The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 71, Number 26 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The role of parents in the growth of NORTH COUNTRY vocations I PAGE 11 Advice for parents on screen time for kids I PAG E12 CATHOLIC NOV 9, 2016 All people long for mercy IN SUPPORT VAllCANCITY(CNS)-- Authentic re­ Buddhist, Sikh and other re­ The leaders were in Rome a day passes that we do not ligions help people under­ ligious leaders. for a conference on religions hear of acts of violence, con­ OF VOCATIONS stand that they are, in fact, "We seek a love that en­ and mercy organized by the flict, kidnapping, terrorist at­ loved and can be forgiven dures beyond momentary Pontifical Council for Interre­ tacks, killings and 'Come Holy and are called to love and pleasures, a safe harbor ligious Dialogue and the In­ destruction. Spirit, come' forgive others, Pope Francis where we can end our rest­ ternational Dialogue Center, "It is horrible that at times, said. less wanderings, an infinite which was founded in 2012 to justify such barbarism, "We thirst for mercy, and embrace that forgives and by Saudi Arabia, Austria and the name of a religion or the no technology can quench reconciles," the pope told the Spain with the support of the name of God himself is in­ that thirst," the pope told leaders Nov. 3 during an au­ Holy See. voked," Pope Francis told the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, dience at the Vatican. "Sadly," the pope said, "not group. Annual report AT THE BLUE MASS of diocesan Foundation PHOTO BY FR. THOMAS HIGMAN Rhonda Gruenewald of Houston, au­ thor of "Hundredfold: AGuide to Parish Vocation Ministry," served as keynoter at the Hundredfold Voca­ tions Conference at the Church of the The report of the Foundation ofthe Visitation in Norfolk on Saturday. Fa­ Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg therThomasJ.Higman,assodate v0- indudes information about the mission of cation director for the diocese,said the Foundation, methods of giving, its fi­ nandal position and more. that more than 30 parishes were rep­ resented at the gathering. As she trav­ SPECIAL SECTION, PAGES 7-10 eled to the North Country,Mrs. Gruenewald asked for prayers in a God's Mercy in Facebook message."They have 100,000 Catholics in the diocese, but PHOTO BY COLLEEN MINER God's Country New York State Police Sgt. Gabriel Ward, his wife Christine and daughter,Melanie, parishioners of Sts. Philip and James Church in we are expecting over 100 attendees, lisbon, brought the Offertory gifts to Bishop laValley at the first diocesan Blue Mass Oct. 30 StJoseph's Church in Malone.They which is more than enough to bring Burying the dead were led to the altar by Father Thomas Higman, master of ceremonies for the liturgy. See pages 3and 5 for more. about aculture ofvocations," she in the age of wrote."Come Ho~Spiritcomer cremation FULL STORY, PAGE 4 CElEBRATINGJUBILARIANS: Sister Flavia D'Costa, SCC, observes 25 years ... p.6 II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY C AT H 0 Li e DIOCESAN LIFE NOV. 9, 2016 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 'We love you and we have your back' USPS 0039-3400 "We love you and we have During his 22 years as a your back" showed a deep - The deacons, readers, gift BISHOP TERRY your back" priest for the Diocese of Og­ and personal - connection be­ bearers were all part of the law R.LAVALLEY With these words, Fa­ densburg, he has been tween people who go to work enforcement community. President ther Chris Carrara of a chaplain for police with guns at their waist and It's not an easy time to work REV.JOSEPH A.MORGAN Lowville welcomed a agencies and fire de­ the rest of us who pray for as a police officer, FBI agent or Vice President church-ful of police of­ partments, responding them, and pray in gratitude a corrections officer. During JAMES D.CROWLEY ficers, border patrol to the needs of police that we have them. the Mass, we prayed for a state Secretary-Treasurer agents, corrections per­ officers, firefighters The stirring celebration trooper who had recently been MARY LOU KILIAN sonnel and their fami­ and victims of crimes, opened with the posting of the killed in the line of duty. Drug Editor! lies to the first accidents and colors by officers in dress uni­ busts, prisons incidents and General Manager diocesan Blue Mass tragedies. forms, walking in formation, tragic accidents are all-too­ Oct. 30 at St. joseph's When Bishop LaValley leading into the national an­ common headlines in our