´&RPLQJWRJHWKHU LVDEHJLQQLQJ NHHSLQJWRJHWKHULV SURJUHVVZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHULV VXFFHVVµ +HQU\)RUG 9ROXPH;;;,VVXH 6DWXUGD\-XO\ Arrow Points h :HDWKHU :HOFRPHWRWKH 7RGD\ 7RPRUURZ Isolated T-Storms Scattered T-Storms Hi 88, Lo 70 Hi 88, Lo 73 /DUJHVW12$&(YHU 30% Chance Precip. 40% Chance Precip. h 2QHELJ&RQIHUHQFH By BRIAN CASPER Approximately 8,000 Arrowmen After two years in the making, the will be at this year’s conference, from 295 lodges comprising 97% National Order of the Arrow Confer- of the nation’s lodges. Lodges have HQFHLVÀQDOO\KHUH&RQIHUHQFHPDQ- an average of 23 participants and agement has announced that this will we have 1352 staff assigned to help be the largest NOAC in the history of run the committees of NOAC. the Order of the Arrow, with more h 12$&/LYH than 8,000 Arrowmen from across the Let your friends and family back country coming together. It is the start home know about all the live up- of nearly a week of fun and adventure. dates to the National OA Web site We’ve come here to learn, for fellowship at http://live.oa-bsa.org. and to make lasting memories. NOAC is about living the Scouting h 12$&5DGLR Tune into 95.3 FM for music, news GUHDP,WLVDERXWPDNLQJQHZIULHQGV and updates throughout the entire and strengthening old friendships. It’s conference. Feel free to visit the about experiencing the Order at its booth and make a request for your greatest and meeting people who truly favorite song. live by the ideals of Scouting. NOAC h :DWFKD0RYLH is about learning from our top trainers, National Treasure, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., competing for the Lodge Spirit Award, at Wilson Auditorium this after- and being inspired to share what we noon. OHDUQEDFNKRPH We’ve all been waiting for NOAC h +DQGERRN8SGDWH to begin. These next few days are going Come visit the Boy Scout Division booth and give your ideas of what to happen very fast, so you are encour- should be in the “new” Boy Scout aged to see and do everything you can. Handbook. NOAC truly has something for every- one; whether it’s patch trading, ceremo- h %X\6RPH6WXII nies, dancing, training, sports, climbing, The Trading Post is open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the MSU Union. PHHWLQJRXUQDWLRQDORIÀFHUVDWWHQGLQJ inspiring shows, skateboarding, learning about what new things are happening, Inside or just spending time with your fellow Beaumont Tower 1DWLRQDO2IÀFHUV ........................ 2 brothers. 7KH([SHULHQFH ......................... 4 :H·UHFRQÀGHQWWKDW\RX·OOKDYHDQ purpose of the Order and what you can what you learn with the arrowmen of &DPSLQJ +LJK$GYHQWXUH ...... 4 unforgettable experience at our Order’s do for your troop, chapter and lodge. your lodge and chapter. Remember the 2SHQLQJ6KRZ ............................ 6 largest national conference ever. During Take your experiences and knowledge OHJHQGOLYHVRQLQDOORI XV 6NDWHERDUGLQJ ............................. 