SANTA CRUZ INSTITUTE FOR PARTICLE PHYSICS LIST OF PREPRINTS SCIPP # 1. Finite Size Scaling and Asymptotic Freedom of the SU(2) Lattice Gauge Model, M. Nauenberg, T. Schalk and R. Brower, Phys. Rev. D24:548 (1981) 81/1 2. Cosmic Ray Trigger Circuit for Large Solenoidal Particle Detectors, A. Seiden, P. Shaffer and J. Warner, NIM 193:597 (1982) 81/2 3. Elastic Photon-Photon Scattering in the 50-130 GeV Range, A.M. Breakstone et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 47:1778 (1981) 81/3 4. Quasi-Elastic Omega Photoproduction at 50-130 GeV, A.M. Breakstone et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 47:1782 (1981) 81/4 5. Large Drift Chambers with a Multi-Wire Cell Design, F. Grancagnolo and A. Seiden 81/5 6. A Large-Solid-Angle Spectrometer for High Energy Electrons and Photons, A.M. Breakstone, C.A. Heusch and A. Seiden, NIM 211:209 (1983) 81/6 7. The SU(2) Adjoint Higgs Model, R.C. Brower et al., Phys. Rev. D25:3319 (1982) 81/7 8. Some Ideas on a Central Tracking Chamber for the SLAC Linear Collider, A. Seiden, Proceedings of the 2nd 81/8 TRISTAN Physics Workshop, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan; Ed. Y. Unno, KEK 82-1, p.466 (May 1982) 9. Heavy Flavor Production from Photons and Hadrons, C. Heusch, Presented at the SLAC Summer Institute 82/9 on Particle Physics, 1981. 10. Wide Angle Secondaries Produced by `Beamstrahlung' Interactions, D.B. Smith (SLC Report). 82/10 11. Central Tracking Chamber for SLC, A. Seiden (SLC Report) 82/11 12. Tradeoffs in Drift Chamber Design, A. Seiden. 82/12 13. Photons as Sources of Heavy Flavors, C.A. Heusch, 82/13 talk given at the XVIIth Moriond Workshop on Heavy Flavors, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, January 24-30, 1982. 14. Inclusive Photoproduction of pi^0 and eta^0 for Photons in the 100 GeV Energy Range, A.M. Breakstone et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 51:1617 (1983) 82/14 15. Proposal for a Test Statistic for Analysis of Individual Showers, D.B. Smith. 82/15 SCIPP # Tracks in Cylindrically Symmetric Detectors, D.B. Smith. 82/16 17. Physics Program at SPEAR Energies, A. Seiden, 82/17 talk presented at Aspen DPF Summer Study on Elementary Particle Physics and Future Facilities. 18. Study of a Method for the Resolution of Left-Right Ambiguities in Drift Chambers, V. Palladino and D.B. Smith, NIM 212:163 (1983) 82/18 19. Photon Scattering at Very High Energies -- or: How Does the Photon Evolve?, C.A. Heusch, 82/19 talk presented at the 1982 Erice Summer School. 20. TSIMESS: A Summary of the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics Theoretical Symposium on Intense Medium Energy Sources of Strangeness, T. Goldman 83/20 21. Features of Inclusive Photoproduction at Intermediate t Values, C.A. Heusch 83/21 22. The Central Drift Chamber for the MARK III Detector at SPEAR, J. Roehrig et al., NIM 226:319 (1984) 83/22 23. The Endcap Shower Counters for the MARK III Detector, R. Fabrizio et al., NIM 227:220 (1984) 83/23 24. Observation of the Decay J/Psi to Gamma Eta_C Gamma Phi Phi and Spin Parity Assignment for the Eta_C, F. Grancagnolo 83/24 25. Features of the Inclusive Photoproduction at Intermediate Momentum Transfers, C.A. Heusch 83/25 26. Observation of the Decay Eta_C to Phi Phi and Determination of the Eta_C Spin Parity, R. Baltrusaitis et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52:2126 (1984) 83/26 27. Considerations and Goals for a Central Drift Chamber for e+e- Physics in the 3-5 GeV Range, A. Seiden, 84/27 talk presented at the First Workshop on Colliding Beam Physics in China, June 12-22, 1984. 28. Design Criteria for the Construction of a Cylindrical Drift Chamber for e+e- Physics, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski, 84/28 talk presented at the First Workshop on Colliding Beam Physics in China, June 12-22, 1984. 29. Mark III Software, T.L. Schalk, talk presented at the 84/29 First Workshop on Colliding Beam Physics in China, June 12-22, 1984. 30. Drift Chambers and the Selection Process for the Gas to be Used in the Stanford Linear Collider, J. Skala 84/30 31. Fast Analog to Digital Conversion: A 400 Megahertz ADC, E. Spencer 84/31 SCIPP # 32. Wire Stringing and Tension Testing of Sense Wires in the Mark II Detector, P.W. Heskett 84/32 33. A Method for Measuring the Tension of Wires in the Drift Chamber of the MARK II Detector at the Stanford Linear Collider, K. Diemer 84/33 34. Physics at the J/Psi and the Status of Glueballs, J. Perrier, Proc. of Physics in Collision IV 84/34 August 22-24, 1984. 