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JVo.. 177.—__ I Tw in Fctails, Idaho J ^ 25* - -.(ir fo-' - D e ss p i t e 1c o i i f ll i i c t s ,H ! ^ i g { T c s i cp i a t i < o n a {s h o c k P room m Times-News wire servicesis partrrtment, Haig read the letter;er of resignation that economicec< pressure on the Soxkivlet Union by bI6^ i f g ■ 1 hehahad sent to th e president Fricirid ay m orning. the sale of oquipment for a natural gas pipeline ■ ■ VASHINOTON - Alexander3er Hdic abruptly Hele said Reagan’s election *’t"brought an opportu- fromfro Siberia to Western Eufo;rope- ‘I . endecJed his stormy tenure as se<secrelam of state nllyy fori a new and forw ard loolooking foreign policy Haig1 argued against the didecision but was overt , I F rididay. a resigning wilh a charg(irge Ihat president restliitlng on the cornerstones of strength and com- “ruiruled. - - - — — • R e aagan’s g i foreign policy has shiftilifted away from Its passljslo n .. .We agreed that consinsistency; clarity and Haig’sF resignation was'thele first m a jo r change in I - g o a)ls ls of “consistency, clarity' andai steadiness of .steadadlncss of purpose were essiisscntiai to success, It the Reagan Cabinet, but itsts immediate cffcct on ■ purp•pose.” o . wass in1 this spirit that I undcrt<irtook to serve you as AAn m erican foreign policy was‘as unclear. Both Haig ■ n a letter to.Presldent Reagan,in, H aig sa id he quit secrc:rclaryofstate. anddnc Shultz are regarded as.'moderates r In Interna- ■ b ecau:ausc'U.S. policy "was shiftinging from tho carcful "in'In recent monlhs, it has beco^comc clear to me that tionaltioi affairs. Interested inIn improving relations I irse ” he had helped to chart: at the beginning of the f( ■Ik foreign policy on which wevc e m b ark ed together withwit the Soviet Union and Wesestern Europe. I ^ .^^.,7^1 theatiadministration. w asss shifting from that careful1 oco.urse which we had DefenseE Secretary Caspar• Weinberger,V who often H L grim -faced Reagan nam ed GcG eorge Shultz, who laidi out. Under these circunlum stances ! feel ll feudedfeU' with fialg.on majorir forclgtt and defense I h c ld d tthree Cabinet posts in the: NiNb<on adm inlstra- neccsjcssary lo request that youyc accept my re- issues,issi expressed regrot at hislis departure Friday. M tion,), as Haig's successor. Shullhultz, who w as in slgrianation.’’ " I am so rry Al H aig is loavlivlng the government," I idon Fridny, was flying bacback to m eet the Hallaig took no questions and diddid not explain why he sail»iid Weinberger in a statemcnent from his vacation I ' .4 )resiasldent at Camp David SaturdayfaymoTOing. ’ thougught the president was no10 longer following a rettretreat in B a r H arbor. Me. "I"1 have known him for ■ . ssenior White House offlciacial insisted at a “careireful course," But HaigI isI known to have maimany years and have tho utmostut respect for his I b a c kkground g briefing that Haig's> dde e p a rtu re does not obJec:ected, in vain, to a new hard-linehz anti-So^let abiiability, his knowledge andi his effectiveness in H fo rshshadow a a change In A m ericanm policy.p Nevcrthe- i campnpaign approved by Reaganin last1 m onth. fore’oreign policy." « , less,1. tth e sudden and unexpectedd nresignation could Thehe W hite House official who[10 talked with report- WeinbergerW ^id not mentioiion the disagreements H a la rrm m U.S. allies and hand a prop;ropaganda t>onanza ers atatMut th e resignation acknonowledgcd that there . hele 1has had with Haig over' ssuch matters as the he_Russlans,:who.hayfiJj:i<5dI Jftto p o rtra y Reflgfln- u -pm-^ffTT<nnyril«qifnnffrn pntytM ytV'twccn-Jlaig:and other—rrSov:5ovletrgas:plpcllncr:IsraEl!s-l5Jnvaslon:otXebanbn 7= i m " —— Therc^ran 1 threat to world peace. admitninlstratlon officials. He cit<:ited specifically lasl armirms sales to Jordan, credit:Ilts to P oland, o r U.S. .andlhe nom inated ALEXANDED E R H A IG I nI sa n emotional appearanceJ aiat the State-Dc* week’Ik's decision by the pres“esident to' step up •SeeHAIGooFP a g e s GEORGE SHULTZ Lebanon’7’s prime minisUster resigns ; '• ^ • • 1 _ __• • ' '- V ' >anese^j^ghting— 2 s e t ss blooddier still ' By DAVID ZENI.^IIAN \Wave upon wave of Israeli planes, - ' VnfteaPress IntiUernatlonal jolJoined later by gunboats, blasted Beirut for the second day, widening Israel sent its3 jets and gunboats to thothe arc of destruction fnJm the , pound Beirut irin the fiercest bom- - PalestinianPa cam ps o n th e outskirts to b ard m en t o^.,thi!he war_ Fridoy, then denselydei populated residential dis­ announced a ceaisloisfrfire, saying Sy ria n trictstrli In'the heart of the capital.’ resistance outstslde . the city had , Easti of the city, I&racli troops and ■ "crumbled." Lebanon’s prime tan i^JP& Li^& sySr.ri * tanks battled Syrian forces along the m inister rcslgnecied in despair. Beirut-DamascusBe: highway and the- . " 1 cannot worlirk under this massive Israeliisr military command said "the military cscalallllion, this blackmail,'’ entireent Syrian hold on the mountain sa id P rim e MintInlster Cheflc Wazzan, ridgertd cost of Beirut has crumbled." WUM charging Israelel was bent on de- Shortlyg afterward, Israel, an­ ... • : ■■ '■ '■’’rW '1 Stroying his couountry. "What is hap- nounced Its forces in Lebanon had V J u v.'^ p ening is an intoitematlonal consptracy beenjyv ordered to observe a unilateral .1 . - . ag ain st Ltfhahoiion." Tho Palestine ’Jtotal c e ^ fire on all fronts".t^s.of, 3 • Lllxjratlon Orgaganlzation, in a state-' 12:00,'9 . noon and that Habib, in "'i K p® i& ?s?jfeS m ent, released aiat the United Nations,' Beirut,q ' had been Informed- of the . - j SreVENGR£EIC/Titm.r said Wazzan res:esigncd "as a result of decision. , tho determinatiolion of both (Lebanese , J '.'" / ■''■ I'^Tlieroofeii'w k s t u n a s I d a h o F r ov aiS M F o o d s o f f i c i a l s a nn d d t h e M e a n d e r I^ o ln t ( t homeowners arguedd Ihelr; causes FridayV President EllasOS) Sarkis and' U.S. ‘ Israeli* military sources said the ' •Hsl/«»~to- •adopt—th e - .ceftse-JIre was called a t th e request g f ___J Israeli solution." Hablb^ who is seeking a pollti'cai "W hat Is takingng place Is a h l^ -le v e l solution that would prevent an all-put ' -I' ) W t conspiracy In thilhe face of Israeli at- Israeli assault on West Beirut, the last ; ' n IFF syst;temzo ming dlecisiol tempts at blacackmaHJng. to . bring - bastion of Palestinian political and Beirut lo Its kiknees and' slau g h ter military Influence. • ' Palestinians." ththe statement quoted Beirut was still In flames’ late Fri- ' W azzan. day from the fiercest Jsracli air and to be melade ne:x t TIqiirsday The Red CrossISS sold 14,000 people sea bombardment of the war. h ad b een killed anand 20,000 w ounded by G iant balls of flam e exploded along ; ' %' ^ V-\V;- —-•—^ -By^;/ MARTY TRILLHAASR -declslon.-That decision waw as m a d e before-’lFFofficlal;rials--------- thelsracli invasic3lon w -h lch ra^ tT ag ed — J"®'Ihe-coastrin-thc-suburbs-and-ln thoj— i- mcs-Nei*s w riter____________ city center itself. Virtually; the entire • -----------i f c — ' decided to u sc th c b a sir^sin li the area. ________ _______ into Its 20th day./. became the longest Zonmg board offlcials^as again'looKed ai the issuee"al a Arab-Israeli warir since Israel's 1 ^ westem"Mo3lem-half-of*the*cityTrar TWIN F A L l^ - The Twin FallsFa County commls- ______ x u the request of DHW offufficlals and on Ju n e to, the<ihey warof independenence._____________—- ^ _»SeeLEBAN0^n_PaBe3_v g;z5«ft::::aiaBH —^slojiemers-M-on't d^ 3 e u n tll-nc.xn5lI^i?0r«TfCincrTannu • voted uriahimouslyt^apprjpro^ejnc.if;f:pian...,__Zl. F ro•ozen z Foods' planned wastastc'water trcatment~'~” However, Meander Poln3lnt hom eow ners appealedItiie" thi sy stcstem is aljow^ under the cocounty's zoning ordi- decision to the county com)mmisslo‘n e r s ,........................... — Fxiday,-Bolse_:iawyeiLi(r^G^Lance.Salladay.^repre Th'The commissioners set 10 a.mJ.m. Thur^ay as their ~senting tho homeowners,rs, a rg u ed that the propose<s Reag;{an vetos►s second^ ^ d e aadiinefollowinga d two-hour heailearlng Friday, . treatment system does notnot com ply wllh county zonlnfling ^ iFIFF i plans to pipe pre-treatedted effluent eight-and- because the outdoor-re•recreation zone docs no u-hallalf miles from its poloto-prt•processing plant to a specifically allow waste-we-water treatment plants. He G. LANCE SySALLADAY J^rlorlcs of shallow basins near• ththe confluence of iho said fhat arguments to thehe contrary stretch Ihezoninf3 tempilorary fuunding bill—- IFF officials say that j _____________ S y s t e m d o ccsn't s i comply _______ ake Rivcr and Rock Creek. IF laws beyond the legal interterpretatlon. r-costs-savings-ln-operatlng-ng-thelr-own-system, -------- , WASHINGTON'I (U PI) — P resid en t budt)udget authority totaling neaHy $I -- Otheraspccts of the-IFJIFF project,- such as agricul ■ Reagan'casl hiss second veto in a s billlc •■: .rathther c than the Twin Falls clly wawaste treatment plant, | )lllion." tural pursuits, may t>e>e allowed under the zone m any days F ridayay of a crucial money -f B rcquired for the company's5 vijviability.
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