Il -: . Construction Costs Will Remain High Sensational Undertakings Were the Feature Alwyn Court ; UntilBreakComes in Commodity Prices Of Construction in This City Last Year At Seventh Avej way in war-time construction. We Corner Sold Will Be Years Until Prices Are learned how to standardize our work. Adjusted We learned the secret of quantity buy¬ to a Lower ing and quantity production and the Level; Pre-War Schedules most economical method of handling Twelve-Story Flat at our materials. We are now applying 58ifc Are Gone Forev Cost Plus Con¬ these methods to our work on Street, With Two er; account. private Suit* tract Best at In the face of the vital emergency to Floor, Building Basis Present of war and confronted by problems Bought ty vastly greater and, more complicated the Gier,well than we had ever dreamed of, it was necessary to change our methods and Compaq By John C. Hegeman contractor would dictate that he would to adopt or invent others. Some mis¬ do the work as cheaply as possible, and takes President Hefreman-Harria Com¬ the cost of the must necessarily have been made difference between the by all, but as the result of such mis¬ pany, Inc., Builders, New York work and his contract was his profit. takes and the unparalleled experiences Sales of Business The The cheaper he could do it the more obtained we are enabled to before Realty question that is asked many his profit was. The owner and the ar¬ place times a prospective owners for their benefit day of every architect and chitect were ranged against him to ob¬ methods of building far better than builder is, "Are building costs coming tain as much out of him for their own have obtained in the Other Max Natan son side as possible. In such a situation paBt. Parts With down, and if so, when ?" The demand is it to building companies which engaged in urgent, and to those interested a is easy imagine the constant bick¬ war work had similar and it is and which arose. Some¬ experiences, Eleveu-Story Loft Build, uestion uppermost in their minds, ering disputes as a result the building industry to¬ The answer, addressed to busi¬ times the contractor estimated too low is more efficient more in East 20th every or met unusual day and compe¬ ing Stree4 ness man. is: Building cost3 will come conditions and suffered tent to solve the problems of the in¬ disastrous losses. < In such a down at the same time, or, perhaps a situation dividual building operation than it ever tittle earlier, than the cost of products the quality of the building necessarily has been before. handled by you will come down. If you suffered. In conclusion, therefore, I would Alwyn Court, twelve stories, at tè» can estimate when the costs of your Advantage of Cost-plus Plan say that, though costs at the present j southeast corner of Seventh \venw own raw material, or your own lahorv time are high, I do not consider that and Fifty-eighth has charges or own expenses of The Great War changed these con¬ will be lower in the next few Street, just b»«i doing,) ditions for the better. When the they sold by Edgar & for business will come down, you can, with years. If the prospective owner's re¬ Orean Feinberg tb( fair accuracy, approximate the arrival United States government began its quirements are sufficiently urgent to Company, Inc., Frank Hughe* of the day that building costa will be¬ vast building program it very quickly pay the present costs, I can rec¬ president The new owner Is the gin to descend toward the levels of that developed that tho lump sum form of ommend that he only nell Gr*. distant not proceed immediately, Company, represented by H. B. D». happy day, known as "pre¬ contract would prove very efficient and as compensation for the additional .-, vin. The war times,'' which I consider are gone! or economical. The government offi¬ high costs there is to be considered selling company acquired tU and will be forever forgotten. cials decided, after due consideration, the closer relationship between the property at auction in January, ipj» Why should bnilding costs come to award contracts on some form of owner and the and his as iñ down when prices of all other indus¬ basis. builder, greater to plaintiff foreclosure proceed^-.. "cost-plus" responsibility to the owner, together $2,800,000,000 It represents a tries are leaping upward day by day? The basic idea of the cost-plus con¬ with the greater which the syndicate of bondhola There is no to tract is efficiency Be Invested in ers which foreclosed the second the mysterious exception sound, The interest of the builder has developed through his ex¬ New mort- building business which warrants owner and architect not being ranged