McGill Daily Ice forms on the body of a Murray Hill vehicle as a fireman attempts to put out a fire. Molotov Cocktails were thrown by some people as cabbies demonstrated at Montreal International Airport, Wednesday night. They were protesting the Murray Hill Limousine Service’s monopoly on business at the airport and Montreal hotels. (SEE PAGE 11 FOR FULL STORY.) the georgion Vol. XXX11, No. 15 Friday, Nov 1, 1968 SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY $ 47.329 deficit Bookstore hampered by poor planning After a year of operation, the tion had previously been geared to Bookstore Committee has reached deal with a much smaller volume of “a position at which we can make an students. He said that the Booksto­ assessment of whether the Commit­ re's problems were essentially a re­ tee works or not," Chairman John D. sult of poor planning. Jackson told the georgian yesterday The Bookstore Policy Committee following Wednesday’s meeting of the itself has been running into trouble Bookstore Policy Committee. most of it springing from the failure of the University Administration and Until Wednesday night there had Bookstore Management to produce been a great deal of pessimism a- required data on time. The two fiscal mong its members concerning the reports are a case in point. effectiveness of the Committee. At Photo: George Bibby Photo: Morrie Altmejd It was nine months, from the time least some of that pessimism has A georgian photographer managed to snap this picture of the Bookstore Policy that the request for an accurate fi­ now been dispelled, with the submis­ Committee at Wednesday night's meeting before he was “asked" to leave. nancial statement was conceived last sion of two long-awaited financial January until the reports were finally -- a reduction of staff costs. The statements. -- a decrease in the amount and released at Wednesday night’s meet­ variety of “service items” (e.g. Bookstore remains open on Saturday Now that the necessary figures are ing. playing cards, pens, pencils, beer in spite of the fact that few sales are available, action can, hopefully, be The report indicates an abnormally mugs, Sir George jackets, etc.) It made on that day. taken to correct some of the obvious large part of the Bookstore’s stock - is not immediately known exactly The Bookstore Policy Committee, administrative inefficiencies which $462,051 to be exact - was left un­ ‘how much of unsold stock can be established last November to inves­ resulted in the bookstore’s losing sold at the close of the last fiscal placed in this category, but there tigate the operation of the Bookstore $47,329 for the year ended May 31, year. is reason to suspect that the pro­ is comprised of four students, three 1968. Again this is because of inefficient portion is quite large. faculty, and three representatives of Professor Jackson stated that the purchasing policies. administration. opening of the Hall Building in 1966, Professor Jackson went on to out­ — an increase in the selection of A motion was also passed at Wed­ and the resulting mushrooming of the line several improvements in Book­ trade books and periodicals which nesday’s meeting recommending that student population, produced a whole store policy which are now under are not readily available in other in future Committee meetings be ma­ melange of administrative problems consideration. The proposed impro­ bookstores, but are of interest to de open to all members of the Uni­ in the University. The Administra­ vements include: students. versity. 2/the georgian, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1968 p.m. Admission is 75 cents . The Chess Club is holding pCi 1" * ■ |r | 1 a Challengers, Tournament * * * CLASSIFIEDS I® today and next Wednesday H- T U E S D A Y , Nov. 5th 920 today, H-509 on W ednes­ RATES: Classified Advertising rates for re­ The Student Chapter of C. gistered students are 75c for one insertion day) from two to five p.m. I.C. (SGWU division) presents and $1.25 for the same insertion in two con­ Please bring sets and boards secutive issues. Rates for non-students is $1.25 “Trading Live Cells” , a film FRIDAY, Nov. 1st lbs. Tryouts today at five p.m. if interested in participation. per insertion. The word limit is twenty (20). The SGWU theatre arts sec­ in Room 0076 of the Hall Bldg. which demonstrates the rene­ Cash must accompany all ads. Advertising dead­ wal systems of the body cells. lines are Wednesday noon for the Friday issue, tion (Fine Aits Dept.) is spon­ (work to be aired on major and Friday noon. for the Tuesday issue. Ads Of interest to all Chemistry may be submitted only to the Advertising De­ soring “ Collection VI” , three