NATIONAL INTEGRATION IN INDIA A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF iHsiter of Hibrarp & information ^titnte 1995-96 BY MOMIN JUNAID AHMAD Roll No.—95 LSM-14 Enrolmtnt No.—U-3404 Under the Supervision of MR. S. MUSTAFA ZAIDI READER DEPARTMENT OF UBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) DS2871 Dc(di(C<di ted to niiy //o>\\^nnigr jpainonts For I will be ncGding their prayers Today, Tornoriow and all times to coine. CONTENTS I. Acknowledtjement 01 - 02 II. Scope and Methodolocjy 03 - 08 PART ONE 1. Introduction 10 - 12 2. Regionalism 12 - 15 3. Communalisiti 15 - 18 4. Social 18 - 19 5. Economic 20 - 21 6. Political 21 - 22 7. National Integration - an urgent need 22 - 28 PART TWO III. Biblography 30 - 194 PART THREE IV. Author Iidex 196 - 203 V. Title Index 204 - 213 VI. List of Periodicals/News papers 214 - 215 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all my head is bowed before Almighty GOD whose mercy bestowed on me the opportunity and privilege of the completion of this dissertation. The work took its present shape solely and exclusively due to HIS kindness. I pay my heartiest gratitude and thanks to Mr.Syed Mustafa K.Q. Zaidi, Reader in the Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, my supervisor, who despite his busy schedule provided me with all possible help, valuable guidance and perceptive advice and whenever any hurdle came to deter my path in completion of this work, he took personal interest in bailing me out. I am also thankful to Mr. Shabahat Husain, Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for his kind attitude, affectionate encouragement throughout my stay in the department. My sincere thanks to my teacher, Mr. Hassan Zamarrud, Reader, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for his constant encouragement and the facilities he was kind enough to provide. It would not be of good manner if I don't thank to Prof. Motid. Sablr Hussain, Ex-Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and Mr.Al-Muzaffar A.G. Khan, Reader, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for their blessing, support and help. Sincere thanks are due to my family members, especially my elder brothers, Mr. Javed Jafri, Mr. Nadvl Jamshed Jafri, for their collective and cultivative support, moral backing to continue my studies and getting the pleasure of completion of this dissertation. I am also very much beholden to my friends, Syed Gtiulam Haider, Miss Uzma, Mrs. Dr. Sunlta Ahirkar, Dr. Kafll Klian , Dr. Ktian Wasique, Naustiad Raza because without their encouragement and cooperation this piece of work could not have come to life. I lack words to thank my classmates, Sufiyan, Aiyaz, Khalid, Ktiursheed and Saba for they gave me encouragement whenever I needed it. 1 am also thankful to Munawwar Hussain, shakeb and Ashraf. And last but not least I am also thankful to Moin Zaidi and Riyaz Abbas (Seminar Attendants) for their sincere effort toward completion of this dissertation. (MOMIN JUNAID AHMAD) SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY SCOPE Our country, India, is the second biggest country in the world having a population of more than 90 crores. The major distinction of India, from other countries is the diverse nature of people in regions and varied cultural behaviour. At this moment unity in diversity is essential for national development. Now- a-days India is facing various problems in the socio­ economic, linguistic, regional, political spheres and communal as well as casteist issues. Among them the most important one is the lack of national integration. Being a student of ML & I.Sc. I got an opportunity to do dissertation. Since I come from a riot affected area Bhiwandi, near Mumbai, I chose this topic 'National Integration in India' in which I found keen interest. METHODOLOGY The secondary sources were consulted in Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh to find out the location of the articles. These secondary sources are (a)Index India (Rajasthan University, Jodhpur). (b) Guide to Indian Periodical Literature (Delhi Library Association). 2. The relevant bibliographical details were noted down on 5"x7" cards following the ISI standards. 3. The primary sources were consulted in the following libraries. (a) Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. (b) Dr. Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. (c) Jawaharlal Nehru Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University. 4. On completion of the abstracts subject headings were assigned, subject headings are completely coextensive to the extent possible. 5. The subject headings were assigned in an alpha­ betical sequence of various elements. 