Citation ANALySIS FOR FIVE SERBIAN AuTHORS IN WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPuS AND GOOGLE SCHOLAR Dr Stela Filipi Matutinović university Library “Svetozar Marković” Abstract: Citation analysis for five Serbian authors from formation, it was not planned to become a uni- different scientific fields was performed for the period versal tool for the estimation of scientific results. 1998-2006 according to their full bibliographies in two Nevertheless, citation analysis is often used as a commercial databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and tool for evaluating the performance and measur- one freely available on the Internet (Google Scholar). The results show big differences between numbers of ing the impact of scientists, institutions, journals, citations gathered in those databases, suggesting that ci- regions etc. That leads to changes in the behav- tation analysis in the Web of Science should not be used iour of scientists when deciding where to publish as a main indicator for scientific performance for Serbian their results, and even in editorial policy of sci- authors, at least not in all scientific disciplines. The most entific journals. As mentioned in the article by relevant results from Web of Science, the resource used Colin Steele et al. “The impact game is certainly officially for citation analysis in Serbia, were acquired being played by the major parties and it seems for an author working in oncology, and the least relevant that the main focus is arguably no longer the ef- for computer sciences. fective dissemination of knowledge, but rather gains in the reward system”.1 The rejection rate Introduction of journals with high impact factor is now often Scientometrics and its subfield bibliometrics are over 90%, but Thompson ISI on its website notes disciplines of the science of science, aiming to that about 2000 journals account for 85% of pub- provide research tools for measurement and ex- lished and 95% of cited articles. planation of the production and dissemination There are a lot of different opinions about the of scientific knowledge. The short definition of real significance of citation analysis results, but bibliometrics by van Raan says: “Bibliometrics it is heavily used all over the world for “mea- is the quantitative study of the written output of suring” science. One of the recent papers by van science.” Bibliometric analyses make the science Raan, that gives argumentation why is it not le- more transparent. The founders of the discipline gitimate to use citation data from Web of Science were Derek de Sola Price and Vasiliy Vasilevich (WoS) for institutional ranking, has a very ex- Nalimov, but it became popular only after the de- plicit title “Fatal Attraction”.2 Another paper by velopment of citation indexes (1961) and estab- Peter Weingart discusses the impact of the use lishment of the Institute for Scientific Informa- of bibliometric data from the Web of Science on tion by their “father” Eugene Garfield. The main scientific communities in states that use them idea in citation analysis is that citations are the for funding allocation, like Spain, Finland, Aus- real reflection of the impact of published scien- tralia and Great Britain. The author emphasizes tific results, and that the majority of important the danger of the virtual monopoly of a com- information will be found in the core, highly mercial enterprise, Thompson ISI, on the trends cited journals. Designed as a tool to search in- in science.3 It would be wise always to remem- INFOTHECA – Journal of Informatics and Librarianship № 1-2, vol VIII, October 2007 26a STELA FILIPI matuTINOVIć ber a quotation by Eugene Garfield “It is true, market for information products. The database of course, that citation counts will not identify covers nearly 15.000 journals, mostly from med- significance that is unrecognized by the scientific icine, natural and social sciences. It is possible community. They are, after all, nothing more, nor to find citations in the literature published after less, than a reflection of that community’s work 1996. For cited publications that are part of the and interest. To go beyond that is to begin ques- Scopus database it is possible to retrieve all au- tioning the validity of the community’s percep- thors in the paper by using in Searching the op- tion of things, which is another area that calls for tion “Citation tracking” and for others the option peer judgments”. (From Citation Indexing – Its REFAuTH for the first author should be used. Theory and Application in Science, Technology There is a growing literature comparing those and Humanities, New york, John Wiley, 1979) tools for citation analysis. Richard Belew in his paper analyzed the data about citations of 203 Citations Databases publications by six authors in Web of Science Dana Roth in her paper about the emergence of and Google Scholar. The number of citations competitors to the Web of Science analyzed all for those publications was over 4,000 for both databases that have the possibility to search cita- databases, but the overlap between them was tions.4 The main resource was, and still is, Web relatively small. Publications