Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 305 ) GENERAL INDEX. COMPILED BY M. H. BOWRING. A Armorial Bearings : Aragon, badge of, 120, 121 ; Beaufort, badge of, Abnor Pit, 267. 120; Bourne, arms of, 284; Aohalt, see Ashill (?). Castile, badge of, 120,121 ; Cinque Aool, see Woodchurch, Thanet. Ports, arms of, 228 ; Elizabeth, Acrise Church, 61, 77. Queen, arms of, 221 ; Ellis, arms Ade, John, 16, 28. of, 218 ; Granada, badge of, 120- Adelulf (Eadwulf), Church of, at 121 ; Henry IV of France, arms of, Hawkinge, 71. 275 ; James I, King, arms of, 226 ; Adisham, William de, 130 ; Church, Le Fevre, arms of, 275 ; Navarre, 65. arms of, 275 ; Order of the Holy Aelham, see Elham. Ghost, collar and badge of, 275 ; Aelsieseire, see Eastbridge. Richard II, King, arms of, 219 ; Aescedefford, see Ashford. Stoulinge, Sir Nicholas, arms of, Aesling, see Eastling, 36 ; Stuart, royal arms, 238. Aetwangeraede, see Iwade. Armour in Norman carvings, 4, 6. AeweUan, see Ewell. Arms of James II at West Mailing, Aldhun, 82. The, by V. J. B. Torr, 234-240. Aldington Manor, 64, 136 ; Church, Arms, royal, in Kentish Churches, 76 ; in Thurnham, Church, 79. 209-215 ; compulsory in churches Alen, William, 28. after Restoration, 234; in Alfwold, grant of land to, 133-137. churches, recipe for Restoration Alkham Church, 73. of, 213. Allington Castle, 297. Arun Valley, Sussex, Roman Ford in, Alio Boctune, see Boughton Aluph. 261. Alne Church (Yorks), 3. Arundel, arms of, 217. Alsi of Eastbridge, 75. Ash next Sandwich Church, Font, Alter Berham, see Kingston. 240 ; Fleet Manor Chapel, 73. Anderida, Forest of, 249. Ash by Wingham, Church, 78. Anglo-Saxon remains at Harriet- Ashbocking, royal arms, 235. sham, xliv; at Ramsgate, 283- Ashford Church, 80; royal arms, 284. 214, 235, 238. Antler tools on prehistoric sites, 181- Ashill Farm, 74. 182. at Sole (atte Sole, u t t e Sole), Thomas, ap John, Maurice, rector of St. 26, 28. George's, Exeter, will of, 30. Atterton, see Archer's Court. Appledore, dues from, 83 ; geology at Water (atte Water), Thomas, 24. of, 250, 255, 257, 263; Church, Augustine, St., White Book of, Lists 62 (royal arms), 212. of Churches in, 60-89. Aqus, see Acrise. Austen, Thomas, Vicar of Milton Archaeologists, Time Scale for, 241- next Sittingbourne, 13-30 passim. 245. Awcey (Awse), Joan, see Gladwin, Archer's Court (Atterton), in River Joan ; WiUiam, 14, 15, 19. Parish, 79. Awse, see Awcey. Archis, E m m a de, m. Manasses Count Awoluescyree, see Hawkinge. of Guisnes, 69 ; William de, 69, 71. Aylesford, 57. 26 306 GENERAL INDEX. B Bircholt Church, 77. Birdon, John, 27. Bacelde, see Bapchild. Bishopsbourne, alias Burna, Burne, Badlesmere Church, 66. 64; Church, 82-83, 209. Baedericesdenne, see Bethersden. Blacheman, of Blachemanstone, 75. Baethdesmere, see Badlesmere. Blackborn, Richard, 29. Ballamye, William, 21. Blackmanstone Church, 75. Banham, Roger, 46. Blean Church, 67. Bapchild, near Sittingbourne, Roman Blemya in early sculptures, 7. pottery at, 192 ; Church, 77, 86. Blokke, Thomas, 29. Bapchilde Court Manor, 24-25. " Blue Dick," 287. Barbor, WUliam, 29. Boazio, map of Ireland, 51. Barfreston Church Doorway, Car- Bobbing Church, 77, 86. vings on, 1-12. Bocchar, John, tallow-chandler, 17. Bargrave, Dean, 286. Bochard, Robert, roper, 43. Barham, beaker found at, 175; Bocher, Thomas, 13. Church, 66, 82-83. Bohemia, Anne of, arms of, 219. Barham Downs, in Stuart Times, Bolde, John, 47. 