35. Calorimeter Requirements for Tagging the Semi Leptonic Decays of Top Quarks, R. Partridge, Proc. of 1984 Snowmass Conference, ed. 84/35 R. Donaldson, Fermilab. 36. Two Body Hadronic, Electromagnetic, and Radiative J/Psi Decays, A. Seiden, Proc. of the XXII International 84/36 Conference on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, East Germany, July 1984. 37. Investigation of Breakdown Conditions in Drift Chambers, G. Giubellino, W.A. Rowe, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski, and J.L. Skala 84/37 38. Gluonia, C.A. Heusch, talk presented at the Yukon 84/38 Advanced Study Institute: "The Quark Structure of Matter", Whitehorse, Y.T., Canada, August 11-26, 1984. 39. Model-Independent Analysis of Hadronic Decays of J/Psi and Eta_C, H.E. Haber and J.E. Perrier Phys. Rev. D32:11 (1985) 85/39 40. Rare Psi Decays, R.A. Partridge 85/40 41. Radiative J/Psi Decays, C.A. Heusch 85/41 42. Contraction of Dark Matter Galactic Halos Due to Baryonic Infall, G.R. Blumenthal, S.M. Faber, J.R. Primack and R. Flores. 85/42 43. Radiative Corrections Due to Enhanced Yukawa Couplings, K. Griest and M. Sher. 85/43 44. Probing for Leptoquark Exchange in Charged Lepton-Nucleon Scattering, C.A. Heusch and P.M. Zerwas. 85/44 45. New Results from the MARK III Detector on J/psi decays, L. Kopke, representing the MARK III Collaboration. 85/45 46. Signatures of Supersymmetry at the CERN Collider, H. Haber 85/46 47. Erratum for Search for Supersymmetry: Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model, H. Haber and G.L. Kane. 85/47 SCIPP # 48. Gluonion Candidates from Hadronic and e+e- Interactions, C.A. Heusch. 85/48 49. Phenomenologically Viable Models of Superstrings? P. Binetruy, S. Dawson, I. Hinchliffe, M. Sher. 85/49 50. Beyond the Standard Model at the SSC, H. Haber. 85/50 51. A Possible New Signature for the Higgs Boson, H. Haber, G.L. Kane, I. Kani and M. Quiros 86/51 52. Silicon Microstrip Detectors, M. Turala. 86/52 53. Dark Matter, Cosmic Strings, and Large Scale Structure, J. Primack, G. Blumenthal and A. Dekel. 86/53 54. Track Finding with the MARK II/SLC Drift Chamber J. Perl, A.S. Schwarz, A. Seiden, and A.J. Weinstein 86/54 Pub. NIM A252:616-620 (1986) 55. Investigation of Breakdown Conditions of Drift Chambers H.F.-W. Sadrozinski 86/55 56. Signatures of Heavy Neutrino Production at the CERN Collider, H. Haber and M. Hall Reno 86/56 57. Test Beam Results for Silicon Microstrip Detectors with VLSI Read-out, V. Luth, C. Adolphsen, A. Litke, A. Schwarz, M. Turala, A. Breakstone, and S. Parker; 86/57 Pub. NIM A253 (1987) p.444. 58. Processes Related to Two Photon Physics, A. Seiden 86/58 59. Houses without Bricks -- Hadrons Without Quarks, C. Heusch 86/59 60. Cosmic Asymmetry, Neutrinos, and the Sun, K. Griest and D. Seckel, Nuclear Phys. B283 (1987) 681 86/60 61. A Systematic Approach to Radiative and Hadronic J/psi Decays L. Kopke 86/61 62. Testing Lepton Flavor Conservation at High Qr, C. Heusch 86/62 63. Review of the Decay of the tau Lepton, P. Burchat 86/63 64. Is the Universe Dominated by Relativistic Particles? Flores, Blumenthal, Dekel and Primack 86/64 65. Particle Dark Matter, J. Primack 86/65 66. Higgs Mass Bound in E_6-based Supersymmetric Theories, Howard E. Haber and Marc Sher 86/66 SCIPP # 67. Recent MARK III Results on J/psi Hadronic and Radiative Decays, W.S. Lockman 86/67 68. Evidence for Gluonium in J/psi Decays, H. Sadrozinski 86/68 69. Have We Seen Gluon-Based Hadrons? A Survey as of June 1986, C. Heusch 86/69 70. Distribution of Heavy Particles in the Proton, H. Haber, D. Soper and R.M. Barnett 86/70 71. Comparison of Jet Fragmentation in Various Processes, A. Seiden 86/71 72. Review of Recent Results on Tau Decays, P. Burchat 86/72 73. The Effect of DOZI Violating J/psi Decays, A. Seiden, H. Sadrozinski and H. Haber 86/73 74. Recent MARK III Results on Radiative and Hadronic J/psi, L. Koepke 86/74 75. Search for Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents at the Z0, G. Barbiellini, H. Sadrozinski (MARK II Note 156) 86/75 76. The Search for New Interactions via Lepton Flavor Violation at or Beyond the Z^0 Pole, C. Heusch 86/76 77. J/psi, Charm and Beyond, A. Seiden (TASI Lectures) 87/77 78. Performance of the New Central Drift Chamber for the MARK II at SLC, A.J. Weinstein. (DPF Salt Lake City 1/87) 87/78 79. Energy transport and Evaporation of Weakly Interacting Particles in the Sun, M. Nauenberg 87/79 80. Tracking at 1 TeV, A. Seiden (Erice #1) 87/80 81. Very Large Scale Structure in an Open Hybrid Cosmogony, G. Blumenthal, A. Dekel J. Primack, (for Astrophysical 87/81 Journal) 82.
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