September 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1751 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SMALL BUSINESS JOBS ACT OF More recently, Illinois has received a waiver Gardens, Big Brothers Big Sisters of South 2010 to provide innovative services for caregivers Texas, Friends of the Corpus Christi Public Li- with substance use disorders. Illinois’s dem- braries and board of trustees for the South SPEECH OF onstration project showed positive outcomes Texas Institute for the Arts. Previously, she HON. JOHN J. HALL children and families as well as substantial has served on the boards of the National Con- cost savings—approximately $6.6 million over ference for Community and Justice, Goodwill OF NEW YORK the lifetime of the waiver. Further, the re- Industries of Corpus Christi, Nueces County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES search related to the program reveals impor- Community Action Agency, Westside Business Thursday, September 23, 2010 tant information for improving these programs, Association, Corpus Christi Chamber of Com- Mr. HALL of New York. Madam Speaker, I especially related to the complexity of prob- merce, Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of was unavoidably detained this week and un- lems faced by families experiencing substance Commerce and the Hispanic Women’s Net- able to vote on the Senate Amendment to abuse and the types of interventions needed work. H.R. 5297, the Small Business Lending Fund to improve reunification and reduce out-of- Her record of service, leadership and advo- Act of 2010. Had I been present, I would have home placements. cacy of business and community development, voted for this critical legislation. Earlier this Although waivers are helpful in strength- has led her to receive numerous recognitions year I met with small business leaders in the ening our child welfare policy, policymakers and awards from various civic organizations, Hudson Valley and they told me that some of must work to implement comprehensive including the Westside Business Association; their top concerns were access to credit and changes to the child welfare system—espe- the Hispanic Women’s Network; the National the cost of doing business. They also strongly cially with regard to financing and emphasizing Conference for Community and Justice; Lead- advocated for an extension of bonus deprecia- prevention. I am glad that this legislation in- ership Corpus Christi; and the Corpus Christi tion to allow a quicker write-off of capital ex- cludes some improvements to the waiver pro- Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. penditures, and a larger start-up deduction. gram, including increased reporting on the na- Commissioner Longoria was born and After these meetings, I introduced the Helping ture of funding used for a demonstration raised in Corpus Christi and graduated from Small Businesses Start and Grow Act, which project and prioritizing early intervention and Roy Miller High School. Commissioner included a bonus depreciation extension, in- crisis intervention to safely reduce the number Longoria and her husband, Alfredo Longoria, creased start-up deduction and a measure to of children removed from their homes. I prom- Jr., have been married for 49 years and have help free up credit for small businesses. Simi- ise to continue to work actively with my col- four sons and eight grandchildren. lar provisions were included in the bill that leagues to push for comprehensive reform for I ask my colleagues to join me in com- passed the House this Wednesday. I was the child welfare system so that we can im- memorating Commissioner Longoria for her proud to vote for the Small Business Lending prove the well-being of children and families. work and dedication to the people of Nueces Fund Act when it was first considered in the f County and her well deserved award as a House, and I appreciate the efforts of my col- Latina Leader. HONORING LATINA LEADER leagues to continue to advance these vital f programs. AWARD RECIPIENT BETTY JEAN LONGORIA, NUECES COUNTY HONORING THE 150-YEAR ANNI- f COMMISSIONER VERSARY OF THE TEMPLE RENEWING AUTHORITY FOR HESED SYNAGOGUE IN SCRAN- STATE CHILD WELFARE DEM- HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ TON, PENNSYLVANIA ONSTRATION PROGRAMS OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI SPEECH OF Tuesday, September 28, 2010 OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. DANNY K. DAVIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ORTIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today to OF ILLINOIS Tuesday, September 28, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor the work, dedication and leadership of Nueces County Commissioner, Betty Jean Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise Thursday, September 23, 2010 Longoria, who will receive this evening the today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I wish to Latina Leader Award at the Washington Court in the House of Representatives to