Riddick ‘ Stadium Construction and Industrial Equipment INTERNATIONAL DIESEL POWER Crawler Tractors Industrial Wheel Tractors Diesel Engines BUCYRUS-ERIE—HEIL Bulldozers—Scrapers—Winches, etc. GALION Motor Graders—Rollers NORTHWEST Shovels—Cranes—Draglines EUCLID Hauling Equipment ROGERS Heavy Duty Low-Bed Trailers JAEGER Compressors—Mixers—Pumps and Pav- ing Equipment Depend on North Carolina Equipment Company for the finest in construction and industrial equipment. Each of our four strategic locations have equipment, service fa- cilities and complete stocks of replacement parts to keep your jobs going at top efficiency. There’s a field representative near you. Call us when you have equipment problems. North Carolina Equipment Company RALEIGH WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE ASHEVILLE Phone 8836 Phone 2-2173 Phone 4-4661 Phone 789 © REDDYYounElecvricKILOWATTServant RED DYA’W scour! * * Everyday of the year in your home-office-factory and on the farm, Reddy Kilowatt is scoring his strongest points—Efficiency-Convenience-Economy. (CAROLINA POWER LIGHT cOMPAND More Ford Trucks in Use . Today Than Any Other Make! SANDERS MOTOR COMPANY YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA Tm: Won-PACK Gammon N. C. STATE-FLORIDA Published for each N. C. State College home football game by the Sports Publicity Bureau of North Carolina State College. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company, Inc., 271 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Volume XVII RIDDICK STADIUM, RALEIGH, N. 0., OCTOBER 18, 1947 Number 2 NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL PROF. H. A. FISHER, Chairman D. W. SEIFERT JENNINGS TEAL DR. A. J. WILSON, Secretary W. H. SULLIVAN BOB MCNEILL DR. I. O. SCHAUB A. G. FLOYD BILL MANNING DR. J. L. STUCKEY DAVID CLARK R. D. CALLOWAY DR. J. W. PATTON G. C. LASSITER FOOTBALL STAFF BEATTIE FEATHERS, Head Coach J. L. VONGLAHN, Director of Athletics LYLE M. RICH, Asst. Coach ALBERT CRAWFORD, Trainer R. L. SUFFRIDGE, Asst. Coach ED STOREY, Publicity W. A. WOOD, Asst. Coach ALLAN NELMS, Program Manager C. H. ANDERSON, Asst. Coach N. C. STATE’S 1947 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Time Place of Game Sept. 27 Duke .......................... 2 :30 p.m. Durham *Oct. 4 Davidson ....................... 8 :00 p.m. Charlotte *Oct. ll—CLEMSON ..................... 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH *Oct. 18——FLORIDA ...................... 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH Oct. 25 Permanently Open. *Nov. 1~——CHATTANOOGA ............... 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH NOV. 8 Carolina ....................... 2:00 p.m. Chapel Hill **Nov. 15—WAKE FOREST ................ 2:00 p.m. RALEIGH NOV. 22 Virginia ....................... 2:00 p.m. Charlottesville Nov. 29 Maryland ...................... 2:00 p.m. College Park * Night game. ** Homecoming Represented for National Advertising by DON SPENCER COMPANY, INC., 271 Madison Ave, New York City STEEL WAREHOUSED OR FABRICATED FROM RALEIGH STOCK STRUCTURAL METAL BUILDING ORNAMENTAL SUPPLIES REINFORCING CUTTING AND WELDING PLATE WORK SUPPLIES BLACKSMITHING METAL SASH, DOORS WELDING AND DOOR FRAMES Peden Steel Company 512 W. Hargett — Dial 8828 RALEIGH, N. C. We All Back The Wolfpack! . LETS GO! * Make The Carolina Your Down Town Meeting Place Headquarters For State College Functions Raleigh’s Newest and Finest Hotel Carolina ROBERT I. LEE, Manager RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Finest Engraved WEDDING STATIONERY INVITATIONS : ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEPTION CARDS : AT HOME CARDS VISITING CARDS MONOGRAMMED STATIONERY EtiquetteSamples andBookletPrices sentwith Freeupon Weddingrequest Edwards & Broughlon Company 107 - 129;. HARGETT ST. E 2.?L12IG‘I; N. C. Socia ngmve'rs sta is e 1871 BOYLAN-PEARCE » a Raleigh’s Shopping Center ' I: r a n k I i n S ' Carolina Pharmacy . * “The Place to Meet Before the Game” 0 Carolina Hotel Bldg. 0 O A I I I MOTOR F. H. A., G. I., and Regular Mortgage Loans ASSOCIATES INC. * fir REAL ESTATE * KAISER-FRAZER Automobiles STOCKTON & C0. of N. C. Inc. * Hayes M. White, Pres. - Francis M. Houston, Secy. 805—07 Security Bank Bldg—Phones 34621-34622 420 Fayetteville St. Raleigh RALEIGH, N. C. .‘ ..mml,, Lobo’ Lingo From” Till: Wonrpncxncn Translations by ED STOREY Director of Sports Publicity NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Storey .....“- State plays host tonight to Coach Raymond The Wolfpack is gunning tonight for its (Bear) Wolf’s University of Florida ’Gators third victory in a row and to keep clean a and the glad hand of welcome is herewith ex- perfect home record, which dates back to the tended to the Floridians from Gainesville. 