W'i' THE HErUBMC: TfESDAT. DKCEMBEK IS. MOO. ROMANCE IS INTERRUPTED ?!?: as .. :h: A A Strong Sermon vvA RELIABLE JEWELRY HOVSE.w "Slecn ducll upon thine eyes, peace in BY ST. LOUIS DETECTIVES. thv heart." Southeast Corner This quotation can be appropriately ap- speaking of Duffy's Pure. M.tlt PIT) plied when L Whiskey. It brintw refrcshiiij; sleep to the Sixteen-Year-Ol- d Alice Short Elopes From Home in Percy, 7th Piie Streets, jsk"y wearj-- and teacc to the diseased, tired brain. 1 11. &L&! A xl The lollowtnj: letter from the Rev. Mills: III., With Sampson Williamson and Eoth Arc id Fulierion Building. was written in answer to a criticism ami query from one of his church members. 'Soon Arrival in Citv. 1'ure Malt Whiskey Arrested After ja,f$ YOiJR He sas uff's "MAKE SELECTIONS EARLY." is a blessing to mankind. CHHISTflAS PRESENTS FR.OM TO Meade Center. Kam. 25c $1,000.00. vv My favor with the in- P"1? fro V.ur - closed slip is nt liMid 'Ihefactaarethe'sr M- wile wsusu luiui.u M'inji lli'i vu uiu ir j .tv- - ?Kixz tittiiiiiH iiUiriir"''" in o will 111 aM&paivijjgTreriy''"PJ-'sss,,s- B IEmMM GIFTS. 1 WHIP i; 'b EVERYTHING IN ODS ' IS H XfiKfSMS fe H 2A 2 LN0WN TO THE TRADE. 9 JH MB niendallnn ueJ a certain with verr great berscn: luuiu K . biiaMaiMB mnn it Ii.x-.or- I'lUnitv.uotofMiiiii'in.-.l.'.t- t am not nlraid to My that Hurry's InnnuU The Fines, and Most Complete Line Ever Shown, in the West. and IluaVs Iure Malt Vhi-l.e- are th purest andtrit'eretive propitratlnrj-nsmcd'clnc- Two La.rs'esi Trunk Stores in the World. koowo'. and cTpcrience 1 n, l&nre one. I am a temjierate na, and nevr un.il. ard would nrerrtn!inVrcanornt woman to use. any intoxicant a a M reeii:ii'.nc-ndationi-- f liaCj's Formula and Wc.sWv wis ir.ide alter a thorouzn i:iow'ii:e 01 tucir g.-r-st yh.uo r nuiii zr.n sui i .: no m-:i-su' m:;i-- i r hTT m cicei. The statement was trade ilelitersiriy uiiui ,aiw ;o tl c raiime 0:1 um-i- w 10 .' ii r.j bjlt. The many tcrsiraTJ-nc- ruen who nsvii ventien niunimm'ni njnin'iiui O f ''JfJ 0,5 was a roan befoee m it.v of them were loin. .sintcrclv n:r. B 3!iI.LS.l I. M eP ?r iTti ItIitlieor.lv WhUiev taxed bv the government as a median- - T!i:K. llefure M O iny iiXiwJi iierx TR.VNK CO.. m -- Ton ret the genuine Refute substitutes, mere is none juj: 03 5001 a imnj . .vn urugEi- - i vnd grocers, or direct. Hjouaresiciandran dnwn.wn:e lis: .... co: you H Directly fj.uilc I.ind-- ii Hc.r!. Third and St. Charles Sts. and 612 Washington Ave. Tltnlitv Medical hoo'.iet sent free. ,.,.., heal'h.enerevancl To svny reader of this paper who will write in we wilUenil tree two of our patent 325.11; T n ilTi 1 i fa - WhB n 1 f"MrnKKllL (lame Counters for whist, euihre. te Send fm,r in stamps to cover WMW af poaUge. Ibcy are unique and useful. DUFFY MALT VvlIISKFV CO . Kovhesur. r ffn r BOliTELLE RE' CONFERENCE WILL WORK FOR MISSOURI n "5 AS SAVA1 yn. m$& f$ TO-DA- Y, EXHIBIT AT BUFFALO. TAKE PLACE Sixtitlocikize Story Ali'eiiin the I n nimi Slippi-t- l Congressman's Wife ?anta To Officials ami l presenta- ExpoMiinn BmmmmmmmmfeaMmmmmmmamummmKmmmmmmmtmammmmantmimJf t"oii",rss!.n;iii 'I'ii: illicit ii tives nf Trainmen o Discuss sitin to Ask for .liitt.riuii tiie Hioi.se Aclinii ( liliii-'d- . MISS ALUM-- : SHOUT. is pt'BM.siinD nNTir.E Toea-rriiEi- : with Telegraphers" Sink". From the St,ue. - A sixteen earohl jiiil of Perc. 111., who ran a war nilh Sainpon JVZJ3L.TSrZ- OTHER GOOD TOEdaXTG-- X3X WilliatiiMtn. but was overtaken in Si. Louis. Iti:iTIII.IC IM. Washington. Dee. 17,-- At the .1- - e ..' Cupid rom.-we- was I life dreary to when THE MANY COLLECTED. Our of Dan s little lerame her. and - I 1 I PRESIDENT DOLPHIN JUBILANT. PRODUCTS si I,ne v. afle-- the- Hon- - spolletl ay moMllim v heo llr.e tives Ill.it her swectlic.iit intended ! ' eme leren f.