Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 3. Schlüssel. − 2004. VII, 211 S. G., R. D: B-SBB(1 B 72836-1-3 Haus 2) Overland communication with Western China : a brief US: YU(SML PL3933 G37 1998+ statement of how the matter stands at present / by R. G. With a map. – Liverpool: Webb, Hunt & Ridings, [1872]. 8 p. ditto. 4. überarb. Aufl. − ibd. − (Süostasien Arbeitsmateria- GB: BL(10057 dd 4) BL-APAC(Tr 606)* lien [Working papers], ISSN 1619-3377 ; [11]) 1. Sprachlehrbuch − 2003. XIV, 233 S., Illus., Index. − (... ; G.H.Q.(I) [11,1]) ‘India / General Headquarters India / Inter Services Public Relations Directorate Tradition and modernity in Myanmar Gabaude, Louis Gaffey, Paul Les Karen : répertoire des sources en langues occidentales Where are the children of Burma? / Paul Gaffey. – Armidale, disponibles dans les bibliothèques de l'EFEO de Paris et de [N.S.W.]: Centre for Peace Studies, Univ. of New England, Chiang Mai 1997. [30] p. – (Discussion paper / Centre for Peace Studies, Univ. of New England, 1324-3764 ; 10) Gabbett , E. ISBN 1863894284 Report on court-houses and offices in Burma US: NIU(SEA HQ792.B93 G344 1997) Gabbett , Michael Gage , Andrew Thomas <1871-1945> The bastards of Burma : Merrill's Maurauders [sic] and the A botanical tour in the South Lushai hills / by A. T. Gage. – Mars Task Force revisited / by Michael Gabbett. – Albu- Calcutta : Govt. Print., (for P. and A.), 1901. p. 331-369, querque, N.M.: M. Gabbett, c1989. XIV, 143 p., maps. map. – (Records of the Botanical Survey of India ; 1.13) US: CU(Kroch Library Asia D 767.6 .G33z 1989) GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/450/1)* OAU(Alden SE Asia D767.6 .G32 1989x) US: LC(QK358.A4 v.1, no.13) Ref.: OCLC25299095 The vegetation of the District of Minbu in Upper Burma / by Gabrielli, Giuseppe Paolo A. T. Gage. – Calcutta : Govt. Print. (for D. B. S. I.), 1904. Birmania / Giuseppe Paolo Gabrielli. – Verona: Futuro, 141, VII p., fold. map, index. – (Records of the Botanical 1987. 237 p., illus., c. geogr., piante. – (I Paesi del Mondo) Survey of India ; 3.1) ISBN 88-7650-082-0 Subject(s): Burma : Botany - Minbu ; Plantes - Catalogues I: PADP(915.91 GAB) RM-Bibl. statale Antonio Baldini CH: BS Bot.Inst. Abt. Ökologie. Slg. Renz BOT_RS_41 MYA 3) Gadsdon, P H. D: HD-SAI(322 nat 83/1827)* An amateur at war / P. H. Gadsdon. – [19-?] 90 p., illus., F: BIULO(GEN.III.58662) MNHN maps. GB: BL(X 0311/111(3)) BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/450/3)* GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 M /29) US: HU(Botany Gray/Arnold: Fl 54 G12) LC(QK358.A4 v.3, no.1) Gärtner , Uta Ref.: OCLC 40434623 ; ocm10107512 Die Bildungspolitik des Revolutionären Rates der Union von Burma : 1962-1974. – 1977. VII, 237, 8 Bl. – Berlin, Hum- ditto. Repr. – Delhi: Periodical Experts Book Agency ; De- boldt-Univ., Gesellschaftswiss., Diss. A 1978 hra Dun: International Book Distributors, [1978?]. 