PROCEEDINGS OF '1I' XII INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON SOIL TAXONOMY AND AGROTECHNOLOGY TRANSFER "PAKISTAN (OCTOBER 9-23, 1985) FIRST VOLUME: TECHNICAL SESSIONS a .rn t el ee rk r SOIL SURVEY OF PAKISTAN t SOIL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES U.S.A. 1986 PROCEEDINGS OF XII INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON SOIL TAXONOMY AND AGROTECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PAKISTAN (OCTOBER 9-23, 1985) FIRST VOLUME: TECHNICAL SESSIONS EDITORS Mushtaq Ahmad Muhammad Akram M. Shabbir Baig M. Yasin Javed Riaz-ul-Amin SOIL SURVEY OF PAKISTAN SOIL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES U.S.A. Lahore, Pakistan 1986 First Impression.Decemb r, Published by: Di, gir GeneralSoil Survey of Pakistan Multan Road, Lah -18, Printed by the Tec ice lublishers, Urdu Bazar at NUSRAT P S, N Nigar. CinemaLahore-2. COLLABOQATING OQGANIZATIONS O Soil Survey of Pakistan (SSP), Lahore O Soil Management Support Services (SMSS), Washington D.C. O Pakistan Agribultural Research Council (PARC), Islamabad O International Benchmark Sites Network for Agrotechnology Transfer'(I8SNAT), U.S.A. FOREWORD .The theme of the XII InternationalForum on Soil Taxonomy andAgrotechnology Transferis very pertinent to Pakistan, being an agriculturalcountry. To make the-country self reliant in food, feed and fibre, increasein agriculturalproductionis a must. This increase could be achieved by provid­ ing scientific basis to agriculture through researchand through the transfer of agrotechnology to the end users i.e. the farmers. Soil is a non-renewablenatural resource which should be judiciouslyused.In the recentpast, great advances have been made in the field ofsoil science and technology-in the world includingPakis­ tan. The Soil Survey of Pakistan has collected sufficient basic soils datawhile other researchorganiza­ tions have carried out research on agronomicandother aspects of agriculturalproduction.Integration of these efforts would definitely be of great benefit. Characterizationof Pakistanisoils according to Soil Taxonomy, as practised by many developed and developing countries, would enable us to take advantage of the research work carriedout in other countries on similarsoils underidentical environ­ mental conditions. The Forum was arrangedto impart trainingin thisfield to well drawn participants from all over the country andI hope it has achieved its objective. Contributions made to the Forum through technicalpapersand lectures as compiled in this publicationare commendable. The informationprovided is of immense value to the agriculturalplan­ ners, researchscientists and those responsiblefor agriculturaldevelopment. They are sure to benefit from it. Assistance and cooperation of the Soil Management Support Services (SMSS) of USDA for holding this Forum in Pakistanare thankfully acknowledged. The efforts of the Soil Survey ofPakis­ tan and the PakistanAgriculturalResearch Council are also appreciated. KAZI ABDUL MAJID ABID MinisterforFood,Agricultureand Cooperatives Government ofPakistan,Islamabad. CONTENTS PREFACE COMMITTEES * . II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS * . , . III PROGRAMME I)' FIRST VOLUME PART 1. INTRODUCTION AND INAUGURATION OF THE FORUM - Address of Welcome Dr. M.Bashir Choudhri - Opening Address 3 Dr. Hari Eswaran - Inaugural Address ''5 Sardar Arif Rashid PART II. BASIC AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES - An Overvievy of Geology of Pakistan 7 F.A. Shams - Geomorphology of Pakistan ... .. ... ... ... 26 M. Alim Mian & M. Nawaz Syal - Climate and Seasons of Pakistan ... .... .... ... 43 Pakistan Met. Department - Soils of Pakistan .... ... .... .. 47 Mushtaq Ahmad - Vegetation Ecological Zones of Pakistan M. Shabbir Baig & Gamar Ali PART Ill. SOIL SURVEY INTERPRETATION AND LAND EVALUATION - The Role of Soil Survey ib National Agriculture Development Programme 75 M.Amjad Hassan - Desertification and its Assessment M. A. Tahir - Interpretation and Use of Soil Survey Data in Pakistan M.Yasin Javed PART IV. SOIL FERTILITY AND FERTILIZER USE - Phosphorus Requirements of Pakistani Soils ... 105 Kazi Suleman Memon - Potash Status of Soils in Pakistan .113 Muhammad Sadiq - Trace Element Status of Pakistan Soils ... 119 Jehangir K. Khattak-& Sajida Perveen Nitrogen Use and Efficiency . ... 125 Nazir Ahmed - The Need.to Rview Recommendations for Efficient Use of Fertilizer in Pakistan ... 130 M.TahirSaleem PART V. AGRONOMY OF 'IMPORTANT? CROPS - Wheat Agronomy in Pakistan . .137 M. A. Baiwa - Agronomy of Rice . .. ... .. .. ... 145 A. Majid Choudhry - 'Maize Agronomy . .. ... I . : . ..153 M. Qasim Chatha - Agronomy of Sugarcane . .. ... ... ...162 Talib H. Choudhry - Some Agrotechnological Aspects ... 171 of Cotton Production in the Punjab Waheed Sultan, M.Sarwar Munir-ud-Din & M. Ghayyur - Agronomic Practices of Cotton Cultivation .... ....... 