1945 season. State will be banking on the run- Wolf is a former head coach at nearby Uni- ning and passing of Tailbacks Charlie Rich- versity of North Carolina, so he’s no stranger kus, No. 14, and Gwynn Fletcher, No. 60. to these parts. Richkus, a great runner, boasts a 55-yard Although Florida lays no claim to gridiron average for 34 tries in three previous games, greatness, it’s a scrappy outfit that Wolf brings while Fletcher has a 42-yard mark for 32 to Riddick Stadium tonight. The ’Gators tries in the same number of contests. haven’t tasted victory in 13 previous starts, From end to end State has a great line. but don’t sell them short. It’s been a season of That’s no overstatement, for defensive aver- tough breaks and but for ill-timed penalties ages prove that the Wolfpack forward wall is and a run of heart-breaking luck Florida might among the best in America. Tackles Jim Rees, be bringing an unbeaten eleven against Coach No. 73 and Ted Dostanko, No. 67 are two big Beattie Feathers’ Wolfpack. reasons why opponents have failed to net more State has not taken preparations for this than a 34-yard average rushing in three games. Florida team lightly and they’ll display every End A1 Phillips, a senior from Cary, is a gen- trick in the book to win. The ’Gators have uine candidate for All-Southern honors this everything to gain and little to lose, thus you season. Guards Bernie Watts, John Wagoner, can expect a wide open, thrill packed affair, and Charlie Musser stack up with the best in despite the fact that Florida is the underdog. the South also. Center Harold Saunders, a Florida makes no excuses for its current sophomore from Statesville, is tops at his cen- record, so why should we try to set them forth ter slot. here. Keep in mind as you watch this contest On Tuesday of this week State was rated as that the potentialities of the ’Gators are many. the 18th best team in America in a nation- They’re big and fast, even if lacking in expe- wide Associated Press poll. We make no rience. Their freshmen are talented and if apologies for the Wolfpack. They’re capable given half an opportunity they are capable of of playing great football. But behind the per- displaying plenty of power. formance of the team is the unceasing work Top men in the Florida colors are Hal Grif- of the State coaching staff composed of Line fin, N0. 80, a highly-underrated tailback. He Coaches Bob Suifridge and Lyle Rich, and scatted 80-yards against State last year, even Backfield Coach Walter (Babe) Wood, who though the ’Pack won by a lopsided 39-6 score. assist Head Coach Feathers. Too, there’s Halfback Loren Broadus, a former And last, but far from least, is the work of All—Southern high school star at Jacksonville. State’s football managers led by J. B. (Red) He’s wearing No. 58. For future reference also Walker of Marion. Red along with his assist- mark down Doug Belden, No. 77, a starter at ants William Joyner of Wilson and Bill Muss- quarterback in Florida’s T-formation. er, a brother to starting guard Charlie Musser, Florida’s line is led by Paul Mortellaro of have done a fine job. Their work is often Tampa. He’s a three—year letterman at guard thankless, but it should not go unrewarded. and weighs 205. Also there’s John Natyshak, On the schedule: State has an open date next a hot freshman tackle at 220-pounds and ends week end, but on Nov. 1 the Wolfpack meets Tom Bishop and Dewell Rushing. Chattanooga U. in this stadium at 8 o’clock. r 70 and 754”?” WWO)! 7275 F007’41l TO UOF , ll ‘ ‘6 WAKE FOREST TO HIGH POINT COLLEGE WILLIAMflMARY SALISBURY "uor N.c, travelingFootball teams,in Trailwaysbands, Creamand specialand Crimsongroups busesenjoy You,dependabletoo, willservice,appreciatefriendlythedrivers,comfortableand eco-and nomicalway‘5 charterrates service.long identifiedFor informationwith Carolinaand charterTrail- Raleigh,rates, writeNorthTrafficCarolinaManager, Carolina Trailways. W W WIN 0R lOSE After the game we will all meet and eat at the Drive-In Grill LOUISBURG ROAD For curb service, nul sundies, cheeseburgers, shakes. Takethis program home and show the neighbors who backs the Wolfpack Club 5’: C Q—_'...‘ 4:2']2n *3< “at-’0 ’1) ‘3''ev}? 1‘ 1A‘Jr‘l“ [if3.[Elk/ “2 V-c Wow/7 Ar‘ib],8)}’l”M;J»MPM«écfigQ; ‘(- vi: ‘— c?“ “’1 m GR“ \— 121735“1 - A1]; «- etgyw‘Hm“:és'eée§ ”3;? #03“ 0° 00an.4. gwc 17' 43 ."{5'5 0o, 3%;MDTM1:"3%»v .1?ll ‘ \‘ 1" 0(:06““ ~.q.“c’.°~ (Q “Watch out it may be as trap!" WWW/WWWWWllllllIIIIIIllIIIIIllllllllllllllIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ AFTER 58 YEARS North Carolina State College, the center of technical education and research in the South, celebrated the 58th anniversary of its establishment on October 3, 1947, and rededicated itself to the ideals and principles of its founders. Chancellor J. W. Harrelson, the present chief administra- tive officer of the institution, has led the College to its great- est period of usefulness. The College and its allied agencies reach many thousands of North Carolina citizens annually with its varied services in agriculture, engineering, teacher education, and textiles. Establishment of the institution was due largely to the militant efforts of Col.
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