Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 6-1-1924 1924 Brown and Gold Vol 06 No 9 June 15, 1924 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1924 Brown and Gold Vol 06 No 9 June 15, 1924" (1924). Brown and Gold. 48. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/48 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. VI., o. 9 News REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLORADO Section June 15, 1924 THREE RETREA TS TO TWENTY REGIS MEN BOOSTERS SCORE A SUCCESS IN BE HELD FOR LAITY JOIN KNIGHTS -R- -R- HIGH SCHOOL INVITATION DANCE Fathers Robison, Krenz and Degree Exemplification, May ---R--- McDonnell to Conduct 25, Made Merry for Rangers Generous Co-operation brings Splendid Crowd from Exercises Answering the appeal for a Knights High School Seniors of Denver Regis will offer three retreats for of Columbus Chapter at Regis College, Not too much praise can be given the laymen this summer, according to a twenty Regis men entered the organiza­ FR. McDONOUGH GIVES IRegis Boosters' Club for its first and statement from the Rev. Leo Krenz, tion, Sunday, May 25. The initiation CLOSING MAY ADDRESS most auspicious boost for Regis, in the S. J., professor of philosophy at the Col. and banquet to the new members was form of a dance in honor of the gradu­ lege. Father Krenz is in charge of the held at the Knights of Columbus Home. --R- ates of the Denver high schools, given at retreat movement at Regis. Following are the members enrolled: Regis was fortunate in having the the Denver Municipal Auditorium, on We quote below, partly, from an ar­ John Badovinac, Emmet Barry, Reggie Rev. J. F. McDonough, pastor of the May 23. ticle of Father Krenz on retreats for Batt, Vincent Carlin, Joseph Dillon, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, to There follows, from the Denver Post laymen: "In truth, this present-day Austin Fontenot, John Heer, Dominic close the May Devotions at the special of May 22, comment on the Boosters' Lombardi, Sanford Lucy, Joseph Mat· 'Back to God' movement is only the ac· services in the Regis Chapel, May 28. aims and ideas: "Creed is to play no centuation of a conviction deeply seated thews, John Miller, Hubert Newell, Ed­ part in the affair, which is being given in our human nature, of a longing, too ward Semard, John Sullivan, Perry Fr. McDonough defended the doctrine in honor of the graduating classes of -yes of a need and urge to give honest Wait, Edward Burke, Jed Miniskey, of the Catholic Church on the Virgin all ·the various high schools of the city. study to the more eminently real things, Maurice Newby, Robert O'Brien. Rev. · Birth of Christ, a matter of so much This seems a very happy arrangement, to the vaster and richer worlds above B. J. Murray, S. J., principal of Regis controversy in this day. His discourse this plan to draw together the y'outh and beyond and quite independent of High School, was also initiated. of our city under the badge of good­ all the vicissitudes of matter and time. was logical and brilliant. The speaker The banquet tendered to the new­ also showed the distinction between a fellowship which cannot help but make The positive need of a retreat is felt at fledged Knights was held at 6:30. W. F. for good citizenship. times by every soul that is not infatu· religious education, such as could be Allen, Past Grand Knight, acted as "The high school and college gradu­ ated with a life of sin or sense. A good obtained in a Catholic college, in addi· retreat is verily a thorough overhauling toastmaster. Geo. W. O'Shaughnessy, ates of today are our business associ­ tion to the regular curriculum, and an of the motors of our spiritual life, a re­ Chancellor; B. J. O'Malley, Deputy ates of tomorrow and to get together in charging of the soul's batteries to re· Grand Knight; Rev. Francis Walsh. education in which religion played no a social way on the eve of steppinl!: forth plenish the stores of energy so indis· Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus; part, or principles adverse to religion into the world of business and finance should pave the way to co-operation and pensible for manly success in life's one W. Dolan, Capt. J. Barry, Rev. B. J. were taught. supreme business and only decisive bat· Murray, S. J., and John Miller, repre· success." tle." senting the Regis Knights, spoke on the At the Solemn Benediction which The committee strove to make this All the retreats open on Thursday occasion. The Regis student body is followed, Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, affair a pleasant connection between night at 8:30, and close the following now represented by forty-five Knights S. J., officiated as celebrant. Fr. Sebas· college and commercial life-and hope Monday morning. The dates and the of Columbus. Music was furnished for that it will be looked forward to as an the banquet by the Carrol Hall Orches­ tiani acted as deacon and Mr. Ward as annual function. All the dance appoint· retreat masters scheduled are: July sub-deacon. 