6. In the end a separate author and title index was prepared, providing reference to various entries by the respective numbers. No subject index has been provided as the bibliogra- phyisitself arranged alphabetically through subject headings. STANDARD FOLLOWED The Indian standard recommendations for biblio­ graphical references (IS:- * '^ ' ) and classified catalogue code (CCC) of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan have been followed. In certain cases where the said standards become unuseful, I have preferred my own judgement. SUBJECT HEADINGS Attempts have been made to give coextensive subject heading as much as possible. An effort has been made to follow postulates and principles given by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in the formation of subject and allowed by natural language, if more than one entry comes under the same subject heading, these are arranged alphabetically. ARRANGEMENT The entries in this bibliography are arranged strictly alphabetically among the subject headings. The ENTRY ELEMENT of the author(s) is in capitals B followed by the secondary element in parenthesis using capital and small letters and then the title of the article, subtitle (if any), the name of the periodical being underlined followed by the volume number, issue number, the year, months, date, given by using inclusive notation of the pages of the article, and column number denoted by small alphabet. Then each entry is followed by an indicative abstract of the article. The items of the bibliographical reference for each entry of a periodical article are arranged as follows : (a) Serial number (b) Name of the author/authors (c) A full top {.) (d) Title of the article including subtitle,if any. (e) A full stop (.) (f) Title of the periodical being underlined. (g) A full stop (.) (h) Volume number (i) A comma {,) (j ) Issue number (k) A semicolon {;) (1) Year (m) A comma {,) (n) Month (o) A comma (/) (p) Date of publication (q) A semicolon (;) (r) Inclusive pages of the articles. (s) A full stop {.) SAMPLE ENTRY SHEIKH ALI (B). National integration. University News. 27, 2; 1989, January, 9; 1-4. EXPLANATION This article is taken from the periodical "University News", which is entitled as "National Integration", written by B Sheikh Ali in 2nd number of 27th volume of the January, 1989 year, on the page from 1 to 4, against this entry. ABSTRACT The entries in the bibliography contain abstracts giving the essential information about the articles documented, I have given indicative abstracts as well as informative abstracts. After searching the literature, entries were recorded on 5"x7" cards. 8 INDEXES The part three of the bibliography contains/ Author and title index in alphabetical sequence. Each index guide to the specific entry or entries in the bibliography. A list of periodicals has been given with their place of publication and frequency. 3 Peurt One In troiductlon 10 INTRODUCTION The first National integration council was set up in 1961. It's objectives/ its declared achievement of national integration is the goal of the country. National integration is defined by the council in the following terms. "The foundation of our national life is common citizenship/ unity in diversity/ freedom of religion/ secularism/ equality/ justice - social/ economic and political and fraternity among all communities. " The Supreme Court has also declared that "the people inhabiting this vast land profess different religions and speak different languages. Despite the diversity of religion and language. There run. through the fabric of the nation the golden thread of a basic innate unity. It is a mosaic of different religion/ language and cultures. Each of them has made a mark on the Indian polity and India today represents a synthesis of them all." The essence of nationalism in an active consciousness of belonging to a single nation/ sharing of common ideology, existence of common 11 goal , pride in the achievements of the country/ combined efforts for common achievements and participation in all national activities. Although 'unity in diversity' has been a much desired feature of Indian society throughout the history/ the diversity in religion/ language culture and caste, the huge population and vast distances have often proved barriers to the building of a political unity and national harmony- Nationalism has a prominant feature of the Indian society before the coming of the Britishers who adopted the divide and rule policy so as to rule India, resulting in the breakdown of our nationalism though it has got manifested during certain incidences like freedom struggle/ Chinese aggression and Indo Pakistan wars. Though India achieved independence in 1947 the divide and rule policy of the Britishers had its toll on the Indian subcontinent with the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. This has resulted in tensions within India and also with its neighbours. A sizeable section of the majority community is of the view that Hindus represent not 12 only the mainstream of national culture but also preserve and safeguard national interests and territorial integrity of the country. In order to achieve this goal they believed that the minorities should merge their identities which results in tension and communal riots.
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