-- r several hours eiinsl.lerltig private Lawler and Corildl aneMeil Samp-o- n to St lMits to I. eiiiploinient she aslvd !dm to. bills and few ir.enilje.re w.r-- in a and Alice Short who ran away to her If s'ie was jotiu to married, she- - s.,id she to live in : joint making MARTVwET si Rl wanted their seals. fre m Percy. III. ten days so to tlie wa-- of -- Wanapor of Operators interests Honor Desired to Provi.le SniiahiL-- .miei city where he was until she Charles A. ltoutelle of 31 1 no - mart. ace. i re tiled Captain in the l'nite-- tt l Which Will Ue L'x-- I Miss Is dntn;iit"r of On Saturdav '. they 1 Professes to ttelieve Thar lie P.niltliiif.'. Snort the n'sht. Navy was brotisht forward aa-- il Short, a prosperous mruli.int eif camo to St. Li'tih. Alice-- slipp.sl out the s"ti Holiday Number "Will by as IIeadiiiarters for the r through. Trainmen Stand Perev. Sli" is laijre' for h- -r aKe" ami ratli-- lack v.av. hail'is thrown a bmidl. of her - wH.-- was Telegrapher.. St. Louis l'air. pre'tty. Something Ics than a e'ur .iko she" edothes out at the- window. Williamson pro- The in this a. tlon the Sec-ei-- met William e.n at a darce-- . and Ih-- y cured lie.-n- tor lvr at No --'l." South d taken van criticinesl by one or tt-- of er i;o d frlci ds. ih aex'oiint ef lrr street ill til" family of IMwa'd linns jtresent. who urcl that It was lie wnrl; s!i al-o- :ik her would not allow r to She wan to do wbit virtu. illy a civil por-l- list, TO-DA- Y. 1 - g ca.IeTs. alio thut the of her love the- liou-J- ' to p.iy for lur bond Williamson be eioTi-- u OU SALE EVERYWHERE .. and that there should at least a .Manager Mrmliers of the KxtHisitinn :i.-- e l he.i:-- Topcka. Kas.. Dee. elid not run as smiminty it inisllt. All. nrrniiee-e- for Lmd in the ml present when such important action was Comml.son met the office of t'li.tirman e'omplW" d the eeunse line! cmplomcnl as i painter. "W!' Mudse of the Santa left for ChlcBn at when siie hid at th" starled ecit to taken. this afternoon in hl privat" car Mr. Mudse A. ft. Cochntn yesterday afteni'X.i. and de- puhllc s hool. was plieed in tlie cro ry 31r. Short beeanie- - iine.isv about his fatiie-i'- .b--on- - K. 3Ir. I.ittl.'lield .Maine, who cted ! appro-prltlo- n if her daughter's and emp'e" o' ire" hl lia aholutely nothinK to cided to ask the l.cclslaturo for an , fays iill Willlamoi was a 'Icadv Stutz bvate be r traced the clrl th- measure-- trlni to minlrniz. the im nir Tilth the ftriKe. hut the striker sav hi of ?l(fCi. rnl - lie It e OJlVCMe 111 tee e ill a.s freipletltly and Willianron to Si Loul- tance of the legislation hv savin.: I i.u CLEVELAND'S VIEWS It N th Intention to in.l'h e Ii prea?lonel by the conference of the "ommlsion - we-- - vilt there as hli It islness v.e uld n'rmu Alice- e:ie After WIII'.co o'i .end Mis Short whilo were- no pirallel e.isrs m uffi. the different hate Missouri well represented at lluffalo - thre . held between the of waited em lilm Mr Short h..d ! i taken to the- I'om c'.ief Dcmond point eif fsi.-t- tie re were at least eight in to demonstrate In an C'irl. a trainmen's organizationst and the officers ordr hr abilities ir W iiliam-tot- i p. rsoiaHv. but tedecraplnsl to Mr Short Harry Short, wne-i- nie-- had been pin. ed the cpodtion cMiue- - e.n - - GF NEEDS OF PARTY. Pictures vt the road line Alrea!y the Commission the'ucli th t bfs elauchter was too younc hiothcr. and Marsl.il !lo.'j;kiss r.tlresl list bv- act of Consre He to-e- d Mr. Polphin. prcidcnt of the . Tt T.. lias secured thousinds. of dollar-- worth of to marrv and that Willi imson did not Inun-dlate- dy Aliee will be re to hr s.il'l the frle-nd- s or .Mr. ltoutelle were anx- nlo left for Chicago and valuable products, both mln'ral and ncri-cultur- make Mioush to a wife. Aiic'- - liom"' Willi ini'on Is to lie ious that th" mutter shoul I '"" ae ted upon w and It is dcslied to prop.-rl- as speedllv as possible While Mr ltoutelle deeIopm"tit lire looked for at lioti. : nil display them. According to a was a member of the e'oimre-ss- md once. membr to the next Congress, his of the Cf.mmls.ion JKO.f will bo an ade-ina- te 'Democracy Has Wandered Off It l the purpose of mnnaKCr BLACK ATTITUDE w--es I propo-f- : tlon theceneral SOLDIERS RiTISH .
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