2021-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan FOR THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANNING COMMISSION th ADOPTED, JANUARY 26 2021 PAGE | 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 LIST OF ACRONYMS 4 LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION 7 1.1 THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 7 1.2 REGIONAL LAND USE, POPULATION, AND EMPLOYMENT TRENDS 8 1.3 REGIONAL PROJECTS OF INFLUENCE 13 1.4 COVID-19 DISRUPTIONS TO TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITIES IN THE SNHPC REGION 14 1.5 THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANNING COMMISSION REGION’S VISION 15 1.6 TRANSPORTATION MODES OF THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN 16 1.7 FEDERALLY DESIGNATED METROPOLITAN PLANNING FACTORS 18 1.8 AUTHORITY OF THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN 19 1.9 TECHNICAL APPROACH TO PLANNING 20 2.0 PLAN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 21 2.1 SAFETY AND SECURITY 21 2.2 EFFICIENCY AND PRESERVATION 21 2.3 LOCAL ECONOMY AND ACCESS 22 2.4 REGIONAL ECONOMY AND CONNECTIVITY 22 2.5 GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY AND TOURISM 22 2.6 RESILIENCY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 22 2.7 LAND USE AND QUALITY OF LIFE 23 2.8 AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENT 23 2.9 TRACKING PROGRESS TOWARDS GOALS 23 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 24 3.1 THE ROADWAY NETWORK 24 3.2 TRANSIT FACILITIES AND SERVICE 31 3.3 FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION 37 3.4 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES 39 3.5 INTERMODAL FACILITIES 42 3.6 NEW HAMPSHIRE’S RAIL SYSTEM 46 3.7 LAND USE & CLIMATE CHANGE 48 PAGE | 2 4.0 TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTS 49 4.1 THE REGIONAL TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL 49 4.2 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ZONES (TAZ) 50 4.3 FORECASTING MODEL INPUTS AND VALIDATION 53 4.4 BASE YEAR (2015) TRAVEL DEMAND FORECAST NO BUILD SCENARIO 55 4.5 HORIZON YEAR (2045) TRAVEL DEMAND FORECAST NO BUILD SCENARIO 58 4.6 HORIZON YEAR (2045) TRAVEL DEMAND FORECAST BUILD SCENARIO 62 4.7 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 65 5.0 PLAN EVALUATION 67 5.1 PERFORMANCE MEASURES 67 5.2 SETTING PERFORMANCE MEASURE TARGETS 68 5.3 PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING TARGETS 71 5.4 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM 81 5.5 EVALUATING PROJECT IMPACTS AND PLANNING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION 81 6.0 FINANCIAL PLAN 90 6.1 FISCALLY CONSTRAINED TRANSPORTATION PLAN 90 6.2 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE NEEDS 99 6.3 OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 102 7.0 PROJECT LIST 102 APPENDIX A: TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL DATA INPUTS AND OUTPUTS 103 PAGE | 3 LIST OF ACRONYMS AADT- Annual Average Daily Traffic NH GRANIT- The New Hampshire ACS- American Community Survey Geographically Referenced Analysis and ADA- American with disabilities Act Information Transfer System ATV- All Terrain Vehicle NHDOT- New Hampshire Department of Transportation BUILD- Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development NHES- New Hampshire Employment Security CART- Cooperative Alliance for Regional NHS- National Highway System Transportation NPMRDS- National Performance CFR- Code of Federal Regulations Management Research Data Set CMAQ- Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality OHRV- Off highway recreation vehicle CMP- Congestion Management Process PBPP- Performance-based planning CO- Carbon Monoxide PEA- Planning Emphasis Area CSAC- Complete Streets Advisory Committee PFPNH- Partnering for Performance New Hampshire CVTC- Community Volunteer Transportation Company RCC- Regional Coordinating Council FAST- Act- Fixing America’s Surface RSA- Road Safety Audits Transportation Act SHSP- Strategic Highway Safety Plan FHWA- Hederal Highway Administration SNHPC- Southern New Hampshire Planning FRA- Federal Railroad Administration commission FTA- Federal Transit Administration SPUI- Single Point Urban Interchange GARVEE- Grant Anticipation Revenue STIP- Statewide Transportation Vehicles Improvement Program GIS- Geographical Information Systems TAC- Technical Advisory Committee HSIP – Highway Safety Improvement TAM- Transit Asset Management Program TAP- Transportation Alternatives Program ITS- Intelligent Transportation Systems TAZ- Traffic Analysis Zone LCHIP- Land and Community Heritage TDM- Transportation Demand Management Investment Program TERM- Transit Economic Requirements LMP- Limited Maintenance Plan Model LOTTR- Level of Travel Time Reliability TIP- Transportation Improvement Program MHT- Manchester- Boston Regional Airport TMA- Transportation Management MPO- Metropolitan Planning Organization Association MTA- Manchester Transit Authority TTTR- Truck Travel Time Reliability MTP-Metropolitan Transportation Plan TYP- Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan NAICS- North American Industry Classification System UPWP- Unified Planning Work Program NEPA- National Environmental Policy Act UZA- Census Urbanized Area PAGE | 4 LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES TABLES LIST Table 1: MTA Annual Fixed Route Ridership 2006-2019 .............................................................................................. 