Appendix A Bicycle Master Plan Circulation Element CityCity ofof OceansideOceanside BicBicyycclele MasterMaster PlanPlan 2017 Update 2008 Bicycle Friendly Community 2017 Bicycle Master Plan Update Prepared by STC Traffic, Inc. 2008 Bicycle Master Plan Prepared by KTU+A Planning + Landscape Architecture In association with IBI Group Transportation Planning for the City of Oceanside, California This 2008 City of Oceanside Bicycle Master Plan was approved by City Council with a unanimous vote on December 17th, 2008. The Bicycle Master Plan was updated in 2017 to reflect projects completed since the Plan was approved. City of Oceanside • Bicycle Master Plan Table of Contents Executive Summary ES-1 Caltrans BTA Compliance ES-7 Introduction 1.1 Project Scope 1-1 1.2 Field Work 1-1 1.3 Bikeway Facility Types 1-1 1.3.1 Class 1 Bike Paths 1-1 1.3.2 Class 2 Bike Lanes 1-2 1 1.3.3 Class 3 Bike Routes 1-4 Existing Conditions 2.1 Existing Land Use 2-1 2.2 Planned Land Use 2-1 2.3 Bike Commuting 2-1 2.4 Age Density: Under 16 Years Old 2-1 2 2.5 Employment Density 2-1 2.6 Population Density 2-2 2.7 Activity centers 2-2 2.8 Traffic Volumes 2-2 2.9 Safety and security 2-3 2.10 Existing bicycle facilities and major street segments 2-20 2.10.1 Downs Street 2-20 2.10.2 California Street 2-20 2.10.3 Morse Street 2-20 2.10.4 Fire Mountain Drive 2-20 2.10.5 Foussat Road 2-20 2.10.6 North River Road 2-20 2.10.7 Pacific Street 2-21 2.10.8 Sleeping Indian Road 2-21 2.10.9 The Strand 2-21 2.10.10 Oceanside Boulevard 2-21 TOC-1 2.10.11 Rancho Del Oro Drive 2-22 2.10.12 Melrose Drive 2-22 2.10.13 North Santa Fe Avenue 2-22 2.10.14 Mission Avenue 2-22 2.10.15 Mesa Drive 2-23 2.10.16 Barnard Drive 2-23 2.10.17 College Boulevard 2-23 2.10.18 Lake Boulevard 2-24 2.10.19 El Camino Real 2-24 2.10.20 Douglas Drive 2-24 2.10.21 Coast Highway 2-24 2.10.22 Vista Way 2-25 2.10.23 Vandergrift Boulevard 2-25 2.10.24 Avenida De La Plata (2017 Update) 2-25 2.10.25 Avenida Del Oro (2017 Update) 2-25 2.11 San Luis Rey River Trail 2-26 2.11.1 Access #1: Neptune Way 2-26 2.11.2 Access #2: Pacific Street (2017 Update) 2-26 2.11.3 Access #3: Benet Road 2-26 2.11.4 Access #4: Foussat Road 2-26 2.11.5 Access #5: Douglas Drive 2-26 2.11.6 Access #6: Cypress Road Bridge 2-26 2.11.7 Access #7: Mance Buchanon Park 2-27 2.11.8 Access #8: Andrew Jackson Street 2-27 2.11.9 Access #9: Tyler Street (2017 Update) 2-27 2.11.10 Access #10: North Santa Fe Avenue (2017 Update) 2-27 2.12 Access to transit sites and inter-modal transfer points 2-28 2.13 Gaps in existing regional bikeway facilities 2-32 2.14 Existing bikeway issues 2-33 2.14.1 Highway Crossing Issues 2-33 2.14.2 Highway Crossing Opportunities 2-33 2.15 Bicycle facility configurations at intersections 2-34 2.16 Maintenance of bikeway facilities 2-34 Survey of Existing Bike Maps, Trails and Regional Plans 3.1 Carlsbad Bikeway Master Plan (2007) 3-1 3 3.2 City of Carlsbad: Current Conditions 3-2 3.3 City of Vista’s Non-motorized Transportation Facilities Master Plan (2002) 3-3 TOC-2 City of Oceanside • Bicycle Master Plan 3.4 San Diego County Bicycle Master Plan 3-4 3.5 SANDAG Mobility 2030: A Transportation Plan for the San Diego Region (2003) 3-4 3.6 San Diego Region Bike Map (2007) - SANDAG 3-6 3.7 NCTD Short Range Transportation Plan 3-7 3.8 City of Oceanside General Plan: Circulation Element (1995) 3-7 3.9 