t-' j 5 ■•' fllmtrtygatrr Euntitts^ J $ m ld 8ATDBDAT, AUCCST M, U»T.'\ AVKKAOB DA1|,T OaOCXATIOM ter tha moath of July. U87 Rev. Taylor. Frank Briggs of Hart­ ford who was active in North Meto j’ at 8 o’clock m toe JJ f o r m e r pjuusiooners Johnson, Miu M u Edddnsoa who ABODTTOlVN | REBOAH LODGE PLAY QuaiiyYllle Methodist church, under Bunaet Rebekah lodge will meet FntishM s< U. R Vfomtkm Bmomm. odist affairs during tte same time, plays a dual rale; I t o U t o R i ^ Mead^ evening in Odd - Fellows 5,875 gave an interesting talk, and Mr. aua^cea toe'Lediu Aid aoclety. mond, Mlu Oliva ttmttam^ Mr. ^ Mentoer ot th* AudM Bartterd nmORREV.W.F.TATLOR M toe closing event of toe Old halt tUa will ba the only meeting It TAylor recounted some of his nco|. Grace Latorop and Mra. Janie Omts* Valtdt <tf carareh stnwt. R E P E A in IN BOLTON Home program today in Bolton. In Auguat. Bureau of areiilatieas :«npl«y*0 !■ Um •ceounttiig d^art' lections and Inddents, and toe Harris arill assums toe roles played Fhir and aMghtly wanner tanight; warm friendships formed then that Special music wlU be rendered be- F I L ? iS - B t o f t h . I Resident tween the actA Sunset Rebekah by Margaret Beattie and Arllae DEVEMIPED AND Twiaday Catr. opaiijr, has yoa* to Block Island I of Calffornia, Was have endured all these years. He “ A Win and a Way” Part of Kenyon who are absent on vacation. MANCHESTER - A (TTY OF VILLAGE CHA rI i lodge members and others who PRINTED VOL. ^.VL, NO. 270 hit annnal vUlt ot tea dajra at I Pastor of North Methodist hoped tost the church winild enjoy Program Tonight of Old ' Adverttahig on Page 10.), I Buif Hottsa. an even greater measure of pros­ were unable to attend toe local pres I A n V Y . Chnrch Here S3 Tears Ayo. perity and progressp r o g r ^ than..................... It. has in _ Home Day Event. entoUon, may deelra to see It la I A I I K I j 9 Ratei 24-HOUR SERVICE MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1937 toe past. Bolton tonight. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS . BaUr aiawoatoni ot 4 Pearl Rev. .W. F. Taylor of Altadensi, Sunset Rebelcah Lodge will re­ (Choice Gladiolaa OnaraBtoed BleetricaJ aad Film Depoait Box At •traet, left thU nMmlny for New Cai., who is in the east visiting re­ Thomas Maxwell played several peat Ita three-act play, "A Will and Wallece is director, Meehaalcal Ante Repairing Store Entrance Terk and will sail for a two mratlu latives and former parishioners, was mandolin numbers, accompanied on and toe cast Includfs w i.. 35c-50c dozen Rear M Uooper Street MATTERN FLIES eWt to Italy. tendered an informal reception last toe piano by bis daughter. Miss BatebUsbed IMl BURKE DEMANDS In Path Of Deadly Missiles'lxKMsed By Oiinese Fliers night at the North Methodist Theodora Maxwell, A pleasant K. A. Karlsen ROm Jaaela Reyadde, aodal eenr- church. He assumed pastorate ot social period followed during which KEMP*S Mrs. LeVerae Holmes, Mrs. B. A. TU North Mala Street TO RESCUE MAN loe BUTM. left today on her »nmi«i the church S3 years ago and served PhoBo 7888 HEARING BEFORE vaeatiao which will be spent in an for 8 irears. The affair last night Lydall and Mrs. C I. Balch served L ^ BEGINS AT 30 (OAK STREET) 200 AMERICAN WOMEN, antomobile toor' throuyh the Adiron- was the third of its kind given In fruit punch and cookies. Always A Good Time and the Best of Food ' Read The Herald Advs. daeks and northern Ontario. She his honor. Four years ago when SOFT SHELL CRABS STEAMED CLAM4 WHO SAVED H P VOTE ON BU CK win be aooorapaaded by Rev. and Rev. Mr. Taylor waa on a visit east, the men of the church gave a stag Mrs. Carl Brolln of Eldrldge HOME MADE RAVIOLI Sira. Albetj^Clark of Chiiat church. street and Mrs. August Carlson ot FOR A NEW THRILLtN EATING . New Haven. f<wmerly of Ifanehester party for him at the Simple Simon West Center, street, accom|»Bled WINES — LIQUORS — BEER Sandwich shop which 1s managed A FREE Seardi for Lost SoTiet Air­ CHILDREN LEAVE CITY arhan Rev. Mr. Clark waa aaalatant EVERYONE CHOOSES RETMANDER*S ' ir the auspices of the LadleS by Mrs. Lisa Gustafson of Melrose. _ . _ Stand-Cp Drinking Allowed. B a^ed by Sen." Anstin Bo rector of 8L Mary's church. Mass., returned yesterday after a Enjoy A BefreaUng Olau of.Beer Drawn From Our Temprita ------------- TONIGHT ------------- ity at the North Methodls. 