,CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A" II VILLAGE & TOWN SERIES 17 DIRECTORY PUNJAB VILLAGE & TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENS'US ABSTRACT DISTRICT JULLUN'DUR CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK P. L. SONDHI H. S. KWATRA ". OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OF THE PfJ'NJAB CIVIL SERVIce Ex-officio Director of Census OperatiONl Deputy Director (~l Cpnsus Operations ', .. PUNJAB PUNJAB' Modf:- Julluodur - made Sports Goods For 01 ympics ·-1976 llvckey al fhe Montreal Olympics. 1976, will be played with halls manufactured in at Jullundur. Jullundur has nearly 350 sports goods 111l1nl~ractur;l1g units of various sizes. These small units eXJlort tennis and badminton rackets, shuttlecocks and several types of balls including cricket balls. Tlte nucleu.s (~( this industry was formed h,J/ skilled and semi-skilled workers who came to 1ndia a/It?r Partition. Since they could not afford 10 go far away and were lodged in the two refugee can'lps located on the outskirts of .IuJ/undur city in an underdeveloped area, the availabi­ lity of the sk illed work crs attracted the sport,\' goods I1zCllllljacturers especiallY.from Sialkot which ,was the centre (~f sports hJdustry heji,)re Partition. Over 2,000 people are tU preSt'nt employed in this industry. Started /roln scratch after ,Partilion, the indLlstry now exports goods worth nearly Rs. 5 crore per year to tire Asian and European ("'omnu)fzwealth countril's, the lasl being our higgest ilnporters. Alot(( by :-- 1. S. Gin 1 PUNJAB DISTRICT JULLUNDUR kflOMlTR£S 5 0 5 12_ Ie 20 , .. ,::::::;=::::::::;::::_:::.:::~r::::_ 4SN .- .., I ... 0 ~ 8 12 MtLEI "'5 H s / I 30 3~, c ! I I I I ! JULLUNOUR I (t CITY '" I :lI:'" I ,~ VI .1 ..,[-<1 j ~l~ ~, oj .'1 i ;;1 ~ "(,. ,, URBAN POPULATION .~ Po. y N "1. L D H " , .45 80,000 " DIS'f"ICT BOUNDARY ............... '_._.- TAHSIL eOUNDARY ,,: t .......1--·_· .. DISTRICT HEAOQUARTt::RS 20,000 II TAHSIL HEAOQUARTU$ •o NATIONAL HIGHWU, ',,, '" ... ===== OTH E"R METALLED ROAO s,ooo ., ........-- " 8ROAD GAUGE ".I\.WAVS WITH STATION RIVER, J I[ REST HOUSE IHI I ."., . VIL .. AGU HAVING POPULATION 5,000 + o lUllUNOUC:\ IN I PUNJAI It URBAN .AU e POST l TEL.EGRAPH MFI('.[ •••.. , .......... ,T' HOSPITALS I PRIMARY HEALTH t'I.HTRU/ MATERNITY 'CHilD WEL'AR! CENTRU. ., .•.. ····4 I,· SFCONDARY SCHOOl/cOLLIGI • •• , •.• ,., .1., ,." " ... ,I I'. , I 15jf " POCI([ r 1011 .0.... Ol~fllllct flOUUS .IOVE TIn SPH£AE INDICAn POPULATION OF THl TOWN ~ POCIlEf 1"011 kAPlJltt)<JAl,A •• I o ' II L __ ?!f, ~_:!_. __ ._.~:"' ·fI· ..,.,. • "S 16 rUT Of' GRU~WICH 'L l. ...__ 30 ...... ~~~ ... ~ •. -~ ----"'''--''* _____ .l... _____--- ... '~ .•._, ... _.- CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 A --CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Tbe 1971 Census Reports on Punjab will bear uniformly Series No. 17 and will be publisbed in the foJIowing Parts :- PA RT I-A General Report. PART I-B General Report (Detailed analysis of the Demographic. Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns). PART I .. e Subsidiary Tables. PART II-A General Population Tables. PART II-B Economic Tables. PART II-C (i) Mothertongue, Religion and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Tables. PAM II-C(ii) Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables. PART III Establishment Report and Tables. PA RT IV Housing Report and Tables. PART V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. PART VI-A Town Directory. PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected Towns. PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected Villages. PART VII S~cial Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel. PART VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration (for official use only). PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation (for official use only). PART IX Census Atlas. PART IX-A Administrative Atlas. B-STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATJONS PART X District Census I-Iandbooks for each district in three Parts- PART A-Vi Jlage and Town Directory. PART B-ViUa&e and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract. PART C-AJ.alyticaJ Report, Administrative Statistics and Distrjct Ccnsus Tahles~ Note :-Parts A and B of the District Census Handbooks have beCD printed in ODe volume. (U) CONTENTS Pages PREFACE ••• v ., . FIGURES AT A GLANCE ••• Vllt A GLIMPSE INTO THE DISTRICT ••• 3 Part A-ViJlqe ud Town Directory- Introductory Note 00 .District Census Handbook ·.. 7 Note on Village Directory ••• 10 Note on Town Directory • •• 17 Village Directory- Nawashabr Tah)il ' .. 26 Phillaur Tahsil ... 42 Nak()dar Tahsil J ull undur Tahsil ·.. 72 AFPENDIX- Tahsil-wise Abstract of Ed ucationaJ, Medical and other Amenities '" 90 Town Directory- Statement I Status, Growth History and FUDctional Category of Towns ·.. 94 Statement II Physical aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 ·.. 95 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1968-69 96 Statement IV Civic and other Amenities, 1969 97 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 ••• 98 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 ••• 99 Statement VII Population by Religion, 1971 .... 