local Publish 45 is- in Malone. announced that the dio­ them. newspapers. ~ sues per year: It wasn't surprising cese would alternate At the conclusion of the All of these selfless, coura­ ... Weekly except to see Father Carrara Mary lou the annual diocesan Mass, the flags were taken geous officers put their own skipping one open the celebration. Kilian Harvest Mass with a down, (more appropriately lives on the line - day in and week in Jan Men and women in law Blue Mass, appointing called "the retiring of the col­ day out - to protect ours. and April and enforcement have al- Father Carrara to the ors") and every officer in the Reminding them that we every other ways been close to his heart. planning committee was a no­ congregation was invited to know this, appreciate it and are wIeek beginning July through As a teenager in Seldon, Long brainer. join in the recessional and praying for them seems like a Aug. and skipping one week Island, Father Carrara served And so, Father Carrara's meet the bishop at the exit of perfect way to spend a Sunday in Oec. by the Diocese of Og- as a volunteer fire fighter. words "we love you ... we have the church. afternoon. den sburg. 622 Washington Street, Og­ densburg, N.Y. 13669. APASTOR'S PERSPEGIVE EdttorialOffice: 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. Story of the little man in a tree: our story Telephon e: I was so pleased that the could bring the Lord to us. It jesus recognized that quality (315) 608-7556 story about Zacchaeus, the tax 'Father Bill Say;~-' ~ could just be a time when in Zacchaeus. He recognized collector, was the Gospel read­ tipastor22 @gmail :Z: ()+~ walking out of doors, some­ that Zacchaeus knew what he E-mail: ing on a recent Sunday. This times just a quiet moment. hoped to be and was not afraid news@northcountry story is one of my favorite .I ~ \ Like Zacchaeus, we will to change, not afraid of con­ catholic.org Gospel readings. Zacchaeus .rj know when the time comes if version. has become one of the more ~ our heart is open and loving. I suspect that like you I was Entered at the delightful characters in the We will know exactly when quite surprised by Zacchaeus' Post Office: Gospels and his story has a Fr. \Villiam G. 'hl(~ nch jesus wants to come to invite conversion. Remember, "Be­ Ogd ensburg, NY message for us all today. us to stay with him. hold, half of my possessions, 13669 and I am sure you can imagine eus proved to be open and What did jesus recognize in Lord, I shall give to the poor, additional mailing officesa s what it all looked like with Zac­ ready. Zacchaeus? Thinking it over, I and if I have extorted anything Periodical Postage. chaeus climbing up that I believe that the Zacchaeus' suspect that jesus looked up from anyone I shall repay it sycamore tree. He was a short story is our story. jesus wants in that tree and recognized a four times over." to notice in us what he noticed Subsaiptioo: man which was a good thing. certain humility in Zacchaeus. Wowl This is truly immediate For one year: Otherwise, he would not have in Zacchaeus, each and every Jesus saw a child-like spirit. conversion. Is that what the In-DioceseR ate:$ 27 had to climb up a tree in order day. jesus looks to our faith; This man, despite his wealth, Lord expects from us? I think Outside of DioceseRate :$ 30 to have a good look at jesus jesus looks to us for a heart was able to be little; he was ac­ so. It may never be quite as and might have been lost in that is open to God's love. tually child-like. He was open spectacular as with Zacchaeus, Mattersfor publication the crowd. jesus would have jesus wants to be with us in for conversion. however, I am certain some­ should be never noticed him. love. Many spiritual writers have thing must happen when we addressed to I see a lesson in all of this. I believe that jesus reaches encouraged Christians to be meet the Lord, when the Lord PO Box 326 out to us every day. Somehow seeing Zacchaeus child-like, to be little in the comes to be with us. jesus will Ogdensburg, NY 13669 up in that tree, jesus knew it Just as it was with Zaccha­ sight of God . This means de­ guide us to know what it is and should be recei ved by was the perfect time to do eus, such an experience with veloping a spirit of humility so that will truly transform our Thursday prior to jesus will always be a com­ publication. something a bit dramatic. I am jesus can find an opening, so lives into what they should be. sure it was a risk for jesus.
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