7 these next few days, think back on the from this week home with you and share 7KH2I¿FLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRI12$& 2 Saturday, July 29, 2006 The Daily Legend A look at our national chief and national vice chief By Brian Casper and had the honor of meeting President the Dan Beard Council and was elected Each December, section chiefs from *HRUJH:%XVKLQWKH2YDO2IÀFHWR DVWKH1DWLRQDO2$9LFH&KLHI across the country gather at the Order present the BSA’s Annual Report to the Prior to serving as national vice chief, of the Arrow’s National Planning Meet- 1DWLRQ KHVHUYHG6HFWLRQ&%DVLWVFKLHI ing in Dallas, Texas for two reasons: $OOQDWLRQDORIÀFHUVPXVWVHUYHDV Chris is studying veterinary medicine to plan the next year’s program of VHFWLRQFKLHI SULRUWREHLQJHOHFWHG at Ohio State University in Columbus, emphasis and to elect the next national Prior to section chief, Sean has served Ohio, and aspires to become a veteri- 2$RIÀFHUV as section vice chief, two terms as lodge QDULDQ This past December, Sean Murray FKLHIDQGRQHWHUPDVFKDSWHUFKLHI,Q Chris is a Vigil Honor member, was elected to serve as the national chief KHDWWHQGHGKLVÀUVW12$&DQG Founder’s Award recipient and an Eagle and Chris Schildknecht was elected to LQDWWHQGHG,QGLDQ6XPPHU$WWKH 6FRXW WKHSRVLWLRQRI QDWLRQDOYLFHFKLHI7KHVH last NOAC in 2004, Sean was on both This summer, Chris participated in two young men represent our organiza- the communications staff as well as the WKH2$:LOGHUQHVV9R\DJHDW1RUWKHUQ Sean Murray tion at a national level at both Order of ,&(VWDII Tier National High Adventure Base and WKH$UURZDQGJHQHUDO%6$HYHQWV :KHQDVNHGZKDWKHPRVWORRNVIRU- KDGDQDPD]LQJWLPH,QKHZDV Sean Murray of Norwich, New ward to about NOAC, Sean responded able to attend the Danish National Jam- York, is a Vigil Honor member of by saying, “The fun and enthusiasm boree in Denmark and hopes to return Otahnagon Lodge of the Baden-Powell that each NOAC brings is something WR'HQPDUNQH[WVXPPHU&KULVDOVR &RXQFLO6HDQLVDQDFFRXQWLQJPDMRUDW YHU\VSHFLDO$V,ORRNIRUZDUGWRRXU has served as lodge treasurer, lodge vice 6\UDFXVH8QLYHUVLW\LQ6\UDFXVH1< QDWLRQDOFRQIHUHQFH,DPH[FLWHGWR FKLHI DQGORGJHFKLHI and hopes to matriculate to law school have the opportunity to meet talented :KLOHDW12$&WKLVZHHN&KULV DIWHUJUDGXDWLQJ:KLOHVHUYLQJDVWKH youth and adult Arrowmen from across looks forward to meeting other Arrow- 2006 National OA Chief, he has trav- WKHQDWLRQµ men from across the country and from HOHGWRPDQ\LQFUHGLEOHSODFHV7KLVSDVW Christopher Schildknecht of Cincin- DURXQGWKHZRUOG 0DUFKKHWUDYHOHGWR:DVKLQJWRQ'& nati, Ohio, is from Ku-Ni-Eh Lodge of Chris Schildknecht OA is recognized by the City of East Lansing and the State of Michigan )RUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQWKH2UGHU·VKLV- DV´2UGHURI WKH$UURZGD\Vµ UHVROXWLRQ preciates this recognition by the State tory, the City of East Lansing, Michigan The resolution reads in part, “… we Additionally, the State of Michigan RI 0LFKLJDQ and Michigan State University is playing urge all citizens to become involved in passed a special tribute in honor of The web site for the City of East host to the National Order of the Ar- FRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHSURMHFWVDQGDELGH 12$&RQ-XO\WK6LJQHGE\ Lansing notes the importance of the URZ&RQIHUHQFH068SULGHVLWVHOIDVD by the Order of the Arrow motto, 6WDWH6HQDWRU*UHWFKHQ:KLWPHURI WKH UHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHFLW\DQG068 PDMRU86SXEOLFXQLYHUVLW\ZLWKDJOREDO Brotherhood of Cheerful Service, dur- UG'LVWULFWDQG*RYHUQRU-HQQLIHU0 MSU is a vital ingredient in what makes UHDFK$UURZPHQDWWHQGLQJ12$&ZLOO LQJWKLVWLPHµ Granholm, the plaque reads, “Let it be East Lansing “such an appealing place utilize only a portion of the 5200 acre The resolution also notes that OA known that it is both an honor and a WROLYHDQG068VWXGHQWVÀOOWKHVWUHHWV campus, which is located three miles east volunteers will complete roughly 10,000 privilege to extend the sincerest praise with energy, enthusiasm and personal- RI WKHVWDWHFDSLWROLQ/DQVLQJ hours of volunteer service to the cam- and commendation to the National LW\µ The City Council of East Lansing SXVDQGWKHVXUURXQGLQJDUHD7KH2$ Order of the Arrow organization in However, the streets of East Lansing passed a special resolution on July 18th, thanks the City Council of the East acknowledgement of their Order of may not be able to contain the energy 2006 recognizing July 29 to August 3, Lansing and Mayor Samir Singh for this WKH$UURZ&RQIHUHQFHµ7KH2$DS- and enthusiasm that is NOAC! Scouting’s National Honor Society The Daily Legend Saturday, July 29, 2006 3 :KHUHGR,JHW12$&JHDU" By Ryan Miske HQFHLQ%URG\+DOO7KLV7UDGLQJ3RVWLV 7KHUHDUHWKUHHRIÀFLDO12$&7UDG- FRQYHQLHQWO\ORFDWHGLQRQHRI 12$&·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ÀJXULQHVFRLQVDQG*UHJRU\3HULOOR UHVLGHQFHKDOOV,I \RXYLVLWWKH2$0X- SULQWV<RXFDQDOVRJHWEDVLF6FRXWVXS- VHXP\RXFDQSXUFKDVHDOLPLWHGHGLWLRQ SOLHVLI \RXQHHGDQRWKHUSDLURI VRFNV 2$0XVHXPSDWFK7KHVHFDQRQO\EH RUDQHZVDVK:HDOVRKDYHDIHZLWHPV SXUFKDVHGDWWKLVORFDWLRQ IURPSDVWQDWLRQDOHYHQWVWKDWDUHDYDLO- %HVXUHWRFKHFNWKHFRQIHUHQFH DEOHDWURFNERWWRPSULFHV VFKHGXOHWRVHHZKHQHDFKRI WKHVLWHV 6DWHOOLWH7UDGLQJ3RVWDWWKH([SHUL- ZLOOEHRSHQ ([WUHPH+LJK $GYHQWXUH¶V 6HHZKDWDOO FOLPELQJURFNV WKHEX]]LV :KHWKHU\RX·YHEHHQFOLPELQJVLQFH $OORI WKHQHFHVVDU\HTXLSPHQWZLOO DERXWDW6&8%$ EHIRUH\RXFRXOGZDONRUKDYHQHYHU EHSURYLGHGIRUDIXQDQGVDIHH[SHUL- VWUDSSHGLQWRDKDUQHVVEHIRUH([WUHPH HQFH$OO\RXQHHGWREULQJLV\RXUVHOI $UH\RXIHHOLQJDGYHQWXURXV" IURPWKH)ORULGD6HD%DVHDQGVHH +LJK$GYHQWXUH·VFOLPELQJDUHDSURP- DVHQVHRI DGYHQWXUHDQGVRPHHQHUJ\ 'R\RXZDQWWRH[SORUHQHZIURQ- ZKDWWKH2$LVGRLQJZKLOHGLYLQJ LVHVWREHDQH[FHOOHQWZD\WRVSHQGVRPH $IUDLGRI KHLJKWV"(YHQLI \RXGRQ·W WLHUVRI RXUSODQHW"6&8%$GLYLQJ 7U\LWRXWZHJXDUDQWHH\RXZLOO WLPHGXULQJ12$& PDNHLWWRWKHWRSWU\LQJLVRQHVWHS DOORZV\RXWRVHHSODFHVWKDWPRVW KDYHDJUHDWWLPH 7KHUHZLOOEHVHYHUDOSRUWDEOHFOLPE- FORVHUWRRYHUFRPLQJ\RXUDSSUHKHQ- SHRSOHFDQRQO\GUHDPDERXW *HWWKHUHHDUO\DVWKLVLVDSRSX- LQJZDOOVZLWKFOLPEVRI YDU\LQJOHYHOVRI VLRQV &RPHDQGVHHZKDWWKHEX]]LV ODUDFWLYLW\%ULQJ\RXUVZLPWUXQNV GLIÀFXOW\DVZHOODVDQH[SHULHQFHGVWDII ([WUHPH+LJK$GYHQWXUH ;+$ DERXWDQGWU\6&8%$ DQGDFRS\RI \RXUKROGKDUPOHVV WKDWZLOOZDON\RXWKURXJKWKHSURSHU &OLPELQJZLOODOVRRIIHUDQ,QWURWR 'XULQJWKHDIWHUQRRQDFWLYLW\ IRUP FRQWDFW\RXUFRQWLQJHQW VDIHW\PHDVXUHV
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