WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, cold tonight, low about 45. Sun- day. mostly cloudy and*not as warm with occasional rain. (Full report on Page A-2. REAL ESTATE Temperatures Today SECTION Midnight 58 e a.m 51 io a.m 60 2 a.m 58 8 ajn 50 11 a.m 65 Pages B-1 to B-12 4 a.m—ss 9 a.m—so Noon 67 ' \©bettingWITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION ©hea X ifef 104th Year. No. 343. **B Phone ST. 3-5000 WASHINGTON, D. C., Homenumv Delivered:ucuvwcu. D*ilJ *Dd eundtr. Per Month, si.9ft JC PTSMTS SATURDAY, DfcCEMBER 8, 1956-36 PAGES sight Wnal ftnd flundaT tS.OO ° IO - •» ~*V» WBSMBm BPraMMSjsr - ' Keneipp Favors l ' '¦ h|B|S * * i ' ' Limited Trial Space Satellite * '** I MJamm • ><aT*r r • -' Immm 1 Os Bus Lanes w «Paja«ißp f Proposes Stretch Tests Are Begun Between 2d and 15th Sts. N.E. Traffic Director George E. Keneipp today said he had com- to State Post, Big Rocket pleted Hoover traffic studies on H street Quit and will recommend that lanes A mm reservea lor buses only be tried Rises With only between Second and Fif- HerterWill Succeed Him teenth streets N.E. Earlier he had favored bus Instruments lanes from / Fifteenth street N.E. li Jk lag By JOHN A. GILES to Massachusetts avenue N.W. U Mr. Keneipp said he favors lim- Tests of man’s first space sat- itation of the trial because of ellite have begun. the railroad viaduct between The Navy announced today First and Second streets N.E. on that it had fired “the first test pro- H, which narrows the street to * rocket of thi earth satellite three lanes. ' a ' jB&Br gram”—l2s miles into the air FwAßb x> A W / shortly after midnight. He said he will confer at 10 * way. :• A a m. Monday with Engineer Com- s if fcii iriff --99- •••’ Actually the rocket that was missioner Thomas A. Lane to \ ; Bk> iH launched from Port Canaveral, report on his views on three of Fla., was a modified Viking, requests by the nine made by D. C. ROCKET NERVE CENTER—This is the complex blasted a 45-foot rocket 125 miles into the air. The manufactured the Glenn L. Transit System to speed service Martin Co. of Baltimore. and cut costs. central control room of the Air Force Missile Test missile was called the first test rocket of the earth It carried instruments that Center, Canaveral, will be inside the actual satel- New Check on Cape Fla,, where scientists today satellite program.—AP Wirephoto. Traffic lite. At least 12 of the Vikings Mr. Keneipp also said he is go- have been fired before and the ing to recommend relocation of 12th, it is known, reached a some bus stops on H street and Refugee height of 158 miles. declared new checks of traffic| Relief 34 Hungarian Athletes Poland Settles speed should be made to de- Instruments Tested termine the effect on the change. HERBERT HOOVER, Jr„ CHRISTIAN A. HERTER The firing of the 45-foot He said the bus lanes should Planning to Come to U. S. Resigns Successor Viking was necessary to test not be started until after the ef- Aid Increased With Catholics instruments and gather infor- fect of relocating the bus stops AUGtJSTA, Ga., Dec. 8 (>P). —Herbert Hoover, mation to be used in the launch- is Total of 46 Olympic Figures Behind ing of the earth satellite known. Red Cross and CARE Stay Agreement Reached jr., resigned today as Undersecretary of State, effec- planned After establishment of the bus In Australia as Second Plane Leaves tive about February 1. President Eisenhower for the 1957-58 International lanes, Mr. Keneipp said, traffic 1 Add New Projects On Differences Geophysical Year. That is a speeds should be checked again, j MELBOURNE, Dec. 8 (A*).—Thirty-four defecting members selected Gov. Christian A. Herter of Massachusetts world-wide research program ; | Increased relief services to ( If the experiment appears to be 1 of the Hungarian Olympic team plan to go to the United States, WARSAW, Poland, Dec. 8 (jP). to succeed him. aimed at finding out about the [ Hungarian refugees have been Poland’s new successful, he said, he would be' it was announced today at a meeting held shortly after a anti-Stalinist earth and the air around it. willing to try announced by Communist government and the Mr. Eisenhower accepted Mr. Hoover’s resigna- The information obtained will the bus lanes on;i the Red Cross and ijsecond plane, bearing 45 teammates departed v three other requested by, for their devas- Roman Catholic tion with deep and heaped the be available to all nations, streets i CARE. tated Church hier- regret praise upon in- O. Roy Chalk, president homeland. archy today announced a broad cluding the Soviet Union, Presi- and The Red Cross said It Is mo- son of the former President. owner of D. C. Transit. 