FRAMINQILVJ, MASS. O lfo i'* ’"** H Z ’ll E.'JCILA.'JD ■ ■ • ; N£..'SCLrP AGSNCY V- 5 AU3'JR.''J S'f. 6-15-76 riUMi:rj;iA:,5, mass. oi?Ji MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1975— VOL. XCIV, No. 218 t w e n t y -FOUR p a g e s — t w o s e c t io n s Manchester A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Interim Israeli-Egyptian Pact Given 50-50 Chance by Officials By United Press International tier and previous target of Israeii ground shuttle diplomacy efforts, which collapsed the basis for a new interim agreement. Two authoritative Israeli newspapers assaults directed against guerrilla bases. last March, in the "next immediate today quoted senior Israeli officials in “Unless both sides are forthcoming” an Kissinger said Sunday after further weeks.” interim agreement with Egypt will not be Washington as saying there is a 50-50 talks with Rabin in New York that the In Tel Aviv the newspapers Ha’aretz and chance for an Israeli-Egyptian interim possible, Rabin said. “One has to be positions of Israel and Egypt on an interim Yedioth Ahronoth quoted senior Israeli of­ hopeful that it (an agreement) can be agreement as a result of Prime Minister Middle East agreement have now been ful­ ficials in Washington as saying there is a reached, but we’ll see in the coming Yitzhak Rabin’s conferences there. ly clarified beyond any possible mis­ 50 per cent chance for an Israeli-Egyptian weeks.” Rabin flew home to Israel today from understanding. interim agreement. Kissinger agreed that concessions were talks with President Ford and Secretary Kissinger would not go into details but They said Israel expected Egypt to reply necessary. of State Henry A. Kissinger. His visit was said that during the next few weeks “we within two weeks to proposals on a new marred by an Arab terrorist attack on a will be working in diplomatic channels pact made by Rabin in Washington. border village that Israeli Foreign with ali of the parties to see whether it is Rabin, in a television interview on CBS’ Bomb Damages Ministry officials said was aimed at dis­ possible to translate these ideas into con­ “Face the Nation,” Sunday repeated that rupting his peace efforts. crete progress.’’ if Israel was willing to make concessions, New York Bank The Arab terrorist raid Sunday killed He said he did not expect to resume his Egypt would have to do likewise to provide three Israelis and wounded six in the fron­ tier settlement of Yuval near the NEW YORK (UPI) — A powerful bomb Lebanese frontier. The four Palestinian exploded shortly before dawn today in the attackers were killed by Israeli soldiers. doorway of a Puerto Rican bank in Israeli planes struck Lebanese villages Leonard Pleads Guilty Rockefelier Center, injuring one man in reprisal and both Israeli and Lebanese slightly and shattering windows. artillery dueled across the border today. Police said the expiosion, apparently The Israelis said Arab gunners hit To 24 Felony Murders caused by a pipe bomb, went off at about Metulla, Israel’s northernmost town and 4:40 a.m. in the doorway of the Banco de the nearby settlement of Kfar Giladi. No Ponce at 49th Street and Rockefeller casualties were reported. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (UPI) - Peter Leonard, 23, of Byram, Conn. The defen­ Plaza. Israeli military sources reported a con­ Leonard pleaded guilty today to 24 counts dant then collapsed as he was led from the Shortly after 6 a.m., a woman iden­ centration of guerrillas all along the fron­ of felony murder in the fire at Gulliver’s court room following his guilty plea and tifying herself as a member of the tier with the biggest concentration at Aita Discotheque in Port Chester last year in was carried by court attendants and Weather Underground telephoned the ech-Chaab, a village just across the fron­ which 24 young persons died. sheriff’s deputies out of the building on a Associated Press to take credit for the A defense lawyer entered the plea for stretcher. bombing. She told the AP the attack was in Leonard was charged with setting a fire support of cement workers in Ponce, to hide a burgiary of a bowiing alley which Puerto Rico. was part of the commercial complex The woman said a communique was housing the popular discotheque oih the placed between two buildings at West 10th Many CIA Activities New York-Connecticut border. Street and Greenwich Avenue, ap­ ^Sweating^ Out Graduation Supreme Court Justice George proximately three blocks from the scene Beisheim Jr. said in court after the plea of an explosion in 1970 at a townhouse on Dale Lotreck mops his face during graduation exercises for Tolland High Remain a Mystery was entered, “While 24 terrible tragedies West 11th Street allegedly used by radicals occurred as a result of ... your stupid ac­ to manufacture bombs. School seniors Sunday in the school gym. Robert Loehr listens to a talk by The Rockefeller Commission report was tion, this court is convinced... that you are Police said two notes were found at the the school principal during the exercises. The temperature was estimated at WASHINGTON (UPI) - All major CIA to be given officially today to the Senate not a vicious, willful killer. You certainly location and were taken to a police^ 80 degrees or more in the gym filled with parents and friends. (Herald photo activities have had presidential approval, according to both Vice President Nelson investigating committee, which did not anticipate the results of your ac­ laboratory for analysis. Contents of the by Dunn) Rockefeller and Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- Wednesday will hear from CIA director tions.” messages were not disclosed. Ariz. Wiiliam Colby testifying under tight The judge said, “Your moral guilt is not ’The explosion this morning was the se­ But just what those activities were is security about the 1963 assassination of as great as a murderer who killed and in­ cond at the Banco de Ponce in eight still a big mystery in Washington and still South Vietnamese President Nguyen Dinh tended to kill.” months. The bank was one of five midtown Fathers Given Tribute provoking debate. Diem. Beisheim said he intended to sentence buildings hit by bombs on Oct. 26, 1974. Rockefeller, whose commission report A Coiby appearance before the House Leonard to a minimum of 15 years-to-life The FALN Puerto Rican nationalisi on the CIA was released last week, said committee investigating the CIA last in prison for the deaths of the 24 victims. group subsequently took credit for the At Tolland Graduation Sunday one reason the panel did not week was canceled when an internal dis­ He also said that pending the mandatory bombings and has since claimed respon- develop conclusive evidence on alleged pute resulted in the resignation of its probation report, he also intended to siblity for several more including the Jan. CIA foreign assassination plots was chairman, Lucien Nedzi, D-Mich. sentence Leonard to 15 years in jail on ar­ 24, 1^5 explosion at Fraunces Tavern in because so many persons implicated in Rockefeller’s hint of Kennedy Involve­ son charges, 10 years on burglary charges which four persons were killed and 56 in­ The 153 members of the Tolland High gift of a flag in front of the school and a them are dead. ment in assassination plots resulted in a and six months on two charges of petty jured. School Class of 1975 shared their gradua­ fund to support the showing of the stars He hinted his commission may have ob­ statement from two former aides of larceny — all to run concurrently. On Saturday, the FALN took credit for tion day with their fathers Sunday, a and stripes for years to come. tained information President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, who accused the vice Beisheim said that before the plea he two bombings in Chicago’s Loop section tribute referred to not only by Valedic­ The class was unique in another aspect. his brther, former Attorney General president of ignoring the conclusions of his had discussions with defense lawyer that injured four persons. torian Carla Doran but by Superintendent All ten top students possessing the highest Robert Kennedy, were involved in the own report or “deliberately lying.” Stephen Pittari but not with the district at­ of Schools Dr. Kenneth MacKenzie as four year academic averages were girls. alleged plots, but he emphasized none of torney’s office. well. Salutatorian Shawn Lampron urged her the secret information was strong enough The graduates prompted by the nation’s classmates to participate in citizenship to support conclusions of guilt. Bicentennial observances, donned gowns throughout their lives. “Let us not just pay Goldwater, a member of the Senate of red for the girls and navy blue for the taxes each year, vote for the most attrac­ commitee investigating the CIA, backed Show Award Winners Name boys. White tassels hung from mortar­ tive face and donate to the Boy Scout at up Rockefeller by saying no major CIA ac­ boards and white National Honor Society the door as so many do.” Instead she tion, such as an assassination, “would cords, mixed with the single white rose urged graduates to go to the city to tutor a have taken place without the President More thanlOO artists and craftsmen par­ Honorable mention ribbons were First prize went to Rand Bancroft for a carried by each of the graduating girls. child, to do something for those less for­ knowing about it.” ticipated Sunday in the second annual awarded to Charlotte Doyon for her pen table and lamp.
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