285. Bole, Bolle, see Bull. Barton, alias Northwood Manor, 64. Bonyvarer, Richard, of Dover, 43. Barton le Street Church, 6. Boone, William, churchwarden of Basinden, John, 29. Appledore, 212. Beachborough, 71-72. Borden Hall, early wall-paper at, Beads, Celtic, found at Oldbury, 122 ; Church, 78, 87. 158 ; at Westerham, 158. Borewaremerch, see Burmarsh. Beaker Folk, in Britain, 179. Bothwell, Northants, charnel house Beakers, Early Bronze Age, 174-178. at, 274. Bekesbourne Church, 64. Boughton, dues from, 84. Belgrave, William, Survey of Ford Boughton Aluph Church, 62, 301 ; Manor, 169. Moyle Monument in, 286. Belice, Belche-berghe, see Beach- Boughton under Blean Churoh, 62 ; borough. Hawkins Monument in, 205-208. BeUinge, see Beachborough. Boughton Malherbe Church, 62, 80. Benenden Church, 63. i Boughton Monehelsea Church, 62. Benett, Lawrence, 24. I Bourchier, Elizabeth, m. Sir Lewis Bennett, B. J., Ford Manor, 168-173. | Robsart, 47 ; Hugh, Lord, 47. 1 Bennywith Island, Canterbury, 109. Bourne, Bartholomew, 284 ; Mildred,. Berdelhameswicum, see Wilmington. i m. 1, John Eveas; 2, Lewis Bereham, see Barham. Clifford of Bobbing, 284. Berghman, Joan, 26. Bowdon, John, 17 ; Margaret, 17. Berham, see Bishopsbourne. | Bowre, Robert, 29. Berwick Manor House, Lymne, 63. Box, E. G., Two Sixteenth Century Bestiaries, Influence of, on Sculpture, Maps of Kent, with further notes 2-3. on early Road-Books, 48-69. Bethersden Marble, in Canterbury Boxley, fourteenth century house at, Walls, 107. xlv ; Church, 79. Bethersden Church, 65. ' Boys, Isabel, brass of, in Goodnestone Betteshanger Church, 10. Church, 91. Beunede, or Bennede, see Brenzett. Brabourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64 : Bewsborough Hundred, Court of, 72. brasses, 211 ; royal arms, 211. Bewsfield Church, 85. I Brackenbury, Richard, 117. Bexley Heath, 185. Brackenbury, Sir Robert, granted the Bicknor Church, 86. Mote, Maidstone, 117. Biddenden Church, 66. Bradeburna, see Brabourne. Bigg, Osbern, 76. Bradbourne (Derby), carvings, 6. Bilicean, see Beachborough. Brass of Boys, Isabel, in Goodne- Bilsington Manor, 139 ; Church, 76. stone Church, 91 ; Eveas, John, Bilswithetun, see Bilsington. in Murston Church, 284 ; Iden,. Binigdaenne, see Benenden. Agnes, in Penshurst Church, 91. GENERAL INDEX. 307 Brasses in Brabourne Church, 211 ; Burna, Burne, Burnes, see Bekes- in Canterbury, St. Paul's Church, bourne, Bishopsbourne, Brabourne, 91 ; in Hoath Church, 91 ; in Bridge, Littlebourne, Northbourne Mersham Church, 90-91. and Patrixbourne. Brasted, flint implement found at, Burnan, see Bishopsbourne. 278-280. Burton, Robert de, 255. Bray, Thomas, monk, 44. Byrhtric, of Brightling, 140. Brede, river, 247, 249. Bredgar Church, 77, 86. Brendley, beaker found at, 177. C Brenzett, etymology of, 75 ; royal arms, 213. Caburn, Sussex, 182. Bresenden, John, 14. Cade, John, rebellion of, 15, 18. Bresibalt, a Saxon tenant, 81. Caenstone in Berwick Manor House, Brice, William, 27. Lymne, 63 ; in Canterbury, Bridge, alias Burna, Burne, 64 ; 82. Christchurch, 39-40, 43, 45; in Bridges, Bunting, 132; Farleigh, Canterbury, Queningate, 100 ; in East, 298 ; Kettebregge, 132. Canterbury City walls, 107; in Bright, William, 22. Woolverton, old cottage, 74. British bricks found in Canterbury, Cagliostro, paintings at Hales Place, 94. Hackington, 203. Brixi Cilt, 81. Canterbury, Archbishops of : Becket, Brixiestun, see Sevington. Thomas, portrayal of in sculptures, Brkchirche, see Brookland. 