l(le Newark Post VOLUME XIV NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE, MAY 9, 1923. NUMBER 14 ASK COUNCIL FOR LEVY COURT NAMES SONS OF1>ELAWARE STATE TEACHERS NEW THOROUGHFARE TAX ~OLLEcrORS CLEAN UP DAYS HERE ON MAY 19th DISCUSS ISSUES -- Gombine Sweeps Aside Op- / Annual "H~Coming" Day to Have Mrany Features Would Cut Street Through position in Every Instance Next Wednesday and Thursday, May, 16th and 17th, Every High School In State From Main To Cleveland Yes,terday . Reprelented At Con­ have ' been designated by Council Clean-Up Days for DINNER IN EVENING Ave.; Petiti~n P.esented With the Republican-Democratic ference Here Newark. The annual spring "home coming" CHARGE POOR CURBING "combine" in full swing, the two Ra- outing of the Sons of Delaware of TWO-DAY SESSION HELD • publican free lances in the Levy The residents of the town are urged to cooperate with Court, Ball and Wright, were swamp- Philadelphia will be held in Newark On Cleveland Ave.; Other ed in the election of the tax collectors the authorities in making the movement a success. on Saturday, May 19th. Vocational Education Proves News Of Regular for New Castle County yesterday af- This organization, one of the finest Interesting Topic Meeting ternoon. Clean streets, tidy yards and spotless surroundings for of its kind in the country have made On Friday Commissioner Truitt placed the every home reflect a well ordered town and a progressive it a practice for the past several years An unexpected and interesting de­ winning ticket on the table. But two community. to return to their beloved State fOl' a The fifth annual meeting of the velopment marked the regular May candidates were agreed upon by all, day of pleasure a nd association with State High School Conference was meeting of Town Council Monday those in Brandywine Hundred and Clean up on the 16th and 17th. old friends and familial' spots. held Friday and Saturday of last night, when James C. Hastings, presi­ Christiana Hundred. The others went The University issued an invitation week at the University and was mark­ dent of the Chamber of Commerce ap­ through by a 5 to 2 vote. to the officials of the group to make ed by both a large attendance and in­ peared before the body and presented teresting and instructive programs The men elected are: I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ I their pilgrimage to Newark again this a petition signed by 104 citizens and Brandywine Hundred-F. J. Mere- I: _ year, and it has been accepted. A for the three sessions. taxpayers of the town, asking that Vocational Education and advances dith. LUTTON RESIGNS special train on the Baltimore and ouncil approve and authorize the ex­ Christiana Hundred- George H . Ohio will bring the members, t heir made in High School curriculums were tension of Academy Street .from DEAN SMITH CUP perhaps the chief topics for discus­ Carroll. wives and g u est~ down f rom Phila- Main Street to Cleveland Avenue, Mill Creek Hundred-Robert A. AS INSPECTOR AS TRACK PRIZE delphia, arriving here at two o'clock sion during the meeting. The former passing under the t racks of the B.. and Groves. • • in the afternoon. Between foul' and has been given a thorough tryout in I>elaware and has proven popular in O. Railroad. White Clay Creek Hundred-George Colmery Appointed To Super- Philadelphia Alumni Chapter five hundred visitors wiU flood the During the discussion of the mat­ every section. The remarkable Edmondson, Jr. vise Work on Cleveland Votes Memorial For town that day. ter which followed, it was generally Among the features planned for t he growth of vocational work has placed Bu~~~on~ion Hundred- Newlin R. Ave. Paving Job Inter-Scholastics conceded that the opening of the new entertainment of the Sons of Dela­ this State neal' the top of the list. S treet would be of great benefit in New Castle Hundred - Alfred J. ware will be the Annual Field Day at Improved methods, the possibilities of Frank Lutton, street inspectoll and vocational courses in rural high t.wo distinct ways. Davidson .