GLASGOW HERALD AWARD STUDENT WINNER 1985 9:I.86 Edinburgh University Student Newspaper I 20p Lecturers to strike by Alastair Dalton of the AUT's Higher Education Campaign, in which it has The Association of Univer­ declared itself strongly opposed to sity Teachei:s (AUT), repre­ tht: Government's current Green senting the majority of paper, The Development of Higher Education inlo the 1990s. academic staff at Edinburgh total EU staff, but a nigher prop­ University, is to stage a one­ ortion of lecturers and academics. day strike next Wednesday to Next Wednesday's strike is part protest against under-fund­ Last November the AUTheld a ing in university resources week of action on this issue which and salaries. included rallies in London and The strike is likely to affect lec­ Glasgow, and a deputation to the tures, tutorials and laboratory Scottish Office in Edinburgh,The classes for many students. AUT union has called the Govern­ members have been asked to pic­ ment's policy towards higher edu­ ket the entrances to major Uni­ cation "a dogmatic determination versity buildings, and not to take to cut public expenditure, regard­ Just before Christmas. at a sold out classes. less of the long-term consequ­ and_sweaty Glasgow Barro\\ land's. Students are a lso being urged to Liverpool's finest product since ences for the economy''. The Bealles - Echo and the Bun­ join the action by boycotting clas­ However, the AUT is also neymen - hit lop form with a ses and not crossing picket lines superb performance. For Keith into academic facilities. Edin­ deeply concerned about the low Camerson·s review and John burgh University Students' morale of academic staff caused Lindsay's picture. turn to. Association (EUSA) will be sup­ ·by the continual erosion of salary porting the strike. but will be tak­ l~vels and promotion oppor­ -page 12 ing no action themselves other tunities. It claims that since 1979 Edinburgh Travel Centre, which is owned by EUSA, was presente than publicising the event. academic salaries have fallen by with a trophy by British Rail, in recognition of the Travel Centre's It is unlikely, however, that 24 per cent compared to the cost having sold the highest number of rail tickets in the month preceding there will be picketing of the Main of living. Christmas. Library or others, to allow studeents to fulfil their work com­ mitments. There is to be a meet­ ing next week to decide what part, GM goes to Pollock if any, library staff will take in the action. The first General Meeting oft he another quorate meeting. but this lock SRC committe~ will em,ure The main event of the day will spring Term is to be held on Mon­ time to involve a greater number a large turnout. the EUSA Secret­ be a lunchtime meeting at Cham­ day the 27th of January in the Pol­ of Pollock tudents, particularly ary remains realistic. noting that. bers Street Union at I pm in the lock Sports Hall, EUSA Secretary first year students who constitute "In the end it is the students them­ Ballroom, which will be addres­ Robbie Foy revealed today. some 68 per cent of Pollock ·s resi­ selves who will decide whether or If your fantasy is Ethel of East sed by the AUT National Presi­ The change of venue from the dents. not the meeting will be quorate. Enders or Dex in Dynasty. then Stu dent, Alan Taylor Ru sen. McEwan Hall to Pollock had Foy also wants to undermine an The EUSA has done its best to dent's new television column is for The national one-day strike will taken Foy virtually a term to sec­ oft cited argument that EUSA is ensure that this will be so.·· - you. Even if you go for Weekend be the first such action in. the ure, but he is hopeful that it will in~ensitive to the needs of the T he General Meeting itself will World or The World About Us largely be used as a platform to then it's still worth a look. Com­ union's history. It follows a ballot prove valuable and increase atten­ more peripheral areas such as Pol­ piled by David Cline. the TV col­ of the union's 30,000 membership dance, especially amongst Pollock lock and KB. By taking the Gen­ launch El,JSA ·s "Education umn looks at what's worth watch­ in December, which produced a residents who in the past have eral Meeting to Pollock he is Action Week", during which Foy ing. and what must be missed! majority in favour of the strike, by proved reluctant to undertake the offering them the chance to air anticipates a week of guest speak­ 10,871 votes to 9,051. long trek to George Square. their views publicly and. if the ers. lunchtime meetings, Speaking to S1ude111, Dr Gfenys Although claiming to be "rela­ Pollock SRC committees can demonstrations. and