177 in the Punjab M. Islam Gill - Citrus Agronomy . .. .. .. ... ...185 Daud Ahmed Khan - Prospects of Agroforestry in Pakistan .... .. .. ... 193 M. 1.Sheikh PART VI. SOIL TAXONOMY AND AGROTECHNOLOGY TRANSFER - Agrotechnology Transfer Based on Soil Taxonomy . .. ... ...199 F.H. Beinroth - System-Based Approach to Agrotechnology Transfer . .. ... ...204 F. H. Beinroth - Soil Capability Assessment Network (SCAN)- .... .. ...208 History and Concepts Aurangzeb Khan - Soil Capability Assessment Network (SCAN) - . .. .. .. ...216 Results and Achievements M.I. Nizami - Transfer of Soil Technology to Agricultural .... .. ...230 Extension;Service in Pakistan -APragmatic. Approach M. Nawaz Syal PART VII. GENERAL - Agricultural Research Priorities and ... ... 239 Constraints in Pakistan M. Anwar Khan - Barani Agricultural. Research and .. .. ..249 Developnieht in Pakistan A. Rehman Khan& A. Qayyum - Use of Gypsum for Reclamation of * . ...262 Salt Affected Soils M. Rashid, M.*Yasin -& Hayst:M.:Bhatti Need for International Cross-Checking and .. :. 276 Correlation in Soil Analysis for International Classification System G. Saeed Khan PART Vill. FORUM EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Forum Evaluation S... 295 - Commendations and Recommendations . .. ... .. 297 CLOSING REMARKS - Dr. Hari Eswaran .. .. ... 299 - Dr. M. Bashir Choudhri .... ... 301 SECOND VOLUME PART I. SOIL TAXONOMY -BASIC CONCEPTS AND CATEGORIES - Diagnostic Surface Horizons - Diagnostic Properties - Aridisols - Inceptisols - Mollisols PART II. SOIL CLASSIFICATION IN PAKISTAN - Distribution of Higher Categories of Soil Taxonomy in Pakistan - Tour Guide - Selected Pedon Descriptions and Analytical Data - Field Excursion Report PART III. INTERPRETATION OF SOIL SURVEY DATA - Principles of Soil Survey Interpretation - General Principles for Soil Properties and Development of Interpretations - Procedures Used in the Preparation of Interpretations for Some Pakistan Soils - Interpretation Record of Some Pakistan Soils - Concept of Soil Potential Ratings I N PR.E F AC E. The XII InternationalForum was basically a training workshop. It had been organized to create amongst the country-s agriculturalscientists an awareness of the soil-as a vital variablein the plant production enterprise, to familiarize them with the iechnical language internationallyused by pedologists and to highlight its usefulness in facilitatiigagrotechnologytransfer.Because of the very nature of the workshop, it could accomodateonly a limited numberofparticipants.The otherswould, hopgfully, be able to benefit from this compilation of the Forum proceedings. To them it is mainly addressed. This publication is divided into two volumes to separatelycover the two different aspects of the Forum activities, The first volume comprises the indoorproceedings;it contains paperspresented in the technical sessions. Detailedprofile descriptions, analytical,data,prediction of soil behaviour basedon data interpretation,andreports ofon-site discussions,in respect of the soils examined during field trips make.up the second volume. It alsb includes introductionto some of the basic concepts and categoriesqf Soil Taxonomy- the soil classificationsystem practisedin Pakistan. Most -ofthe write-ups especially those constitutingvolume one have been subject to a limited. degree of editorialmodification in consultation with the concerned authors, wherever necessary. or possible.The prime reasonfor effecting these changeswas the endeavourof the Publication Committee to relate, as for as possible, the presented materialto the conditionsprevalentin Pakistan:Creditfor pedon descriptions, and related analyticaldata, interpretedinformationand photographs ofprofiles andlandscapesgoes largely to the SMS S: . Preparationof this publication owes much to the kind patronizationand inspiringguidance of Dr. M. Bashir Choudhri, Director General, SSP. bn bealf of the Committee,, it is my privilege to convey ourdeepsense of gratitude to him. It is also ourpleasureto put on.recordour appreciationof the cooperation extended to'us by the various authors.The services of our colleagues in the SSPfor the typing, cartographic andproof readingwork are gratefully acknowledged. Personally,l am much obliged to members of the Publication Committee especially the Secretary, for their whole hearted supportand untiring-effortsduringall phases of the work. MUSHTAQ AHMAD Soil Survey ofPakistan Chairman Lahore. ProceedingsPublicationCommittee (i) COMMITTEES O Advisory Committee Dr. Amir Muhammad, Chairman, PARC, Pakistan Dr. M. Bashir Choudhri, Director General, SSP, Pakistan Dr. Ch. M. Anwar Khan, Director General, NARC, Pakistan Dr. Tej Gill, Chief AID, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Dr. Ralph McCracken, Deputy Chief, SCS-USDA, U.S.A. O Steering Committee Dr. Hlri Eswaran, SMSS, Washington D.C. Chairman Dr. vi. Amjad Hassan, SSP, Lahore Secretary
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