10·14, Rev. William F. Robison, S. J.; tra of Regis. ments were delightfully well arranged, July 24-28, Rev. Leo Krenz, S. J.; Au­ and the large crowd was handled with· out delay or confusion. If appearances ~ust 21·25, Rev. Charles McDonnell, s. J. mean anything the Boosters have made ---R--- their name. The special features were particularly HORAN TAKES pleasant. Miss Lorene Fitzsimmons ELOCUTION MEDAL and Miss Leslie Davis entertained with -R- a verv attractive costume dance, assisted Jos. M. Neary Scores a First bv Miss Tyrena Bischofberger at the piano. The Columbian Trio followed in the Oratorical Division with several well received selections. Paul Horan, reciting "One Touch of The Booster committee wishes in a Nature," by Peter B. Kyne, won first special manner to thank the patrons and place in the annual elocution contest, oatronesses, who were as follows: Sunday, June 1. The first prize for the Messrs. and Mesdames A. H. Seep, W. elocution contest, a gold medal, was P. Horan. Maurice Fitzgerald, John H. Presented by the Knights of Columbus Reddin. H. W. Swigert, Floyd Shafer, ?£ this city. The medal for first place F. S. Tobin, John Toner, Edward Day. lU the oratorical contest was won by W. H. Dillon, Charles Hayden, Bernard Joseph M. Neary, who delivered a Fitzsimons, Stephen Keating; Dr. and e.ulogy on the late Woodrow Wilson, en· Mrs. D. S. Monaghan, Dr. and Mrs. T. htled "Woodrow Wilson, Idealist." This J. Carlin, Chief and Mrs. John Healy, m.edal was the gift of Bishop J. Henry T1hen. Captain and Mrs. J. L. Barry; Mes· dames P. V. Carlin, E. Murray, Ter· . ?ther competitors in Mr. Horan's di­ renee Owens, Edward Gibbons and John VISion were Donald F. Dunn, John F. Murphy. Toner and B. F. Fitzsimons, Jr. Mr. ---R--- Toner won second place in this division. 0 BOOSTERS BROADCAST ther contestants besides Mr. Neary in On May 18, under the auspices of the tl~e oratorical class were Gerald I. Hig­ Regis Boosters, the Carroll Hall Or· gms, W. W. Gruelich and Emmet M. chestra of the College was broadcast Barry. Mr. Barry placed second. All in concert from the station of the Rey­ the speakers in the oratorical class com· nolds Radio Corporation. Mr. Anthony posed their own speeches. The judges Zarlengo, a .iunior in the College and were A. H. Seep, P. H. Judge and B. member of the committee on statistics K. Sweeney. Musical numbers on the of the Boosters, gave a talk on the ne­ pHrogram were furnished by the Carroll all Orchestra. cessity and value of a college education. ----~~--------------------------------------· .Eage-~~~ Two ----------------~------~------_!TlHUE~B~R~O~W~N~A~N~D~~G~O~L=D~~~~--------~~~~~~~~J~un~e~~l EACHERS TO BE ORDAINED DETROIT U. TAKES NEGATIVE WINS IN FORMER T DEBATING FINAl£ HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE -R- --R-- St. Mary's Defeated 3-0 by Keating and Judge Voted Best Michigan Debaters Debaters Very creditable debating on the pan The annual High School debate, held of the St. Mary's College team from on the evening of May 28, in the Regis Kansas-Joseph P. Loftus and Walter Auditorium, was won by the negative, J. Loftus-failed to win a decision over opposing the granting of immediate in· the Detroit University representativ~ dependence to the Philippine Islands. Messrs. Vincent F. McAuliffe and Stan: , The winning side based its statements ley E. Beattie, in a clash over the World Court, in the Knights of Columbus Au­ upon the cold facts, with no appeal to ditorium, Detroit, May 8. This victory sentiment; the affirmative, however, ap· gave Detroit University the forensic pealed more to the feelings of the au­ championship of the Missouri Province. dience, drawing on their sympathies for Fifteen hundred people heard this prop· a small nation struggling for freedom. osition argued: "Resolved, That the As an added incentive to hard work, United States should enter the World a $50 cash prize was donated by Messrs. Court according to the plan of the late President Harding." Detroit uphdd Elmer McPhee and Christopher Cusack, B.
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