Nebraska Administrative Code

Nebraska Administrative Code

NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 23, NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 2 NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL IMPORTATION REGULATIONS November, 2012 Amended NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 23 - NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CHAPTER 2 - ANIMAL IMPORTATION REGULATIONS NUMERICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CODE SUBJECT STATUTORY AUTHORITY SECTION Statement of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 001 Purpose to 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Definitions §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 002 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Administration §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 003 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-726.04, 004 Animals in 54-751 to 54-753, and 54-753.05 General Importation §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 005 of Cattle 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-1367 to 54-1384 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-726.04, 006 Swine 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1501 to 54-1521, and 54-2235 to 54-22,100 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 007 Sheep and Goats 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-2701 to 54-2761 i Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 008 Equidae to 54-753, and 54-753.05 Importation of Dogs §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, and 009 and Cats 54-751 to 54-753 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 010 Poultry and 54-753, 54-753.05, and 2-3001 to 2-3008 Ratite Birds Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 011 Mexico Origin to 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-1367 Cattle to 54-1384 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 012 Canada Origin to 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-1367 Cattle to 54-1384, and 54-706.01 to 54-706.17 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 013 Cervidae 54-753, and 54-753.05, and 54-2302 to 54-2324 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 014 Exotic Animals 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2701 to 54-2761, and 2-3001 to 2-3008 Publications §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 015 Adopted 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Annotation §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 016 to 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 ii NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 23 - NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CHAPTER 2 - ANIMAL IMPORTATION REGULATIONS ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CODE SUBJECT STATUTORY AUTHORITY SECTION Administration §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 003 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Annotation §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 016 to 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Definitions §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 002 to 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-726.04, 004 Animals in 54-751 to 54-753, and 54-753.05 General Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 012 Canada Origin to 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-1367 Cattle to 54-1384, and 54-706.01 to 54-706.17 Importation §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 005 of Cattle 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-1367 to 54-1384 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 013 Cervidae 54-753, and 54-753.05, and 54-2302 to 54-2324 Importation of Dogs §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, and 009 and Cats 54-751 to 54-753 iii Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 008 Equidae to 54-753, and 54-753.05 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 014 Exotic Animals 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2701 to 54-2761, and 2-3001 to 2-3008 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 011 Mexico Origin to 54-706.17, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-1367 Cattle to 54-1384 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 010 Poultry and 54-753, 54-753.05, and 2-3001 to 2-3008 Ratite Birds Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-751 to 007 Sheep and Goats 54-753, 54-753.05, and 54-2701 to 54-2761 Importation of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-726.04, 006 Swine 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1501 to 54-1521, and 54-2235 to 54-22,100 Publications §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 to 015 Adopted 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 Statement of §§54-784.01 to 54-796, 54-701 to 54-705, 54-706.01 001 Purpose to 54-706.17, 54-726.04, 54-751 to 54-753, 54-753.05, 54-7,107, 54-1348 to 54-1366, 54-1367 to 54-1384, 54-1501 to 54-1521, 54-2235 to 54-22,100, 54-2302 to 54-2324, 54-2701 to 54-2761, 2-3001 to 2-3008, and 81-202 to 81-202.02 iv NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE LAST DATE AMENDED: May 12, 2004 TITLE 23 - DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Chapter 2 - ANIMAL IMPORTATION REGULATIONS 001 Statement of Purpose.

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