FA,rs, MEATII, b ..It fnr ro. ata""a AI lI,r._." It Partly Cloudj -, , ..d lhr... h 001. 81; PI '''r... 1a 1(1 , .... Ihr.. rh No•. 16: ... ' Ibrn.b QI ..... lbr.. ,h n ••• 81: I' Ibro ...b Vi'.... Ibr..... S••• al. IIVO"I, ...... fnr IOWA: Parilr cloady and llolll' SI •••• f.r fl •• , ..d, I .....' .. D ••. 31. 8BOll. ".ok IlIr •• ,Irplu. II..... 1, I, SaD' • ..... 1... f1· DAILY' IOWAN raUler cool $Ollar. .llelr. THE Iowa City', Morning Newspaper .~IVE CENTS TBI AIIOCtATED ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1945 Tn A.IOOlATU ..... VOLUME xxn NUMBER 7 = • • I men arne -to ette rlev'ance SUI Vital • War PILOTS GIANT 'GLOBESTER' Secretary Of Labor ,/ ,American Officials I 'University Gi!en Green Light Staff of 300 Worked on ·VT Search for Treasures Gets ·Tough Stolen by Japanese On Purchase of Buil~ing · Siles Offers 15 Percent Up; Radio Pro'limity Fuse Here .., , To Appoint Arbitrator Bank of Japan Closed If Term. Are Refused Secret Weapon Used * * * Purchase 01 seven Iowa City tol. Close hall, where the Dally GIVEN RECOGNITION Until OHicial. Reveal lots by the state board of edu- Iowan shop and the University To Destroy Robots, WASHINGTON (AP)-Sec. Location of Loot cation for sites in the University Press are housed, will be torn retary of Labor Lewis B. Schwel· Jap Suicide Planes TOKYO (AP)-American in­ of Iowa's building program was down along with other buildinrs len bach last night proposed ap­ vestigators set out yesterday on approved yesterday by the state in that block except zooloiY. pointment of an impartia.l arbi. With II staff personnel of nlOfC Dormitories will eventually be the trail of the treasure which executive council. trator to make a binding deci­ than 300 working day and night Japan looted fro m conquered The property Includes two lots built in the area purchased on sion in the oil strike by Dec. 1. under constant wal·time pI·otec. ' lands, and also delved into the bounded by Jelterson, Dubuque, Hally street, according to Fred Schwellenbach asked the CIO : state religion of Shintoism which oil workers to return to work tion of armed guards, University I Clinton streets and Iowa avenue Ambrose. business manager of the was used to foster fanatil!ism and univerSity. He stated that the date immediately and called on the oil of Iow/I. Hcientists played a vital war. and five lots facing Hally street when construction will begin is industry managcment to resume pal·t in tile development of t he In Tokyo's "wall street" the south of Park road, north of the ful~ operations. v'r radio proximity fuse. This great banI< of Japan was closed. University theater. stlU uncertain. Pending a decision before the i the ecret weapon recently an· Army authorities declared it could The proposed $525,000 com- Housing unit expansion plans arbitrator, Schwellenbach asked reopen today if its officials quit nounced ft'om Washington as municatlons center will be built include additions to Hillcrest and that workers return to a 40 hour having played a, decisive pal·t in stalling and helpeq track down the Currier hall and the use of the week at a 15 per cent basic pay stolen riches of Asia. the eat' ly termination of HIe war. in the block northeast of Old Capi- navy administratlon b u i 1 din g rate increase. The little people of Japan, who across from the field house as the This is the percentage figures RCSC8l'ch an tl development crowded about the bank, fearful wal'l{ was canied on under most corner of another men's dormitory. I the companies had already offered that their savings would be taken The communications center Is to grant in advance of the concili­ ri!(id secrecy in the university's away. dispersed after the Ameri­ Y. M. C. A. Committee one of the first buildings on the ation meetings caned by the gov­ physics building and the Beck cans assured them their morley CAPT. A. F. OHLINGER of roledo, 0., 'I pictured above .t the con· construction schedule. Blueprints ernment which had been going on and Avery buildings. All reo waS sate. Chairmen Selected are Jllready prepared, and as soon iro.. of the . "Globeiter," the C-54 Skymaster which took off 11'9" quirements of the total rnter· GoI~ I'aund as economic conditions permit the Wasbln,ton, D. C" on the lirst ru,ht of • scheduled ATC rOUDCt.the for a wek. The union had asked pt'ise had top priority alld cat·· In the vaults of this bank, 'fi­ bulldlng program will become a world .servlce wtt~ 22 passen,ers aboard. Only woman 'on the :\'Ilane for a 30 per cent increase. nancial keystone' of the Japanese Plans for Increased ricel th e gOl'el'llment's big11est DR. ALEXANDER ELLETI', pro­ reality. , .. Ines Robb, veteran international Newl Service repOrter. wbo 11 MeeUaI AdJoal'll8 order of ('xtremc ul'g-ency. The