8-9 ; Chichele, 46; building Broadstairs, St. Peter's Church, 85. activities of, 38 ; Cranmer, 168 ; Broca, see Brook. Lanfranc, 83 ; building activities Broke, see Brookland. ! of, 114-115, 194ff; Domesday Broke, manor of, 21. : Monachorum, 60; Langton. Bromhill, destroyed by storm, 262, I Stephen, 201 ; mitre of, 9 ; Mor- 264. ton, Cardinal, 168 ; Sudbury, Bromley, beaker found at, 175. builds Westgate, 109 ; Whitgift, Bronze Age Antiquities from the I 168. Lower Medway, by R. F. Jessup, ! Canterbury, arms of the see, 217. 179-187. Castle, xlvii, 105. Bronze Age beakers, 174-178 ; Cemeteries, early, 106. implement from Romney Marsh, • Canterbury Churches : All Saints, 284. 85 ; Holy Cross, 109 ; St. Andrew, Brook, Ralph, York Herald, tomb of 85 ; St. George, royal arms, 215 ; at Reculver, 238. St. John, 84 ; St. Martin, 96, 110 ; Brook Church, 80. i St. Mary at the Castle, 84; St. Brookland, geology of, 259 ; Church, | Mary Queningate, 107 ; St. Mil- 87 ; oaks at, 255. dred, 84; St. Pancras, 96, 113; Brown, William, 25. St. Paul, 84 ; brass in, 91 ; St. Buckhurst, George, churchwarden of Sepulchre, 84. Old Romney, 212. Canterbury, Dane John, the, 106. Buckingham, JDuke of, rebellion of, • Gates of, 93, 96-114. 117. Canterbury Cathedral, 37-47, 193- Buckland Church, 70. I 200 ; the Precincts, royal arms in, Building stones, English, 296. 215. Bull (Bole, Bolle), John, 18, 23, 24, Canterbury Hospitals : St. John's, 26 ; Richard, 25 ; Thomas, 17. 114; St. Lawrence, 84; St. Buncker, Richard, 15. Nicholas, Harbledown, 114 ; East- Burgavenny, Lord, 35. bridge, xlvii. Burgh Castle, Suffolk, Saxon stone Canterbury, Ruttington Lane, 111- fort at, 110. 113. Burghersh, family of, 35. Saxon defence of, 94-96. Burmarsh, Abbot's Court Farm, 136 ; St. Augustine's Abbey, 67, 84. Saxon charters of, 133-141 ; Walls of, 92-115. Church, 87. Capel near Dover, screen, 300. 308 GENERAL INDEX. Carden, Thomas, of Sheppey, 13. Cliue, see Cliff. Cardon, Bartholomew, 25 ; Thomas, Cloke, Simon, yeoman, of Great 24. Chart, 15. Carpenter, John, 17, 26. Cnoltune, see Knolton. Catlott, Elie, 14 ; John, 17, 19, 27. Cobbe, John, 26. Caumartin, Baron de, see Le Fevre, Coin, temp. Richard II, found at Louis. Plumstead, xlvi. Cealueloca, see Challock. Coke, Robert, 25. Celtic finds at Oldbury, 153 ; occu- Cokelette, Joan, 26. pation of Oldbury, 155-158. Coldred Church, 64. Ceorleton, see Charlton. Colepeper, Colonel Thomas, 202 ; Cert, see Chart. Sir Thomas, buys Place House, Certeham, see Chartham. Hackington, 202. Challock Church, 82. Collins, Rev. A. H., The Sculptured Chamber, Robert, 24, 25. Ornament of the South Doorway of Charing, dues from, 83; Church, Barfreston Church, 1-12. 62, 81; Pett Chapel, 66. Colman, John, 17. Charlton by Dover Church, 69. Colredan, see Coldred. Chart, Great, Church, 65. Colsam, William, hermit, 21. Chart Sutton Church, 80. Colsoll, James, of Sheppey, 13. Chartway, 79. Cook, Norman, and R. F. Jessup, Chatham, Bronze Age antiquities Excavations in Rose Wood, Ight- from, 179-187 ; Church, 64. ham, 1933, 162-167. Cheldewich, see Sheldwich. Cook, Norman, and Michael J. Cheriton Church, 73. McCarthy, A Roman Cemetery at Cheseman, Margaret, 17. West Wiekham, Kent, 188-192. Chevening, Roman urn-burial at, Cooke, Raynold, 29.
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