![The Alumnus the State College of Washington](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• .. ~~~~xx~~~xx~~~xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. THE ALUMNUS THE STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON ... g • . .. t'" ~ • .. • Volume XVII June, 1927, Pullman. Washington Number 6 Published Monthly by the Alumni of the State College of Washington ~ • 'i ·. .. OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • • Executive Committee • A. R. Ga lbraith, '1:l. Cell tJ'al ia ..... .. .. , ..... .. .. ..Presi(lent F. '1'. Baf'llHnl. '04, Pullman . ...... ..... .. ....First V i ~e Presillent J. O. Bla ir. '08, VantOllvcl' . .... .. ... .. ··· .Setond Vice President • II. M. Chambers, '13, Pullman... ..... .... ... ...... .... Secretary C. L. Hix, '09, Pullman.... .. .. ............. .. .....Treasurer Board of Directors Members-at-Large Frank Jenne. '12 ................ .. .... ...... ... :'Ionnt Yerllon C. F . Anderson, '11 .. .... .. .. ..... .... .... ... .. Chehalis Forrest Murdoek, 'Hi ... ...... ...... .. .... ... ..Hoquiam Earl M cCros k e ~·. '19 .. .. ......... ......... ............ Ol.ympia Benton Bangs. '11 ....... .. .... .... .. ... .... .. \ Ven l1 t ehee Athletic Council C. A. Zimmernliln, 2-:1: .. .. ..................... .. ... ... Spokalle R. C. l\IcCroske.'·, 'Of. ....... .. ........... .... .... .... Gari'iel(l E. V. Foster, '23 ........ ... .. ........ .... .. ... .. ... Pullmall .. ' Official Publication 1'h(; Alumnus ........ ................... ..... ... pullman (Subscription price, including dues, $3.00 per year.) • ~ E ntered as second-class matter, June 13, 1919, at the post office at Pullman, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. • • .' THE p).LUMNUS . " A Digest of the News for the Alumni VOLUlvIE XVII PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, J U NE, 1927 NUMBER 6 Alun1ni Meeting Saturday, June I1t11 .. Two very interesting sessions were held by the alumni (:·ointcd a committee to consider the present status and the Gn Alumni Day. The Board of Directors' mceting in the possible improvem ent of the maga :ine, s uggesting that mOrtling and the A luillni m eeting in the afternoon. The Ihe committee bring in a comprehensive report that would Ill'nutes of both meetings follow: en lighten the a lumni on ho\\' the magazine is published, Board of D irectors' Meeting who carr:es the financial burden at the present time, and Meefng of the Board of Directors in room 106. Science a ny other information on the question that the committee " hell, S :J tunlay, June II. 1927. Prcs:de nt Robinson in the mig ht be a bl e to offe r. l hair. The committee was c01llposed of the foll owing: F. F. The minutes of the p rcv: o~l s 111e eting \I'cre read and' Nalder. M. K. Snyde r, H. E. Goldsworthy, L B. Vincent approve.1. a nd H. M. Chambers. ., President Robinson reported that a spirit of good \\' ill T hree of the above committee, F. F. Nalder, M. K. Sny­ (JI'evailed betv:cen the A lumni As,ociations of the U niver­ <ier a nd H. ),1. Clumbers. met with the Presid ent of the s:ty and State College. He expressed the hope that the 1\ lumni As<ociation on TUl.'stiay, June 7, 1927, and pre­ same spirit could be made to prevail throughout this com­ pa red the following report to be s ubmitted to the Alumni lng year. As,ociation at their annual sessioll Saturday, June II. The following committee \\'as appointed to canvass the The facts I\·ith reference to the A lu1lllluS are: e lec tion of officers for 1927-1928: F irst. that the f;na ncial burden of publishing the A lum­ J. P. Hunt, P hil Howard a nd M rs. H. A. LUllt. nu s a t the present fme rests with the Alumni Association. No further bus:ness appearing the meet ing was ad­ Second, that the cost is $60.00 for the first 500 copies journed. of each iss ue and 30 cents pcr page per hundred ' for all Attest: H. )'L CHAMBERS, copi es above 500. Secretary. Third, that an . analysis of the Alumnus for this year's Alumni Association ·Meeting I ;:SUCS up to the present time discloses the following per­ A nnua l meeting of the Alumni Association in Ferry hall, ceilt'ages o f m ater:al published : Saturday, June II. 1927. President Robinson in th e chair. Per Cent The minutes of the previous meeting were read and I. Matters of general alumni interest ..... 24.6 approved. 2. Items a bout a lumni .. .. ................_... 21.8 It was moved a nd seconded that the report of the Sec­ 3. District meetings ............... _.................... 4.3 I eta ry be adopted. Carried. 4. \ Veddings ..............._...........-...................... 3.1 The report was as follows: S. Deceased .. ------ ---.--.------ .._---- .. _-- .. _.---- ---- . 1.8 Our acti\'ities for the past year have not been on an 6. Athletics ......._............._.. ...... __ ................. .... _..... 