2 Offices SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Cold Sunny and cold today and to- FINAL morrow. Clear and cold to- night. Sunny and cold Wednes- day. EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92. Years VOL. 93 NO. 142 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 18,1971 20 PAGES TEN CENTS "t&V «_. 'I. *1 1,500 Hear Dr. King End Memorial By JANE FODERARO "Any nation that will not re- there was a genius. All he did tion B'nai Israel, Rumson, during a community memori- cluded a "community gather- ty Action Program and Brook- hope you understand what you RED BANK — The Rev. Dr. pent will never get better," he was go up and down the world gave the benediction. Edmund al service for the slain civil ing" held Saturday night in dale Community College. just djd," he said. "It was Martin Luther King Sr. told said. "In every town and ev- preaching love and peace. It H. Gaunt, co-chairman of the rights leader. St. James auditorium here. "One of the greatest effects something you. should bave his 1,500 listeners: "Fasten ery city I know anything was Dr. Martin Luther King King Memorial Weekend of Mayor on Scene The Rev. Walter Faitroy, civ- Dr. King had on our lives," he been doing for years." your seat belts. There's going about, we're sitting on a pow- Jr. So we kill him. That's 1971, also welcomed partici- Standing on the hillside yes- il rights leader and Democrat- said, "was that he destroyed a "We've made the first step to be turbulence along the der keg ... of hate. America. And there was Rob- pants in the service. terday and singing with other ic Congressional candidate in psychological fear. We were toward human development," way. Now, remember, I love ' America has been—and ertJCennedy—he was coming Ended Observance area residents was Red Washington, D.C., was sched- afraid to deal with he continued. "Butwecanno you. ." He then plunged into still holds to it—America is ^ofi in. We don't like him, so The interfaith service culmi- Bank's Mayor Daniel J. uled to speak, but — because problems...." longer live with the illusion his sermon which; at the end,. still too damned white. 1iX we kill him. nated a four-day observance O'Hern, wearing a red woolen of poor health — was unable Mr. Robinson asked his au- that everything is going to be brought a standing ovation. rough, isn't it? Bufc^evfry- "Do not ask 'who' did that. of the birthday (Jan. 15) of cap. "Only in Red Bank," he to appear. In his place, the dience — approximately 300 OK." The father of the slain hu- where I turn, IJefim where But ask what did that," com- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in said. "This could only happen principal speaker was Frank persons — to stand up and "The reality is that there man rights leader last night the white^We^ where they manded the senior Dr. King. the Red Bank area. in Red Bank." Robinson, who is associated find people they did not Know, are whites' with Arms and preached at an interfaith serv- wor^ihnTTY. It's foolishness. "There were many fingers on Yesterday afternoon, Other weekend events in- with the Monmouth Communi- then to sit down with them. "I , (Sec 1,500 pag* 1) ice in the First Presbyterian "There has been so. much that trigger. They were the hundreds of area residents Church; the large, hill-top white supremacy for so long," fingers of hate.. turned out in subfreezing church was filled beyond ca- he continued, "That the weather to participate in a pacity. blacks decided to get blacker "Are you asking'who'? I'm asking 'what'?" he repeated. "memorial sing" in Marine The elder Dr. King's ap- than the whites. They say Park here. While an ice boat they don't want white teach- "They can't kill Kennedy," pearance in Red Bank cli- he said. "They can't kill Mar- regatta was in progress on the maxed a four-day community- ers ... That bothers me. ice of the Navesink River, That's back to segregation. tin Luther King Jr.," he said. wide birthday tribute to his "They're going on." •singers of both school and son, the Rev. Dr. Martin Lu- And I ain't goin'!" church choral' organizations, ther King Jr..: .:,•:. Churches Criticized "America, why don't you re- along with their audience, In his sermon, he said, Dr. King also criticized the pent? Put your trust in God." sang such selections as "He's "This is a beautiful session. churches of America. .Response to the sermon and Got The Whole Wide World It's a little more than token. I "There's the Baptist, there's Dr. King personally