1500 mile automobile tour of toe Syatena men, So Far of No ATafl, / Mlaa Jennie Wind of Foster street chbrch. Last night the women pre­ REAL HOME-MADE RAVIOLI - THE BEST THERE IS ENLARGEMENT Sopreme Coort Noounee dominated la the gathering of White Mountain region and Maine WITH EVERY ROLL OF FILM has been spendlny a week at the. They were absent-two weeks and Vz Roast Chicken and Spaghetti Soft Shefl Crabs DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Wiywam. lusqtiamieut church people and friends who traveled along toe Maine coast as Resomd today; Rossiaiis greeted the well-liked churchman. O A K G R IL L Has Majority o f Commit- AS SINO JAPW AR RAGES far as Bar Harbor. SO Oak Street Steamed Clams aad Other Diahea Mra. Rebecca Wright of HoU In toe imavoidable absence of Formerly Oak Bt. Thv Street baa left for the Salvation Mark Holmes who was chairman of HANLEY^S AND KINGSBURY ON TAP 40< (hi Way Orer Pole to Join. toe; Fear for Home-Cning camp meeting at Old Orchard toe men’s committee in charge, Wil­ liam Rush of South Main street, Fus Safely Throni^ Gaont- who attended toe church when Rev. Men’s - Women’s • Chlldien'B RETMAMDER'S TAVERN .. Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug, 16.__ Taylor waa pastor, was master of ELITE STUDIO BDLLETINt This UtipppulcLT Mrs. Henry Leister of 485 Hart* .35 Oak Street Chas. Reymander, Prop. 088 Main Street DpaLalf* (AP)—Jimmy Mattern, noCsd ford Road, 80 years old yesterday, ceremonies, and Introduced toe HAIR CUTS - 25c. Washington, Ang. la,— (a P) let of Borstiiig Siraind^ was pleasantly stOprlsed ^ a party guest of honor. Mr. Rush spoke in • Barbees — Ne Walttngl American aviator prepared to leave “ ^Ths Senate Judldary oom* of hw grandchildrra who arrived m a reminiscent vein of his exper­ at dawn today In his speedy, trim ^ttee approved the Snureme In Japan, Uncensored \tbe afternoon to help her celebrate iences In boyhood days. He review­ CIJLOTTA’S motored monoplane to search toe Court nomination of Senator Bound for Steamer Bound (be event. They brought with them ed accomplishments at the church ■ARBCB s h o p $4 Oak St Arctic wastes for six missing Rua:i) Biaeic (D„ Ala.) In a hotly many gifts, and one of them, Mrs. under toe enthusiastic leadership ot slan fliers. Mattern arrived only last fonght aeasion today bat oppo- for U. S.; Other Foreign­ Haiyaret Brogan, brought a decor- night after a reoord-breaMng non­ Mtlon to hla oondmiation Imme­ A. P. Report Discloses sted birthday cake. stop flight from Oakland, Calif., to diately developed on the Senate SPb w— join in toe eearch for Siglsmund door. ers Being Evacnated; Chi­ William J. Hanna of the Trade I Levaneffsky, Soviet ace pUot. and A few ndnutes after toe com­ ■James A. Mills, dean of Asso­ Aple already are overwhelmed wito School faculty, his son William and his five companions. mittee had voted IS to 4 to re­ ciated Frees foreign correspond­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander toxea and other burdens. nese Warjdanes Continne TonigrhtI STEAMED CLAMS TonightI ■ The American flier said be would port the nomination favorably, ents. wirelessed from toe 8.8. Under toe stimulus of government Hanna, left today for Old Orchard, traverse toe 148th meridian In quest ^ a t o r White (B., Me.) took President McKinley, between KalnA Mra. W. J. Hanna and I d j S l ‘ he ew ld e — they're extra GREAT REVIVAL! Japan and Shanghai, toe first propaganda toe Japanese nation ha-s of a clue to toe fate of toe Russians too floor to argue that Black accepted the conflict reluctantly as daughters have been at the beach | was not oonsUtnUonally eUgible completely uncensored story of to Ram Bombs on Foe^ for two weeks. who disappeared Friday on a 4,000 an accomplished fact from which Also Real ItaUan Spaghetti — Grlnden and Sandwiches mile flight from Moscow .to Fair­ for appointment to the ooort. Japan’s side of the Slno^Japa- there Is no backing down. banks. The approval waa voted after nese conflict. Fii^t On IS Mile Front James. Jr„ young son of Mr. and I Try a Glass of Ballantine or Schlitx drawn from a morion by Senator AnsUn Although a general mobilization iCra. James Cummings of Oakland, The first day’s flight will take has not yet been proclaimed, Japan our new Temprite system. It’s beer at ita best! Your home will fairly Mattam over the Ice floes of the (R., Vt.) to delay action had By J.AMES A. MILLS who has been in with bronchial | been defeated 11 to 5. • On Board the S.S. President Mc­ already Is on a full wartime foot­ pBsnmonla, la considerably improv* Arctic, where toe four-motored Ri«- ing. _ • Shanghai, Aug. 16,— (AP)— beam with new life after alan plane may have been forced Merobera ot toe committee Kinley between Kobe and Shanghai.
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