social events -page 8 Davies, AUT branch secretary at tively satisfied" with the quorate ensure a quorate meeting, give calculated to increase popular Edinburgh University, said that attendance at last term's AGM, them the chance to initiate bind­ awareness of a variety of there was no indication as yet as to Foy pointed out that this still only ing changes. Similarly, Foy hopes educaitonal issues. To help launch how many of the J ,000 AUT involved some 5 per cent of Edin­ that in the future there will be a "Education Action Week" Fov members here would obey the burgh students. By taking this General Meeting at KB. expects to get NUS Scotland Pres­ strike call next Wednesday. The General Meeting to Pollock, Foy Whilst he hopes the change of ident Alan Smart to speak. Crossword AUT represents about a third of hopes primarily to achieve venue and co-operation with Pol- Neil Forsyth Across and down. it'll spin you round! Swdent welcomes the return of its crossword on a regular basis. Turn to the back page. and '"·ork out the "Fat man·s radio fre­ quency.. or wha1 .. Nods at Researchers find sun -sores link Oxbridge teachers". Recent research at Edinburgh to take a Cfub 18-30 holiday. areas before ... University indicates a link bet­ The study by virologist Dr Nor­ Herpes simplex. while no more -page20 ween sunlight and developing val and her colleague Dr Howie. than a nuisance to the majority of cold sores and warts. an immunologist, shows that people. can be seriously disfigur­ The research was carried out by small doses of ultra-violet radia­ ing in some cases and even f?r Mary Norval, of the Univer­ tion, less than would cause the dangerous if the immune response sity's Department of Bacteriol­ skin to burn, can lower the body's is inactive for other reasons such ogy, and Dr Sarah Howie. immune defences. as with heart transplant patients Contents . The cold sore virus, herpes Although the effect is tempor­ or those undergoing ; 1 ary the skin is particularly vulner­ chemotherapy. mplex, may be carried by up to News 2, 3, 4, S able to infections in the period Dr Howie. who has recentlv Oper centofthe population. The Comment 6 three to ten days after exposure to been awarded a Senor Fellowship expenments suggest that sunshine Film 7 ".'Iii lead not only to an increased ultra-violet light. by the Medical Research Council, Arts I 8, 9 While a great deal of research stated that although they had only likelihood of initial infection but What's On 10, 11 has been done on the cold sore experimented with two common also a greater chance of the reoc­ Music 12, 13, 14 and wart viruses and the effects of and relatively harmless viruses it currence of cold sores in those Features IS, 16, 17, 18 Prone to them. ultra-violet light, Dr Norval said. is likely that "the skin would not appearance of cold sores in Sport 19,20 "Nobody real rs to have respond as effectively to any skin Dr Howie suggested that the summer. Studelll would advise Crossword 20 Use of an ultra-violet creen such those who feel 1hey are unin­ effectively ossible virus as it would normally do". as suntan lotion may he lp stop the fected, and wish to remain so, not interrelati search Ian Robertson 2 STUDENT Thursday 9th Januarv 1986 :-.:ews Chiefs dismiss goverment cuts Paper The influential national Consensus amongst CVCP. damned members is that the present grants Delegates . at last month's Committee of University system is a "shambles". They are National Union of Students confer­ Vice-Chancellors and Princi­ particularly angry that the Gov­ 2050 The Real Value of ence in Blackpool condemned the pals is shortly to make major ernroerit abandoned its own Government's Green paper on Your Grant grants review last Nove_mber after recommendations to the Gov­ Higher Education and its propos-. 2000 the Cabinet vetoed the idea of stu­ ernment advising drastic als to reduce students' entitlement dent loans for the coming improvements in the present· to welfare benefits. 1950 academic year 1986/87. · system of student grants. The conference was united in its. Speaking shortly before Christ­ opposition to the Green Paper, 1900 mas a committee spokesperson which sets out proposals for t be The recommendations, which said'. "The existing system is in an rationalisation of universities and will be fully revealed early this advanced state of decay. The level colleges, due to an expected fall in term, will form part of the Vice­ of support for students i~ the demand for student places Chancellor's response to the Gov­ inadequate, and will be even more towards the end of the decade.
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