cable station in Montreal). S A T U R D A Y , Nov. 2nd and Biochemistry students. In partment, Room 639 of the Hall Building. one act plays, in the Hall SGWU Hillel is holding its- H-1135 from one to two p.m. Bldg. Theatre Nov. lsts at post-Hallowe’en bash tonight The Debating Union is hold­ FOR SALE 12:30 and 8:30 p.m., Nov. 2nd at 2130 Bishop St. at 8:30 p. at 7 p.m. The plays are Woy- ing a general meeting to dis­ m. Prof. Cardiner will attend. W E D N E SD A Y , Nov. 6th zeck by Buchner, Rachmoness cuss upcoming tournaments SAMSONITE attache case, slimline, very good SGWU Hillel is sponsoring by Krakower, Chamber Music today in Room H-1253 between condition $20. Call 342-1628 between 6-8 P.M. a lecture series on the by Kopit. Anyone may attend one and two p.m. Anyone may HEAD standard skis 195cm. Used one season- S U N D A Y , Nov. 3rd “ Changing Values of Youth” . and the admission is free. attend. The Student Christian Mo­ good condyion. New $155 asking $90. Call Alan Today at 1 p.m. at 2130 Bi­ at 453-6883 after 6:30 p.m. vement is showing “Warren- shop St. Prof. Sinyard will dale” (young people struggling Honda 250cc CB72 '66 - $350. Rieker 500's 9'/2 The Student International speak on “Disillusionment TV Sir George is looking to grow up in a strait-jacket excellent condition. Val d'isere skis, bindings, M editation Society is sponso­ with organized relition” . colin poles - $75. Call 931-7697 anytime. for five men and five women ring an introductory lecture society) in H-110 at three (interracial) for TV mime ac­ Girls - skis-ski boots and skates-size 8. Call 259- on transcendental meditation _ 4002, Leave phone no. ting. They must look “good” of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at in mod clothing. Men should c . ^ German shepard puppies, 2 ]/2 mo., both parents 8:30 p.m. in H-635. Enjoy, ex­ Did you know that it has already be between 5:10 and 6’1” and registered, $25. Call Mike Tues.-Fri. after 6. pand the conscious mind! Phone 658-8624. under 160 lbs. W om en between snowed lOir^pKes -nt.i, l^c C c j - 5’ 7” and 5’ 10” and under 130 World book encyclopedia, 23 volumes 1965 edition up north? Stay tuned for the in perfect condition. Regular $200 only $95. Phone 731-2213 after four. TEL. 931-4041 ski report in every issue of the georgian. Camaro 67. V-8. 3 speed standard. Heavy duty transmission. Call 738-3395. Richard Rotholz, O.D, sponsored by: A R l i N G T O N Optometrist Electric guitar Hanez, Goldentone. Four pick-ups , 1235 ouest, rue ste-catherine, solidwood body, detachable neck, adjustable bridge Vw 842-1115 Fur-lined case, strap, connecting wire. 733-7367 MIRACLE MART ALEXIS NIHON PLAZA ATWATER SERVICES Typing of reports, essays, etc., at 25 cents a page. F0RMALS FOR HIRE Call 288-3389. DRESS FORMAL Typing professionally done at reasonable rates. Downtown; call 849-8291 after 6 p.m. ask for LIKE A M icheline. MILLIONAIRE Look smart — Typing done at home - reasonable rates - Mrs. be smart — M. Cooper. 766-7957 after 5 p.m. RENT all your Formal Wear. Our garments are all WANTED m odem styles. Freshly cleaned. Styles to fit Lift to Toronto Friday Nov. 8 Returning Sunday or all models. Dine overlooking Monday, Nov. 10 or 11. Willing to share expenses. the heart of Montreal • EST. 1 9 0 4 Please phone after 5 P.M. 737-6784. Continental Cuisine Italian Specialties Victorian poetry edited Brown & Bailey. For sale 3 0 % discount (or students Professors & Students Yeats poetry and also A VISION call 768-5095 McLaughlin & Harrison GIRLS! DO YOU Luncheon daily, after 6. $1.24 - $2.25 2 0 0 5 LIKE MAKE UP? Weekend Dinner Special Drum m ond A V .8 -3 5 4 4 Open til 4 am $3,00 -$4.50 Free Interior Parking Earn money the easy way phone 845-74801 ... the beautiful way! Wear ON-CAMPUS and sell our cosmetics! If Cantlie Roof COME OVER BETWEEN CLASSES RECRUITING YOU are attractive, out­ restaurant AND TRY OUR SCRUMPTIOUS CAKE going, intelligent ... and 27th floor WITH THE COFFEE OF YOUR CHOICE NOVEMBER 12 know you can sell that face GREAT LAKES CARBON Cantlie House You're wearing, then phone 1110 Sherbrooke West (corner Peel) WE HAVE 16 DIFFERENT Kll\IDS ENGINEERING CANADA PACKERS LTD 1 8 5 3 St. C a th e rin e St. W . us, and let's get started IB* ALL FACULTIES (at St. Marc) j putting that money into CANADIAN PACIFIC YOUR pocket. .845-4196. are you a P a M. p A M ALL FACULTIES NOVEMBER 13 HAIR RESTAURANT - COCKTAIL BAR CANADA PACKERS LTD 1425 STANLEY ALL FACULTIES SPLITTER ? (OPPOSITE NORRIS BLDG.) ANGLO-CANADIAN AV8-3090 PULP & PAPER How unhappy your long MECHANICAL ENGINEERING hajr looks when the ends BANK OF MONTREAL a re split.
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