18.6 extensive scale. The rea;; on for this is not far to seck, 7. A . S. S. C. W. _...-... __ ....................._..._.......__ ..... 3.7 and need' not be di SC ll ssed here. The great 11I ass of alumni 8. Item s about students, etc..................... .......... 4.6 are ful ly av:are of the fa ct that we do not now have an 9. Faculty -----_.---_.---.----_.-- --._- -- _.-. _--- -- ----- -----.-----------. 5.0 A IU11ln i Department. 10. Coll ege Departments ................................_..... 3.7 This has na turally hand;ca ppc :! the !\ IU111ni \I'ork to a 11. Buildings ._-_ ._ .-- -_ ..... ---_ .. _- .... ._-----... 1.8 .. :narked d egree. But little is bei ng <1 01:e . a nrl under the 12. Cuts .... ... _-_ ...._----_ .. ....._---_ ._-_. _- ---. _--- .. ---- --- .....-- ---- -- 3.7 present arrangc 1I1 clit but Lttle: I\·ill be dO li e'. 1\ req t: l·q has recen t ly C0 111 e fr0111 O:l r a lumni friends Total ---_ ........ ._- .. ... _. ... .... 96.7 I",iding in Yak;m '-l that mcans be adopled to in creasc the A further a !lalysis of the'sc Jle'rcentages shows that for ... effectiveness of the A lu111nu s. and tint 111ean s also be e11l­ purposes o f genera l classif;cation it may be said that mat­ (' Ioyed to arouse activ ities on the part of O:H lo cal clubs. ters of an a lum ni nature comprised 55.6 per cent of the The requ('st of the Yak:ma A ssociation was publis hed magazine, and that matters of a college nature comprised in the May issue of the A lumnus and will not be reprinted 4 1.1 pCI' cent. ....~. here. A lu111ni who did not receive the May issue of the Fourth, that the Manual of Alumni \Vork, which publi­ /\ IUl1lnu s and who a re interested in receiv:ng a copy of the e tion is the gcnerally r ecognized authority on alumni mat­ Yakima requcsl' please write to the Secretary. lers. among ot h ~ r s things, has this to say about the alumni Repcrt of the Committee on the Alumnus I'uh:ication: Follo",:ng receipt of the suggestions with reference to I. The purposes of the magazine are: the Alu111 nu s received fr0111 the Yakima Chapter, Mr. \Val­ F irst. to tel l a lumn i about alumni. Second, to tell alumni ter Robinson, Presidc nt of the A lumni f\ssociation, ap­ about the collcg,e. Third, to advance specific camp:lign. 'r'>­ • ·'. 2 THE ALUM~L'S • Fourth, to present matters of general educational interest. lication commensurate with the dignity of an organization Fifth, to get opinions from the alumni on matters in which such as should characterize the great body of graduates of alumni opinion is desirable. uur Alma Mater. 2. The things which an alumni magazine should not at­ R espectfully submitted. .. tempt are: COMMITTEE ON THE ALUMNUS, First, to publish literary material. SeC( nd, to publish ma­ (Signed) H. M . Chambers, Chairman terial of a scientific nature. Third, to be humorous. Frank F. Nalder 3. \Vith regard to form the magazine should have reg­ M. K. Snyder. ular sections, which appear in each issue. In conclusion, your Secretary has this to say: That 4. In satisfying the subscribers the Manual has this to whatever has been said with reference to the Alumnus say, "All of the readers cannot, of course, be satisifed. The l1'ay also be said with reference to all of our alumni work. readers comprise the young recent graduate, interested in The ills and ailments of our magazine are the ill s and ail­ ·. lighter college affairs of the type published in the college ments of all of our activities. paper. The older g raduate is interested in more mature Before it will be possible for us to undertake anything affairs and aims, and of course there are all degrees of worthwhile we must have financia l . support. It matters interest in between. Some want class affairs emphasized; not so much where that support comes from, whether from • some want more a bout the institution and less about the the college or the alumni. However, before we can hope alumni; some want more alumni news and less about the to move forward, we must have dollars in our treasury. institution; some want long articles on education. and some Respectfully submitted, • .. dO not care for such material at all. And so it goes on H. M. CHAMBERS, throughout. The best an editor can hope to do is strike Secretary. ;: fair average of interest by publishing different kinds of Discussion followed at some length on the question of material in each issue. This seems about the best way to the Alumnus and alumni work in general and it was moved • meet the situation." and seconded that the meeting go on record as establish­ Fifth, that at the present time funds arc not available ing an Open Forum in the Alumnus in order that the for the improvement of the magazine and its editor can­ alumni might be free to discuss in its columns any ques­ not give additional time to the publication.
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