CLASSIFICATION AND PHYLOGENY OF SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) FROM MORPHOLOGY AND MOLECULAR DATA Susana E. Freire Instituto Darwinion, San Isidro, Argentina. V Southamerican Gnaphalieae • Achyrocline (Less.) DC., 32 spp. • Anaphalis DC., c. 110 spp. • Antennaria J. Gaertn., c. 40 spp. • Belloa J. Rémy, 1 or 12 spp • Berroa Beauverd, 1 sp • Chevreulia Cass, 5 spp • Chionolaena DC.,17 spp (incl. Gnaphaliothamnus Kirp., Leucopholis Gardn.) • Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob. 2 spp.(= Luciliopsis Wedd.) • Facelis Cass., 3 spp. 22 genera • Gamochaeta Wedd., c. 60 spp 15 • Gamochaetopsis Anderb. & S.E. Freire, 1 sp • Jalcophila Dillon & Sagástegui, exclusively • Loricaria Wedd., 19 spp from South • Lucilia Cass. (incl. Oligandra Less.), 8 or 12 spp America • Luciliocline Anderb. & S.E. Freire, 5 or 13-16 spp • Raouliopsis S.F. Blake , 2 spp • Micropsis DC., c. 5 spp • Mniodes (A. Gray) Benth., 5 spp. • Pseudognaphalium Kirp., c. 90 spp. • Psilocarphus Nutt., 8 spp. • Stenophalium Anderb. 3 spp • Stuckertiella Beauverd, 2 spp. S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 USING MOLECULAR AND MORPHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE: PHYLOGENY OF “LUCILIA GROUP” • To test the monophyly of “Lucilia Group” • To test the monophyly of each genus of “Lucilia Group” PHYLOGENY OF GAMOCHAETA • To test the monophyly of Gamochaeta and to establish the relationships among its species S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 PHYLOGENY OF “LUCILIA GROUP” (GNAPHALIEAE, ASTERACEAE) INFERRED FROM MORPHOLOGY AND MOLECULAR DATA M. A. Chemisquy1, S. E. Freire1, S. G. Beck 2 y E. Urtubey1 1 Instituto Darwinion, Argentina. 2 Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 V “Lucilia Group” Merxmüller, Leins & Roessler 1977 • Belloa J. Rémy, 12 especies • Berroa Beauverd, 1 sp • Chevreulia Cass, 5 spp • Chionolaena DC.,17 spp • Facelis Cass., 3 spp • Gnaphaliothamnus Kirp., 1 sp 13 géneros • Leucopholis Gardn., 4 spp • Loricaria Wedd. 19 spp • Lucilia Cass., 8 spp. • Luciliopsis Wedd., 3 spp • Mniodes (A. Gray) Benth., 5 spp • Oligandra Less., 1 spp • Raouliopsis S.F. Blake , 2 spp • Jalcophila Dillon & Sagástegui, 2 spp 1986 • Novenia S.E. Freire, 1 sp S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 SUBTRIBES OF GNAPHALIEAE Anderberg, 1991 LORICARIINAE RELHANIINAE CASSINIINAE ANGIANTHIINAE GNAPHALIINAE S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 “Lucilia Group” sensu Anderberg, 1991 • Belloa J. Rémy, 12 spp • Berroa Beauverd, 1 sp • Chevreulia Cass., 5 spp • Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob., 2 spp 7 géneros • Facelis Cass., 3 spp Anderberg, • Lucilia Cass., 11 spp. 1991 • Jalcophila Dillon & Sagástegui, 2 spp S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 V “Lucilia Group” Merxmüller et al. 1977/Anderberg 1991 • Belloa J. Rémy • Berroa Beauverd • Chevreulia Cass • Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob. 1985 (= Luciliopsis Wedd. ) • Facelis Cass. • Lucilia Cass. • Jalcophila Dillon & Sagástegui • Leucopholis Gardn. (= Chionolaeana DC.) – Freire 1993 • Oligandra Less. (= Lucilia Cass.) – Freire 1989 • Chionolaena DC. CASSINIINAE • Gnaphaliothamnus Kirp. “ • Raouliopsis S.F. Blake • Mniodes (A. Gray) Benth. LORICARIINAE • Loricaria Wedd. • Novenia S.E. Freire ASTEREAE S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 “Lucilia Group” sensu Anderberg, 1991/Anderberg & Freire, 1991 • Belloa J. Rémy • Berroa Beauverd • Chevreulia Cass. • Cuatrecasasiella H. Rob. 7 géneros 9 • Facelis Cass. Anderberg, géneros 1991 • Lucilia Cass. Anderberg & Freire, 1991 • Jalcophila Dillon & Sagástegui, 2 spp 3 • Gamochaetopsis Anderberg & S.E. Freire, 1 sp • Luciliocline Anderberg & S.E. Freire, 5 spp S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 GNAPHALIINAE - “Lucilia Group”, Anderberg & Freire 1991 SYNAPOMORPHIES OF “LUCILIA GROUP” • Style branches dorsally pubescent • Pappus bristles connate • Florets purple S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 “Lucilia Group” sensu Dillon, 2000, 2003 • Belloa de 9 1 sp • Berroa 1 sp • Chevreulia 5 spp • Cuatrecasasiella 2 spp • Facelis 3 spp • Lucilia de 8 12 spp • Jalcophila de 3 2 spp • Gamochaetopsis 1 sp • Luciliocline de 8 12 spp S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 METHODS 4 molecular markers: trnL-F and matK (chloroplast), ITS and ETS (from the nucleus) 2 Phylogenetic analyses: Molecular matrix composed of 4 markers Molecular matrix + morphological matrix (36 caracteres) • Molecular matrices were aligned using the online