• Members of t he Philadelphia Chap­ the Womens' Colleg e, a baseball game the town's representative 01) the pav­ ter of the University Alumni Associa­ schools and many other phases were First, it would eliminate the long P encader Hundred-Benjamin W. between Delaware and Western Mary­ ing job on Cleveland avenue, tendered t ion have voted to place in competi­ discussed at the Friday afternoon route necessarily taken by residents Johnson. land and a big dinner and entertain­ his r s ig nation to Mayor Frazer on tion at tne next Interscholastic Track meeting held in the W est Wing of Old of Cleveland and Prospect Avenue to St. Georges Hundred-J. T . Shall- ment in Old College in the evening. Saturday la8t, to take effect im­ and Field Meet, the Dean Edward Lau­ Co llege. reach the business district, and would cross. mediately. rence Smith Memorial Cup. The cup eliminate two grade crossings over Appoquinimink Hundred-George S. Ex-GoYel'nor Stokes To Speak which school children pass four times Charles W. Colmery, councilman is given in memory of the late Dean Reihm. Friday lI'J ecting daily, and from the Middle District, was ap­ of the University, who was so active­ The princi pa l speakers who will ad­ Blackbird Hundred- J. S. Buckson. Second, the new street would open ly connected with athletics in Dela­ dress the diners in the evening are George Butler , president of the The first three are Republicans. All pointed by the Mayor to take over up a real estate development in the the work He will begin his duties as ware and who was known by almost Ex-Go vel'l1 or Edwin C. Stokes, of New State Voca tional Association presided other s are Democrats. heart of the town. There are several every schoolboy in the State. J ersey, one of the f oremost after-din­ at the meeting. After preliminary Mr. Ball offered the following nom- soon as Contractor Lovett completes fine lots lying between the railroad the r esurfacing of the streets in the The cup will be awarded to the ner speakers in the East, and Mil ton bus in ess had been disposed of, he call­ inations: ed upon A. B. Ander son, State Super­ and Main Street which are of no value central portion of town, after which team in any cIa s which wins t he r e­ Harold Nicholls, D.D., of Phil adelphia. Brandywine Hundrcd- J. F. Mere­ visor in Trades and Industries, who to home seeker 01' builder. his men will resume the Cleveland la y race in that cia s three years. The Shor t talks will also be given by other dith. cup will be a la rge affair and beaut i­ deli ver ed the principal address. He avenue job. members, liberally interspersed with Would Have arrow Mo uth Christiana Hundred - George H. ful! y engraved. Winners of I gs on musical selections. stressed t he poin t that the whole idea Ml'. Lutton it is under s to~ d bec;ame Carroll. the trophy will a lso be engraved upon U niversity a uthorities a re in charge of vocational training is to enabl e th It is proposed to run the street di­ dist in ctly dissatisfied with the pro­ 5 Mi ll Creek Hundred - Alvin Sat- it after each meet. It is expected to of the arrangements in Newark and boys 01' girls to make a li ving, and recLly north from Main, passing be­ terthwaite. gress of the new street, and with the not the mistaken notion held by some tween the properties of J . P . Wilson be the mo t sought fo r school boy a re planning to r eceive a r ecord gath­ White lay Creek Hundred-J. R. shaving of specifications which he a l­ priz e in the State. that it is merely a novelty. The fact ' and Dr. Charles W. Dunlevy, under ering of the Sons. Colmery. leO'es has been done. While it is in The dinner is not limi ted to mem­ that so many children leave school the railroad tracks and on to Cleve­ E ANN'OUNCED ew Castle Hundred - W. W. h i~ power to stop the entire work if G A G E~ ("ENT- bel's of the organization th is year. without training in any line, prompt land Avenue. The only building ob­ conditions warrant, he evidently was The engagement of Mi ss Dorothy the need of vocationa l education in th stacles a re a string of garages owned Leach. Guests will be admitted on payment O. unwi lling to do so. His resignation Irene Aileen Calef to Mr. Graham High School a nd lower g l'ades, wher by Waitel' P owell which li e directly P encader Hundred - Edwal'd of t he s ubscription price per plat e. camo:! as u co mplet e surprise to the H ilgard Barber. of Oakland, Cal. , was it will do the most good. in its path, Walton. Reservations mnst be in the hands of Red Lion Hundred - John C. Mayor and Council. announced last evening. t he treasurer, Leonard C. Dill, Fi­ Dr. R. W . R eim, of ewark, Stat It is understood that Mr. Powell, Mis alef is a member of the Direct or , also spoke briefly, us di Dr. Dunlevy and Mr. Wilson are in Stuckert. Mr. Colmery, when appointed, s ug- Faculty a t the Women's Co ll ege of nance Building, Phila delphia, not la­ ter than May 14th.
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