anarchist fortnightly 30p 1 7th April 1982 Vol 43 No 7 IF Andrew Lloyd Webber is so hooked on By the time you are reading this, com- it before that, had evacuated all their Argentinian politics that he ever wants rade, you will probably know the end of ‘possessions’ in the South Atlantic and to write a sequel to ‘Evita’he could hardly this divertissement, for things are happen- claim had been laid to it by the newly do better than pick up a scenario from ing so quickly that as we go to press we emerging state of Argentina— who made the media of last week and write songs to can only say that the British Fleet, God the mistake of not occupying and planting fit. Bless ’Er, is still steaming resolutely south- a flag on the relatively barren islands, 400 In fact, some of the songs are already wards towards the 200-mile circle declared miles off the eastern shores of Patagonia. there, with a bit of pirating, which would out-of-bounds for Argentininan ships by Those were still the heydays of Empire, be appropriate. Alter the lyrics of ‘Georgia the Lord High of the Admiralty here in especially the British Empire , and anybody On My Mind’ and stir in a bit of ‘Any Old London where everybody is still deter- finding the odd island floating around Iron’ and you’ve got the opening number mined to hang on to the ownership of a without a flag on it (even 8000 miles away) with all those scrap merchants landing on couple of barren rocks pinched by our felt entitled to stick up their own flag and South Georgia (where?) to demolish an ancestors in the nineteenth century. shout loudly ‘THIS IS OURS’ and so it old unused whaling station, the wind The actual origin of British sovereignty was. machine ruffling their hair through the over the Falkland Islands is something Unhappily, something about the deal vigorous dance routine, closing with back that everybody (well everybody in power) made with the departing Spaniards made projections of Captain Ahab and the Great is keeping Very quiet about. This could be the Argentinians think the Falklands and White Whale—Moby Dick himself— there because the British just seized it in 1831 South Georgia ‘belonged’ to them— and to symbolise the spirit of natural sover- or thereabouts (nobody ._ seems very sure they have never—never*- accepted British eignty. when) after the Spanish, who had occupied sovereignty, which was established by .-4-.--\, I .._ '_ =- L‘a:_:--. ,_ .- _- ;,__‘__T_€'> Q Q *-M 4 -~*-;.__._, - "_._ ' 9-I - F, "H‘§0‘LI ~ _’___2‘~~;-~-. ._ ~‘- cw r __ _ __, T‘_..s"1I.\_-. r ,§__: _-.,_,¢='§~ _ __. — : __-I.1;;~ —-~~-~»—__ _ -.1-I: . ‘ I ““‘ _- -.-' _ ..0-~" _ , , - _» 9.;-~ .,»‘--—> ,_ J8 __.r _._. —- - 5,-__-_~—::. ,1 :-=5-,___ _,_T,.,-":_'_ ' __- _____-.._, _. __ r_. ./7 / // 4"- S’-I Q my \ U'\°,° Z ii .‘H /' __"_ %% 1"---‘_T_;_.-.<___ __/q .-_. -.___ FREEDOM 2 importing a lot of sheep farmers and pop- It so happens at the moment that Arg- ulating the place rather like it was done in entina is ruled by a particularly vicious Northern Ireland. ‘tin-pot fascist junta’ wanting to distract Over the years, the dispute over owner- its citizens from its economic problems“ ship has been a running sore for the Arg- and the Falklands are about to be defended entinians, although they did not push too by the rump of a nineteenth century im- hard, for it was a matter of national pride perialist tory regime, wanting to distract more than anything else—as it has also its citizens from its economic problems been for the British, who have used the and using willing recruits to do its dirty \./ islands as a whaling station, a trading post work for it. So what’s new‘? We defend and a jumping off point for whoever was one ‘sovereignty’ against another? It’s exploring the Antarctic circle, as well of very convenient for the British that the course, as a breeding ground for all those present regime in Argentina is a partic- sheep—now numbering 600 ,000—and their ularly nasty fascist regime—but has that owners, now numbering 1,800. stopped Thatcher’s Government from These are the people, and these are the trading with it‘? Or selling arms to it‘? Or sheep (you can tell the difference because lending it money? No, it hasn’t. the people walk on only two legs) about One of the ironies of the present sit- whom, or which, all the trouble is. Or so We say ‘may be’ because we have to be uation is that the Argentine navy