Level show. For those of you so inclined, Pat Walker has copies of the show Prospectus and will be happy to send one to anyone desiring to exhibit. Just drop her a line at: "Briarwood", P.O. Box 99, Lisbon MD 21765-0099. -3- PRESIDEN?S MESSAGE Fellow USPCS Members: Plans are well underway for our next Annual Meeting which will be held in conjunction with ROMPEX in lgnver, 2I-23 May 1995. Charles McClure of Littleton, C.olorado is helping us coordinate the activities for this meeting. He will also set up the Dutch Treat Dinner which will be bn Friday evening, 21, May L99S at a location which will be published later. On L January 1994, USPCS member Robert H. French passed away. Recently, we received a check for $7,800 from his estate, which was the portion of his will which he wanted the society to have. He also left us the copyright to a small monograph that he produced n Bn titled "Index to Plate Positions Citations for the U.S. 3-Cent 1851-1861 Issues." This index listed the various references that he had found to specific plate positions, identi$ing each source of published information by title and page number. I hope in the iear future to have this 42-page monograph available to members at the cost Lfieproduction on!. I have appointed Dan Brouillette of Minneopolis, Minnesota the new Exhibit Awards Chairman to replace Howard Green. He will be responsible for coordination with the various Champion-of-Champion Shows for the USPCS exhibit awards. We have received information that NAPEX 96, the host show for our Annual Meeting fwo years from now in Washington, D.C., has found a new venue starting in 1995 and going at least until 2000. The new location will be the Mclran Hilton Hotel at Tyson's Corner in Mclean, virginiu. They are relocating to have more dealer and exhibition space, more free parking, and a much more modern facility. In July 1994, Al Staubus had to resign as editor of the Officials et al section of the Chronicle. He has been replaced as section editor by his assistant, Alan Campbell. This Fall, Bob Meyersburg indicated a desire to retire as U.S. Carriers section editor also. He will be replaced by his assistanq Steven Roth at the start of the next year. In each case' a smooth transition is possible because the section editors planned for the future by laving assistants in place, working with them. This type of transition is important. I very thanldul for the forward thinking of each of these editors. "- As always, please don't hesitate to communicate your thoughts and ideas to me or to any of your officers and directors. We are always interested in your views and want to serve all the members of ihe society in the best way that we can. Thanks. Dick Winter We Need Your Help! The U.S. Phllatellc Classlcs Soclety ls looklng for help In the followlng areas: CPA and can help us prepare our annual IRS tax returns as an exempt buslnoss organlzatlon. b. Regbnal Vbe Pnsldent - We need a reglonal vlce presldent for lust two reglons now: Arlzona, New Mexlco, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, and Indlana, llllnols and Wlsconsln. c. Sllth Aftr*rersary Gommlltee - Members deslring to work on thls committee pfease contact John Eggen, 421 Hardee Road, coral Gables, FL 3i1146. lf you are Interested and feel you can help, please wrlte to Dlck Wlnter (or to John Eggen In the case of c. above), 6657 New Chandler Ct., Burke, VA 22015. -4 S.C.R-A,.P. PROGRAM by Michael J. Brown A CALL FOR HELP! Our S.C.R.A.P. Reference collection analyses and monograph writing project is now well under way. We are pleased to report that twenty members have volunteered to work on this project within their areas of expertise. However, in spite of this splendid array of talent, I find that we especially need additional volunteer expertise in three areas in which the S.C.R.A.P. Collection has importaint holdings: -- IU1 issue covers -- Wells, Fargo and other western express covers -- Civil War patriotic covers (Union and CSA) So please, if you have postal history and/or stamp issue expertise in these or other areas, sit down now and drop me a short note outlining your strengths at the following address: Michael J.
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