San Luis Rey River Trail: Opportunities and Constraints (2005) 3-8 3.10 Survey of Planned Local Bikeways 3-9 Recommendations 4.1 Recommended Bikeway Facilities 4-1 4.1.1 Class 1 Facilities 4-1 4.1.2 Class 2 Facilities 4-1 4.1.3 Class 3 Facilities 4-1 4 4.1.4 Recommended Projects in Caltrans Right-of-Way 4-2 4.2 Recommended Projects 4-2 4.2.1 Class 1 Bike Paths 4-2 4.2.2 Class 2 Bike Lanes 4-3 4.2.3 Class 3 Bike Routes 4-4 4.3 Additional Recommended Improvements 4-14 4.3.1 Bicycle facilities configurations at intersections 4-14 4.4 Mountain Bike and Trail Opportunities 4-15 4.5 The Five Es of a Bicycle Friendly Community 4-15 4.5.1 Engineering 4-15 4.5.2 Education 4-17 4.5.3 Encouragement 4-18 4.5.4 Enforcement 4-19 3 4.5.5 Evaluation and Planning 4-19 4.6 Additional Recommendations 4-20 4.6.1 Review Bicycle/Motorist Collisions 4-20 4.6.2 Canyon Drive and Oceanside Boulevard 4-20 4.6.3 Melrose Drive and North Santa Fe Road 4-20 TOC-3 Prioritized Routes and Bikeway Funding 5.1 Facility Priority Criteria and Implementation 5-1 5.2 Typical Construction Costs 5-3 5.2.1 Class 1 Bike Path Facilities 5-3 5.2.2 Class 2 Bike Lane Facilities 5-4 5.2.3 Class 3 Bike Route Facilities 5-4 5 5.2.4 Bikeway Bridge Improvements 5-4 5.3 Top Priority Projects 5-6 5.4 Second Priority Projects 5-12 5.5 Bikeway Funding Sources 5-17 5.5.1 Federal Sources 5-17 5.5.2 State Sources 5-20 5.5.3 Other State Bicycle Project Funding Sources 5-21 5.5.4 Local Sources 5-21 5.5.5 Most Likely Sources 5-22 Design Guidelines 6.1 Bikeway Planning 6-1 6.1.1 Local Emphasis 6-1 6.1.2 Master Plan Process 6-1 6.1.3 “Institutionalizing” Bicycle Planning 6-1 6.1.4 Primary Planning Considerations 6-2 6.1.5 Integration with Other City Plans and Programs 6-2 6.1.6 Education and Encouragement 6-2 6.1.7 Regulating Land Use and Community Design to Benefit Cycling 6-3 6.1.8 Bicycle Parking Facilities 6-4 6 6.1.9 Locating Bicycle Facilities on Roadways 6-9 6.1.10 Integrating Bicycle Facilities into the Roadway 6-9 Planning Process 6.2 General Physical Guidelines 6-11 6.2.1 Pavement Width 6-11 6.2.2 Sight Distance 6-13 6.2.3 Truck Traffic 6-13 6.2.4 Steep Grades 6-13 6.2.5 Unavoidable Obstacles 6-13 6.2.6 Pavement Design 6-14 6.2.7 Raised Roadway Markers 6-14 6.2.8 Utilities 6-14 6.2.9 Drainage Facilities 6-14 6.2.10 Combination Curb and Gutter 6-15 6.2.11 Bridges 6-15 6.2.12 Traffic Control Devices 6-16 6.2.13 Intersections and Driveways 6-18 TOC-4 City of Oceanside • Bicycle Master Plan 6.2.14 Roadside Obstacles 6-19 6.2.15 Railroad Crossings 6-19 6.2.16 TSM Type Improvements 6-19 6.2.17 Marginal Improvements and Retrofitting Existing Roadways 6-19 6.2.18 Access Control 6-20 6.2.19 Bikeway Reconstruction after Construction 6-20 6.2.20 Maintenance Priorities 6-21 6.2.21 Intermodal Planning and Facilities 6-21 5 6.2.22 Traffic Calming 6-21 6.3 Class 1 Multi-Use Path Guidelines 6-23 6.3.1 Class 1 Planning Issues Shared-Use of Multiple Use Paths 6-23 Appendix A: Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) General Information AA-1 (2017 Update) Appendix B: Caltrans Design Information Bulletin Number 89 (Class IV Bikeway Guidance) AB-1 (2017 Update) Appendix C: Caltrans Highway Design Manual Chapter 1000 - Bikeway Planning and Design AC-1 Appendix D: Public Input AD-1 Workshop #1 Summary AD-1 Workshop #2 Summary AD-16 Appendix E: Guidelines for Selecting 6 