has you are asked to believe. The Falkland realistic, don’t we‘? It ‘may be’ that in the been equipped with British hardware. If it Islanders, like the Gibraltarians and the end of all this hullaballoo, we, the God- comes to a shooting match, the British Protestant Northern Irelanders and no given British, will have to do a deal with navy knows exactly what to expect-—for doubt the Hong Kongians and the North these damned dagoes from Argentina. But it is its own (out-dated) equipment that Bornioans and the people of the Isle of we shall have to negotiate from a position will be used against it. Another irony is Man, all want to remain BRITISH. of strength. It may well be going too far that, for all the deterrence that Britain And so they shall! No matter what the to actually nuke Buenos Aires, as one of has with its vast nuclear arsenal—-all point- cost! They all may perish in the struggle, our MPs suggested, but we certainly have ing Eastwards— it has been upstaged by a but by God, they’ll perish British! Nobody to teach them Argies a lesson. They are third-class power from the West, taking it perishes better than the British. We have on the Falklands. Right in Port Stanley, by surprise. perished in India; we have perished in right? So that’s where we have to winkle We might feel sorry for the islanders, Africa, we have perished in America, North them out of, right‘? And if we have to and for the marines, soldiers, sailors and and South; we have perished in Europe. blast Port Stanley, and the rest of the airmen who could be killed in this exercise There is no far-flung corner of the world island out of the sea— so be it. Right must if it came to a shooting match. But no- in which the British have not perished. If prevail, right‘? In this respect we must pay body forced the servicemen to join the we are good enough to perish in Northern tribute to Michael Foot of the Labour forces. If they fell for the crap about a Ireland, by God we must be good enough Party. In the emergency debate in the good life with the professionals; if they to perish in the Falklands! House of Commons on Saturday 3rd April thought it was all glamour to learn how What for, do we hear you ask‘? Are nobody provided a more patriotic, jingo- to kill their fellow men and women—and you mad, sir, or madam, or person? This istic and imperialist speech than Michael. children--for the myths of nationality, is a matter of principle. You may have He may be against nuclear weapons, but patriotism and sovereignty, they have no- noticed in your public papers that at this by God he really puts his faith in conven- body but themselves to blame. The islan- very time we are handing over the com- tional forces. And he knows what’s right! ders have done well and have been coss- plete control of their national affairs to Too bad about those Islanders,though. etted by the myths of British sovereignty the Canadians—but we must point out to But then, we must admit, they wouldn’t —now they are being presented with the you that this has been done by proper be much use when it comes to exploiting bill. process of law. We have screwed the the oil between the Islands and the main- As anarchists we have to say that the French Canadians and the remaining land—the area people who know are calling sovereignty that matters is individual sov- Indians by the due and legal processes The New Kuwait—~would they‘? It’s the ereignty. We all live in occupied countries. that everybody respects—but here are oilmen we want, the chaps who have This country of Britain has been occupied these Argies simply walking in and taking made Aberdeen the Dallas of the North, by a ruling class for centuries. We live on over that which we walked in and took not a lot of bloody sheep farmers. its terms; we are forced to obey its rules" over a century-and-a-half ago. That was S0 no doubt we can do a deal. When which are laid down without consultation different! it comes to it, who really gives a damn with us—we are governed by force, but Besides which, somebody has found about sovereignty‘? It’s the material wealth we don’t have to fight for it. oil in the seas around the Falklands. So that matters. Let the Islanders come back The nationality of our rulers does not what‘? Here are these 1,800 sheep farmers to Britain, they are white , after all—though matter.
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