141, VII Shulman 220. – Grünendahl 913 p., folded map. – (Records of the Botanical Survey of India ; 3.1) Myanmar verstehen / Uta Gärtner. – Berlin: Humboldt-Univ. US: WIU-Book Stacks, Main Library QK360 .G31978) zu Berlin, Philosophische Fak. III, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften. – (Südostasien working papers, ISSN Gahan , Charles Joseph <1862-1939> 1432-2811 ; 11) Coleoptera : Cerambycidae / by C. J. Gahan. – London 1. Sprachlehrbuch. − 1998. XIV, 226 S., Illus. − (... ; 11,1) [etc.]: Taylor and Francis [etc.] – (The fauna of British India 2. Sprachlehrbuch. − 1998. X S., S. 227-459, Bibliogr. S. : including Ceylon and Burma) 459. − (… ; 11,2) 1. Cerambycidae. – 1906. XVIII, 329 p., figs., index, bi- 3. Glossar und Schlüssel. − 2000. VII, 211 S. − (… ; 11,3) bliogr. p. V-VIII. D: B-SBB(1-2: 1 B 62797-1-2 ; 3: 1 B 72836-3 Haus 2) D: B-SBB(Lv 12910 Haus 2 NfLS) US: CU(Kroch Oversize + PL 3933 .G37 1998) GB: BL((B)FQ 555/501840001)* BL-DSS(L60/613) BL-APAC(V 7576) OUL(RSL Stack 189941 d. 2j/1 ; ditto. 2. überarb. Aufl. − ibd. − (Süostasien Arbeitsmateria- OUM Entomol. 8352 d. 18) lien [Working paper], ISSN 1619-3377 ; [11]) 1. Sprachlehrbuch. − 2000. XIV, 226 S., Illus. − (... ; [11,1]) A list of the Longicorn Coleoptera : collected by Signor Fea 2. Sprachlehrbuch − 2000. X S., S. 227-461, Illus. − (… ; in Burma and the adjoining regions, with descriptions of the [11,2]) new genera and species / by Charles J. Gahan. – Genova: G 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Tipografia del R. Istituto Sordo-Muti, 1894. 104 p., [1] l. of Retreat in the East / O. D. Gallagher. 1st publ. – London [etc.]: plates, illus. – At head of title: Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Harrap, 1942. 190 p., illus. – American ed. has title: Action on Birmania e regioni Vicine the East GB: BL(Ac 2809) D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 732)* US: CU(Entomology QL592.I4 G2 ; QL577 .G13 1894) GB: BL(09059 b 5) NL: KITLV(M 3n 1781 N) US: KU LC(D767.G3 1942a) MU Gaither, H. Rowan The Burmese national movement / H. Rowan Gaither III. – ditto. – ibd, 1943. 235 p., [13] l. of plates, illus. − "Wholly 1958. VI, 147 l., map, bibliogr. p. 143-147. – Berkeley, set up and printed in Australia by William Brooks & Co. ... Calif., Univ. of California, M.A. (political science) 1958 for Australian Publishing Co." − T.p. verso. D: HD-SAI(M 925) D: B-SBB(374 820 Haus 2) US: UC(NRLF C 2 932 832) GB: SOAS(G949 /47504 ; E Coll 3 C /13) Gaither , John B. ditto. Repr. – Sydney: Australia Publ., 1943. 190 p., illus. Galahad Redux : an assessment of the disintegration of Merrill's marauders / by John B. Gaither. − Fort Leaven- ditto. – London : Viking Pr., [1956]. 191 p. – (Viking war worth, Kan.: U.S. Army Command and General Staff Col- book ; W 404) lege, 1975. VI, 89 l., maps. GB: BL(WP 10805/30) US: KFlGS US Socom/Socs-libr, FL US Merchant Marine Acad, NY (NKipM) Gallant , M. N. Report to the Government of Burma on the teakwood trade. Gaitskell , Arthur – Rome: FAO, 1957. – (FAO report / Expanded Technical Report on the assessment of the agricultural lands within the Assistance Program ; 692) limits of the Moulmein municipality and of part of Ngantè Ref.: FAO: TA final reports Kwin, Ngantè circle, 1895-96 Settlement < Amherst : Moulmein, Ngantè Kwin > 1895- Gallaudet , Thomas Hopkins <1787-1851> 96 Repentance / by T. H. Gallaudet ... 1st ed. Translated into Burmese by Mrs. S. K. Bennett. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr. Report on the settlement operations in the Akyab District, for the American Tract Society, 1842. 320 p. season 1892-94 F: BNF(D2$ 7847) Settlement < Amherst > 1892-94 US: HU(Houghton 1286.53.3*) Report on the settlement operations in the Amherst and Tha- Gallery De Ruimte < Ersel > tōn District, season 1894-95 Ivoren uit Birma Settlement < Amherst > 1894-95 Nies, Stefan Galastri, Pietro <1918-1950> Galliani, Francesca Dalle foreste camaldolesi alla giungla birmana / padre Pietro Francesca Galliani : Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand Galastri, P.I.M.E.. – Groppello d'Adda: Archivio storico par- 2002 rocchiale, 1979. 38 p., illus. I: BCMP(MISS/03/0241) Gallo, Luigi Storia del Cristianesimo nell'impero Barmano pre- Galay , Ashin Teiksu Myat Paya, H.R.H. ceduta dalle notizie del Paese Private affairs by H.R.H. the fourth Princess, daughter of the late H.M. King Thi Baw and his crowned Queen of Burma Gallois , Eugène <1856-1916> whose inner facts are unknown to the public. – Rangoon : En Birmanie : au pays des pagodes et des monastères / par Joseph & Peters, [1931]. 34 p. – Each of the following anec- M. Eugène Gallois. Ouvrage ornè de nombreuses cartes, dotes sent on the 15th December 1931 by Ashin Teiksu photographies et dessins inédits de l’auteur. – Paris: Dela- Myat Paya Galay ... when residing at Mahanwezimyat, grave, 1899. 118 p. Mandalay to the Governments of England, of India and of F: BNF(O2 l.261 ; 4° Nt.2684) Burma – p. 1. GB: BL(10057 ee 28)* BL-APAC(W 7158) US: UCB(Main DS528.8.G7 G3 1931) SOAS(L.GB 909/411.953)* MY: RUL Galbusera , Luigi US: CU(Kroch +DS527.6 .G17) HU(Widener Ind An abriged prayer book in Red Karen 8118.97.8) MB NYPL(*XM-805 ; FSN-2857) YU(LSF-Request DS485 B81 G35) Galerie Hypnos < Paris > Birmanie : de Rangoon à Mandalay ; photographies c. Galstin, M. A. 1873 publiées par Bourne & Shepherd A statement of the true case : being a narrative of facts con- nected with the, so-called, excommunication of certain Gallagher , O’Dowd members of the Lamadaw Burmese Baptist Church, with Action in the East / O. D. Gallagher. – Garden City, N.Y.: remarks thereon. − Rangoon : Print. the D'Vaux Pr., [1886?]. Doubleday, Doran, [1942]. XII, 300 p., plates, ports. – Great 28 p. − Signed: Rangoon, September, 1886, M.A.G. - p. 28 Britain ed. has title: Retreat in the East Subject(s): Karen US: LC(D767.G3) UC(NRLF) UCLA UCSB Lamadaw Burmese Baptist Church G 2 Burma : Missions to Karens ; Baptists - Missions p. 1-186: Missions in Burmah US: MeWC(SpecColl Robsn BV3270 .G3 1886) Herbert 503 D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 115)* Galton , Gwendolen Douglas GB: BL(4745 b 19) Trench Gascoigne , Laura Gwendolen Galton US: HU LC(BV2520.G3) NYPL YU-D Galvin , Robert W. ditto. – ibd., 1850. XII, 359 p. Borderlands US: NjNbS ODW PMA Kuhn, Delia ditto. 6th tsd. – ibd., 1851. XII, 359 p. Gam Awng < b. 1957> US: NRAB A study of the Theravada Buddhist-Christian encounter in postcolonial Southeast Asian society : the Myanmar experi- ditto. 7th tsd. – ibd., 1854. XII, 359 p. ence / Gam Awng.
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