m AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST N U M B E R 50 V O L U M E 16 Kelowna, British Columbia, Thursday, July 4, 1918 ] CHAUTAUQUA REFUSED YOUNG CHILD GOES BENVDULIN CHILDREN COMPETITIONS FOR BELGO BRIDGE PICNIC LICENSE IN WINNIPEG ADRIFT ON LAKE GIVE ENTERTAINMENT BOYS ANO GIRLS A little episode wbieb might have ENJOYED BY FARM ERS WINNIPEG, June 29.—Can a ended with disastrous results Chautauqua be classified a circus? May Polo Dances Figure in Cloolnff m Bankers* Anoociation ^Will Give occurred on Tuesday morning in the Listen to Lectures dn Dairy Stock, Soil Fertility and Poultry Kjeping Concert at Okanagan School Prizes for Live Stock The board of control, last Saturday, vicinity of the wharf. A small child was in some difficulty in arriving at gathcriiig to the three speakers of A prettily arranged entertainment LI about four years of age was sitting 'I'hore was not a sigi| of either wal­ a decision in reference to the applica­ . TlirouKli tlic action of tlic minister the day, to which Mr. Bovine made of considerable merit was given by playing in the six foot canoe which rus or carpenter at the Dairymen’s tion made by the advance agent of of agriculture, tlic Uonourabic T. A. a suitable reply. Mr. Little, of the the school children of Okanagan. ! belongs to George Oliver. The canoe Picnic at tlic Belgo last .Saturday, the Calgary Chautauqua for a license Creraf, arrangements liavc again Vancouver Exhibition Association, School; lUinvoUlin, last Thursday was in the water but was drawn up but there was not the filiglitcst <lonbt to hold a .six-day session at Central been ma<lc to have the Canadian expressed the thanks of the picnicers evening in. the school grounds. Not ' just on to the sand by the wharf. A of the fact that the event proved a Congregation Church next month. Bankers' Association co-operateaiv. witlivYin, jargerlarger boynoy wnowho was pussniKpassing pushed.'t time to talk of many things, With the to the ladies for the excellent repast only were there'a number of songs', Mayor Davidson pointed but that ' the department of agriculture in pro-' little fellow off, and the breeze picnic called for ,10 o’clock, guests tlicy had provided and served. but a series of Mayjiolc dances added viding a liberal sum of money to be which was blowing cpiickly carried the Chautaii(iua—which Is a kind of nipch to the, httractiveness of tUfr' were given fully two hours to stroll educational lecture and entertainment offered in , prizes for calves and piftR him out on to the lake. Fortunately around, look at a few Ilolsteins and evening, while a wand drill was con­ FIRE AT SAW MILL scheni'e—is a money making affair sidered by inany to be one of the exhibited liy boys or girbs under 17 his cries for help were heard, and chat, and thus the talking com- prinjarily, and under the decision of years of age, at one^fair in each dis­ perhaps more fortunately he kept nicnced, and if there was any subject most pleasing events. Songs, drills Fire in the big shavings Iw'pper at the city council to allow no suclv^m- trict—either a County, Township or (piitc still and did not attempt ' to left untouched it certainly belonged, and dances were all given- to the the plajiing mills of the Kelowna .Saw tertainments to come to the city in accompaniment of a gramophone, the- School h'air. ^ stand up. A lady attempted a rc.scue neither to farming nor to the war. Mill Company’s plant, gave a few w;^ time, it should not be allowed children keeping perfect time with These compctilions arc known as but failed owing to the boat being After the lunch, wiiich, by the way, minutes of excitement to eitizen.s on here. The board refused to grant tfic the instrument which, played suitable the “Canadian Bankers” competition, unseaworthy, but the “Aricia” fortun­ had little of a wpr time aspect about Saturday morning, as well as a few license. airs or the accompaniment as the ease and arc linked up with the activities ately was able to go to the little lad's it, the government lecturers did their minutes hard work to the Fire demanded. , Mr.