1 Seventeen of the 46 athletes and officials who elected to settlement of their differences dent Elsenhower has announced. bilizing extra volunteers and Keneipp staff | including Young Hoover wrote Mr. Eisenhower he in- Today’s Mr. also noted that workers remain behind met in the rapidly a restoration of reli- rocket reached a peak several blocks to assist President Ei-‘emptying Olympic Village gious velocity 4,000 per on H street are : senhower’s expanded program late ing only a brief message to 1 education in state schools. tends to resume his career as an engineer. He has of miles only slightly longer than 200 this afternoon to discuss the , Julius Hegyi, chief de mission: A joint communique said the hour before plunging into the for bringing a total of 21,500 . been in Government service the last three years. feet. Mr. Chalk had proposed future. The press spokesman you church expressed support Atlantic Ocean about miles refugees this country. "God bless all. Farewell.! 1 full 180 that vehicles other than I to [ said they will get together again ; for all government Gov. Herter will be formally nominated about from the launching site, which buses The duties requested : Nadori.” activities be permitted in the new were ] Monday night finalize plans at strengthening is part of Patrick bus lanes in by Tracy C. Voorhees, to J Wife and Child at Home aimed the Po- February 1 when Mr. Hoover steps aside, White a Air Force the last 200 feet of any block the Presi- ¦ The spokesman said the Amer- People’s Republic Base. dent’s Hungarian depart- lish and unit- House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty said. right relief co-ordi- | Nadori was head of a jj ... - (Newsmen permit turns. ican magazine Sports Illustrated ling the energies of all citizens » - - - , watched the huge t 6 nator, and will be carried out in , ment was chartering a plane to bring in the Ministry of Sport!]'for the common good. rocket from a vantage point Little Space for Bus Lane addition to previous Red dross 1 Hegyi Budapest. America-bound defectees to the; under in His; ' The agreement four miles away. One, Jim In the blocks, commitments. was worked short Mr. States. wife and small child are believed 1 out by a joint state-church Halbe, an Orlando Sentinel Keneipp said, “there’s not going Teams of recreation and wel- ‘ still there. com- ! Among the 17 were four-mln-! mission established after the re- President Meets Strauss reporter, gave this account of to be much left for bus; fare workers will be stationed , The only poloist room a in ute miler Laszlo Tabori, Ervin water to ] lease of Stefan Cardinal Wy- the firing to the Associated lane.” four places—in the refugee stag- leave was Istvan Szivos, who has , 1 szynski, Catholic primate of . Press: Mr. Keneipp ing areas in Munich and Bremer- Page a family Hungary. ! said that if Gen. Picture on 3 in Other Poland, October 28. He was kept (The huge 42-foot, seven- Lane feels his report should be haven, Germany; aboard the members of the team are ex- Spending under house for three •On Nuclear ton rocket rose slowly and submitted to the District three United States Navy trans- star of the Olympic pected to tour the United arrest al- Co- 1 Zador. States., years. His release followed the most silently into the air. It ordinating Committee, composed port ships assigned to bring the i champion water polo team, and; Another who remained behind ' ! By GARNETT D, HORNER elevation of Wladyslaw Gomulka left a glowing bright pink of representatives of refugees to the United States; at fencing leader Jeeef Babrian. ’ Mohaily 1 Slur Staff Correspondent several de- was Tabori’s coach. leadership in the Polish Com- trail and gradually picked up partments traffic the Brooklyn docks and Me- ' Tabori declined to give further” Igloi, who also trained Sandor to Dec. amount of money the admin- Involved in and munist Party. AUGUSTA, Ga., B.—The speed as it streaked toward highway operations, prob- Quire (N. J.) Air Force Base, < details of his personal plans ex-': Iharos and Istvan Rozsavolgyi, “we’ll joint istration proposes to spend in the next fiscal year on nuclear its zenith. ably do that where the refugees will arrive, • cept to say he would like to go : famous distance runners. Igloi The commission worked I Tuesday or Wednes- . • weapons development and peace-time use of atomic energy (Four searchlights tracked *day.” and at Camp Kilmer, N. J„ where I to the United States as well as;; said he and for four weeks to settle the Taboro had asked ; President the for approximately Meanwhile, I.
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