Tenth Series, VoL XLVI, No. 18 Wednesday, December 20. 1995 Auahayana 29, 1917 (Sqka) LOK SABHA DEBATES, (English Versi~n) Fifteenth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (VoL XLVI CO".;,., Nos. 11 to 20) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEWDELID hie. : Rs. 50.00 (OWoIAL f.MwsH ..~ INCUJIlEI) IN EJIqa.- VI!IIIOM At& 0lIGDw. ~ ~~ ... V~ WILL U Tlf!A1I!D AS AU1'BOIUI',.,1W- 4lID JfOT ~ ~: CORRIGBNDA ,TO LOK SABHA,DBBATBS (English Version) Wednesday, December, 20,1995/Agrahayana 29,1917(Saka) Col./Line For -Read NellIe c:f N:llic c:r Ad:Ual Pr:oiIc:tial fer the 1994-95 the vacine Private 1992-93 1993-W" Imported sector or Name of Public Actual Productioo for Vaccine or the year privat~992_93 1993-94 19')4'·95 Sector or Irtported 185/5(fran below) THE MINISTER OF STATE THE MINISl'ER OF STATE 187/1B(fram below) IN THE MINISTRY OF THE MINISTRY 190/4 & 23 197/32 .a> 1/14 202/8(fram below CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. XLVI, Fifteenth Session, 199511917 (Saka)} No. 78, Wednesday, December 20, ~9951Agrahayana 29, 1917 (Saka) Cot.UWIIS . OBITUARY REFERENCES 1-4 WRITIEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos.' 34.1-360 4-21 Unstarred Question Nos. 3532-3765 21-207 STATEME"'IT CORRECTING REPLY TO UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 1512 Ct. 6.12.95 REGARDtNG FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 207-208 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA representing Mathura Parliamentary constituency of Uttar Pradesh during 1952-57, 1962-67, 1970 and 1980-84 Wednesday, December 20, 1995/ respectively. Agrahayana 29, 1917 (Saka) An agriculturist by profession, Shri Chaudhuri was (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) an active leader of Cooperative movement. He had [MR. SPEAKER in the Chail1 served as the Managing Director of District Cooperative Bank, Mathura and Vice President of Uttar Pradesh OBITUARY REFERENCE'S Cooperative Bank, Lucknow. Shri Digamber Singh Chaudhuri passed away {English] on 10th December, 1995 at Mathura at the age of 82 MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I have to inform years. the House with profound sorrow, of the passing away of Shri R. Ramanathan Chettiar was a Member of five of our former colleagues, namely Sarvashrl Biddlka Second and Third Lok Sabha representing Pudukottai Satyanarayana, Lakshmi Shankar Yadav, Digamber and Karur Parliamentary constituencies of Tamil Nadu Singh Chaudhuri, R. Ramanathan Chettiar and Girdhari during 1957-62 and 1962-67. Lal Vyas. A businessman and industrialist by profession, Shri Shrl Biddlka Satyanarayana was a Member of Chettiar was the first Director of Reserve Bank of India Second, Third and Fifth Lok Sabha representing till its nationalisation. Parvatlpuram Parliamentary constituency of Andhra Pradesh during 1957-67 and 1971-77. Shri Ramanathan Chettiar also served as the Mayor An agriculturist by profession, Shri Sayanrayana of Madras in 1950-51. He was a member of Executive Committee of the Federation of Indian Chambers of was an active social worker. An ardent believer and follower of Gandhism, he plunged in the freedom Commerce and Industry for a long period. H~ also served as Chairman of Indian Handicrafts Development movement at a very young age. - Co~poration during 1958-59. Shri Satyanarayana worked hard for the upliftment of the backward classes and the tribal people. A widely travelled person, Shri Chettiar took special interest in the fields of economic affairs, finance, Shri Biddika Satyanarayana passed away on 24th cornmerce and industry. He represented India in the October, 1995 at the age of 77 years. International Chamber of Commerce during E.C.A.F.E. Sessions held in 1948 and 1956. He served as member Shri Lakshmi Shankar Yadav was a Member of of various sports and cultural organisations. He authored Provisional Parliament from Uttar Pradesh during 1950- a book titled 'Nagarathar Varalaru' in Tamil. 52. He had also been a Member of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly for six terms from 1952 to 1977. Shrl Ramanathan Chettiar passed away on 12th An able Administrator, he served as Parliamentary December:' '1995 at Madras at the age of 82 years. Secretary In Uttar Pradesh Government from 1954-57 Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas was a Member of Seventh and later rose to become the Cabinet Minister in the - and Eighth Lok Sabha representing Bhilwara State Council of Ministers during 1969-77. Parliamentary constituency of Rajasthan during 1980- A true Gandhian, he worked hard for serving the 89. poor and downtrodden. Earlier, he was a Member of Rajasthan Legislative A well known social worker, he strove relentlessly Assembly during 1962-72 and 1974-77. for the promotion of education by setting up many An .agrlculturist by profession, Shri Vyas had started educational Institutions In his area. He was associated his pubHe life first as Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat and with several social organisations. later served as member of other representative bodies Shrl Lakshml Shankar Yadav passed away In tragic such as Zilla Parishad and Legislative Assembly. He circumstances on 