April 22, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 161, Pt. 4 5419 So going down the article, it said: nian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s Prime Minister Netanyahu was right, ‘‘This is a dramatic change in the ad- demand that all economic sanctions and knowing President Obama to be ministration’s position and a foolish against Iran be lifted upon concluding the big, courteous, and wonderful man one. We know, as former Secretaries of a final nuclear agreement,’ Senator he is, I am sure he will be sending an State Henry Kissinger and George P. MARK KIRK told Right Turn. ‘The apology to Prime Minister Netanyahu Schultz have warned, snap-back sanc- President is clearly leaving open the very soon since he does owe him one. tions are cumbersome and hugely inef- door for significant sanctions relief to On March 2 he tells Reuters that fective. Sanctions once lifted are enor- Iran up front to secure a controversial Netanyahu was wrong on everything, mously difficult to reinstate after deal that will neither significantly nor and now just over a month later we Western powers have commenced doing permanently dismantle Iran’s vast ca- find out he was right about everything. business. Inspections (not even of the pabilities to make nuclear weapons.’ So I think that will be good news when go everywhere/anytime variety) are ‘‘The President who once declared the President admits to Israel they never foolproof and the parties con- the framework a ‘historic’ deal has were right, I was wrong. template a system designed for endless been forced to concede there is no deal. By the way, what could we do with wrangling about whether violations Now he is signaling the final deal will that $50 billion that they may let Iran have occurred. be much worse than he or his defenders have access to after all the damage, all ‘‘But wait. It gets worse. The Wall ever suggested was possible. He prom- the Americans Iran has funded killing Street Journal reports: ‘The Obama ad- ised to dismantle Iran’s nuclear weap- and maiming. We could use some of ministration estimates Iran has be- ons program; now he is locking it in. that money. Wow, $50 billion. tween $100 billion and $140 billion of its He once insisted on robust inspections But one final article dated today oil revenue frozen in offshore accounts and gradual lifting of sanctions. Those from John Sexton, ‘‘Iran Says It Will as a result of sanctions’ ’’. ‘‘The will go by the wayside too. Ultimately, Refuse Access to IAEA Inspectors monies of course will be instantly Congress, the 2016 Presidential can- ‘Anywhere’ Nationwide.’’ available to fund terrorist activities.’’ didates, our allies and the American ‘‘A spokesman for Iran’s nuclear Well, Mr. Speaker, I guess that people will need to explain that total agency has once again rejected calls to wouldn’t be President Obama saying appeasement—which is where this is grant IAEA access to military sites, that because apparently he hadn’t rec- leading—will not be acceptable. They continuing a war of words on the issue ognized that, but, okay. will then have to devise the means for that began Sunday.’’ The article says: stopping Obama or immediately revers- The bottom line, Mr. Speaker, this ‘‘That would be a huge boost to Iran’s ing his ‘diplomacy,’ which is more like President is putting the world in jeop- economy, given up front and with no promising to make a ransom payment. ardy. He is putting Israel in jeopardy. evidence of compliance. The monies of Unfortunately for the Saudis, that He is putting us in jeopardy. He is put- course will be instantly available to likely means beginning an arms race as ting all of Israel’s neighbors in jeop- fund terrorist activities and Iranian they seek a bomb of their own. It will ardy. It is time he woke up and smelled surrogates in Yemen, Syria, and else- be quite a legacy if Obama gets his the baklava. where. way.’’ Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ‘‘ ‘Obama is willing to grant Iran ac- Mr. Speaker, this President’s foreign of my time. cess to funds that equate to about 10 policy in the Middle East and North Af- f percent of its GDP’ ’’—Iran’s GDP— rica has created chaos. ‘‘ ‘just for signing a deal. That percent- Then April 20, there is this article b 1830 age boost is equivalent to a $1.7 trillion from the Washington Free Beacon: FUTURE FORUM injection into the U.S. economy today ‘‘The State Department on Monday (which is twice the dollar amount of would not rule out giving Iran up to $50 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. JEN- the 2009 stimulus package).’ ’’ billion as a so-called ‘signing bonus.’ ’’ KINS of West Virginia). Under the That was explained by JINSA CEO . ‘‘Experts have said this multi- Speaker’s announced policy of January Michael Makovsky. million dollar ‘signing bonus’ option, 6, 2015, the Chair recognizes the gen- ‘‘ ‘This was a terrific present to Iran which was first reported by The Wall tleman from California (Mr. for its Army Day celebration on Satur- Street Journal, could be the largest SWALWELL) for 30 minutes. day, when the regime showed off some cash infusion to a terror-backing re- Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. of its weapons to slogans of ‘‘Death to gime in recent memory.’’ Speaker, I rise this evening to report America,’’ and ‘‘Death to Israel.’’ ’ He So they are getting access to money, back to the Congress on the progress of adds, ‘Equally dismaying was Obama’s the article points out. the House Democratic Caucus’ newest minimization in the same press con- So then, Mr. Speaker, I want to take group, Future Forum. ference of Russia’s announcement to us back to March 2 from The Blaze, Future Forum is made up of 14 Mem- sell S–300 surface-to-air missile bat- where they report on President Obama bers of Congress who are going across teries to Iran, which will make a mili- saying Netanyahu has been wrong on the country to talk about issues facing tary strike against Iran’s nuclear fa- Iran. And they have this quote in the young Americans. We launched just cilities much harder. Perhaps Obama article, and it quotes from Reuters, last Thursday. We have gone to New was trying to save face by this Russian this is a quote from Obama, reported York, Boston, and San Francisco, and move, and/or perhaps he no longer op- by Reuters: we are just warming up. poses the Russian sale because it will ‘‘ ‘Netanyahu made all sorts of Our goal is to listen to—not talk to— make it harder for Israel to spoil the claims. This was going to be a terrible young Americans about issues ranging nuclear deal through military action.’ deal. This was going to result in Iran from student loan debt, climate ‘‘If Israelis are expressing ‘shock and getting $50 billion worth of relief,’ change, access to entrepreneurship, amazement Friday night at U.S. Presi- Obama told Reuters in an interview and anything that is on their mind or dent Barack Obama’s stated openness Monday. ‘Iran would not abide by the standing in their way of achieving to Iran’s demand for the immediate agreement. None of that has come their dreams, hopes, and aspirations. lifting of all economic sanctions, and true.’ ’’ I encourage anyone watching tonight his defense of Russia’s agreement to That was March 2. Now here we are across America to tweet at me and to supply a sophisticated air defense sys- on April 22, and it turns out everything tweet at Future Forum under tem to Iran,’ they should not be. The Prime Minister Netanyahu said has #futureforum, so that we can address President will give the Iranians any- been true. So far, Mr. Speaker, every- your concerns right here on the House thing and everything to get his deal. thing that he has said that we have floor and across the country. ‘It’s deeply troubling that President been able to get evidence on has been We started Thursday evening in New Obama declined to publicly reject Ira- true. President Obama was wrong, York City. I was joined by Democratic VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:44 Mar 29, 2019 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR15\H22AP5.001 H22AP5 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD 5420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 161, Pt. 4 April 22, 2015 Policy and Communications chair man RUBEN GALLEGO of the Phoenix Things are different now. Tuition STEVE ISRAEL; Congresswoman GRACE area and Congressman PETE AGUILAR of continues to go up. These students told MENG, who represents the Queens area; the San Bernardino area in California us, during our Future Forum visit, that and Congressman SETH MOULTON, who and Congressman DEREK KILMER of the they are taking a number of odd jobs represents the greater Boston area. Tacoma, Washington, area—we asked just to pay for the rising cost of com- Our first stop was at the District the room, about 100 people: How many munity college. Cowork space in Manhattan in the of you own a home? Crickets, dead si- We talked about the President’s plan Flatiron District. You see here in this lent. during the State of the Union in this photo, this was not just any rigid, How many of you have parents who very Chamber to offer free community stuffy townhall. We invited young en- own a home? Most of their hands went college to anyone who was qualified trepreneurs across Manhattan and up.
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