Safe Routes to School AE-1 Appendix F: California Bicycle Laws and Safety AF-1 VC 231 - Bicycle Defined AF-1 VC 21200 - Bicycle Use AF-1 VC 21201 - Equipment Requirements AF-1 VC 21202 - Duty of Bicycle Operator: Operation On Roadway AF-3 VC 21203 - Hitching Rides AF-3 VC 21204 - Riding On Bicycle AF-3 VC 21205 - Carrying Articles AF-3 VC 21206 - Local Regulation AF-3 VC 21207 - Bicycle Lanes AF-3 VC 21208 - Permitted Movements from Bicycle Lanes AF-4 VC 21210 - Parking AF-4 VC 21211 - Obstruction of Bikeways AF-4 VC 21212 - Youth Helmets AF-5 VC 21650.1 - Bicycles on Roadways AF-6 VC 21717 - Driving into the Bicycle Lane AF-6 TOC-5 City of Oceanside • Bicycle Master Plan Appendix F: California Bicycle Laws and Safety (continued) VC 22100 - Bicycling on Freeways AF-6 VC 22111 - Hand Signals AF-6 VC 23330 - Toll Crossing AF-6 VC 27400 - Headsets and Earplugs AF-7 VC 39002 - License Requirement AF-7 VC 23111 - 23112 - No Littering AF-7 Appendix G: Inventory of Completed Projects Since 2008 (2017 Update) AG-1 Appendix H: BikeWalk Oceanside Recommendations AH-1 Appendix I: Priority Scoring Sheets AI-1 FIGURES Figure 1.1 Bikeway Facility Types 1-1 Figure 1.2 Typical Class 2 Bike Lane Sections 1-3 Figure 2.1 Existing Land Use 2-4 Figure 2.2 Planned Land Use 2-5 Figure 2.3 Bicycle Commuting 2-6 Figure 2.4 Age Density Under 16 Years Old 2-7 Figure 2.5 2000 Employment Density 2-8 Figure 2.6 2030 Employment Density 2-9 Figure 2.7 2000 Population Density 2-10 Figure 2.8 2030 Population Density 2-11 Figure 2.9 Activity Centers 2-12 Figure 2.10 ADTs 2-13 Figure 2.11 Bicycle Collisions (2004-July 2007) 2-14 Figure 2.12 Speed Limits (Superceded 2017) 2-15 Figure 2.12A Speed Limits (2017 Update) 2-16 Figure 2.13 Street Classifications (Superceded 2017) 2-17 Figure 2.13A Street Classifications (2017 Update) 2-18 Figure 2.14 Bus Stop Boarding and Alightings 2-19 Figure 2.15 Existing Bicycle Facilities (Superceded 2017) 2-29 Figure 2.15A Existing Bicycle Facilities (2017 Update) 2-30 Figure 2.16 Coaster and Sprinter Alignments 2-31 Figure 3.1 Planned Bicycle Facilities 3-11 (Superceded 2017) Figure 3.1A Planned Bicycle Facilities (2017 Update) 3-12 Figure 4.1 Class 1 Bike Path Recommended Projects (Superceded 2017) 4-6 TOC-6 FIGURES (continued) Figure 4.1A Class 1 Bike Path Recommended Projects (2017 Update) 4-7 Figure 4.2 Class 2 Bike Lane Recommended Projects (Superceded 2017) 4-8 Figure 4.2A Class 2 Bike Lane Recommended Projects (2017 Update) 4-9 Figure 4.3 Class 3 Bike Route Recommended Projects (Superceded 2017) 4-10 Figure 4.3A Class 3 Bike Route Recommended Projects (2017 Update) 4-11 Figure 4.4 Recommended Projects in Caltrans Rights-of-Way (Superceded 2017) 4-12 Figure 4.4A Recommended Projects in Caltrans Rights-of-Way (2017 Update) 4-13 Figure 4.5 Mountain Bike and Bike Park Opportunities 4-16 Figure 4.6 Melrose Drive and North Santa Fe Avenue 4-21 Figure 5-1 Typical Construction Costs 5-3 Figure 5-2 Top Priority Projects (Superceded 2017) 5-9 Figure 5-2A Top Priority Projects (2017 Update) 5-10 Figure 5-3 Second Priority Projects (Superceded 2017) 5-15 Figure 5-3A Second Priority Projects (2017 Update) 5-16 Figure 5-4 Bikeway Facility Funding Summary 5-23 All report text in red represent changes that have occurred since the 2008 Bicycle Master Plan was completed.
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