in books and con- of Science, but, after the emergence of Google ference proceedings are much more likely to be Scholar and Scopus late in 2004, it is not the only found in Google Scholar, and journal articles resource. are better represented in ISI.5 Daniel Pauly and Google Scholar is a freely available database Konstantinos Stergiou in December 2005 pub- that includes peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, lished their results concerning citation analyses preprints, abstracts, technical reports from aca- performed in Thompson ISI Citation Index and demic publishers, repositories with preprints and Google Scholar. They compared citation of three published digitized materials, library catalogues papers by three authors in mathematics, chem- etc. Search results are displayed according to istry, physics, computing science, molecular bi- relevance based on the full text, author, publi- ology, ecology, fisheries, oceanography, geosci- cation source and frequency of citations to that ences, economics and psychology – 99 articles. text. Google has not published the list of sources For the period 1925-1989 the citation counts for Scholar, so we know only that Elsevier did were proportional, but ISI returned twice as not give its data to Google, and that the grey lit- many citations as Google Scholar. For the period erature will be probably better represented by 1990-2004 the number of citations was nearly Google Scholar. The fact is that the database and the same in both databases. Authors concluded its use are growing and that Google is willing to that free access to Google Scholar data will give cooperate with libraries. The link resolver for to the whole community the possibility to get in- KoBSON is already included in Google Scholar, sight into science policy issues, much more than enabling users from Serbia to find full texts for ever before.6 Kayvan Kousha and Mike Thelwall which the Consortium for coordinated acquisi- compared the citing of 1650 articles from 108 tion for Serbia, KoBSON, paid the access from open access journals covering biology, chemis- its research libraries. The union catalogue of try, physics, computer science, economics, edu- Serbian libraries COBISS.Sr with more than 1.6 cation, sociology and psychology, 55 of them million records is also linked to Google Scholar. were indexed in the ISI Web of Science. About The Scopus database is prepared by Elsevi- half of them were exclusively available online. er, the main competitor of Thompson ISI in the The significant correlation was found between Citation ANALySIS FOR FIVE SERBIAN AuTHORS... 27a ISI and Google Scholar citation count in all dis- through Association of Ideas.” by Eugene Gar- ciplines. Google Scholar gave more citations for field, published in the journal Science in 1955. social sciences and computer science, probably The results were as follows: WoS 83, Scopus 76 because of the presence of online published con- and Google Scholar 82, but only 33 papers were ference papers in Google Scholar.7 In the study present in all three databases. Half of the papers of benchmarking the literature from social sci- in Google Scholar had links to full texts. The ences and humanities according to Web of Sci- other search for citations of the 30 most cited pa- ence and other resources, it was concluded that pers from Current Science 1996-2001 in Scopus those sciences are underestimated in Web of Sci- showed that all of them were found in WoS and ence, especially if published in languages other only half of them in Google Scholar. The author than English and in disciplines that are not jour- emphasizes that bibliometric searches are well nal-oriented.9 That is the reason not to use Web facilitated in WoS and Scopus and practically of Science as a unique source of data for bench- non-existent in Google Scholar. In another paper marking in social sciences and humanities. by the same author the individual and aggregate There are few recently published papers that citation scores in WoS and Google Scholar for compare Thompson/ISI citation indexes, Scopus the 22 volumes of Asian Pacific Journal of Aller- and Google Scholar. In a case study comparing gy and Immunology were compared. The results the citation counts provided by Web of Science, showed that the number of papers retrieved was Scopus and Google Scholar from the Journal of 675 for WoS and 680 for GS, but the number of the American Society for Information Science citations was 1355 in WoS and 595 in GS. That and Technology (JASIST) published in 1985 and was probably because some journals with very 2000, the results showed that Web of Science high impact factors are not included in Google provided the largest citation number for 1985 Scholar.11 The argumentation why Google Schol- and Google Scholar for 2000.8 It is emphasized ar can not replace commercial databases for cor- that Google Scholar should give a full account rect bibliometric research is given in the article of what material is indexed and how often is up- published in Online Information Review.12 dated, if it should be considered a true scholarly Nisa Bakkalbasi et al.
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