100 APPENDIX List of urban areas with their location code number ... 101 Part B-Village aDd Townwise Primary Census Abstract­ Explanatory Note on Primary Census Abstract 105 Primary Census Abstract J u II undur District I J 0 Alphabetical1ist of villages ... Nawashahr Tahsil 115 Primary Census Abstract ••• i' awasbahr Tahsil , .. 1.20 Alphabetical list of villages .•. Phillaur Tahsil ••• 139 Primary Census Abstract PhiJlaur Tahsil ..... 144 Alphabetical list of villages •• Nakodar Tahsil ... 159 Primary Census Abstract Nakodar Tahsil ... 164 Alphabetical Jist of villages ... Jullundur Tahsil 179 Primary Census Abstract lullundur Tahsil 184 (iii) Map. :- Frontispiece- District Map Nawasbabr Tahsil .- Pacing Page ••• 115 Phillaur Tahsil ••• Facing Page _. 139t Nakodar Tahsil ••• Facin, Pale • •• 159 Jullundur Tahsil ••• Facing Page ••• 179 ~. (Iv) PREFACE In the publication of the District Census Handbooks we have th~ privilege of taking one of the important census traditions to the 1971 Census. Their publication was first taken up at the 1951 Census. for making census statistics available for the smaller territorial units. In the 1961 Census. attempts were made to make this publication more informative with the addition of data about level of development and amenities available in villages. There was, however. great delay in the publication of this valuable reference compendium. The delay occured on account of the fact that the compilation of the Handbook had to wait ti11 the complete tabulation programme of census data was got through. The c('mpilation· of administrative statistics for inclusion in the Handbook H Iso took a long time. As a resu1t~ the town and village-wise primary census data could not be released pending their formal pubHcation even though there was con~tant demand for it. In view of these considerations, it was decided at the 1971 Census that the Djstrict Census Handbooks would be divided into three convenient parts so that at 1east Parts A and B, which contain essential data down to the village and town level, could be released quickly. Accordingly Parts (A) & (B) of the District Census :H andbook of lullundur ~I re presented in this Hand .. book. Part \A) contains the Vil1age and Town Directory and Part (B) Village and Town .. wise Primary Census Abstract. It is for the first time that data about urban areas is being presented in a separate part, "Town Directory", at the 1971 Census. The Village Directory presents comprehensive information· on various facets of each village. Alphabetical Jist of villuges has also been inserted in the Handbook. 2. There are 108 towns and 12,188 inhabited vHI:l~es in the Punjab State. It waSt indeed, a fornlidablc task to collect and compile volurninous data for such a large nUDlber of units. The collec­ tion of area figures and land use data, in particular, presented &erious difficulties especially when these figures somewhat differed from those given at the tah~jl and district level by the Director of Land Records. We had to make several gruelling cro~s-checks to adopt the area figures finally for each village. 3. It was not considered necessary to have a penetrating a nalysis of any particular item of the data in Parts (1-\) and (B) of this Handbook, this could be taken up by the Census Organisation itself or by some other agency later during the inter-censaJ-perjod. The census da1a u~ers and scholars would perhaps fed satisfied \vith statistical data being presented in this Handbook quickly on the heels of the census count in the country. 4. This Report., as at the last Census, continues to be a State Government publication as it is financed by them. Its cornpilation and write-up have be~n done by the Census Directorate at Chandigarh on behalf of (he State Government. The views expressed in this are that of the State Census Organisation, which i'> under the direct control of the Governtnent of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs. 5. In the collection of data, we had to take help from Jarge nUJnber of personnel of the State' Revenue Department at the village, tahsil and district level and of the municipal staff in towns But for their generous cooperation in filling up of the lengthy schedules regarding availability of amenities and level of development it would not have been possible to achieve the desired objectives in time. It is certainJy difficult to thank separately each individual functionary engaged in this project. Neverthe.. , less we are keen to convey our profound gratitude to all those who have workrd directly or indirectly on this project. At the Census 'Directorate, Shri S. K. Agarwal, Assistant Director Census Operations,.. assisted by Sbri R. L. Kalsia, Tabulation Officer ani Shri N'. S. Bhadd.uria, Statistical Assistant.. (v) bas compiled the census and administrative -statistics in the form of Village and Town Directories and a bunch of statements incorporatinl primary census data.
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