application MAFFT • Phylogenetic analyses were performed using the software TNT • Branch support was evaluated using jackknife expressed as absolute values and as frequency differences (GC) • Gaps were treated as missing data S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 TAXA Belloa (4) Berroa (1) Chevreulia (1) Cuatrecasasiella (1) Facelis (3) In group Gamochaetopsis (1) Jalcophila (1) Lucilia (4) Luciliocline (3) GNAPHALINEAS: Achyrocline, Edmondia, Gamochaeta, Gnaphalium Helichrysum, Lasiopogon, Leontopodium, Logfia, Pseudognaphalium, Stuckertiella, Stuartina, Vellereophyton, LORICARINEAS: Mniodes, Loricaria CASSININEAS: Acanthocladium, Antennaria, Anaphalis, Out group Anaxeton, Cassinia, Ewartia, Langebergia RHELANINEAS: Oedera, Relhania ASTEREAS: Novenia, Solidago, Chiliotrichium, Chiliophyllum, Baccharis, Aster S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS Novenia, 1 sp - Argentina, Bolivia, Peru Tribe Astereae Tribe Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS CHEVREULIA , 5 spp - Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Falkland Islands Tribe Gnaphalieae CUATRECASASIELLA, 2 spp Lucilia Group Ecuador to Argentina S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS Jalcophila. boliviensis Tribe Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group JALCOPHILA, 3 spp - Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS Tribe Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group LORICARIA, 19 spp - Colombia to Bolivia S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS Luciliocline subspicata LUCILIOCLINE , 5 spp - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina Tribe Gnaphalieae Belloa Lucilia Group schultzii BELLOA, 9 spp – Venezuela to Chile S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS MNIODES, 4 spp – Peru, Bolivia Tribe Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group BELLOA, 9 spp – Venezuela to Chile S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS STUCKERTIELLA, 1 sp - Argentina, Bolivia, Peru GAMOCHAETA c. 60 spp-New World Tribe Gnaphalieae GAMOCHAETOPSIS 1sp - Argentina, Chile Lucilia Group S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS Belloa chilensis– Argentina, Chile Tribe Gnaphalieae FACELIS, 3 spp - Argentina, Bolivia, Lucilia Group Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined trnL-F,matK, ITS and ETS LUCILIA 8 spp -Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay Tribe Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group BERROA 1 sp Argentina, Uruguay S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined Molecular and Morphological Evidence Tribu Astereae Tribu Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined Molecular and Morphological Evidence Tribu Gnaphalieae Lucilia Group S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 PHYLOGENY OF GAMOCHAETA (GNAPHALIEAE, ASTERACEAE) INFERRED FROM MORPHOLOGY AND MOLECULAR DATA E. Urtubey1, S. E. Freire1, A. López1, M. A. Chemisquy1, L. Paz Deble 2 & N. Bayón3 1 Instituto Darwinion, Argentina. 2 Universidade da Região da Campanha, RS, Brasil. 3 Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 METHODS 2 molecular markers: ITS and ETS (from the nucleus) Taxon sampling: 27 species of Gamochaeta Phylogenetic analysis: • Molecular matrices were aligned using the online application MAFFT • Phylogenetic analyses were performed using the software TNT • Branch support was evaluated using jackknife expressed as absolute values and as frequency differences (GC) • Gaps were treated as missing data S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS Belloa chilensis – Argentina, Chile S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS/ ETS ETS ETS-ITS STUCKERTIELLA, 1 sp Argentina, Bolivia, Peru S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS/ ETS ETS-ITS ETS GAMOCHAETOPSIS ,1 sp Argentina - Chile S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS/ ETS Gamochaeta nivalis - Argentina, Chile GAMOCHAETOPSIS ,1 sp Argentina - Chile S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS G. axillaris G. filaginea G. nigrevestis G. platensis Gamochaeta filaginea, Argentina-Brazil- G. subfalcata Uruguay S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS Gamochaeta purpurea América del Norte Gamochaeta neuquensis Chile-Argentina S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011 Combined ETS-ITS Gamochaeta lulioana - Bolivia Gamochaeta longepedicellata Argentina, Bolivia S.E.Freire SOUTH AMERICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE) 5/12/2011
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