was spon- In His Hands" and "Let get to go all over the country, the Methodist, there's Me taneous and, as he later com- There Be Peace On Earth" and most of what I see is to- Catholic. There's somffliy,it mented, "filled with warmth." under the direction of Paul ken. But this tonight warms isn't wor-th talking afiout. A number of area clergy- Grammer, head of the my heart. ."The fact -is, it's God's men participated in last Shrewsbury Chorale. "I love everyone of you," he church," he Shouted. night's interfaith service. The continued, "and I hope you "The-'church is slow to Rev. James R. Steele, pastor Speaking briefly in the park, love me." change," he said. "That dis- of the Shrewsbury Presbyteri- the Rev. Isaac Rottenberg, Has No Fear turbs me. And the church is an Church, gave the invoca- theologian and civil rights tion; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Em- leader, formerly of Monmouth "You might want to debate slow to forgive. That disturbs County, admonished white whether or not you're my me." (He said that, if the for- mett A. Monahan, pastor of St. James Catholic Church, people not to "sentimentalize brother. But I've got a job to mula for penicillin were car- Dr. King." do and I'm going on being ried to the church, "it would Red Bank, read the Scripture; DR. KING WELCOMED - The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Sr., second from left, is welcomed by. the Rev. Dr. your brother," said Dr. King still be on the table right the Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webs- "He lovingly channeled an- ter, pastor of the First Pres- ger," said Rev. Mr: Rotten- Charles Webster, center, pastor of the First.Presbyterian Church of Red Bank where; Dr. King preached last Sr'. "I'm. serious. I have no now.") night. With them are Edward Davis, left, and Edmund Gaunt Jr., right, co-chairman of the King Memorial fear . and, in this, I'm Dr. King made but one ref- byterian Church, here, wel- berg. ahead of you, I expect. I'm erence to his son, and then in comed the congregation; the "When I spoke here, in Ma- Weekend '71 Committee, and the Rev. Marcus Pierce, second from right, pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church, not messed up with denomi- the context of the series of as- Rev. Dr. Marcus A. Pierce, rine Park, after Dr. King was Red Bank. • * (Register Staff Photos) nation, I'm not messed up sassinations that took the lives pastor of St. Paul Baptist assassinated, I said that it ' with color..." of President John F. Kennedy, Church of Red Bank, intro- was time we all became an- The theme of Dr. King's Malcolm X. and Sen. Robert duced Dr. King; the Rev. gry. Some of my fellow cler- sermon was "Disturbed about Kennedy. Leonard Rowell" of the First gymen criticized me for that. "We don't like John F. Ken- United Methodist Chinch of Today, I still say we should America," He spoke of love. Red Bank, led a silent prayer know anger in the face of in- Legal Services Could Be He also spoke of hate—and, at nedy, so We kill him. That's that point, warned of "turbu- America. We don't like Mal- in memoriam; and the Rabbi justice." Rev. Mr. Rottenberg lence ahead " colm X, so we kill him. Then Jack M. Rosoff of Congrega- spoke in the park in April 1968 Centered in Ocean County By DORIS KULMAN suggested the NLS "look into The area now served by the office, in the Bayshore, and a NEW YORK — The pro- that." Freehold office would be • larger MLSO staff. posed merger of the Mon-, The evaluation was made by served by the new main office MLSO previously had re- mouth Legal Services Organi- Auerbach Associates, a Phila- in Toms River. quested money to open a Bay- zation and the smaller Ocean delphia firm under contract to Cites Report shore office but was turned County Legal Services Corp., the federal Office of Economic Chester Apy, a Red Bank down by the NLS, Mr. Apy two agencies federally funded Opportunity which funds the attorney and MLSO trustee, said. to provide legal aid to the NLS. said that instead of reducing MCAP officials, pointing out poor, would centralize the pro- Under the merger, the area the number of MLSO offices that under the. merger mere gram in Toms River and force now served by the Red Bank in Monmouth County, the wouldn't be a legal services the closing of two legal serv- MLSO office would be served Auerbach report had recom- office north of Long Branch, ices offices in Monmouth by the Asbury Park office.
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