* J. ,\V. Jones, M.L.A., of the Live.Stock Branch of the rescue and bring him in. bit of talking. Prof. McLean was Brigade. Tfic cause of the outbreak acted as chairman and his many apt Donlinion department of agriculture. the first to entertain, and of course is unknown, but it is supposed that a witticisms aided inatcrially in : the They represent an effort to increase he talked about cows and bulls until AUTOS MUST NOT spark from the smoke-stack or some enjoyment of the ■ evening. The interest fh live stock, and constitute LADY FARM HELPERS / everyone felt that there wa's nothing other, source probably started it. The school grounds were lit with Dclco a part pr^tlfe active campaign for else to be learnt about those animals. EXCEED SPEED LIMIT feeble blowing of the whistle at the Light, supplied gratuitously by Mr. J. ' more and better stock inaugurated ARRIVE FROM GOAST Then Prof. Bovine gave a chat ort planing mill alarmed people in town, H. Trenwith, the electric lamps Hung I and • carried on by that department. Soil Fertility, short, but right- to the City Council Hold Short Thursday most of whom thought it was a small in Japanese lanterns giving a pretty ' The generous support accorded to Party of Over Thirty Came in Yes- point. The next speaker was ^ new Meeting launch on the lake signalling either effect. Ice cream and refreshments the movement by the Canadian Bank­ » terday morning one to the Kelowna district, but it for help or as a visiting salute. The were served after the concert, dona­ ers' Assdciatidn affords a practical is hoped that Prof. A. O. Lunn will With the exception of the consid­ A party of over tliirty ladies for fire syren which soon followed tion in lieu of payment for-these be­ dcnionstbatiotil of the attitude of the soon come again with some informa­ brought out the brigade in a .quick eration an'd reading of a number of fruit picking and general work on ing given to the Red. Cross Society. ''' banks towards the live Stock indus­ tion as to how Kelowna farmers can response, but the mill had its own by-laws, the meeting of the City ranches arrived from the coast by The programme,. which with the try, and the active participation buy cheap chicken feed, for Mr. hose at work before they reached Council, held last Thursday evening, the boat on Wednesday morning. exception of the Maypole dances and of the association in this campaign Lunn appeared to be an authority on held little of interest. These were soon distributed round there. The supplementary stream drills was given on a prettily arranged is bound to Strengthen and create anything and everything to do with from the city’s hydrant, together with The date and rate of discount the various districts, most of them stage; appeared to be much genera) interest in farm live stock. chickens. Another call was made for a liberal dosing of chemical applied applicable to 1918 taxes were discussed going to the K.L.O. Bench. The appreciated in spite of the cold and , A Canadian Bankers' Competition Prof. McLean after this, and he kept within the hopper, soon quenched the and a by-law, covering this was read, Kelpwna Land and Orchard Co. took rather windy evening,, and a few will be held at the Kelowna Exhibi­ the ball rolling for another half flames. but the date was by no means settled. tion on the 11th and 12th September the largest number , a few went to drops of rain. Still, the children did hour. After which there was more The Complaint of speeding automo­ splendidly, making their voices well next, and boys and girls should, lose the Bankhead Ranch, while various chat and general talking, and more biles within city limits was . another ranchers on the Benches took from heard. no time in finding out all about them. refreshment for those who needed Hospital Ship Torpedoed matter which was given some atten­ two to four each. Some of the farm­ The programme wps as follows: The calves and pigs must be fed at it. tion, and the Chief of Police was ers appeared to be in doiibt as to Song,“ Go.to Sleep my Dusky Baby,” , least six weeks by the boys and girls Over 75 people sat down to the • W ith258 Souls on Board asked to see that the law was fully how they could make use of them by the school; _,song, "Bubbles,” by who exhibit them, so that it is very alfresco lunch which was handled by complied with in this respect. important to act promptly in secur­ after the cherries are picked, but Jessie Hardy; recitation, "Jerry Joy,’’ the ladies. This number greatly in­ LONDON, July 1.—A German Mr. Archie Johnson _ applied for by Cassie Marshall; song, "Pit-a-Pat,* ing a copy of the rules and other m- others appeared to have it planned creased during the afternoon while submarine sank the British hospital permission to move the gasoline tank that they would put them on to weed­ by Archie Hardy, Grade Burtch and: 'formation. the lectures were in progress. Mr.' ship Llandovery , Castle 116 miles from the front of Mr. Bulman’s oil Full information regarding the ing and hoeing and such like opera­ Bessie Tamaki; wand, drill, phydeaL.
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