33 Table 2: Miles of Railroad by Carrier, State and SNHPC Region .................................................................................. 46 Table 3: Number of TAZ by Town ................................................................................................................................. 50 Table 4: Model Validation Results Summary, 2015 Base Year .................................................................................... 54 Table 5: Socio-Demographic Data ............................................................................................................................... 58 Table 6: Transportation Improvement Projects in the Horizon Year Travel Demand Forecast .................................... 62 Table 7: Partnering for Performance Collaborating Agencies ..................................................................................... 69 Table 8: SNHPC TIP Project Prioritization Criteria ........................................................................................................ 70 Table 9: National Safety Performance Measures ........................................................................................................ 71 Table 10: SNHPC Regional Safety Performance Targets .............................................................................................. 71 Table 11: National Infrastructure Condition Performance Measures .......................................................................... 74 Table 12: SNHPC Regional Infrastructure Condition Performance Targets ................................................................. 75 Table 13: National System Performance Measures Applicable in the SNHPC Region ................................................. 77 Table 14: SNHPC Regional System Performance Targets ............................................................................................ 78 Table 15: SNHPC CMAQ Carbon Monoxide Emissions Reduction Target ..................................................................... 79 Table 16: Transit Asset Management Applicable in the SNHPC Region ...................................................................... 79 Table 17: SNHPC Regional Transit Equipment Performance Targets .......................................................................... 80 Table 18: SNHPC Regional Transit Rolling Stock Performance Targets ....................................................................... 80 Table 19: SNHPC Regional Transit Facility Performance Targets ................................................................................ 80 Table 20: Agencies, Transportation Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies of Environmental Resources ....................... 83 Table 21: List of potential agencies for coordination of environmental impact mitigation ........................................ 87 Table 22: SNHPC Regional Fiscal Constraint Analysis (FY 2021-2045 MTP Highway and Bridge Projects) ................. 92 Table 23: SNHPC Regional Fiscal Constraint Analysis (FY 2021-2045 MTP Transit Projects) ....................................... 95 Table 24: Operations and Maintenance Needs on Federal-Aid Roads in the SNHPC Region ..................................... 100 Table 25: Operations and Maintenance Needs for Public Transportation in the SNHPC Region ............................... 101 Table 26: Metropolitan Transportation Plan Project List........................................................................................... 102 PAGE | 5 FIGURES LIST Figure 1: The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission Region ......................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Acres of Land for 100 People Urban to Rural .................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3: Population Growth Manchester and Other Municipalities within the SNHPC Region .................................... 8 Figure 4: SNHPC Rates of Population Change, by Municipality ..................................................................................... 9 Figure 5: SNHPC Employment Concentrations by Municipality ................................................................................... 10 Figure 6: Jobs, Populations, Housing, and Roads within 2 Miles of Highway Exits ...................................................... 11 Figure 7: Federally Designated Metropolitan Planning Factors (FHWA) ..................................................................... 18 Figure 8: The “3C” Transportation Planning Process ................................................................................................... 19 Figure 9: Regional Network of Federal-Aid and Non-Fed. Aid Eligible Roadways ....................................................... 25 Figure 10: Regional
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