government comp"rable 'to the Housed in the new building on wrUinl' aecounts ot the sIx and a quarler-d~y trip. fessor at tbe University of Iowa. United States federal 'reserve sys­ Membership, Postwar On receiving SchweUenbach's VT fuse was in the making and Iowa avenue will be the school of from 1929-1941, has been riven tem, troops found gold and gold Problems Discussed , I proposal that both sides accept de­ research was bringing constant journalism, The Daily Iowan and special recognition fop his part stocks earmarked :for Silun ' and the visual instruction departmenl * * * * * * cision of an 'arbitrator the concil­ imptovcments. Indochjna, ' In the development of the proxi­ Its activities curtailed through­ Additions for radio station WS­ Iation meeting, which had been in On 1\ 1,500·acl·c tcsting field Five Min~tes Ahead of Schedule, 'G'obester' mity fuse for I"OCkets. bombs and Amedcan troops stood guard out the war, the Y.M.C.A cabinet UI wJ\l be made Inter. along the Mississippi river, north o .v e r 21 financial institutions, session here since Saturday after DK-rtar shells. "We eoDSider Dr. The $1,000,000 Library will be of Clinton, neighboring residents ElleU with Dr. Merle A. Tuve of which were closed at General met last night in Iowa Union to Ta,kes Off.From Calcutta for luliang, China . similar meetings in Chicago, ad­ heard a steady barrage of shell fire the Oarnefle Inlltitutlon oustand­ MacArthur's order. Sunday. make plans for Increased member- the first building to be erected in journed until 4 p. m., eastern ship in the organization and to the $12.000.000 to $14,000,000 ex­ as the fuse proved its capacity to Il1&'ly responsible for the SUCCeII These 21 were th1l big combines standard time today. - explode at an exact pre-deter- pansion program to keep in step Cc\LCUTTA ' (AP) - A new CST on the 23,137 mile round-tile- of this amazingly effective de-' 'which had exploited in a business choose committee chairmen. with expected enrollment . In- "At t hat tim e," Secretary mined distance from the target. vice," the naUonal bureau of way Japan's military conquests. Douglas Sk.ymaster C-54 on . the world flight. " Reflects Radio Waves Chairmen selected were Gordon creases. Schwellenbach said in his proposal standards has a~ounced. All wiU be liquidated. air transport command's "Globe­ ',Here was the picture at Cal­ Through a self-generating trans~ The Yokohama, Specie bank and Christensen. 1.3 of Iowa City, dis­ staU;rnent, "I will expect all the ster:' flight winged out of Calcutta cutta: Miles flown, 10,368; miles mitter and L'eceiver, the fuse re~ of suggesting improvements. the Hypotec bank, which also cussion groups, several of which operators and the union to accept jfleclq jts own radio waves back mill be correlated with the Y.W. late yesterday bound over "the yet to go, 12,769; elapsed time. in­ Worlr on Mortar l'uses were closed In , ~BcArthur"s swj1t this proposal. Within 24 hours from the target and trips the de- Work on proximity fuses for economic coup Sunday, reopened C.A.; Dick Wooters, M2. or Iowa ElliqH Roosevelt 'Bad little hump" for Lullang, China. cluding stops to and including thereafter, I wJll mae the ap­ tonator action which explodes the mortars was begun in January, yesterday. City, hospital service; Don Wat­ The new craft arrived here at Calcutta, 65 hours. shell. It played a leading part in l 1945. In connection with this Not In Record! son, C4 of Atlantic, Oakdale rec­ Debt' Disagreement 1:38 p. m., Greenwich mean time The Globester's course will be pointment of an arbitrator." the Battle of the Bulge and the de~ work there was developed a device No trace was found In their rec­ reation therapy; Carrol Schneider, south of the real "hump" which Schwellenbach s aid hearings fense of England against robot (7:38 a.m., central standard time) for recovering by parachute mor­ ords of the wealth removed by the E3 of West Amana. membership; after a 1,485 mile hop from Ka­ required altitudes of 20,000 feet would proceed before the arbitra­ bombs. In the final stages of the tar shells or fuses after they had Dave Widder, A4 of Kansas City, and upward. The Globester's alti­ Japanese from the Philippines and Presented to House rachi, India. tor speedily and that he would de­ war with Japan it was a deciSive been fired. This enabled a study the East Indjes. Kans., radio program; Jack Fickel, tude on the 'little hump" will be factor in shooting down Japanese The new plane took off for Lu­ cide the case as soon as possible to be made of the ability of fuses Simultaneously, Mac Arthur's M2 of ttenderson, religious activi­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Dem­ liang at 3:10 p.
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