periences, in war work. All of which gag«. any one to expect that the cost of against the contractor, as under the tends to offset the This Year building may be down while all comparatively high Buildings Alwyn Court is on a plot 125x100. <t kept lump sum form of contract, the three costs. industrial and was erected other industries are being operated at are on the same side of the Residential, other about twelve years ago bi a ranged building contracts the Hedden higher cost one purpose, that of building the best aggregating $2,- Construction Compao* "Not Until Coat for the least 800,000,000 will be awarded east of from plans by Harde & Short, Hn«f for Comes Down" Talk building money in the Missouri and north of the Ohio rivers a time held the record for Manufacturers come to the architect shortest possible time. The owner is in high apart¬ and in the "know-how" of Auction 1920, as compared with !*S2,600,- ment rentals. It. contains two aparU builder and tell of enormous ta¬ reality engaging Sage 000,000 in the same territory mcnts of fourteen rooms and five during bathi rrease in demand for their products, the contractor for his own benefit. In 1919. on a floor. They will frankly say that their busi¬ selecting the contractor it is neces¬ , ness has sary for the owner to assure him¬ To Be Held Statistics for years back show Sale of U4th Street Apartment outgrown their present build¬ that only two-thirds of construction ing and that space cannot be leased or self of only two facts.: Th* Lloyd Winthrop Company h-,% '»ought for any consideration. First, does the contractor know his planned is ever undertaken. Working sold for Otto Horwitz and Carolin» will They1 business? on this basis, Franklin T. Miller, Wiener, 312-H West complain that unless they can find This Month head of the F. W. 114th Street a increased facilities for production the Second, is the contractor honest and has Dodgy Company, mix story apartment on plot SOxlOfl development of their business will bo is his whole organization imbued with arrived at the above estimate The T,loyd Winthrop Company hue boen retarded. their tho of and for actual construction work this app03Jited of the Through all talk will highest principles honesty year, the total value of agents property. run the story now so familiar, of ris¬ business integrity? These conditions Proceeds From proposed Flat in Greenwich Str-eet Sold costs of raw and the ever being'met, the owner may assure him- Sale of, building filed during 1919 being ing materials, $4,200,000,000. Van Vliet & Place have sold for mounting demanda of their workers;« self by securing the services of two Extensive Real D. John despite all of which their business has experts.namely, the architect and Estate Contracts awarded for in Wellenkamp the four story flat a( building 791 Greenwich Street, on 34 grown faster than they can keep pace builder, working in harmony and work- New York City total $269,767,000. 68x65. plot fix with. The own Holdings To Be Given Residence« demand for their goods at ing for his interest.that his build- (15,197) including dwell¬ Natanson Sells any price was never so strong. ing will be built at less cost in shorter to and Charities ings, apartment houses dormitories Loft In their own business they know time and with a higher degree and Colleges j and hotels, $149,4i.3,000; manufac¬ J,-. The Nomar Realty Companv (Vax Na¬ that rising costs must be reckoned quality of workmanship than by any turing buildings (302), $25,847,000; tanson, president) has sold io the Msn- with; but these same men, when they! other method of doing the work. Every miscellaneous (2241), $94,467,000. port Realty Company (I. Portniaii come to the architect or builder, expect individual building contract is a prob¬ The first big auction sale this year, I president) the eleven-storv loft build- to be different. out in- in itself. In these times as never and one of the ever held in Forward at .39 East things They cry lem the largest Looking ing Twentieth Street, on a dignantly when they study the esti-! before, in any building operation, upon Vesey Street salesroom, will take lot 25x100. The structure was eulfj. for mates of cost on their proposed new! the part of the builder are required, place on Tuesday, January 20, when Not in Anticipation all cash over a mortgago of $110 000 building, and not decide a most careful the valuable New York City 16-Story Building "The outlook for 1920 for sub¬ Max Cohen and I. infrequently first, preliminary plan¬ properties Henry Cooper wer» to wait "until building costs cornel ning as to the method of doing the owned by the late Mrs.
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