pay tribute offer my strong support for H.R. 6156, the Re- Hotel. to the 150th anniversary of Temple Hesed, the newing Authority for State Child Welfare Dem- Commissioner Longoria was first elected to oldest synagogue in Scranton, Pennsylvania. onstration Programs. This bill would permit the the Nueces County Commissioner’s Court in Temple Hesed’s roots were founded during Secretary of Health and Human Services to November 2002. On January 1, 2003, Betty the mid-19th Century when small groups of allow up to 10 demonstration projects a year Jean Longoria took her oath of office to be- worshipers would travel back and forth be- to test innovative approaches to improving the come the first elected Hispanic woman to tween Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl- child welfare system. serve as a Commissioner since the Commis- vania to attend High Holy Day Services. I am an ardent supporter of the waiver pro- sioner’s Court was established. She rep- The group, made up mostly of German im- gram. My home State of Illinois has been a resents Agua Dulce, Petronila, Banquete, migrants, was originally known in the 1840s as leader in developing and demonstrating the ef- Bishop and the western part of Corpus Christi. ‘‘Chevra Rodef Shalom,’’ meaning, ‘‘Brother- fectiveness of pioneering child welfare reforms Prior to being elected to the Commissioner’s hood of the Pursuer of Peace.’’ using these waivers. Most notably, Illinois’s Court, Commissioner Longoria served on the On August 20, 1860, the group was re- subsidized guardian waiver was critical to doc- Corpus Christi City Council for 10 years and named ‘‘Kehilat Anshe Chesed,’’ meaning the umenting the success of this permanency op- was a school board trustee with the Tuloso- ‘‘Congregation of the People of Loving-Kind- tion in preserving families, improving child Midway Independent School District for 6 ness.’’ well-being, and reducing the number of chil- years. Throughout her political career, she has By 1862, its membership had increased to dren in care. I am proud that the Illinois waiver been a strong advocate of education. She has 27 and was granted a charter. helped lay the ground work for the statutory served as a student mentor at Crossley Spe- The congregation’s first synagogue was lo- change in 2008 via The Fostering Connections cial Emphasis, Lamar Elementary, Blanche cated in the 100 block of Linden Street in to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act that Moore Elementary, South Park Middle School Scranton. They purchased the land in 1867 allowed states to use Federal funds to support and Solomon Coles Elementary. from the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, family caregivers raising relatives who were in Commissioner Longoria serves on the board and worshiped in the original synagogue the foster care system. of directors for the Corpus Christi Botanical through 1902. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:27 Sep 29, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28SE8.001 E28SEPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS E1752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 28, 2010 During this time, the congregation joined the CELEBRATING THE CAVE SPRINGS cation, communication, and employment pos- American Reform Movement, an organization CENTENNIAL sible. founded by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, who was The Training and Research for Autism Im- present to dedicate the original synagogue in HON. JOHN BOOZMAN provements Nationwide Act will improve fed- eral support for research and treatment related Scranton in April of 1867. OF ARKANSAS to Autism disorders. The bill establishes Cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1902, the congregation moved from its ters of Excellence to train and provide serv- original synagogue to a new building on Madi- Tuesday, September 28, 2010 ices to children and families affected by Au- son Avenue in Scranton. Over the next few Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam Speaker, today I tism. I am well aware of the benefits of such decades, the synagogue was renovated and rise to recognize the 100th birthday of Cave comprehensive, targeted Centers of Excel- expanded to accommodate the group’s grow- Springs, Arkansas. lence. I am proud that Chicago is home to the ing membership, and in the 1960s its name At the turn of the century Cave Springs was Therapeutic School and Center for Autism Re- was changed to ‘‘The Madison Avenue Tem- a busy town that centered on commerce and search run by the Easter Seals Metropolitan ple.’’ tourism. The town cave and therapeutic wa- Chicago. This Center is a national leader in The congregation moved into its current ters attracted people who would travel up to providing care and advancing research related to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Within one site, synagogue off of Lake Scranton Road in 1974, two days by horse and carriage just to visit.
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