29th October, 1995 at Lucknow at the was Chairman of Panchayat Raj Committee in age 01 77 years. Rajasthan during 1969-73. Shrl Digamber Singh Chaudhuri was a Member 01 Shri Vyas had actively Involved himself in the the First, Third, Fourth and Seventh Lok Sacha upliftment of farmers and labourers and had served as 3 Obituary R9f9rences DECEMBER 20, 1995 Written Answers 4 Vice-President of India Trade Union Congress. During KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE : The House shoulo his membership of this House, he also served as a function. Let them walk out if they want. ... (Interruptions) Member of the Public Accounts Committee. He took MR. SPEAKER : The House stands adjourned to active part in the proceedings of the House. meet again at 11 a.m. on the 21st December, 1995. Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas passed away on 17th December, 1995 at Jaipur at the age of 71 years. WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS We deeply mourn the loss of these friends and I am sure the House will join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved families. Railway Projects The House may now stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased. ·341. SHRI TARA SINGH: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state : 11.07 hr•. (a) whether serious resource crunch may force the The Members then stood in sifence Railways to cut some of the projects; for a short while (b) if so, the details of the projects likely to suffer due to resource crunch; (Interruptions) SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE (Dumdum) : (c) whether Railways on their own propose to Sir, what is the response of the Prime generate funds for the projects; and Minister? .. .. (Interruptions) (d) if so, the details thereof? SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura) : Sir, where is THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF the Prime Minister? (Interruptions) RAILWAYS (SHRI SURESH KALMADI) : (a) and (b). SHRI NIRMAL KANTI 'CHATTERJEE (Dumdum) : Railways do not propose to drop any sanctioned project Twenty four hours are nearly over and we are yet to on account of resource crunch. hear about the response of the Prime Minister. (c) and (d). For the current year 1995-96, Rs. 4100 (Interruptions) crores out of a total plan outlay· of Rs. 7500 crores Is estimated to be mobilised through internal generation SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV (Jhanjarpur) of resources. What about the constitution of J.P.C.? (Interruptions) Central Grant-in-Aid to Leprosy KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE (C_wutta South) : Eradication Centres Sir, they cannot waste the time of' the ftouse like this . ... (Interruptions) They do not want the House to run. ... (Interruptions) Sir, they are wasting public money. Do *342. SHRI N.J. RATHVA : Will the Minister of they know about that? .... (Interruptions) HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE (Dumdum) : (a) the grant-In-aid In cash and kind sanctioned Sir, the Leader of the House should respond. We have and released, State-wise, for Leprosy Eradication not yet heard anything about that. Centres during each of the last three years and in the , current financial year so far; (Interruptions) (b) whether the Government propose to open some KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Sir, what about the more Leprosy Eradication Centres in the tribal and Bill for the Physically Handicapped? Parflamant should remote areas of the country; and discuss its scheduled business.. I (c) if so, the details thereof and If not, the reasons (Intfl",!ptlons) therefor? SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE: Today is Prime THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Minister's day in the Question Hour. Yet, he is absent. (SHRI A.A. ANTULAY) : (a) to (c). Central assistance (Interruptions) sanctioned and released to the States/U.Ts. for leprosy control activities during last three years and during the [Translation] current financial year, till November 1995 Is enclosed in . SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay North) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Statement. yesterday during the discussion, Shrl Shukla had The Whole country Including tribal and remote areas assured that he will talk to the Prime Minister. Where Is with requisite prevalence rates are effectively covered the Prime MinISter? ... (Interruptions) for anti-leprosy services by existing centres. 5 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 29, 1917 (Saka) Written Answers 6 STATEMENT National Leprosy Eradication Programme Central Assistance both in Cash and Kind Provided to States and UTs (Rs. in lakhs) Central Assistance Sanctioned and Released Released to States/UTs and Directly to Districts till S.No. State 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 11/1995 State District State District State District Cash Kind Cash Cash Kind Cash Cash Kind Cash 1. Andhra Pradesh 210.00 78.38 167.50 200.00 11.34 290.00 203.00 54.02 89.00 101.50 2. Arunachal Pradesh 8.50 0.3011.0010.00 0.4245.7316.00 1.7790.07 8.25 3.
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