WOY WOY PENINSULA PARISH St John the Baptist Catholic Church 22nd August 2021 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - B FEAST DAYS Saint Monica, also known as Monica of Hippo, is St. Augustine of Hippo's 23 Aug: St Rose of Lima mother. She was born in 331 A.D. in Tagaste, which is present-day Alge- ria. When she was very young, she was married off to the Roman pagan 24 Aug: St Bartholomew Patricius, who shared his mother's violent temper. Patricius' mother lived with the couple and the duo's temper flares proved to be a constant chal- 25 Aug: St Louis and lenge to young Monica. While Monica's prayers and Christian deeds both- St Joseph Calasanz ered Patricius, he is said to have respected her beliefs. Three children were born to Monica and Patricius: Augustine, Navigius, and Perpetua. 27 Aug: St Monica Unfortunately, Monica was unable to baptize her children and when Au- gustine fell ill, Monica pleaded with Patricius to allow their son to be bap- 28 Aug: St Augustine tized. Patricius allowed it, but when Augustine was healthy again, he withdrew his permission. For years Monica prayed for her husband and mother-in-law, until finally, one year before Patricius' death, she success- OUR PARISH OFFICE IS fully converted them. She was buried at Ostia, and her body was re- CURRENTLY CLOSED. moved during the 6th century to a hidden crypt in the church of Santa Au- Please phone 02 4341 1073 or rea in Osta, near the tomb of St. Aurea of Ostia. In 1430, Pope Martin V ordered her relics to be brought to Rome and many miracles were report- 0407 469 530 for assistance ed to have occurred along the way. Later, Cardinal d'Estouteville built a church to honour St. Augustine called the Basilica di Sant'Agostino, [email protected] where her relics were placed in a chapel to the left of the high altar. Her funeral epitaph survived in ancient manuscripts and the stone it was orig- OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY inally written on was discovered in the church of Santa Aurea in 1945. 0438 631 327 Douglas Boin translated the tablet's Latin to read: "Here the most virtu- ous mother of a young man set her ashes, a second light to your merits, Administrator Augustine. As a priest, serving the heavenly laws of Fr. Timothy Raj M.S.F.S. peace, you taught [or you teach] the people entrusted to Assistant Priest you with your character. A glory greater than the praise Fr. A Lourduswamy M.S.F.S. of your accomplishments crowns you both - Mother of Parish Secretary the Virtues, more fortunate because of her offspring." Triona Meagher Extract Catholic Online/Saint Feast Days Follow Us: Please click the link below for our live streaming of the 9.15am Mass each Sunday » https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngqSKPKgwQrGeh7Jv4M5-g https://www.stjohnthebaptistchurch.woywoy https://wwwst.johnthebaptistwoywoy Dear friends, Due to the NSW Government stay-at-home order for all of greater Syd- ney, commencing 6pm Saturday 26 June 2021. Bishop Randazzo has decreed that all Churches be closed during this period. Since this is at the request of Most Rev Anthony Randazzo, the obligation for the faithful to participate in Sunday Mass (can.1247) is lifted for the people of Broken Bay for the duration of this stay at home order. Therefore, there will be NO Masses during this time. We will update you of any changes as they arise. For any assistance, please contact the Parish Office on 4341 1073. MISSION and VISION Bringing Jesus Christ to ALL through: Worship and Liturgy; Outreach; Our Parish School; Hospitality; Adult and Child Faith Formation We The Woy Woy Catholic Parish acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation. The Wider Church In 1986, the parish of Woy Woy/Umina became part of the new diocese of Broken Bay. Prior to this, the parish had been part of the Sydney archdiocese. The diocese of Broken bay includes most of the North Shore, Northern Beaches and Central Coast regions of Sydney, The first bishop of Broken Bay was Bishop Patrick Murphy. Upon his retirement in September ‘96, Bishop David Walker was installed as the second bishop of the diocese. A Parish Centre was opened at 127 Blackwall Road, next door to the Presbytery in 1993. As well as being a drop in centre, it is a centre for the co-ordination of Activities of the Parish Commu- nity. Source: St John the Baptist Golden Jubilee 1946—1996 by Maureen MacMahon PASTORAL WORKS BROKEN BAY—Augus t A p peal Bishop An thony Randazzo is d e l ight e d t o an no u nc e the n ew na me and br and Pa s t or al Works B roke n B ay, re pl a ci ng the C harit able Works Fu nd (CWF). The pu rpos e of the n ew na me is t o bet- t er refle c t the au the n t i c, l ife-gi v i ng pa s t or al work yo u are he lpi ng t o sup port, and prov id e a na me tha t u nique ly con n e c ts it to o u r Di o c e s e of B roke n B ay . Pa s t or al Works B roke n B ay wil l pl ay a v it al ro le i n build i ng on the s ix Pa s t or al pri orit ie s f or the Di o c e s e, i nclud i ng gi v i ng v it al sup port t o l ife-changi ng mi nis trie s, nu rtu ri ng fa m- il ie s, and parish commu nit ie s. Ea ch year, abo u t 2 0,000 fa mil ie s and f rie nds - thos e i n hospit als, schoo ls, parishe s, and the wid er commu nit y - wil l be a ss is t e d thro ugh the ge n ero us sup port of d onors i n o u r parish commu nit ie s t o Pa s t or al Works B roke n B ay . Than k yo u f or yo u r sup port of this import an t and his t ori c i nit ia t i ve f or the Di o c e s e of B ro- ke n B ay . A n ew na me s ignifie s f re sh pu rpos e and d ire c t i on. In Scriptu re, f or exa mple, we read Go d change d Abr a m’s na me t o Abr aha m or Simon’s na me t o Pet er. “I pr ay the change f rom CWF t o Pa s t or al Works B roke n B ay e nable s us t o rea ch fu rther and wid er i n he lpi ng o u r l o c al com- mu nit y and more d ee ply con n e c ts us t o the miss i on of Je sus,” said Bishop An thony Randazzo. Yo u r ge n eros it y mean s the C hu r ch c an be there du ri ng t ime s of grea t n ee d, re n ewi ng and rebuild - i ng their l i ve s. Yo u r d ona t i on he lps the f o l l o wi ng fi ve charit ie s: • Hospit al C hapl ai ncy & Pa s t or al Care Pr a c t it i on ers- He lpi ng thos e who are vuln er able, ex- perie nci ng l on e l i n e ss or s i c k i n hospit al. • C onf r a t ernit y of C hris t ian D o c tri n e - Ca t e chis ts t aki ng the gospe l t o S t a t e schoo l Dear Colleagues and Friends To support Bishop Anthony’s wish to continue to connect and engage online with our community during these challenging times, the Evangelisation team launches BAY CON- NECT today. This initiative provides an online program of regular activities commencing on 30 August, to converse, reflect and connect spiritually online with our communities. The Bay Connect page is published today, https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/news/covid-19-updates/ prayer-resources/bay-connect and featured on the Diocese home page https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/ The program features commencing Monday, 30 August, include: • Mondays @ 7:30-8:45pm via Zoom - THE CHOSEN MONDAY - Join us as we go through the first season of The Chosen, viewing one episode every Monday, breaking open some themes and coming to know Jesus in a fresh new way. • Tuesdays @ 7:00-7:30pm via Instagram Live (@cybbaus) - TUESDAY NIGHT LIGHTS - A place for the community to come together for prayer and to praise God from the setting of your home.
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